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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 896 KB, 1242x1117, 1563118904365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13479381 No.13479381 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books where the protagonist is a bad person and at the end gets what they deserve?

>> No.13479385

>what they deserve?
nice spook

>> No.13479386

you're not welcome here.

>> No.13479409

Le rouge et le noir

>> No.13479504

No country for old men.

>> No.13479509

That's a movie, not a book.

>> No.13479511

Crime and Punishment

>> No.13479516

The Stranger

>> No.13479520

Where is her neck?!?

>> No.13479524

could anyone post a good picture of her neck??

>> No.13479526


Is this a joke

>> No.13479619
File: 15 KB, 576x597, Dazai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Longer Human

>> No.13479620

The Bible

>> No.13479624

What are you, a neck fetishist?

>> No.13479668

Why does she look like a completely different person in her corpse photo?

>> No.13479721

thot filters/camera angles

>> No.13479752

Why do you think she deserved getting brutally murdered?

>> No.13479761

My diary desu

>> No.13479794 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13479797 [DELETED] 
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She didn't, I miss her so much bros

>> No.13479838

She didn't. Nobody deserves that. She made a lot poor choices that contributed to her demise.

Eternal rest grant to her, O Lord; And let perpetual light shine upon her soul. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through God's mercy, rest in peace.

>> No.13479847

They weren't bad though?

>> No.13479896

I was looking for it

>> No.13479902

She's in hell you stupid nigger.

>> No.13479907

Death Note, but it's not a book, it's a manga, and the guy is not bad, it's actually fighting for justice, and in the ending he does not get what he deserves which is total world domination

>> No.13479910


>> No.13479970

I mean, I know she lived a very sinful life, but God is merciful.

>> No.13479984

Imagine Uncle Sam paying you to shitpost on Mongolian basket-weaving forums.

>> No.13479987

I heard about her for the first time when I saw her corpse on r9k. What did she actually do?

>> No.13479989

how do you know?

>> No.13480000

Anne franke's diary

>> No.13480005
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>> No.13480018

If I wasn't lazy I would have categorized all the reddit/tumblr sayings, included the more extended phrases. It's bad enough to have to deal with establishment libtards but having them all express their vapid views the exact same way is much worse. They killed bait because it's impossible to exactly replicate their style without having your brain wired like their own or compiling the sayings.

>> No.13480021

Nothing. Don't listen to the puritans and incels.

>> No.13480022


>> No.13480039

She just dropped dead all of a sudden for no reason and everyone cares for no reason?

>> No.13480041

She bullied an incel so the incel killed her

>> No.13480042
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*dabs on the neurotypicals*

>> No.13480048

What did puritans have to do with it?

>> No.13480051

She was playing with fire.
Surrounding yourself with a fan club of incel losers is a good way to make money and ensure you have a constant stream of dog-like attention, but eventually one of them was going to snap.

>> No.13480053

She was a slut/camwhore/attentionwhore/druggie and a bully so puritans say she reaped what she sow.

>> No.13480054

Lmaoing at the incels ITT defending the murder of an underaged girl or implying it was somehow her fault. Literally kys

>> No.13480055

since when did being socially inept make you a loser? if anything people who lose their virginities are losers.

>> No.13480059
File: 41 KB, 396x382, pleasefuckoffbacktoreddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normalfags leave already 4chan is a website for social outcasts ONLY
byebye drone

>> No.13480061

There are plenty of people who are socially inept, but aren't losers. An incel is someone who is both socially inept, AND a loser.

>> No.13480064

There are different types of incels. the incels you are describing are more accurately termed "failed normalfags" wizchan used to lament these types flooding the board from /r9k/ and shit

>> No.13480070
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Anne Frank

>> No.13480078

what did they lose? being a loser implies they lost something

>> No.13480089

I've been here since 2011 kiddo, YOU get out. /lit/ is a left-wing, inclusive board. Inclusive with everyone except fascists and incels, of course.

>> No.13480095

they lost at life

>> No.13480098

at the game of life.
>life = putting dick in vagene
which means
>not putting dick in vagene = losing at life

>> No.13480099

Liaisons Dangereuses, by Choderlos de Laclos
Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert
Monsieur Ouine, by Georges Bernanos
Nana, by Emile Zola
Arguably La Bête Humaine, also by Zola
La Curée, again by Zola
To some extent L'Argent, yet again by Zola
A chilling example in Moiron, a short story by Maupassant

I keep adding book to this post because i can't remember the first suggestion that came to mind when I read your OP. It was a good suggestion tho. Damn.

