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13498911 No.13498911 [Reply] [Original]

What is a good book to help me conquer the female mind?

>> No.13499897

Conquer your own mind first, read Plato.

>> No.13499908


>> No.13499980

cumbrains get the rope too y'know

>> No.13500542

pick one

>> No.13500553
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Women are physical beings, they cannot connect with the spiritual. They are flesh.

>> No.13501616

Just read general blackpill theory

>> No.13501618

They can't connect with my dick either apparently.

>> No.13501620

>You just want sex
>Just ask for sex
After the book you'll still have the same problem w same solution.

>> No.13501623

>blackpill theory
I don't see this as a negative. Just an unemotional way to control other people behavior.

>> No.13501628

And just so happens to be that the behaviour I want to control is that of a woman.

>> No.13501632
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>> No.13501642
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Conquer? Do you want to attract females? Unironically just be yourself. Have a decent job, shower, lift or at the very least be in decent shape, shave your head or get a buzz cut if balding, have decent teeth, , basic hygiene, and don't walk like someone snapped your back in half. I mean if you're butt ugly and I mean butt ugly, which most incels aren't, you'll be fine. You'll get rejected by tons of girls because they have better options and most of them are very shallow in our current society. However, you may find one that will like you and is willing to be your gf. You just have to go through trenches of shit and lots of rejection to get there. Are you prepared for that or is your self-esteem too low to handle a rejection? Also, don't ask out girls that frequent bars, clubs, and other degenerate places. Go to church, the library, cafes, etc. Just try chatting with a girl, just fucking do it man. Just don't go after the jezebels I mentioned earlier. You can identify them by their clothes, and if you can't well that's your problem. No book has some magic incantation that makes females attracted to you. YOU HAVE TO GO OUT THERE AND TALK. Running "game" is fucking dumb if you can't even approach a girl, and most guys who run game come off as cringey fucks. Just be a normal person and LISTEN TO THEM. Talk with them about them first and then you second. Don't go in there sperging out about metaphysics, just have a normal chat about work, what she does, what you do, etc. Make sure you make it about her a lot, women are very self-center and love that shit. Just don't become a cuck or orbiter in the process. You'll learn. Good luck.

>> No.13501656

>post gf

>> No.13501657

That's like asking, how do I conquer my dog's mind? It's an inferior creature to you, so we know you're already fucked if you have to ask.

>> No.13501660

>be a normal person and LISTEN TO THEM. Talk with them about them first and then you second. Don't go in there sperging out about metaphysics, just have a normal chat about work, what she does, what you do, etc.
No, sex with sluts is not worth that humiliation.

>> No.13501675

I'm referring to finding a gf. Of course banging thots isn't worth it.

>> No.13501677

The Charterhouse of Parma

>> No.13501699

What's his name is just naturally beautiful and charismatic in an unthinking way though. Doesn't offer a lot of insight for anyone who isn't like that.

Conquering the female mind is a complete meme anyway, they're just people, even if theyre different than men. Yeah you can manipulate them, just like you can manipulate guys, that is just going to make you into a sociopath who can't have normal relationships.

>> No.13501729
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I agree. But the same can be said of men of course.


>> No.13501739

Sex and Character, Otto Weininger

>> No.13501745

Butterfly, you little slut. :3

And no, men are not as earthly as women. Earth is depicted as feminine, because the material is more feminine than masculine. Spirituality is mainly man's domain.

>> No.13501748

Not me, I would never encourage lesbianism.

>> No.13501766

So women are from earth, while men are from Plato/Socrates’ imaginary “forms” heaven
If only.

One needs no encouragement when it just comes to us few.

>> No.13501781

Nope, just that women are more attached to the earth than men. :3

>> No.13501790

Your entire movement is essentially encouragement of a sinful idea.
Stop posing as me you fucking loser.

>> No.13501792
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bring them to their knees through their desires

>> No.13501794

Who are you?

>> No.13501809


>> No.13501815


>> No.13501819

But that's me. I love my butterfly. :3

>> No.13501829

Oh? You must have got her to masturbate to you a couple times over the Internet as well.

Sounds good.

>> No.13501845
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does buterrfly have a farfalle or a caterpillar?

>> No.13501852

minimalistic dumb answer. There are many variables that can be modified to obtain results.

