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/lit/ - Literature

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13490517 No.13490517 [Reply] [Original]

Post your stacks.

>> No.13490541
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>> No.13490557
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tfw currently have 3 massive stacks each about 3 ft tall in the living room but wife isn't bothered because most of it is stuff she thinks is pretty cool

>> No.13490559

Fuck off and die

>> No.13490567


>> No.13490574

Every fucking thread I swear

>> No.13490584

some of us aren't complete incels bud

>> No.13490607


You don't belong here

>> No.13490613

shouldn't you be watching the C8 reveal right now?

>> No.13490622


>> No.13490629

What's wrong with a kindle

>> No.13490715

Kill yourselves

>> No.13490724

It's the pseud killer. People who post in these threads like the idea of owning books more than reading them. Like retro videogame collectors that never play a single one of their games.

>> No.13490811
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>> No.13491469
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>> No.13491484 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13491489

>Buying books and never reading them
That's incel behavior

>> No.13491797

witchfinder general is a good movie

>> No.13492142
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Mon stack

>> No.13492789
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Lotion not pictured.

>> No.13492815
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>> No.13492839
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Light reading for this summer season. The Italian titles are:
-Aristotle and the fatal javelin
-Notes from the underground
-Chronicle Of a Blood Merchant

>> No.13492856
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The books are okay, but the music is cringe.
VERY cringe.
I don't speak hon hon hon but looks solid by recognizable authors and titles.
VERY based. I may need to get this myself. Wordsworth did a line of classic erotica at some point, too.
VERY based ×2. Confronting the textures and architectures of language itself is an inevitable necessity for the serious reader.

>> No.13493240
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These break my heart--excerpts from erotic works, but some of the works (especially the older ones) are very hard to find in full now.

>> No.13493246

fuck off. tCoMC is incredible

>> No.13493281


>> No.13493329

niente male!

>> No.13493477

You are become inarticulable, destroyer of words

>> No.13493639

Take it back you bastard. I bet you haven’t even read it

>> No.13493855

Cringe. Please stop posting here.

>> No.13494095
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>> No.13494428


>> No.13494506

I read one book at a time. This week I've been reading A Knight's Tale - a Jonsa GoT fanfiction. Very nice! But shame that it's sequel will not be made. On to Duty and Honor next, where Ned didn't died in GoT.

>> No.13494518
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>reading fanfiction
>GoT fanfiction

>> No.13494769

Some of it is very high quality, almost as good as the original author himself, some even better. You just have to find that one in a million fic.

I also read Harry Potter fanfiction, always straight ships though. There my favourite ship is Dramione. There's an ongoing awesome fic called Manacled which I read every time it updates.

>> No.13494858
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>> No.13495031

why is always the plebs who make these threads

>> No.13495768


>> No.13496421
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Recently started reading on a kindle. Way cheaper and more comfy. I'm planning to buy the physical version of books that really get to me tho

>> No.13496483

Same man, I got a kindle for my job as some of the kids I work with freak out at the sight of books. It's also convenient that it fits in my pocket so when I have enough time for a chapter (~15 minutes) I can just read it. Heavier reading I still do at home.

>> No.13496485

Head ass

>> No.13496656


>> No.13497211

We get it. Very clever. Your e-reader saves you space etc etc. Can’t you at least post your e-stack?
>Leigh Alexander

>> No.13497674

Excepting sartre and camoo, it's based

>> No.13497680
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>> No.13497695

Are you going to dive right into Stalingrad?

>> No.13497727

No, I just finished Voices from Chernobyl and now I'm reading No Country for Old Men.

Then I might read Stalingrad.

>> No.13497733

Seething incel

>> No.13498511
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>> No.13498659

Stalingrad, very very based.

>> No.13498895

how you enjoying that JK huysmans? going to pick up one of his books to polish up my french when I'm not so poor as I am now probably

>> No.13499945


>> No.13499957
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>> No.13500004

I didn't know Marcus Aurelius wrote a book about Frank McLynn.

>> No.13500073
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reading these for the next 4 weeks

>> No.13500125
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>> No.13500145

Invisible Cities is one of my all time favorite books.

>> No.13500148

Can't fault that. If you haven't already, go for the others: Palomar, Castle, Cosmocomics...

>> No.13500157

I read Cosmicomics and I didn't really like it.

I have Baron in the Trees and Winter's Night in my backlog.

>> No.13500160

Love it. You're missing folktales and six memos though.

>> No.13500168

True, and a few others that are finally coming out in English soon. I'll scoop them up as budgets permit.

>> No.13500249
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>> No.13500353
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How do you nigga read more than a couple books at a time?

>> No.13500458

learn Italian.

>> No.13500517

if you already speak french learning spanish is not that difficult, it's worth it to read García Márquez

>> No.13500533

Is Adélia Prado anything like HIlda Hilst?

>> No.13500562

Just finished that bible after two months of hard work

Feels so freaking great to be done with it

>> No.13500678

Ah shit, here we go again.

>> No.13500702

>Is Adélia Prado anything like HIlda Hilst?
Not really. Adélia is a poet of down-to-earth things, while Hilda was one of the fantastical. To me, Adélia is much better.

>> No.13500822

Fuck off cunt, no one cares for your hollow itemised opinion.

>> No.13500880

How's the Vollmann book? Its in my backlog

>> No.13500921

Clearly you're one of the pseuds.

>> No.13501023
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Not much free time. Do you read Italian?

>> No.13501033

>Why No I haven't ever had sex, how could you tell?

>> No.13501052

Yeah dude it's tough I'm only about 1/3 the way through. It's tough but I am getting a lot out of it. I'll be happy when I can move into something else tho

>> No.13501571

Haven't read it yet. Got it for my William collection.

>> No.13501659

>Do you read Italian?
A bit. Need to improve. Same for French.

>> No.13501663

I have that book about Nazi Germany. I still haven't read it because /lit/ told me that there are better choices. The only problem is that I forget what those better choices are. I might be able to find them in my bookmarks though.

>> No.13502104


>> No.13502526

A book “about the Third Reich” is always going to be of limited use. The Nazi seizure of power, the Third Reich as German government, and World War 2 are all huge subjects that even the best historian in the world would struggle to fit between two covers.

>> No.13502693
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>> No.13503075
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>> No.13503337

Richard Evans and Ian Kershaw.

>> No.13503374
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Richard Evan's Third Reich Trilogy.

>> No.13504879
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Hmy stack

>> No.13505158

Hell yeah Charles Willeford!