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/lit/ - Literature

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13493686 No.13493686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the day /lit/ got told

>> No.13493688

t. chapocel

>> No.13493691

Really though the number of people who take ayn rand seriously is worrying

>> No.13493696


>> No.13493707


>> No.13493726

>when you're so far left even /lit/ seems right wing

>> No.13493738

??? this board hates peterson

>> No.13493751

The only way an online space can remain left in nature is to be over moderated.

>> No.13493755

>implying /lit/ is moderate

>> No.13493770

I don't think this is universal, I think it has to do with the fact that the "establishment" right now, big business, media, etc, are all left wing. Censored and oppressed opinions will be the ones that end up in places like this because they get pushed out of the mainstream.

>> No.13493780

and none of them read books, outside of their plot summaries

>> No.13493787

original poster in the image here, the image is missing the context that /lit/ was being referred to as left leaning as opposed to a board like /g/ which has 'both sides'
>some boards are obviously left leaning like /fa/ or /lit/, some are obviously right leaning like /o/ or /fit/, /g/ is at constant war though I see both sides arguing a lot here
wasn't trying to suggest that /lit/ has a political stance to it but that despite any perceived left bias there's no shortage of non-left wing viewpoints, I used the extremes to further that point which I thought was obvious with the mention of /x/

clean your room

a few months ago there were weekly 'peterson has never been proven wrong' threads which had discussions going on to the bump limit, not everything is black and white

>> No.13493789


>> No.13493792

Do you remember the rhizome days, old /lit/?

>> No.13493802

>peterson worshippers
>ayn rand libertarians
haven't seen one here in literally years
>nick land/accelerationaists
basically live in their own containment threads
>/x/ poster
never seen one

>> No.13493804
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 2AA35D53-E586-40A4-8507-E87289EE0564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of /lit/ acceleration posting is ironic. Peterson worshipers have either left or learned what postmodernism actually is and feel embarrassed about their former below midwit understanding. Libertarians are cringe but they’re also only 17-19 years old. The amount of fashy threads get annoying but it’s not like there are many places online to talk about it. Christcucks are cucks but have okay taste.
The biggest problem is r9k posting and unironic chapo incels coming here, the others can at least learn from their wrongs. Once you go chapo you never seem to go backo, it’s permanent brain damage.

>> No.13493812

There are definitely people from /x/ here who write those giant, tl;dr blocks of text and are extremely paranoid.

>> No.13493813

>r9k posting
every board complains about this and refuses to believe it's actually just general 4channel posting

>> No.13493823


>a few months ago there were weekly 'peterson has never been proven wrong' threads which had discussions going on to the bump limit, not everything is black and white

That's like, the lowest level of bait possible

>> No.13493830

So these are the guys who defend Harry Potter in those genre threads.

>> No.13493833

he's pretty much right and i wish they'd all fuck off and leave the five or six of us who just want to discuss books to do so

>> No.13493835

The jannies here are terrible though, they remove and ban autistic philosophy or experimental writing posting and keep shitty, “I am 24 years old blablabla” threads up

>> No.13493861

>>/x/ poster
>never seen one
there was a small one earlier (>>13489326) but it felt a little like bait, still had it on my mind though

>> No.13493862
File: 5 KB, 1414x44, lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this on for size kids.

>> No.13493893

You have to go back.

>> No.13493898

Peterson. Light of my mind, girder of my loins. My grin, my troll. Pete. Ter. Son. The tip of the finger making a flip through Dosto, Jung and Nietzsche to land at twelve, on the rules, for life. Pete. Ter. Sonnnnnnnn.

He was Pete, sad Pete in the morning, perching precariously on the ledge above the block. He was Peter on Prozac. He was Bucko on the booktube. He was Professor at school. He was Jordan Peterson, PhD on the dotted line. But in my intellect he will always be 'Peterson'.

Did he have a precursor? No, indeed, he did not. In point of fact, there may have been no intellectual enlightenment at all, had I not discovered a certain post on /pol/ long ago. Oh when? About as many years as many room has been cleaned up for good. You can always count on a man to do the right thing. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. This is what the brainlet, the simple blissful brainlet, envies. Behold, this tangle of brain.

>> No.13493918
File: 27 KB, 385x600, F256D2A1-A2B1-49EC-A517-20FA2CDA06F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer shut up.
It’s called the Jews and white capitalists.

>> No.13493924

this is good

>> No.13494062

kys retarded kike
go back to re*dit

>> No.13494091


>> No.13494100
File: 35 KB, 408x450, 1550788069266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denying the fact that Marxists and post modernists exist within academia

>> No.13494108
File: 266 KB, 747x1179, 74B542E0-DA63-493C-B3A2-CB1257D095F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Jews and a bunch of left leaning white capitalists. But go on and post your shitty wojak edits. And I’ll post Baki.

>> No.13494122
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>da joos

>> No.13494137
File: 1001 KB, 250x301, Elephant Slap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chapo's whining that this isnt an echo chamber like all their precious subreddits
I despise /pol/, especially after 2016, but if it takes the presence of that shithole to keep chapocels out, then so be it.
I recall some tranny on /r/badphilosophy whining that we were a reactionary sub because we occasionally have spengler threads. These arent the type of people you want to appease; they have to be removed and kept out.

>> No.13494170

The extreme far left is basically never satisfied. It's like the extreme far right, which would be Stormfront or something. They look at "moderate" right wing people like Trump with disdain.
The real problem is that these people are so incredibly political that it ruins all levels of discourse, and they're basically turning everything into a culture war where nobody wins.

>> No.13494189

>Chapo's whining that this isnt an echo chamber
the irony is that I was arguing that it isn't a left leaning echo chamber, brainlet

>> No.13494194

yeah i know

>> No.13494196

No, that’s not what I said. I said Jews and whites. Because we’re talking about America and Canada here.

>> No.13494199

>Chapocel accidentally reveals he is, indeed, a chapocel
Only way out is death.

>> No.13494206


>> No.13494215

People who take any attempt to relate is with ought seriously are so ubiquitous it's not even "worrying", just a sad fact about humanity.

>> No.13494224

I-I can fit in, I swear! look guys, I read Mein Kampf! he's as good of a writer as he is a painter

>> No.13494228

This is basically true of any non-math based persuit.

>> No.13494232

Very weak response, chapocel. Off to reddit with you.

>> No.13494240
File: 321 KB, 552x561, 1558037120156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with /lit/ is that people treat it like some sort of sfw /pol/
inb4 the stock response of "muh /pol/ boogeyman"

>> No.13494245

Literally did not describe one thing about me

>> No.13494256

all of the internet is either /pol/ or sjw post 2016, that's piss earth theory

>> No.13494259
File: 249 KB, 466x660, Absolutely disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no

>> No.13494324

t. chapocell

>> No.13494785

Beats being a shitposting fagbot

>> No.13495160
File: 299 KB, 424x514, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it before and I'll said it again:

"Accelerationists" are just right-wingers trying to trick the gullible back into capitalism. If you feel that this doesn't apply to you, then you're just a fool who fell for said trick.

>> No.13495170

i wish /lit/ was this based desu

>> No.13495180

my kind of people

>> No.13495202

>implying /lit/ is homogenous enough to pin down as being any political affiliation

>> No.13495215

Golly he totally told all of us.
Guess I better stop reading.