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13482331 No.13482331 [Reply] [Original]

>He's not a materialist
That's cute, I remember when I was 17 and afraid of death too

>> No.13482356
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>> No.13482371

OP BTFO'd hard and eternally

>> No.13482376

Nice picture of yourself

You're just being contrary because you have no friends. Have sex

>> No.13482490
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>> No.13482491


>> No.13482927

Seething brainlet desperately trying to regain dominance after immediately being trounced.

>> No.13482941

Magical Thinking is literaly nigger-tier.

>> No.13482942
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>> No.13482958
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>Nice picture of yourself

>You're just being contrary because you have no friends. Have sex

>> No.13482963

>i only trust what i see
>can't see the act of seeing

>> No.13482969

Why are there so many anti-science morons on this board?

>> No.13482990

science is alright. atheist and materialist readings of science are cringe.

>> No.13482996


>> No.13483027

what kind of pussy is afraid of death at 17? aging, yes, but death only if you are a fag

>> No.13483036

trannies, since they statistically die in their 30s, so death is closer at age 17.

>> No.13483043

Op cannot recover at this point

>> No.13483051

Science is fine, scientism and worshipping it is just pure Reddit cringe.
>I fucking LOVE science xD

>> No.13483063

>OP's current status: complete annihilation

>> No.13483153
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>why yes, I'm a materialist and an atheist, How can you tell?

>> No.13483179

There's no proof otherwise that we're just meat computers that shutdown when we die. Death is lack of consciousness akin to being knocked out in a boxing ring or sleeping.

>> No.13483395
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You just have an ultra reductive and naive worldview. That is, whatever you consume in terms of pop science and woefully illiterate atheist youtubers is the case.
It is evident in philosophical and even scientific understandings, that there can be such a thing as an immaterial soul. The idea that, because the brain can be studied in detail through neurological scans, thus the human mind is totally understood purely what is within our own observation, is itself an unprovable idea.
I don't care to summarize the texts for you, but in both Platonic and Aristotelian (and thus, Thomist) views, the idea of the soul is given in view of the greater metaphysical understandings. Take, for example, Plato's Theory of Forms and Aristotle's unmoved mover. This guy has a decent intro to the Thomist view, in light of the New Atheism:
These, and the Christian theological and even Eastern views on the soul, give a more profound insight to the following.

(Scientifically [or perhaps, better stated, empirically])
See pic related.
Otherwise, the CIA itself has done declassified studies into obscure and strange mechanisms of consciousness. Regardless of your opinion of the types of things they've researched, that very fact itself is that there's legitimate study into the immaterial and incomplete study of the human consciousness.

>> No.13483763

How do you know death isn't unlike sleeping with the absence of dreams? That consciousness just disappears when the brain shut downs just like how the information stored by a computer is lost when the hard drive is destroyed?

>> No.13484001
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>yes my thoughts are made of material

>> No.13484016

rape women

>> No.13484546

'Death' is a spook.

>> No.13484576

>obscure and strange mechanisms of consciousness
It’s clearly supernatural! We don’t understand it so there must be something special inside!

>> No.13484592

Humans have thought otherwise for thousands of years and I'd say they had good reason to think so. Consciousness isn't restricted to the matter inside your skull. Meditate niqqa

>> No.13484596


>> No.13484597

Science says that your consciousness still exists within the universe after death. Popular science is not all fields of science kthnx

>> No.13484599


>> No.13484600

fucking owned epic style

>> No.13484608

this unironically. Consciousness is not qualitative, it is quantitative.

>> No.13484625

>le science of the gaps
You have to go back

>> No.13484684

Humans also thought disease and afflictions was caused by demons and had no knowledge of germs for thousands of years.

>> No.13484722

>He's a materialist
I remember when I was 17 and clinging to annihilationism + nihilism because I was afraid of being accountable for my actions too

>> No.13485104

How does wojak just keep getting worse and worse? He isn't even recognisable here.

>> No.13485491
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science is alright , normie popsci is cancer

>> No.13485515

trannies are old when young, and young when old. which is good because they are diseased humans.

>> No.13486185

god of the gaps argument. we dont understand it therefore its special
everything we know follows material, deterministic patterns. there is no reason to assume conciousness works any different
its a pretty sly argument because you invoke the immaterial, something that can by definition not be measured in any way. its a "you can't disprove it so it must be right" argument you're making
but its a flawed assumption from the get.go, if its immaterial why does it interact with the material world? i can use my conciousness to move my body, to affect the material world. immaterial things cant affect the world, otherwise they would be measurable and thus not immaterial anymore.
you lack a brain then?

>> No.13486216

Wojak's purpose has always been to be the butt of jokes.
It began with brainlet wojak. The precedent was set with original pepe's evolution to his feelsgood form, and then to smug, and then so on through apu and beyond. It already broke whatever limits there were to acceptable resemblance.

>> No.13486218

How does /lit/ do it? Despite its flaws, it still manages to maintain higher level discussion than the other media boards.

>> No.13486327

Because trash, low IQ poster like OP get bullied out of here.

>> No.13486404

Judeo-Christian life denial.

>> No.13486406


>> No.13486424
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>> No.13487190

what fucking science lmao?

>> No.13487204
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They are.

>> No.13487252


Everyone knows teenagers are constantly carefully considering their mortality and obsessing over what will happen when they die. People are turning away from materialism because it's proponents are cringe machines who attach more value to collecting trash than their own dignity.

>> No.13487263

Based and high-IQ