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13487657 No.13487657 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13487671
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>> No.13487691

Christianity blossomed from Judaism. Christ and his Apostles were Jews. The primary people Christ initially sought to save were his fellow Jews. Why do people question the concept of 'Judeo-Christian'? Do they hate Jews but like Christianity and want to separate them? You can't have your cake and eat it too, what are you, a Jew?

>> No.13487758

That's not what he meant you pseud.

>> No.13487803

why doesn't lit ever have judaism threads? kaballah and all

>> No.13487809

Christianity is the true legacy of Abraham. What we call Judaism today is a cult offshoot that started about 200 AD. The terms have been inverted. Using today's definitions Judah was a Christian, not a a jew.

>> No.13487816

You're a brainlet who can't pick up nuance. Go pollute some other board, please.

>> No.13487825

(cushbomb voice)

>> No.13487832

Because everything Judeo-Christian implies is better described by Abrahamic; the term was just invented by to try and exclude Islam from that shared culture.

>> No.13487841

>Christianity is the true legacy of Abraham.
Abraham would have cut the neck off of anyone who dared worship him, or any of his children. Abraham ran from an idolatrous people, what foolishness makes you think he would ever associate with you worshippers of men and crosses?

>> No.13487847

This makes far more sense, really. Judaism and Islam are closer to each other than either is to Christianity.

>> No.13487849
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When people object to the term Judeo-Christian it's not because they are trying to distance Christianity from its Semitic origins but because they are pointing out how absurd it is to identity the two religions as ideological brothers or comrades when the Talmud says that Jesus is being eternally tortured in a vat of boiling shit in hell and contains all sorts of passages about cheating, stealing from, killing the (Christian) goyim and so on; and because of how many influential Jewish thinkers have agreed with, argued in favor of and elaborated on these passages over the ages. For the vast majority of history up until the various modern sects of Judaism emerged in the last hundred years or so a seething hatred for Christians and anything to do with Christianity remained a core aspect of Judaism.

>> No.13487877

>Why do people question the concept of 'Judeo-Christian'?
Because it implies that there is some common cause between Jews and Christianity and that somehow they have a special link, when the entire point of Christianity, Jesus Christ being the Messiah, is denied by the Jews.

Christianity derives much of it's teaching from Jesus Christ, a figure Jews do not see as the Son of God. Even the similarities between Islam in Christianity are much real, than the connection between Jews and Christians.
Talking about "Judaeo-Christian"values is absurd and usually done in the Context of a common cause between Israel and the west, which is totally absurd and in reality the non-Jewish states around Israel share at the very least the same amount of values with Christianity as Jess do.

Just imagine any peeson who would use that word uttering "Christiano-Muslim" values in the same context, it reveals that whole thing for the farce it is.

>> No.13487917
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>> No.13488001
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>> No.13488003


>> No.13488004

Oh no, won't somebody think of the poor, mass-murdering, stone-age Islamic scum!

>> No.13488013

>Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

>> No.13488034
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>> No.13488074

I can see why people would want to separate Judeo-Christianity from Islam, which not only is very much different and more inherently violent, but it also teaches Muslims not to take Christians and Jews as allies for they are allies of one another. So if a Christian were to consider himself an 'Abrahamist' to also try and adopt Islamic views and not just Judeo-Christian ones, then they'd know to leave Muslims alone because they don't like us and thus the separation of 'Judeo-Christian values' would come about regardless. Judeo-Christian values are not Islamic values. Vice versa remains likewise.

I've heard of the supposedly awful things of the Talmud, and that apparently the Torah isn't much different from the Old Testament. Like, that it's practically the same. I need to research the Talmud, find out which Jewish sects follow it (could be all of Judaism, or could be just Orthodox, or some other sect; I honestly don't know right now), see if it really does call to do so many horrible things, and so might find a better understanding of the anti-Semitic view.

