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13480242 No.13480242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books with a dominant female and a submissive male?

>> No.13480465

Venus in Furs
My Mother

>> No.13480467


>> No.13480495

Wilhelm Meister

>> No.13481268

my diary desu

>> No.13481309

This doesn't actually exist.

>> No.13481354
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>> No.13481362

Just a reminder that femdom is for beta virgins.

>> No.13481400

There is no female mentioned in your diary, desu

>> No.13481478

He's lying it does exist.

>> No.13481605

no it doesn’t. prove it

>> No.13481838

femdom doesn't exist because even in a situation where it appears to physically occur theres a power imbalance that favours the male and its merely him allowing her to perform it in this kabuki theatre act

>> No.13482058

It goes against nature. Men are the ones who hunt, women are the ones who try to present themselves as the best prey.

>> No.13482072


>> No.13482075

>women are prey
>not gatherers
I think you're confusing a few terms in your botched prehistoric analogy. Try again.

>> No.13482155

I'm not a constructionist brainlet.

I'm speaking in the sense of relationships, not in the sense of obtaining food from nature. The relationship between male and female and how we've gotten along in the past, including how we've created monogamous sexual relationships, seems to be that of hunter and prey. By and large, women don't go after men. They may have a 'crush' on a man, have one singled out as being the 'perfect one' whom she hopes will 'choose her', and so when she wears nice clothes or puts on nice make-up when she thinks she might see him that day, it's to try and catch his eye. To say "look how sexually desirable I am, my lips are red like fresh fruit, I have blush on because that's an artificial way to present a physical sign of arousal, I wear nice and clean clothes to show purity, take me." Some studies show that women MOSTLY dress up nice and make themselves presentable so as to show off to other women rather than to impress men, and perhaps there's an element of that at play, however I'm talking of the context regarding female-to-male relationships rather than female-to-female interactions.

For men, if a man sees I woman he desires, he doesn't think "I hope she takes me." It's more like "I hope she accepts me" or "I hope she'll say 'yes'." It is the man who must be assertive, and the women who must choose, unless rape is involved in which case the woman's opportunity to 'choose' is foregone by the man simply taking as he pleases, which of course is no way to enter a longterm monogamous relationship... usually. I'm sure there's been times in the past where a woman had fallen in love with her rapist, after all, Stockholm syndrome is a thing, but I imagine that's a very small minority.

If a woman wants the most desirable man, she must make herself the most desirable woman by presenting herself as beautifully and desirably as possible. "Choose me over the others." This is why men's looks aren't overly important. They can be a plus, sure, but how many women do you know who just HAD to give herself over to that hunk who's unemployed, unintelligent, doesn't have a driver's license let alone a vehicle, is physically quite weak compared to other men, and has no interest in ever getting off welfare ever. DAMN, what a catch!

For a man, one of the greatest insults you could give him is to call him a coward, but it's a strange insult to try to place on a woman. For a woman, one of the greatest insults you could give her is to call her ugly, but it's a strange insult to try to place on a man. After all, if an ugly man makes LOTS of money and is high on the socioeconomic ladder, or even if he just won the lottery and went from being on welfare to having millions of dollars overnight, he could STILL get a drop-dead gorgeous woman.

It's unnatural for the woman to want to fuck the man, to want to take the man. The natural thing for a woman is to want to GET fucked by the man she desires, to be TAKEN by him assertively.

>> No.13482167
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>> No.13482198

Your point is irrelevant you spooked faggot. Saying people evolved this way is a descriptive statement and nothing more. Unless you believe that everyone has to live like hunter-gatherers (one wonders why you're on 4chan then) then there's nothing wrong with letting a woman take charge in bed. A lot of people enjoy BDSM, if it makes them happy why be a prude about it? I don't give a shit about not going "against nature".

>> No.13482203

I just want to be swaddled by a mommy gf and gang bang pegged by her friends. Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.13482217

>I'm speaking in the sense of relationships, not in the sense of obtaining food from nature.

And precisely I'm contesting this. At best it's predator/prey playacting because the prey wants to be caught and must advertise in some way tha it wants to be caught. Also the "hunter" hunts alone which is not how prehistoric humans hunted. So while there are similarity the two behavior (hunting and courting) are structurally different. They can only be confused through a lazy metaphor.

> Some studies show that women MOSTLY dress up nice and make themselves presentable so as to show off to other women rather than to impress men

This alone should suggest there's more at play that this pretend predation. It's also about status, about providing for offspring, among many others things. None of that figures in hunting (though it matters post-hunt).