>> No.13480105

you're inclusive to my cock

>> No.13480110

Wasn't the guy who killed her her boyfriend? How can you have a girlfriend and be an incel?

>> No.13480112

yes, anne frank was killed by her aryan boyfriend

>> No.13480116

There is so much nazi bull cuck porn in Israel

>> No.13480118

I'm inclusive to 3cm of meat? Cool, good to know.

>> No.13480121

e-elaborate maybe?

>> No.13480126


>She was playing with fire

She was murdered by her ex, the incel narrative is just a rumor to sensationalize the whole e girl thing. And that being said, how psychologically warped do you have to be to blame a girl for being murdered over the idea of some obsessive online stalker? Loser men create the culture of girls like her being idolized / worshipped, yet somehow you manage to blame her for enjoying the validation? Sure it's vain and cringe, but it's not as if men aren't responsible for creating this dynamic. Literally what other response do you expect from women who are conditioned to find value in male attention? Young girls are expected to totally transcend desire for validation at such young ages, meanwhile men on this site whine all day about not receiving enough attention. I know it's cool or whatever for y'all to reject any appeal towards logic in the name of justifying women but seriously, how far does this creepy incel mind of yours go? "Yeah bro she set herself up to die by letting guys call her hot on her pictures, what an idiot". Yeah ok, im sure if you had hoards of women aggrandizing you on social media you'd be quick to dismiss them all right? Give me a break man grow up.

>Inb4 some incel replies "seething" or some other corny reply to defend the fact that they don't understand basic empathy

>> No.13480134
File: 92 KB, 513x386, grug npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are such a primitive NPC its actually funny

>> No.13480135

cringy edgy thread

actually good response

>> No.13480136

Incels are winning. They infuriate you because they defy everything you believe as a lefty. They take your conception of this world and how it works and rip it apart. All of sudden that self righteous ground beneath your feet is starting to shake. M-maybe victims don’t deserve special rights... maybe I don’t know everything about privilege... no! I can’t concede, I’m a lefty, a narcissist, and I need to win! This is just a meme war, someone out there is sadistically turning our privileged young men into incels with memes, it’s not that my male privilege conspiracy could possibly be wrong it’s that there is a conspiracy convincing men not to use their privilege. No you know what I’ll just shamelessly resort to conservative values when they benefit me as I feel so confident that I am in the right no matter what, did I even have any values in the first place who knows?

>> No.13480139

discrediting something as "edgy" or "underage" shows that you are a completely braindead normalfag who has no argument stop with the low effort posts.

>> No.13480140


>> No.13480143

>Loser men create the culture of girls like her being idolized / worshipped
>thinks others don’t understand basic empathy

>> No.13480147

He's not wrong, though. If you can't manage to reproduce, you're a biological failure.

>> No.13480149

When you die every muscle in your body relaxes completely and the struggle before she died was enough to ruin her makeup.

>> No.13480150
File: 38 KB, 444x600, smug satania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone who uses 4chan reproduces
fucking kek

>> No.13480153

I reproduces

>> No.13480156

“edgy” genuinely is such a brainlet response, trying to invalidate something because it’s not mainstream?

Seeing /lit/ under attack by lefties I’ve noticed they’re basically modern day luddites.

>> No.13480162

I knew this murder would bring every double digit iq incel from reddit over here

>> No.13480169

>incels coming from reddit to 4chan
Lefties lie like dogs bark

>> No.13480170

he's not talking about the incels

>> No.13480176

God christcucks are fucking pathetic. She went against every rule of Christianity, she's didn't have time to repent, she's in hell.

>> No.13480196

Sinners reject Gods mercy, that's why he lets them burn in hell.

>> No.13480203

lol, that counts as an oldfag these days? I've been here since 2005.

>> No.13480211

okay r/braincels
What book are you currently reading?

>> No.13480216

My Diary.

>> No.13480224

le left wing boogeyman xD
You know all good art is left wing right? You're trespassing on a literature board

>> No.13480227

>reading because it's "art"

>> No.13480231

>"""reading""" to own ze libs

>> No.13480238

>what they deserve?
What does that even mean? A mythical punishment for "being bad" according to Christian morality?

>> No.13480448

Personally, I read to trigger the libs rather than to own them, but I respect those that do read with such an intent.

>> No.13480646


Hmm something tells me mocking desperate guys isnt the same as saying a girl invited her death by participating in a common societal structure...