I personally consider the Jews to be allies to Christendom, that they hold the origins of Christendom, that they're the people of Israel and that Israel is the holy lands which was promised to the Jews. So yeah, pretty much a Christian Zionist, but still I want to look into the concept of the 'Jewish question' right to the bloody core. If I find some nuggets of truth, then my views may have to adjust. Time will tell, but if I get right down to the bottom of it and find it to be baseless or that it's just not a non-issue (like holding a fear of Christians plotting to stone each and every homo to death because passages in Leviticus Chapter 20 in the Old Testament tells them to), then I'll know how to react whenever outlandish anti-Semitic claims are made and will probably write a book in regards to my findings. Or... scary a thought as it may be... would I attempt writing a book about the horrors of the Jewish conspiracy and the coming apocalypse of the Christian world being ushered in by the Israeli puppet-masters of the world?

The second sounds a lot more fascinating and action-packed... but I anticipate that it'll be a non-issue and that the underlying hatred for Jews is fueled consciously or subconsciously by Socialism/Marxism because their world's-highest average racial IQ have them disproportionately among the most wealthy of the West. After all, the Nazis were National Socialists and while Hitler was a veteran failed artists poor on the streets, he was angry at the wealthy Jews going around being doctors and lawyers and business owners and what not.

>> No.13488135

Jesus Christ was a Jew, his Apostles were Jews, the primary people he sought to help were Jews, when you read about Jesus having thousands of followers they're likely primarily or perhaps even entirely Jewish (like the thousands fed with fish and bread), and the primary people spoken of in New Testament (thus far, I'm still reading) have been the Pharisees and Sadducees, whom were religious leaders. I've also read bits in which they were arrogant and would sometimes require that they be called Rabbi. Thus far, seems to me, that if the Jews got him killed, it were the Jewish leaders specifically whom were afraid of losing power (it seems) as well as perhaps some of those Jews who refused to believe that Jesus was the one prophesied by the Old Testament/Torah but believed so vehemently that he was blaspheming in claiming to be the Messiah that they joined the religious leaders in getting him executed by Pilate. Wasn't Jesus even reprimanded by Roman leaders? I recall him being questioned by King Harod, was he made King by the Romans? Only kept as a figurehead? I don't know, though I think he may have died before Christ did, not sure.

Anyhow, it were Romans who ultimately nailed him in, and I dare say the bulk of those mourning Jesus were Jews, after all, they were the primary ones he sought to save. Didn't one of the Apostles have that epiphany about also saving the Gentiles after Christ's death? Not sure, I clearly have more reading to do, but at least while Christ lived he had still saved some Gentiles. The woman and her daughter come to mind, initially dismissed by Christ, but she had strong faith and so followed him, pleaded for his help for she knew in her heart that he was able to, and so he ultimately did heal her daughter for her. A Gentile daughter. Given it was the Middle East, in all likelihood the Gentiles were Arabs I figure. Though who knows, maybe it's people from the European section of the Roman Empire. Who knows? Coulda been Egyptian... though given what the Egyptians did to Jews, I think that detail would have been a bit more specified than simply 'Gentile'.

>> No.13488142

If you've ever heard Ben Shapiro talk, he shoehorns "Judeo-Christian Values" into every other sentence.

No doubt to convince conservatards that being pro-Israel is somehow a traditional american value despite jews making up an incredibly small proportion of the population

>> No.13488252

Imagine hating Hegel so much you actively dismiss 2000 years of history to make a point.

>> No.13489244

>Islam, which not only is very much different and more inherently violent, but it also teaches Muslims not to take Christians and Jews as allies for they are allies of one another
Dumbest thing Ive read today. Islam has the exact same values as Judaism - if anything, Christianity is the odd one out among the three. Jews and Muslims agree about almost everything. The nature of God, what is good and what is evil, how should one live, what kinds of food are halal/kosher to eat. They both focus on working to attain Gods love and mercy. Really, is there anything with regards to values or living in which the Christians are closer to Judaism than the Muslims?

>> No.13489349


"O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people."