Essentially what you're saying is "men are chasers and women want to be chased". Fair enough but that's not hunting and that also does not preclude the existence of femdom (your original point). Femdom can be only in bed, or in daily reltionship after courtship but not during the courtship itself, etc.

Not to mention reasoning with large "nature" abstractions and pretending it must unreservedly apply in all cases is to misunderstand the very nature of phenomenal laws as they are accessible to science. Laws of nature properly understood are probabilistic distributions, not hard-and-fast algebraic rules.

>For men, if a man sees I woman he desires, he doesn't think "I hope she takes me."
You'd be surprised how common that is. A man will almost always expect to have to chase, but he might very well hope to be chased (and vice-versa for the woman).
Theories aside have you never be hit on by a woman? Some of them are surprisingly pushy. It's a reality of modern courtship and I doubt it wasn't common in the past in some way or form. Sure high society people had very codified rituals but the plebs in the countryside where often much more haphazard.

>It's unnatural for the woman to want to fuck the man, to want to take the man

Now we're crossing into retard territory. Talking about "taking a lover" was not a rarity among women even in the past, even in hgh society. And most importantly, there are few things more natural for a woman that to want to fuck men. Really how surprising can that be? Or do you think sexual desire is a thing the male transmits to the female who lacks it?

>> No.13482243

>when virgins on /lit/ ask you to sit down while they explain how female sexuality works

>> No.13482249

have sex, incel

>> No.13482294

Of course a woman is allowed to take charge in bed, sure. Women could even put on strap-ons and ass-fuck men if they want to. Doesn't change the fact that it goes against what's natural, what men and women are biologically set up to do. It's why men have bigger bones, bigger muscles, bigger lungs, and a bigger heart. We're the hunters, the protectors, the providers. Women's primary biological role is to have children, raise them with the agreeableness and gentleness that they're predisposed towards on a biological level, breastfeed them, and ideally the children would grow to be capable and productive individuals whom would in turn be there to care for the parents once they grow old and weak. Men's primary biological role is to give the women that children, keep them sheltered, fed, hydrated, safe, and to accept his expendability if a threat comes to his family. After all, man still alive because he left his family to die is a coward who has failed on a biological level because he's lost his extension into the future, his genes, the people who will carry on after him. Such a man is also NOT a good choice for women because if they end up in danger, perhaps even while pregnant which renders them even more vulnerable than usual, who's to say he wouldn't abandon her and the children? Meanwhile, a man who died protecting his family, who successfully killed the threat itself in the process, he has still succeeded on a biological level. His children are still alive, at least for the moment, and hopefully they will successfully grow to carry on his genes and respect his memory. Meanwhile, a living man who has successfully killed a threat to protect his family and will do so again if he must... that is the most valuable type of man that a woman could ever have. He'd rather kill someone than to see her or the children harmed.

Men are by nature more aggressive than women, less agreeable, and that also goes for sexuality. I can only imagine how such a study would go; out of 10, in the sex life between husband and wife, how often does the woman show dominance in the bedroom? 0 is never, 1 is almost never, 10 is every time. I think the average would MAYBE come out as 1. 2 would seriously surprise me. I firmly believe that most longterm relationships have no sexual femdom elements whatsoever. A zero. They go against the grain on a biological level.

>> No.13482315

This makes no sense.

Been with over a dozen women, your statement is invalid. I've got a lot of experience interacting with the opposite sex and have spent much time thinking about the historic relationship between the genders. I think my findings are accurate to reality.

>> No.13482392

Based Femdom

>> No.13482448

Don't act like you're just impartially pointing out facts. You came on this thread to cry about people's sexual preferences and women's biological inferiority. Nobody gives a shit you faggot. I care not what's natural but what makes me happy. I've been sexually submissive since my little dick first hardened in primary school. Now I'm supposed to change my nature to conform to your abstract notion of human nature? No, fuck you. And go read Stirner instead of posting your high school tier evopsych takes on my Cantonesian bookbinding forum.

>> No.13482455

Why would you, as a man, wish yourself to be weak? For the sole sake of sexual pleasure? Reevaluate yourself.

>> No.13482513

I just want to have some sort of positive maternal affection, having a frigid mother fucks you up and makes you sexually want things you should have had as an infant

>> No.13482543

It feels good. Turns me on. My masculinity is not so fragile that I have to walk around with my chest puffed up all the time. It feels nice letting my gf take charge and peg me in my ass. And outside of the bedroom I am perfectly assertive.

