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/lit/ - Literature

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13484167 No.13484167 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any recommended books to teach myself english grammar? (Native English speaker)

>> No.13484182

The absolute state of Angloids haha

>> No.13484185

Here are some books you might read on the subject:

>Grammatica Anglicana, Paul Greaves.
>De Analogia Anglicani Sermoni liber Grammaticus, Thomas Tomkis.
>Logonomia Anglica, Alexander Gill.
>Grammatica Linguæ Anglicanæ, John Wallis.
>Grammatica Linguæ Anglicanæ, Christopher Cooper.

Good luck, anon!

>> No.13484372 [DELETED] 

give me a break it's a hard language to master. alot of people who don't got college don't understand it for shit
Definitely not what I'm looking for

>> No.13484387

Give me a break it's a hard language to master
Definitely not what I'm looking for

>> No.13484427
File: 23 KB, 260x326, 51OKSh1gWQL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be what you're looking for.

>> No.13484798

Deploying Functional Grammar 3rd ed

>> No.13484809

addi lyrics


>> No.13484825

Strunk and White's "Elements of Style"
"The King's English" by Kingsley Amis

>> No.13485044

can't find this

>> No.13485219
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>teach myself english grammar? (Native English speaker)
What? Did you drop out of school or something?

>> No.13485224

YouTube comment section

>> No.13485299

Yea like 4 years ago when I was 15 , I'm trying to get my ged. I know basic stuff but my writing is atrocious

>> No.13485328
File: 437 KB, 1351x1054, the trivium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go bro

>> No.13485360

I will second the Strunk. Also, read Dickens - especially Oliver Twist. The Simon and Schuster Handbook for Writers is your final boss.

>> No.13485368

just read lmao

>> No.13485399

>garbage in
>garbage out
He is trying to break this cycle.

>> No.13485413

Avoid strunk & White at all costs

>> No.13485490
File: 129 KB, 278x499, Kurisusg0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, you're unapologetically a retard. What a boorish reason you must have come to /lit/ for; I pity you like one pities a dying animal. Read high school level books that are short and prose: The Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, Animal Farm, Christmas Carol. I would also recommend you read academic papers as well as they often make good use of applying grammar and advanced punctuation. Honestly, I can't even fathom how an adult English speaker would even be in such a predicament unless they legitimately had a low intelligence level. Please do educate yourself you fucking nigger.

>> No.13485535
File: 100 KB, 768x768, 1560834344014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social outcast on 4chan posting anime photos calling a man trying to better himself a "fucking nigger"

>> No.13485554

he's right, though.

>> No.13485559

never insult a man for acknowledging his faults trying to better himself. you should know better.

>> No.13485561
File: 37 KB, 313x382, 1560743397152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't drop out of high school at 15 and then request help from a literature board on how to fucking spell words like "hamster" without being a fucking knuckle scraping drool drinking neolithic lobotomite. I gave him advice, do i have to suck his dick too newfag? You do know this a Filipino cartoon site, right? NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

>> No.13485567

Except when said man comes to place where books are meant to be discussed and treats it like a educational after school special on how to stop being retarded with Anon and friends

>> No.13485572

sometimes mongolian hentai sites is all we have, anon.

>> No.13485573

it's not an insult in bad faith. it's so he can improve himself. like how people call obese people fatsos in a gym.

>> No.13485590

Why ?
Yea my iq low 90-95 ish but I should still be able to fucking write a high school level paper. I already read quite a bit but it doesn't help. I think I need to start at the very beginning and have all the grammatical terms and sentence parts explained to me like a child
Thanks man people are very hostile on this site for some reason. I was just looking for advice on what grammar books are good

>> No.13485593

learn latin r*tard

>> No.13485596

I'm sure it was tough love, but anime autists are a bit overzealous (in a shitty way).

>> No.13485597

go to /adv/ or /wsr/, or better yet, stop procrastinating your education by shit posting on the Laotian snow boarding website know as 4channel

>> No.13485604

I'm not OP.

>> No.13485609

i wasn't implying you were.

>> No.13485611

If I ever see you on the streets, it's on sight.

>> No.13485613

But all the grammar part of English is taught pre-15 yo, isn't it? That shit is taught in primary school and you seem to write alright, what's the issue? I'm a fucking third worlder with no real English education btw.

>> No.13485623

He seems to write alright but has confidence issues. His parents must be shit.