>> No.13480687


>thinking people owe you a well articulated argument to discredit your obviously juvenile and self-centered opinions

"Bro if I say a girl deserves to die and you just call it edgy youre obviously the brainlet here!!!!" how dense are you? What is with the sniveling entitlement complex of people here thinking that they are owed an explanation for people disregarding their obnoxious , egregious opinions? If you want an "argument" then refer to >>13480126 but aside from that, get your head out of your ass. When someone's mindset is very clearly edging on sociopathy and absurdity people feel less inclined to explain to you why you're ridiculous, because its just so damn evident to anyone who isnt already drenched in that robotic way of thinking. Do we explain to the bumbling schizophrenic why there aren't purple elephants in the air? Or do we writr it off as absurdity and throw it and prescribe rehabilitation or medication? It's a pretty well established cultural norm to disregard crazy people, and writing idiots who think a girl deserves to die for letting people orbit her online off as crazy is a pretty reasonable response for anyone less brainwashed than the people here. People on the site have this really poor mental process where they assume that because an ideology is subversive or information obscure that is inherently more correct or well-gathered than the mainstream, but that is such a sluggish, way of thinking. "Popular opinion bad, me big brain me don't think what grug think" you can further scrutinize uncommon ideologies beyond the assumption that they're innately superior due to their social divergence, and if you belong to the camp of incels saying this girl deserves death and get pissy when people write you off as an edgy child then you yourself don't seem to be doing a good job at using the level of intellect you expect people who discredit you to respond with.

>> No.13480702


>we've now entered an epoch where brainlets think it's pateician to debase those who appreciate art
>Interest in reactionary politics is seen as a higher creed than being well versed in the arts
>All this on a LITERATURE board

Please just go back to pol, its not even the right wing shit that we care about, thats fine, but it's the blatant will to ignorance and general stupidity that is repulsive.

>> No.13480723

you libtards come and go like the tide. Reading as mental masturbation by "playing with ideas" Go back to your "i'm never gonna get published" containment threads.

>> No.13480728

Raskolnikov did nothing wrong though, maybe only killing Lizaveta Ivanovna, which is what he didn't intended to do whatsoever, that's why he torments himself through the whole book, he had good intentions.

>> No.13480735


>a whole thousands of years established tradition of reading & appreciating a variety of literature for myriad reasons whether philosophy, beauty, historic analysis etc.
>hundreds of essays defending literature, the value of art and its role in society
>one seething pol-tard who doesn't know how to enjoy art because "muh libtards"

again, leave the board, trust me, this place has been and will continue to be populated by people people who know how to enjoy art, and if you aren't one of them then you've got a containment board for little babies just like you :)

>> No.13480736

>Women don't have their own thoughts or agency at all and are never responsible for anything ever

>> No.13480738


>killing someone for selfish, deluded reasons is only maybe wrong

the state of this board jfc

>> No.13480740


>> No.13480742

Alyona was a fucking cunt, she deserved to die, Raskolnikov didn't kill her for personal reasons

>> No.13480746

His selfish and deluded reasons may still be more valuable than that persons life. If anything such people are less affected with existential reality of being a murderer. The fun posting this thot and incel has enabled with her death justifies it imo.

>> No.13480758

There’s a screen cap from when they were bf/gf and she’s telling him that she can replace him in 6 seconds.

Another screen cap where she’s telling him how much of a slut she is and how she forgot who he was before they met up.

I’m not even an incel and I can tell you she got what was coming. If you’re going to be emotionally abusive don’t be surprised when someone gets physically abusive. And don’t be surprised when they take that to the extreme.

>> No.13480759


t. low reading comprehension

The post calls out the hypocrisy of people who antagonize her and the irrationality of the argument. It's not about absolving women of responsibility but refuting the idea that a girl's vanity, as encouraged by the culture she lives in, is not to be framed as "deserving of death". You can acknolwedge that e girl/beta orbiting cultute is cringe on both sides without thinking people should literally die over it.

>If the post doesn't 100% corroborate my sociopathic beliefs then he's saying women are never responsible for their actions

In a society where both genders are obviously attention starved, where is the logic in berating someone for indulging that quality of themselves? >Hurr she should think for herself

Yeah ok tell that to every incel and "sad boy" too. Stop wanting attention after being conditioned that it's a decisice factor in your value as a human! Bro youre an idiot if you don't transcend deeply rooted cultural norms as a teenager! How hard is it to admit that stalker murderers are fucking crazy and that a girl doesn't deserve death for rejecting guys. How about you scold men for obsessing over distant, obviously elusive women? Or do we have to blame women for everything because "men have it so hard these days :(((("

>> No.13480764


>His selfish and deluded reasons may still be more valuable than that persons life.