>> No.13482553

>Theories aside have you never be hit on by a woman? Some of them are surprisingly pushy. It's a reality of modern courtship and I doubt it wasn't common in the past in some way or form. Sure high society people had very codified rituals but the plebs in the countryside where often much more haphazard.
OP and you should read PG Wodehouse. We're all one chance encounter with Florence Craye away from having to read Spinoza and her self published works sober for the rest of our lives. Be safe out there.

>> No.13482599

>straight, vanilla men telling the rest of us what sex is all about
You literally know less about this topic than any other demographic in the world

>> No.13482639

the idiot by Dostoyevsky aglaia is my /lit/fu

>> No.13482892

I'm sharing my thoughts on the matter, and I've been thinking about it for quite some time so I'd say it's quite well-thought thoughts. As for sexual preferences, firstly I'm bisexual though I live a very heterosexual lifestyle and am only pursuing a female partner, that's BIOLOGICALLY female, not a trans woman biological male, though I do tend to desire them thus the bisexuality that I contend with. Moreover, I'm an erotica writer, made thousands of dollars at it surprisingly enough and it makes me good supplemental income. I've written for a lot of people about a lot of fetishes, of which I consider femdom one, and indeed I've WRITTEN femdom for people. You don't have to personally (or at least I don't) partake in or enjoy a fetish to be able to write about it effectively.

So yeah, nah, I don't care if people have sexual preferences that I consider unnatural, and saying it's unnatural isn't even meant as an insult. Merely a statement of fact. Similarly, my suppressed desire to get my hands on a submissive little femboy or sissy and ass-fuck him or mouth-fuck him. It won't help me in accomplishing my biological duties as a man, and while homosexuality is something that is sometimes found in nature, the vast majority of men are heterosexual or least don't give into their non-hetero desires. By far, most couples are heterosexual (biological male with biological female, a man with a trans woman is indeed gay as far as my perception of sexuality is concerned), and therefore me getting with a dude, whether cis or posing as a woman, it would be the non-standard thing for males to do and wouldn't accomplish biological goals thus I consider it unnatural. My perception of sinning is to do something that isn't in one's own best interests, and therefore I also consider it sinful.

As for 'biological inferiority' of women, they are physically inferior in terms of strength and running and what not, however they do live longer than men so it's not like all the biological 'privileges' as it were are one-sided for men. I'll also state that you don't have to care about what's natural, you can live and think however you want.

You also don't have to change your nature or conform. In fact if you are visibly effeminate I'd probably find you sexually attractive, so you do you. Try to take it easy on the outrage, as popular as it may be in this political climate. Trump 2020.

>> No.13482935

it is so painful to desire this so much, and having no romantic fantasies beside it, while simultaneously seeing no examples of it within mainstream culture let alone condonations of it, only being told the very opposite - that men lead, and women listen - even in a supposedly feminist society where you would have at least expected something so elementary as basic role-reversal (basic, meaning, not the girl wearing a strap-on but the girl being the big spoon or being the one who cuddles the boy) becoming more visible within society. it's just too painful to fantasize about this every day of my life, while feeling deep down that it'll never manifest and that i'm also some form of freak. i just want to be like shinji from evangelion, where he has the other girls nurture him. i've never seen the show but i saw clips where they act maternal with him

>> No.13482966

>This is why men's looks aren't overly important.
LMAO. And women approach Chads all the time. Idiot.

>> No.13483416
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>i just want to be like shinji from evangelion, where he has the other girls nurture him. i've never seen the show but i saw clips where they act maternal with him
> i've never seen the show
Maybe you should, then you'd realize that your unbridled desire of being nurtured keeps you from being a real human bean.

>> No.13483426


>> No.13483471

i am a real human bean, just a bean that wants to be nurtured every day...

>> No.13483483

I'm fed up with faggots like you. You're the reason people like that evopsych moron in this thread think that those who like femdom must be physically weak and emotionally unstable.
Go watch Eva. Reread your favorite Bildungsroman.

>> No.13483525

Venus in Furs wasn't very good, and the ending basically involves the domme submitting to another guy

>> No.13483568

What have I done wrong? I'm just a bit sensitive is all. I'm not physically weak either. I'm sorry if I offended you. But I'm just an ordinary person, who wants to be loved by a woman, and would prefer a dynamic where I submit to her. Nothing weird, nothing emasculating. Just wanting to be wanted, is all. I'm sorry if I made other femdom fans look bad.