Just so happen the ones that make greater effect are unchangeable.

>> No.13501860

That is between me and butterfly. :3

>> No.13501863

True and the reason being is if your offspring is a fuck up they can still fall back on those easy life traits and if they're not a fuck up it's just easier..

>> No.13501865

No, I think most people understand she masturbated to you.

>> No.13501866

Plato was a thug who was wrong about everything.
>who is Hildegard of Bingen

>> No.13501868

What life traits are those?

>> No.13501871

>What's his name is just naturally beautiful and charismatic in an unthinking way though.
Yeah, that's the lesson. Just be more handsome, bro.

>> No.13501877

You can still get a gf/wife if you're not handsome. You just have to put in a lot of effort. Life is suffering. To accept it is to live.

>> No.13501901

To accept that life is suffering is to die.

You must persevere against the hordes of masses telling you this continually. They are like robots, they say this same thing again and again. Their ‘wisdom’ is telling you life sucks. Fuck that. Life is awesome. Life can be heaven. Especially if you pray to God for that


>> No.13501905

Biology and psychology don't have a full list yet and they might change eventually depending the needs of the species in the future but right now being tall, clean skinned an domiant are among those over personality. But those are statistical from limited studies but yeah.

>> No.13501906

Being observable within a millisecond. Already gives everyone a 1st impression of you.

Clothing,objects, body language anybody can do. Better looking people just do it better...

Non-observable features would be so numerous
Ex. Ability to persuade others,psycopathy, autistic traits,etc.
But you could have these and still not get pussy bc you don't close women...
You just gotta stick y9ur dick in the pussy...

>> No.13501911

In other words. Literally. just go fucking outside and met people till one chooses you and fuck. Friend love development is a lie from Disney once out of puberty jackass.

>> No.13501924

100%. I think ability to persuade is good for anyone and that includes your image. Everyone here should torrent a sales course desu. It won't hurt you.
If you're outside and interacting w enough people you'll get pussy just bc of the odds. Happened to me. Girl asked me out 1st encounter wtf!..

>> No.13501930

>Friend love development is a lie from Disney once out of puberty jackass.
If you really really want a bich I think this is a good option actually. Grant Cardone got his wife by befriending her friends to get in the circle and by default stayed within her perimeter and just kept building rapport until he closed her. Like a year of leaving messages on an answering machine w 0 replies lmao...

>> No.13501937

Find the woman that has not been spiritually corrupted. They are out there. Would most males fuck a 10/10 slut if they could get away with it? Yes. Would women do the same with a 10/10 male? Yes. You need a partner that is not easily seduced by the temptation of lust. The world always holds more sinners than saints. Are you free from your desires? You find a partner that isn't a shallow materialistic thot and you work together for the betterment of each other's journey towards the end of history.

>r/braincels cross-posting
Look, you don't have to become a sociopath to find a gf. You can if you want to manipulate people and live a demonic life, but do you really want to end up like that? Do you think Chad is at peace when he comes home after dominating random bar sluts and examines his life? Of course good looking people have a better time in the dating market, because people are shallow. The material world is shallow, its depth is equivalent to that of a kiddie pool. Stop lusting after thots and work on bettering yourself so that you can find an equally worthy partner. Some bar thot doesn't deserve you unless you're trash like her. Chads are men like you and men, and they die too. The whole of history will die. Ultimately, finding a partner is about mending the cosmic divide present within the fall of creation out of eternity and into time. Your duty is to find a WIFE, not a bar thot, or become celibate if that's your calling. Most incels lust after pussy, and that's the wrong state of mind. Pussy is just matter, you need love nigga. Women may desire Chad for his genetics, but he won't provide them with spiritual fulfillment. And ultimately, everyone desires spiritual fulfillment, because everyone is human. Just go look at the shit even thots post on Facebook. They're all mentally lost in this society. You fix your spiritual self and you will attain mastery over the female brain. Only then can you find a worthy gf.

>> No.13501945

went to a crazy illogical tangent of religiousness.

>> No.13501947

guess his ego is so alright he is ready to believe his own idea of love.