I'm tempted to just laugh and move on but no, do tell. Please tell me how selfish and deluded reasons are more valuable than human life. I HAVE to know.

>> No.13480780

There’s nothing inherently valuable. The universe isn’t conscious and doesn’t have the capacity to care.

Value comes from the self 1, or 2 it comes from the whole (of life).

I’m not the guy you’re responding to but she was expendable to him. She is also expendable to the whole. And may be more valuable as a meme.

That’s his argument. Considering the amount of damage she was doing (there are screen caps of being psychologically abusive), I’d agree along those lines.

But I don’t even care about that framework of thinking. I just do not give a shit about her death, at all. I’m happy she died

>> No.13480799

I agree that she didn't deserve to die and that it's a horrible tragedy, but I just don't buy the whole "Women only do things because men are making them do it!" bit because it's only ever brought up when the author is afraid of admitting that the (female) victim might not have been the best person imaginable. I'm tired of articles and stories that portray women as constant victims of some outside force and it's absurd that most of the writers of these stories call themselves 'feminists' when the only female character they can write is a one-dimensional casualty of evil patriarchy.

>> No.13480806

Any clear assessment of modern culture would conclude with the notion that hmm, there seems to be an agenda around discrediting men, and specifically white men.

Look at the belittling way you prob up that straw man lol. You’re clearly a zoomer.

>transcend social norms
If you’ve transcended social norms then why do you still have a peasant’s morality? You’re a man. If a sociopathic slut is getting killed, fuck her. Let her die.

>> No.13480807

Yeah, like Napoleon.

>> No.13480823

>in a society where both genders are attention starved

I just noticed that. Yeah, why do you feel the need to put a PC coating on everything?
She had a team of orbiters around her. 78k followers on Instagram and like 12 posts total. She told the guy that killed her that she ‘could replace him in 6 seconds’ while he was begging her not to talk like that.

>> No.13480868


>> No.13480885


>Youre a man, if a sociopathic slut is killed, let her die.
>There is an agends going around hurting my wittle feelings :(((

White men have enough power in America that they shouldn't even be paying attention to the petty media culture trying to debase them, it literally holds little bearing on the well established power structure they have. If you're a white men and you feel the need to even reference something as insignificant as social gripes with white men then I can't imagine you're as "masculine" as you seem to imply necessary to disregard a wrongful death. You sound self-absorbed more than anything, not that it's my business or concern, but let's at least drop the phony notions of masculinity and white disenfranchisement. You still have all the political and economic power in America, you'll be fine :^)

Anyway, good job misreading my post. I said that the onbligation you've decided upon masses of youth to transcend social norms as the only means of absolving them from the title of "deserving death" is absurd. By the logic that attention craving people deserve death, you may as well go killing off every incel on r9k. Obviously you don't because that'd be ridiculous, just as it is to claim someone deserves death in her situation. Look, at the very very least, reevaluate your idea of what it means to "be a man" because if you think it means to devalue human life because someone is a toxic partner in a relationship then theres something wrong here.


I get that. That's why I said we can acknolwedge that she's vain or cringe or whatever and still acknolwedge the situation was undesirable. I dont know how toxic she was to the boy but unless she ever threatened his life there's no justification of him taking hers. The issue here is that people use her toxicity as a justification for murder and it's grossly inappropriate. Its not that no one wants to acknolwedge her toxic qualities, but that when we do its only used to conclude a really absurd & awful opinion, so it therefore becomes irrelevant to cite in contrast from the greater matter at hand: violent, entitled men. Because mind you, im only arguing against people who support the narrative of the rumor. People who say she should've died because she had incel orbiters and that she was "playing with fire", that is ridiculous. I haven't really been discussing the real situation as much, but on it I remain the same, sure she was a bitch, maybe a tremendous one, but she didnt deserve death. The reason people come off as "absolving women of responsibility" on this site is because if you do literally anything but redirect the conversation towards male issues it becomes "she deserved death". The convo has no middle ground, irs either "you're a feminist cuck" or "she deserved to die". People on this board are so often incapable of thinking outside of extremes, but I guess thats just the pol influence.

>> No.13480889


This is literally just a philosophical opinion, stop speaking objectively. You dont KNOW that about the universe, its a conjecture you've formed with philosophical reasoning. Which is fine, but if you havent exprrienced the truth of something, you cant speak it like fact. But if thats your opinion on the matter then that's bizzarre as hell to me.