>> No.13483612

I'm writing a short novella type thing that involves femdom and shrinking/height transfer, if anyone's interested

>> No.13483874

the beginning of it was just heavenly tho, and very comfy.

>> No.13483985

Femanon here. That’s cute. Do you have a discord?

>> No.13484017

Because it's a fetish for passive men and most men aren't passive so writers dont usually cater to that fetish. It's becoming more common now that life in the west has become so easy and is making the average guy less of a go getter. So I'm sure it does exist but it's all fairly recent.

>> No.13484058
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I don't, sadly. I don't even know how Discord works. You also probably wouldn't genuinely like me if you knew what I was, which is a child pretending to be a young man, who carries a very simple and wholesome outlook on life, and wants nothing more than to spend his days beside his maternal girlfriend-caretaker in a permanent child-mother roleplay, whereby I love her as her little boy, and she returns it from a parental vantage. See how messed up I am? And my relationship with my own mother is completely fine, too, nor do I have any sort of "incest" fetish. I just seem to have failed to psychologically mature, and can't see romantic relationships in the terms adults view them through. I'm even asexual, on top of it all. It's as if the universe wants to keep me in such a stunted position, for some reason. And do you observe how neurotic I come across from this paragraph, too? Another dysfunction I deal with, which you shouldn't have to. If you really are a femanon, I appreciate the offer and I hope you take care in life.

>> No.13484108

That doesn’t sound as dysfunctional as 99% of 4chan

>> No.13484113

Lucky anon

>> No.13484166

>less of a go getter
Submissive men come in all shapes and sizes. There's nothing stopping a sub guy from being outspoken and confident in their day to day life. I'm generally outspoken, but I honestly can't imagine myself being the dominant party in a relationship. Being subordinate to a woman just feels natural to me. A girl just needs to be commanding around me and suddenly my outward assertiveness begins to melt.

Asexuality would probably be a hurdle for a potential partner to overcome, but you sound pretty desirable to dom women outside of that. Hell, I think you sound cute, and I'm male. I think I might have more problems than you, since I'm scared that being outwardly assertive will scare any Dom women off. I'd like someone who can break down that exterior and basically "tame" me. The tug of war with power relations before I eventually submit is what appeals to me the most, but it's difficult to broadcast that outwardly.

>> No.13484169

This. Also submissive men are the fucking worst.

>> No.13484170


>> No.13484183

That's a testament to 4chan's dysfunctionality in my opinion, less so than my own lack of such. It's very dysfunctional, relative to the real world, for me to be a 24/yo male who sees the world like a much younger child would, wishes he could outwardly present himself as such (instead of pretending to be like other young men), and only being able to perceive romance and women from the very strange and specific angle of Platonic, maternal caretakers. I feel so clueless as to what I should do - I have tried to change my psychology, but it's never worked. I am unsure whether I'll always be this way or if I'll slowly mature, and in the meantime I'm not sure whether I should attempt to manifest my dream romantic-dynamic or simply put it aside for my spiritual growth, given that I am unsure whether the former can ever materialize. Just feel quite lost in life, to be honest. Unsure of who I am, why I am, and what I should do.

>> No.13484199

Is asexuality really a dealbreaker? I’m on the asexual spectrum but I’m still into the idea of being dominant over a guy. It’s weird because i come off very shy and sweet as my regular personality but I’m only interested in submissive men I can dominate over. Is that degenerate?

>> No.13484205

the book im working on contains one such relationship
: )

>> No.13484216
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reading a book while laying your head on a girls lap would be so comfy, bros.

>> No.13484252

Are you a little? How old do you think you act like? Have you considered that you’re aro ace? I’m also asexual but biromantic. Also, it’s really not as dysfunctional as you think. I graduated high school a year ago and many boys when I was a senior talked about wanting sugar mommies/ wives who would baby them. A majority of men in the west look for maternal type affection in women. Freud explained this to us a while ago.

>> No.13484281

don't normalize your weird bullshit fetish. there is a difference between "bro i could totally go for a MILF sugar mama lol" and "all guys want a maternal caregiver. it's not abnormal to be an adult baby diaper dragon."

you'll become one of those horrid faggots who posts long manifestos in youtube and pornhub comments

>> No.13484374

All I'm saying is that Asexuality can be a compromise a partner has to make, since they might find the lack of sex frustrating. Speaking for myself, I'd like to think that I'd accept a potential gf being asexual, but I'd have to be put in that situation for me to say for certain whether or not I would.