>> No.13501951

And that's what original anon and some other dudes here want. Feed ego to feel all is alrighty

>> No.13501962

How is dedicating yourself to a woman clinging to your ego? It's the exact opposite. Most incels demand they be treated like Chads. That's ego. I'm telling you to better yourselves so that you can give love to another person in order to receive love in return. Stop going on r/braincels. The blackpill is poison. Some of it is true, but there are a lot of falsehoods thrown in to make it seem like you're completely hopeless because it's more comforting than being told you have to go through a ton of shit to find what you are looking for. It's easier to throw your hands up and just say fuck it.

>> No.13501986

ya know. Not everybody wants to fuck for love ya know. Not even girls.

>> No.13501990

So you just want to essentially masturbate with another body?

>> No.13502005


There is nothing wrong with doggedly pursuing a woman. Men feel love less materialistically than women.

When women love, many times they simply love the visual appeal of the person. When a man loves, visual appeal is only sometimes the entirety of it.

There is something existential. This kind of thing exists in good women as well, but those are extremely hard to find these days :3

>> No.13502017

yep. that's my fetish and biological design. I dont want to find something as fucking huge as Love in something as limited as just one person.

>> No.13502046
File: 574 KB, 3840x2160, 4403738-Nikolai-A-Berdyaev-Quote-Every-single-human-soul-has-more-meaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something as limited as just one person.

>When women love, many times they simply love the visual appeal of the person. When a man loves, visual appeal is only sometimes the entirety of it.
Men are usually more loyal, yes. However, plenty of men are just as vain in our current society. Shifting the blame for everything wrong with dating on women is simply wrong. Morally weak men are just as responsible.

>This kind of thing exists in good women as well, but those are extremely hard to find these days :3
True. But then again, you could say the same thing for most men. How many men here on /lit/ are worthy?

>> No.13502062

>How many men here on /lit/ are worthy

A decent amount. Are you not? :3

>> No.13502073

That's not for me to decide. Where is butterfly?

>> No.13502081

I don’t know she logged off after I drew attention to the fact she masturbated to me again.

Why are you afraid of me feeling proud for myself and who I am?

>> No.13502088

Pride is a sin. :3

>> No.13502093

bullshit. men are all talk. when the cards are down, most men fold leaving the women to pick up the forgotten game pieces.

>> No.13502094

see, ego.

>> No.13502101


>> No.13502102

Hm. I see what you mean.

I will admit pride to be something sinful.

HOWEVER, isn’t it the truth that these days pride is beaten out of you for various demoralizing reasons? A HEALTHY amount of pride is good.

Being PRIDE-less is exhorted as something good these days. Absolutely terrible if you ask me. Love yourself.

Instead of saying ‘that’s not for me to decide’ next time you consider you’re worthy say ‘I am’. It’s that simple. :3

>> No.13502110

This is the first time an entire gender has been exclusively derided on.

Now we have some REASON WHY women have been shit on as earlier.

It’s important you understand why this is a big issue. You may be able to, you may not, who cares.

Earlier I did make a distinction, many women do not feel real love. Not ALL but many.

But now you’ve made a sweeping generalization for all men. No one in this thread has been so disrespectful to do such a thing. Make sure you don’t lower yourself and make a fool out of yourself. :3

>> No.13502124

You're right that you should love yourself. If you don't love yourself, how can you love anyone else? However, loving yourself is different from being prideful. Many get the two mixed up. Loving yourself could mean being virtuous, taking care of the body, not wishing you were someone else, etc. Pride is when you take the measuring stick out and start comparing yourself to others. That's not healthy and it ultimately leads to self-hatred.

>> No.13502141

I made a generalization.

I myself am a man.

Do I think all men fail to completely follow through on their obligations and responsibilities?

Of course not, quote me next time you lil' bitch, and fuck your five lines.

>most men fold

>> No.13502148

I would agree with that also. Please note: I have never done that. Point out where I have. Why did you originally call me prideful, for instance? For simply thinking highly of myself?

You don’t think you’re ‘worthy’. That is a bigger sin, to be completely honest with you.

Being lowly and defeated is never a good thing. Neither is being at war with everything, but much better to be at war with weakness than become susceptible to it.


>> No.13502149

Less faggotry more books pls.