>> No.13480902


Her boyfriend you mean? Her own irl friends said they suspect it wad premeditated because of behavior he'd been exhibiting. I'm not sure what you're on about but ill bite anyway. If a man feels a need to kill somebody because his self esteem was shot by a girl are we really going to justify that? Really? Because he wasnt mentally stable enough to deal with coldness from a woman he is justified in killing? If that is the argument then ok. I guess every crazy person who gets triggered is allowed to kill whoever they want, yes, let's have a totally barbaric society please.

>> No.13480910

Not the dude you're talking to, but I don't think a well adjusted person would react so extremely to being told they're expendable by a stranger. In fairness, a well adjusted person wouldn't rly do what you said the girl did. Seems like a bit of an ego trip.

That being said, I think that guy's point was more that the people involved were very clearly pushed to action by things bigger than the people involved, things that can be changed, 'cause you know, culture isn't static.

>> No.13480922

>h-hey don't say mean things about replacing me :(((((
>*kills her*

>> No.13480937

For whom the bell tolls

>> No.13480955
File: 177 KB, 1242x1027, 1563196358791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats some books about horrible human souls?

>> No.13480962

No, I personally don’t have any political or economic power.

It’s only a ‘media’ culture because it’s a very real culture and many journalists are a part of that, while bigger media outlets are trying to stay relevant.

It’s not like I’m counting my millions while thinking ‘heh, let the plebs hate white men’. I’m a normal person and I see nothing but shame for what I am. Toxic masculinity is a boogeymen while toxic femininity is praised as empowerment. It’s insane.

Anyway, I can’t even identify with someone like you. You sound like a male feminist. You are INVOLUNTARILY CELIBATE and yet you’re making fun of incels. Think about that.
I’m not celibate.

And I never said attention seeking should carry a death sentence. I’m just pointing out the fact that you keep comparing men and women as if it’s equal.
She did not get similar attention to an incel on r9k. Why do you keep making that comparison?

>> No.13480973

Pic on here has better quality

>> No.13480987


>Youre a feminist so youre an incel

Idk what you're on about man why do you care about who I fuck ? Anyway, the r9k comparison is people shaming her for being an egirl with orbiters and using the to justify it when I said being an egirl is partially a reaction to the attention starved culture we live in. Both egirls and r9k incels are suffering from the same plight, yet we say one is more deserving to death for it than the other just because she has the opportunity to indulge its satiation. Also who asked you if you're celibate or not lmao tf

>> No.13480993

It was emotional abuse.
I’m saying when you emotionally abuse an unstable guy and revel in it, don’t be surprised when they hurt you.

He isn’t well adjusted and they weren’t strangers. You’ve probably never had a girlfriend but imagine you had one and she said, I’ve been cheating on you and I can replace you in 6 seconds.

I wouldn’t kill a girl over that but it’s bound to cause a reaction. I would certainly hit a girl over that. Then again I doubt I’d have dated a girl with that many red flags.

Me and the murderer are obviously different people. For me, I’m simply saying that I do not give a shit that she died. I’m not saying that I think he should be legally exonerated. I’m saying that I personally am happy that he did it.

>> No.13481019

You keep missing the point, I’m starting to think it’s intentional.

An egirl with 78k followers on Instagram is suffering from attention starvation just like an incel on r9k? People on r9k are just looking for some community, like everyone on this site.

I’m saying you’re an incel while you call others an incel as a pejorative. You don’t really have any room to talk, and you’re just strawmanning other people.

>> No.13481037

how do you know?

>> No.13481044

kek, she's just like Grushenka, what a fucking whore.

>> No.13481071

You could argue that the guy who killed this e-thot was similar to Raskolnikov. He killed a parasite which feeds on others' sufferings and thus did a favour to society. Who knows how many more people this e-thot would hurt and manipulate for her own amusement.
I doubt the killer acted rationally like Raskolnikov did though, he killed her for selfish reasons instead of killing her for the benefit of society.

>> No.13481074

If there wasn't reason enough to leave this place, knowing who I'm receiving book recommendations from and whose reviews I'm reading are the last piece of data needed for me to abandon this place entirely. Goodbye, wicked world. I hope you someday change your ways.

>> No.13481173

a real shakespearian trashcan. femme fatale meets a real passionate romantic. when the larp turns real.

>> No.13481235

cant find uncensored one. wer2cop?

>> No.13481239
File: 169 KB, 1762x1632, mz7fl6lp79uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.13481242

Looking for Mr. Goodbar (Instagram Edition)

>> No.13481243

Rest in peace angel, better days are upon you now.

>> No.13481250

My diary.

>> No.13481277

God I fucking hate LARPing christcucks. I bet you're protestant too. If you were truly a godly person you wouldn't even be on this website.