>> No.13489578

Jesus abrogated Jews

>> No.13489853
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>> No.13490211
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>> No.13490593

Go back to /pol/ you alt-right sperg

>> No.13490633

>the Talmud says that Jesus is being eternally tortured in a vat of boiling shit in hell and contains all sorts of passages about cheating, stealing from, killing the (Christian) goyim and so on;
Quote these supposed passages.

>> No.13490644

I was going through Stonetoss' cartoons a few days ago and I remember it is this one that actually made me realize he is retarded.

>> No.13490646

Protestants say Judeo-Christian as a way to win minority points by associating with Jews.
Jews say Judeo-Christian as a way to win over Christian support for Jewish causes (Israel, etc.)

The ancient religion of the Apostles cannot be considered the same faith as the modern Jews. There was no European Kabbalah, a less developed Rabbinical "tradition", far more religious variation, and a religious lifestyle that was relatively sedentary with a central temple. The Pathos of the temple destruction/exile had not yet been fully completed.

Modern Judaism is intensely Kabbalistic (in the Orthodox/Hasidic sects), Rabbinical, far more unified in doctrine/practice (Orthodox/Reform/Conservative are nowhere near as different as Essenes/Pharisees) and communities that exist outside of the traditional homeland in a quasi-nomadic fashion. When you change the culture, the way of life, the places in which the ceremony is conducted, the attitude towards commentators, and the attitude towards mysticism, you are dealing with a religion that can not be considered the same.

>> No.13490657

Christianity of today is closer to Judaism, i.e. based on hypocrisy and getting around teachings you don't like>>13487849

>> No.13490676


>> No.13490693


>> No.13490702
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>> No.13491058

Never heard of the word 'abrogated' before. Elaborate.

>> No.13491075

He has prairie injun blood in him

>> No.13491083

Some of them are discussed in this article, and the book mentioned in it which can be found online documents them extensively


>> No.13491352

Teddy Spaghetti!

>> No.13491359

>a bra hammock

>> No.13492096

Your nose is showing.

>> No.13492297

You're actually retarded, aren't you

>> No.13492479

well, strange https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judensau
jew pig at christian churches in germany.

perfect observation. .

>> No.13492512

no they were Christian. Jews who worship Jesus cant be jews anymore. Its that simple.
JEwdeo Christian links modern talmudisim with Christianity witch have nothing in common. Talmudisim is younger than Christianity afther jewdens got exposed by God and had to scramble to make something stick out of nothing.

>> No.13492929

romao-christian values

>> No.13492951

Because Christianity isn't descended from Pharisaism ("Judaism," which is descended from Pharaism). They were at best rival sects of the ovearching ancient Hebraic religion which itself was in no way synonymous with Pharaism, but really, Pharisaism as we know it today (Talmud, Kabbalah, Star of David, Polish costumes, etc) didn't take shape until the Middle Ages, long after the Christian canon was settled, and largely formed in reaction against Christianity by German and Italian apostates from Christianity (Ashenkenazim). Christianity likewise has changed a fair bit since its origins. The term Judeo-Christian is an anachronism that draws a connection when really there wasn't one except by way of opposition. It's like saying Democrat-Republican or Coke-Pepsi.

>> No.13493628

>"The Jews killed their Own Messiah who was the Son of David, the Jew per excellence, that "came only for the lost sheep of israel", was born under the Law of Moses and practized all Jewish rites and feasts, believed in all Jewish Scriptures and Prophets, and was the Son of a Jewish Woman who was well versed in the OT, and the Son of the God of the Jews, YAHWEH, but the Jews killing him automatically makes him an "Aryan", a Antisemitic Gentile fit to worship to angry American incels who hate non-white people. Yeah right.

>> No.13493667

Not him but you have the internet at your fingertips. Don't expect to be spoon-fed.

>> No.13493676

Because to actually understand kabbalah u have to be initiated after years of torah+talmud study and piety.

>> No.13494094

There's something about looking a thing up that you don't know upon encountering it during a conversation online, then acting like you were always aware of it, that seems to me to be very dishonest and weak.