>> No.13502264

Don't know how anyone hasn't brought this up yet...Earth and water, which is supposed to be a very spiritual element, are feminine. Earth and air are masculine, and air is also spiritual.

It's pretty even, but ive observed and heard that on earth women are more likely to be energetically sensitive and/or witches.

>> No.13502612

that only happens if u have a small penis

>> No.13502624

please stop schizoposting

>> No.13502628

Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality has a very compelling segment on seduction and foreplay

>> No.13503250

also read Debra Fine's "The Fine Art of Small Talk" if you need a primer on conversation. It's a pretty handy little book, it has "flowcharts" while you get your sea legs that will help until it comes naturally to you. Reminder that everything is a skill and you can practice your way into being a better conversation-er

>> No.13503252

>the library, cafes
Do people really do that? Just go up and talk to strangers in libraries in cafes?

>> No.13503352

>most men fold leaving the women to pick up the forgotten game pieces.
What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.13503367

>Don't talk about things you like so that they won't leave you
I haven't been on a first date in the last year in which we didn't end up talking about Jesus and the symbolism in the old testament and I recently dated a couple months where we talked about Jung 30% of the time. If sperging about metaphysics makes you you then that's what you should do and you'll find that likes to as well so long as your good looking.

>> No.13503369

Lol boomer

>> No.13503386

You literally have it as the reverse. In most ancient cultures (particularly Indian and Chinese), heaven/spirit are feminine and men are earth/material as we are a lot more grounded. This grounding allows us not to get lost in the metaphysical or material worlds which is typically what girls have a problem with.

>> No.13503484

Read something from carl jung, after that you will know how to get the pussy, but you will never felt any kind of affection or love to them anymore, so choose wisely

>> No.13503521

wow /lit/ is really a disaster zone nowadays

>> No.13503535
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Unironically pic related

>> No.13503591
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These two books.

>> No.13503602
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>> No.13503661

>who is Hildegard of Bingen
A christcuck

>> No.13503742

it’s easier to get pussy

>> No.13503771
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top kek the autistic cope is real

>> No.13503894

Dont tell them this they dont have the will or the attention span to find a decent chick.

>> No.13504303

>Grant Cardone got his wife by befriending her friends to get in the circle and by default stayed within her perimeter and just kept building rapport until he closed her. Like a year of leaving messages on an answering machine w 0 replies lmao...
What a cuck

>> No.13504368

The real question is why you'd care so much about the "female mind" as to want to conquer it. Of all things in this world to dedicate time to understanding this is quite a juvenile endeavor. Any man remotely secure in his own mind and body wouldn't give two shits about what any woman thinks beyond that of his mother (and, at a certain age that dies) and the mother of his children. Now-a-days, too many people (yes, men and women) are fickle creatures of hedonistic, purposeless passion that aren't worth the ten minutes of pumping it took to spawn them. There is no point to trying to understand women. Most people who are interested in "understanding them" are only interested in some vain quest for supremacy over them or a weird (likely sexual) desire to dominate them. Sometimes both.

There are infinitely more important things than trying to narrow down half the population of the world into meme-able half truths. If you want women, stop caring about women so much (it may be a meme in and of itself but that's the honest truth). If you seek to understand "the female mind" just fucking give up because not only is it an impossibly stupid idea, it's pointless. The best you can hope for is to understand the mind of whomever fathers your children - period. That, at least, is a worthwhile pursuit.

>> No.13505783

Practical female psychology, for the practical male.

>> No.13505825

Yeah, but you have to make it subtle. Small talk. Don't just go into the place and sit down next to someone and start chatting right away. Ease in. Sit down, go on your phone, order some food and a drink, and then ask her if she wants some of your food. Then proceed to court her.

>> No.13506578
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I think she's perfect..
Right wing, hot, B list actress.

>> No.13507195

>and then ask her if she wants some of your food
haha holy shit are you serious

>> No.13507918

Although this is boomer-tier advice, it's also unironically based and true.

>> No.13507984


>> No.13507990

>he thinks women understand how to use metaphors

>> No.13508216


Yeah this is a pure garbage thread, the pol influx, followed by r9k, really killed it

>> No.13508223

men are from mars women are from venus will help you with female mental processing

>> No.13508982

I was just thinking the same

>> No.13510066

which book of jung is best for this? just started with his biography