>> No.13481295

>a woman is a whore so that gives me the moral high ground to kill her

Sounds like something someone enable to live around other people would think.
Oh wait, that explains a lot.

>> No.13481323

Are you such a narcissist to think that empathy cannot be intentionally withheld from these kinds of things? Are you so out of control of your emotions that you cry and moan every time some whorw dies? We, or at least I, understand empathy full well. However, we also understand that spending your care and empathy on a case such as this is embarrassing and hollow. Not to mention, dangerous.

This little slag will be posthumously showered in praise and honor by every piece of shit from her home town, and retarded girls that know her will see that attention and become decadent sluts in their own right and on and on this cycle of lust and murder will go. The only way to protect these girls is to save them from themselves. Keep them home, away from men. Keep them from the attention they crave and protect them physically from men like that. Otherwise these things are inevitable.

>> No.13481328

kids being kids. the girl probably tried to dom the autist like they were on the internet. woops, they discovered real life feelings are more alive than they think.

>> No.13481350

Yep, of course the reaction was over the top but this is why you don't fuck with people.

>> No.13481355

You never got into a fight with a 17 year old unstable girl before? If someone tells you this stuff just laugh and block them. God, you guys get so worked up over what women say.

>> No.13481357

nah fuck you. no excuse for a man to physically harm a woman. reacting like that to emotional manipulation is weakness.

t. unironic whiteknight

>> No.13481388

It's funny because your response is entirely the product of emotional manipulation.

>> No.13481391

Have you spent so much time on the internet that you forgot what real life was like?
They were dating in real life at that point. If you think you’d just laugh and shrug it off if your girlfriend was cheating on you and rubbing it in your face, then you’re an idiot

I can think of a few reasons to slap a woman.

>> No.13481392

all roasties must die

>> No.13481394

You come of as a bitter loser. She was a bad person so that means she deserves to be killed and the killer put on a pedestal? Are you sick in the brain or something?

The very same obsessive thirsty losers that are not spitting on her grave were the ones enabling her behavior. If you didn't want her to become a piece of shit whore you should have judged here when it mattered. Instead you fags saw her as this cute e-girl that looked like "shy girl next door" you would have a chance with, and that's not some 10/10 bimbo. But the retards missed all the red flags and their image of the perfect girl was shattered. And that excuses murder? Feels like you people are just lashing out like babies for all the times your got rejected by some dumb whore, whose ego you probable fed to the point of making her a worse human being.

>> No.13481416

this is not a clever post

women are weaker than men physically and emotionally. the natural order is man's protection of women and deep down you know this. to be moved to any violence by an emotional fit of rage is your failure as a man. to be moved to violence against a woman for any reason is your failure as a man. this is also a murder, not a slap, which is wrong but to an incomparable degree.

>> No.13481417

>If you think you’d just laugh and shrug it off if your girlfriend was cheating on you and rubbing it in your face, then you’re an idiot
A girl did tell me this. Are you so emotionally undeveloped that you let people manipulate you so obviously? They're mostly talking shit and trying to piss you off.

>> No.13481425

I dont think anyone happy with her death was orbitting when she was alive. And no one is putting the killer on a pedestal.

Keep strawmanning.

>> No.13481433

I'm sure that makes you feel warm and fuzzy

>> No.13481437

I’m dramatically stronger than children, but I will still hit my child. And I care about my hypothetical child of a lot more than a random slut.

I highly doubt she was lying when she said she cheated on him.

>> No.13481443

You're trying really hard to sound mature and smart but you just sound naive dude

>> No.13481459

Oh please, we both know how those losers work. You think people who unironically say they are MGTOW, don't obsess over women every single day. To say it's all her fault and to excuse murder shows how deeply the bitterness is rooted in you.

>> No.13481461

Bold of you to assume her death isn't the first I'd heard of this slag. She was a no-name cunt who had a net-negative value when she was alive. As a dead cunt she might at least let some people virtue signal around her so I guess she's good for something now.

>> No.13481465

>I’m dramatically stronger than children, but I will still hit my child.
i am against hitting children but there is a distinction to be made between disciplinary punishment and violence out of rage.

>> No.13481472

No shit, retards. She's doing it to piss him off and it worked. Now the fucker is going to jail for life. Teenage girls talk shit like that and cheat on their boyfriends to piss them off. You lose by playing their stupid games.

>> No.13481477

Actually, i think she lost this time champ.