>> No.13485636
File: 15 KB, 425x425, 41skqXGd1GL._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even begin to grasp what it's like to be that unbearably stupid. I don't know whether to laugh or to weep. All the power to you anon; I do wish you the best of luck since you do seem to be putting an honest effort in.
Here, this might be a good place to start, it might be a little advanced for you but it should be doable. You should also invest in some plastic keys to give you some downtime between sessions. Godspeed you fucking dimwit.

>> No.13485647

Fuck you, you dumb motherfucker, if I knew where you were you'd be a bloody smear on the pavement. I'd beat you to beat with my bare hands. I'd stab you to death with my bare knife. And i shoot you to death with something else. Step up to me and see what happens cuck, you won't.

>> No.13485656

Do not listen to that faggot. Strunk is OK. He is a minimalist. Anon is probably just a salty maximalist. You should learn both aspects but minimalism should be used where maximalism is is just clutter. Minimalism imbues your work with more density. Flourishing often weakens an otherwise good work.
>Thanks man people are very hostile on this site for some reason.
Do not be a faggot. Just ignore the abuse. Only truth will survive the chaos.

>> No.13485662

Like I said, it's on sight when I see you. Keep the weapons to a minimal, however. I don't fight with that pussy shit unless we're talking paintball.

>> No.13485663

This is good advice. It won't hurt for German either.

>> No.13485671

bear hands motherflipper. WAtch you won't. step up bitch. I was paintball world camp 8 years in a row since 2014. but i could dinlty beat you up with my little flinger. fagggot you won't

>> No.13485672

>But all the grammar part of English is taught pre-15 yo, isn't it?
I do not recall being taught any grammar past grade six. We were expected to gain the rest by absorbing it from literature osmotically. Formal instruction would have been better.

>> No.13485678

what you use is the english
just B yourself

>> No.13485681

>He seems to write alright
He wants to grow past shitposting ability.

>> No.13485684

not sure if your op but, if you were stupid enough to dropped out of high school, would you really remember anything you were taught?

>> No.13485693
File: 141 KB, 1200x627, Handentnahme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bear hands
Bears do not have hands unless it's a Waschbär.

>> No.13485697

Wojtek is that you bro

>> No.13485704
File: 674 KB, 500x270, IncredibleAdmirableFinwhale-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bears have hands you fucking stupid cunt, pardon the language. They're bisexual. I'm honestly getting sick if hearing your bullshit propaganda on bears, so unless your're about to pOst some co-ordinates to wear i can kick your butt, STFU

>> No.13485710

I am not OP and I have a very good recollection of what I was taught. The only grammar that I recall being taught after grade six was taught when we were studying Shakespeare in grade eleven. This was only taught because of the archaic patterns that are no longer used in the common vernacular. Had I not taken the class from the shakespearefag then I believe that I would have had no further formal grammar instruction.

>> No.13485721

what the fuck did you just call me?

>> No.13485737

Alright I'll get that and some of the stuff on the trivium guide >>1348532 also the Hodges harbrace handbook. hopefully that will be enough to get me started .

>> No.13485744
File: 73 KB, 766x630, 1551370846777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought America was a first world superpower? They don't even teach their own language's grammar in public school? What the fuck do they even teach then?

>> No.13485751 [DELETED] 

Not american

>> No.13485784

>I thought America was a first world superpower?
We are on a bad slide, fren. Public education here is garbage. There is no demand for competence. The student only gets out of the educational system what they claw to obtain.
>They don't even teach their own language's grammar in public school?
The excuse is that you will absorb grammar through common use of the language. This is a frail excuse because the grammar that you will mostly absorb through common use of the language is rapidly becoming dominated by Ebonics.
>What the fuck do they even teach then?
Grammar and YA through about grade six, followed by legitimate literature - which grammar you are to emulate.

>> No.13485790

>This is a frail excuse because the grammar that you will mostly absorb through common use of the language is rapidly becoming dominated by Ebonics.
You're fucked, lads. RIP American English.

>> No.13485847
File: 35 KB, 484x497, feelz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're fucked, lads. RIP American English.
Thank you for the commiseration. Germany had a similar problem prior to WW1, for which they held the Zweite Orthographische Konferenz. My grandfather's German was a result of such reform and I can attest to the quality of it. Speaking proper English in the US today is considered faggy and/or racist, very much like in the movie Idiocracy - though not to as great an extent as portrayed. With the high level of immigration we are currently accepting, such reform will likely be rejected without an unironic genocide.

>> No.13485855
File: 566 KB, 1080x1080, 1562962688628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speaking proper English in the US today is considered faggy and/or racist
> With the high level of immigration we are currently accepting, such reform will likely be rejected without an unironic genocide.

>> No.13485935
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is very much like your image portrays.