>> No.13484385

That sounds cool, anon. An example of how I wish male submissiveness could become more normalized within our society - I imagine there are other men out there like you, who have assertiveness in them but also the wish for a woman to melt it away by her femininity. I hope you get what you desire. And yeah, asexuality is something I only recently came to recognize myself as being - and since I've never been in a relationship before, I'm not sure if I have to filter out other asexual people directly, or simply warn a person right away as to what my nature happens to be.

Dominant men will tell you it's degenerate; submissive men will tell you it's wonderful.

I am a "little", but I'm not into the ageplay community at all. Those people literally sexualize infancy and children, taking all the behaviors and emblems of such a stage and throwing in a romantic and even sexual angle on top of it, which I personally find repulsive. Pacifiers, diapers, spanking and anything related is not for me, ever. That said, I do psychologically identify with a much younger age than my outward one - perhaps 9 years old or so, I've never really thought about it specifically - so technically I have the markings of a "little". That said, I'm not sure if I'm aromantic - how do I determine that? As said earlier, I only perceive romance as that which exists between a maternal woman and her beloved little boy. I have never had the desire to make-out/hook-up with someone, and only fantasize about kissing my caretaker-girlfriend on her lips in a cute, repetitive fashion - many little kisses, over and over, in a gentle and submissive manner, with my hands scarcely holding onto her cheeks, my head slightly lower than hers, and herself ultimately in charge there, even though I am "pretending to attempting" to be so - like a little child trying to overthrow his babysitter for control, but she obviously has far more strength and intelligence than he does. I don't think I feel romantic desire in the conventional sense, given that the above conditions - of a maternal, Platonic dynamic - have to be present for me to have any interest at all. The concept of "courting" or "wooing" a girl has never resonated with me, and neither have conventional "dates" seen in media. Only the idea of being picked out by her, and then somehow transitioning into a mother-child dynamic. Do you think this reads as aromanticism, or something else? Your feedback is appreciated, since I haven't really told anyone else about this stuff before.

>adult baby diaper dragon

>> No.13484447

It sounds like aromanticism to me. Aromantics can desire an exclusive relationship with a life partner without it being a ‘romantic’ relationship but I do agree that it doesn’t sound very conventional. However I don’t think anything is wrong if you aren’t doing it in public and you aren’t sexualizing children. I think many of these behaviors are caused societal stress and pressure from adulthood.

>> No.13484486

But if I want to give her kisses on the lips, is that not technically "romantic"? It's just that I don't really resonate with the typical template of romance, whereby the two of you are equals, and you go out together and sit across from eachother at a restaurant for example. In my case, she's the one who tells me that we're going somewhere together, and in an ideal world without societal judgement, I'd sit right beside her at said restaurant, like she were my babysitter eating while watching me do the same. I just don't have a designation by which I could classify these atypical interests of mine.

>> No.13484500

To add, maybe I have some romantic inclinations in me, but it's drowned out or filtered through by my age-regression complex? If my age-regression aspect wasn't present, maybe I'd see more romantic interests emerge?

>> No.13484507

Children kiss parents on the lips platonically and many cultures friends kiss each other as greetings. Many couples don’t fit into typical roles but I can’t tell you if you’re a romantic or not. That’s something only you can know for sure.

>> No.13484528

What did he mean by this

>> No.13485113

How could you be a "submissive man" and still be able to look at yourself in the mirror every morning?

Beta Males are honestly disgusting.

>> No.13485123

Being beta and submissive are very different - submissive regards one's preferred dynamic with the desired sex - while beta pertains to a set of behavioral traits embodied in all aspects of daily life.

>> No.13485429

This anon gets it

>> No.13485569
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The greatest cope ever told: "I'm j-just submissive in the bedroom, b-baka! I'm totally a manly man outside!"

If one of you fags told your friends or peers that you get pegged daily and scream "MOMMY" in bed, how do you think they will see you? LOL

>> No.13485701

>Caring what society thinks of me in a situation where I'm not hurting anyone nor deviating from wholesome behaviors
And I'd never get p*gged anon, I just want to be the one who snuggles into the girl, with her being the one who holds me and provides the comfort.