>> No.13481480

Clockwork orange
The Trial
Canterbury Tales

>> No.13481490

Yeah, whatever, loser. If rationalizing murder helps you cope with you own shortcomings, good for you. You people are acting like some terrorist leader got killed. and not some underage girl that was probably going through teenage angst enabled by the internet. What's the point of even arguing when you are living so far from reality, explaining every thing to fit your own messed worldview.

>> No.13481496

>yes juliet
everyone stfu and read shakespeare. btw these probably arent whiteknights in the thread theyre women.

>> No.13481501


>> No.13481505

See you tomorrow anon

>> No.13481527

What a pathetic mess of a situation. All of it and everyone. I feel sick.

>> No.13481531

Imagine being this effected by something happening to a stranger on the internet.

>> No.13481562

but how much teenage girls do you know that sell nudes to >50 orbiters and fuck multiple guys for money?
He was making justice by his own hand. What kind of retard thinks that playing with mentally unestable people would be a good idea in the first place?
Also There wouldnt be/was no social repercution over that girl life conduct. Woman can manipulate and destroy emotional life from people and none cares.

>> No.13481576

>He was making justice by his own hand. What kind of retard thinks that playing with mentally unestable people would be a good idea in the first place?
Teenage girls, haven't you met any?
>Also There wouldnt be/was no social repercution over that girl life conduct. Woman can manipulate and destroy emotional life from people and none cares.
Could've just waited for her to fizzle up like every single other one of these girls

>> No.13481604

redditards ARE incels, but they're the beta orbiting neckbeard kind who blame misogyny and white privilege for all the problems in the world

>> No.13481694

Just browse /r9k/, there are about 10 threads up about her at a time and they all have her slit neck at some point.
In fact, anon, I might post a reply on one of them with it, just4u :)

>> No.13481698

>bad person
You're on the wrong board

>> No.13481722

Check out this cool guy

>> No.13481735

The Plague by Camus. Dr. Rieux fights against the pestilence sent by God to punish the people, and in return he loses all he cares about. He should have taken father Paneloux seriously.

>> No.13481736

>The Trial
>the protagonist is a bad person and at the end gets what they deserve
Explain yourself please

>> No.13481755

based girlposter

>> No.13481762

Yes, my gf is 16 and i know most of her friends. None of them are degenerate sluts.

>> No.13481807

I mean those screencaps were from over 2 years ago when she was 15. She was clearly immature and had been getting much better

>> No.13481820

adding onto >>13481807 although her messages were very harsh, the dude's capable of murder and probably deserved some vitriol too

>> No.13482627


>> No.13482634


>> No.13482636

If that's actually her then she would have been fourteen or fifteen at the time

>> No.13482640


>> No.13482659


>> No.13482677

Let's be honest, if a girl killed a man who abused and exploited other women the way this girl abused and exploited her orbiters she would be hailed as a heroine.

Anyway, the lesson here is that young women should be kept out of the internet, for their own good. It's not healthy, the attention they receive, it warps their perception of reality and personality. So much power, having literally hundreds or even thousands of orbiters breeds a hubris that in previous eras would only be seen on conquerors from the likes of Julius Caesar and Napoleon. Now every 15 years old e-girl thinks herself a godess and acts accordingly.

No wonder they are being punished. We know hubris is always dealt so.

>> No.13482699

do whatever makes you happy remember honey :)

>> No.13482716

>lol abortion i wish my mom would have aborted me, lol i wanna die
>reeeeeee she was so young has her whole life ahead

>> No.13482743


>> No.13482780

May God bless christposters

>> No.13482847

They're plastered all over /b/

>> No.13482856

>Obviously Catholic prayer

>> No.13482875

>he did nothing wrong except for the thing he did wrong
Sick argument

>> No.13482888

Uhh he killed someone you fucking dork. The whole book is about him feeling morosely immoral about it despite it seeming like a completely rational thing to do

>> No.13482910

Les Dieux ont soif is the apex for this.

>> No.13483111

most accurate take so far

>> No.13483197
File: 152 KB, 884x1742, gamer BTFOs roastie mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books where the villain goes too far?

>> No.13483230

He never regretted about killing Alyona, he states it clearly that he thinks that what he did was the right thing, that she completely deserved it, he only feels remorse for killing Lisaveta.

>> No.13483268

Who has the photo

>> No.13483346

>anime pfp's
Discord is the fucking worst, just euthanize all these people

>> No.13483453

>goes too far
Her parents are boomers who are incapable of human emotion. They are probably going to virtue signal and forgive her killer.

>> No.13483486

You christcucks are so fucking funny I can't even distinguish if it's a trolling/joke or a real comment

>> No.13483559

genesis chapters 6–9

>> No.13483889

Based. Amen.
please try and have sex

>> No.13483954
File: 76 KB, 1042x675, hawk capri sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you seem to like Zola, would you mind taking a look at my thread?


>> No.13484015


>> No.13484502

based as fuck

>> No.13484575
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1559345425841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books where the protagonist is a bad person and at the end they still win ?

>> No.13485082

what awful sense of justice do you have? how do you rationalize murder as a justified response to secret whoring? even by tooth for tooth, he went beyond his lot.

>> No.13485103

A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.13485122

The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington

>> No.13485258

>treat men like disposable playthings
>get murdered like a disposable plaything

>> No.13485263
File: 333 KB, 446x446, 1537384058305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13485323

>random piece of shit died
>oh no she was a cute girl wish I could have saved her rip ;(

>> No.13485404

She lived a sinful life and had poor taste in character. That does not mean she should be decapitated. I couldn't save her, nor would I have the inclination. The loss of life simply saddens me.

>> No.13485428


>> No.13485455

>That does not mean she should be decapitated.
And yet "people" like you call for the death of all "incels" simply because they have "DUDE shitty personalities LMAO".

>> No.13485468

People like me? I haven't been in a relationship in 6 years. I've faced rejection from several women I thought I had a real future with. No, don't put words in my mouth or others. I abhor senseless loss of life and the hatred that precedes it.

>> No.13485482

intellectual board

>> No.13485486

I have a half finished manuscript like that.
Yozo was an angel. Read it again.

>> No.13485509

This. Rodion did NOTHING wrong. Old cunts past the point of usefulness to society who sit on hoards of wealth while the young starve deserve an axing.

The absolute STATE of /lit/. hurr durr killing is wrong because uhhh.... thou shalt not murder xDDD. fuck you fags, murder is often justified.
this. no pious christian would come on a board full of anime tranny porn, genocide enthusiasts, and cheese pizza honeypots. every "christian" here is a /sig/ tier larpist.

>> No.13485539

Killing someone because they hurt your feefees is not justified.

>> No.13485598

Fiction books

>> No.13485601

Lie with dogs, get bitten by fleas.

>> No.13486036

Good post anon

>> No.13486082

Don't worry, there are more hoes in the world.

>> No.13486319

I see this thread attracted female /r9k/ (/adv/) posters.

>> No.13486474

lookat your self using incel jargon. youre far beyond saving

>> No.13486479

God save you mate

>> No.13486485

never sympathise or rationalise murder like this. As we saw in TBK, its the most "lefty" thing to do. Its very ironic that people who justify this girls death are people who consider themselves opposition to the "lefties". Truly exposes their low iq and senselessness

>> No.13486494

RIP Bianca
She was beautiful I fantasize me and her torturing the fag orbiter and then making sweet love in front of him

>> No.13486502

>virtue signal
think for yourself rather than using memes as a medium

>> No.13486541

if u got a bit of humanity left in ya dont bother. its terrible

>> No.13486553

Imagine being this sheltered.

>> No.13486599

t. ant

>> No.13486608

>it's impossible to get what you deserve
Nice spook.

>> No.13486618

the punishment should always be more severe than the crime

>> No.13486620

Itt. Slave morality faggots falling for muh precious human life meme

>> No.13486631

People used to routinely watch executions yet you think that looking at a picture of a dead body somehow harms your humanity, lmao.

>> No.13486638
File: 51 KB, 540x540, 1484914853071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Itt. Slave morality faggots falling for muh precious human life meme

>> No.13486690

different context not to mention entertainment like gladiator fights were scorned for precisely what i mentioned before, even before the introduction of Christianity's "slave morality"

>> No.13487428

There was an old /lit/ approved chart of characters ranked by two axes of how much they suffered and how much deserved it and can be discussed
Pretty based

>> No.13487467

Weird how even assuming the narrative incels are pushing, that she was his gf and she cheated on him, is true, you seriously believe murdering her is a reasonable and rational reaction to cheating? I'm pretty sure normal people don't think that way.

>> No.13487527

>Incels are winning. They infuriate you because they defy everything you believe as a lefty.

this post is cringe, dude. if anything, incels are living proof that toxic masculinity is real. i'm not a leftist and even i know you can't justify hurting another person who hurt your feelings. we don't even have any proof they fucked or were intimate. hell, she was underage.

>> No.13487744


>> No.13487766

>Incels are winning
then why aren't they getting any pussy?

>> No.13487786

We convert through irony. God deliver us and God deliver anon.