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/lit/ - Literature

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13477426 No.13477426 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explain this phenomenon?

>> No.13477433

>Am I out of touch?
>No, it's the children who are wrong!

>> No.13477435

any sort of gay erotic literature on amazon

>> No.13477441

>is good

>> No.13477444 [DELETED] 

Have sex, incels

>> No.13477448

The truth is, the Left is the establishment now, at least in America, so being right-wing is actually being part of the opposition and young people have rebellious souls for the most part.

>> No.13477449

a book with one page with the word "yikes" centered on it

>> No.13477452

>"People I disagree with are wrong and must be made to see this!"

Fucking Faggot.

>> No.13477454

To me it's absurd that people actually care about political correctness. Maybe it's because I spend so much time here where my ideas are relentless mocked and put under fire.

>> No.13477462

Eichmann in Jerusalem

>> No.13477466
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>> No.13477486
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Rent sex.

if I wasn't a master anonymoose making every post from a different public library computer I would permanently filter your dumb cunt ass

>> No.13477492

rape women

>> No.13477495

Turn your trip code back on so I can filter you

>> No.13477502


Until the day when all of our historical posts are used against us to permanently bar us from employment/housing/etc, posts made on this website are zero-consequence as long as you don't directly and specifically threaten anyone with actual violence. The point being that you're making a false comparison in the sense that the stakes are low here whereas RL people expect to be able to call men men and women women, to use the simplest, current fight. People are literally being legally deprived of their ability to speak the truth IRL, and this rightly angers them.

>> No.13477505

Nietzsche literally says that an extremist position is countered not by a move to the center, but to and even more extreme polar opposite.

>> No.13477542

yeah and Nietzsche is a whinny dead faggot so who cares what he had to say

>> No.13477754

i do
but who the fuck are you, sucka?

>> No.13477772

why don't you take off that jabronie shirt and find out

>> No.13477773

"so much for the tolerant left"

>> No.13477778

after that will you kiss me?

>> No.13477798

How do you convince people that feeling suffocated is good for them?

>> No.13477800

I'm going to take you out back and fuckinging destroy you

>> No.13477825

Self professed politically correct people are so boring and unfunny oddly enough. Kinda like that faggot

>> No.13477830

ah yes blumpf is very left wing

>> No.13477833

nope. but obama was. trump won because people were tired of leftards. but still, culturally and politically the left is the establishment.

>> No.13477839

The left through their control of cultural, academic, and commercial institutions have been able to obstruct Trump at every turn. they've revealed the real seats of power in this country, and none of them are in the federal government.

>> No.13477840

obama wasn't left wing
nobody in american politics actually is

>> No.13477843


>> No.13477852

he wasn't a communist but he was a progressive liberal socially.

>> No.13477853

why do you keep replying to me like you want to fuck me or fight me?

>> No.13477855

he's left wing in the way the left is currently defined

>> No.13477860

>and none of them are in the federal government.
You're right. They're in capital, which has wholly corrupted the political process of the country.

>> No.13477861

Every single person in America is some sort of liberal besides unironic commies, nazis, and nazbol gang. All are minorities with 0 power. Most of /pol/ are just liberals kvetching about their liberal utopia being ruined by brownies and Jews. True right and left ideologues basically don't exist. Most of the alt-reich is just "liberalism for white people" types and I'm not even going to comment on the state of the left. Such is the power of capital and globohomo. Also, Libertarians are some of the biggest faggots to walk the earf.

>> No.13477863

Unabomber Manifesto

>> No.13477865

I don't understand, how can you be aware of the damage something is causing and admit it's a real problem, and then think the solution is to do more of the thing causing the problem?

I also saw a post today claiming that Free speech was a tool for silencing people, and censoring is used to create voices.

How do people end up at these bizzare conclusions

>> No.13477867

This is a board for discussing literature.

>> No.13477886

So capitalism will end any moment then, right?

>> No.13477893

commies became college teachers and molded the youth

>> No.13477899


Shaun is a total faggot. Also didn't he totally get MeToo'd

>> No.13477900

This thought is only present in low iq boomer echo chambers

>> No.13477906

have you ever been to an American college?

>> No.13477907

That's your answer to everything

>> No.13477911

It's called a purity spiral, happens in cults a lot

>> No.13477916

Have children

>> No.13477919

to add to this. I had professors who un-ironically said they were ex;^) red book of Mao carrying communists in their youth who totally believed in a revolution to overthrow the US government

>> No.13477924

They literally had a portrait of Marx hanging on the wall of my SOC 101 class

>> No.13477930

more than the establishment, which it is don't get me wrong, it's the last stage of conformity.
The ascension of social conventions and the decline of the traditional family indicates that society took the place of the traditional family (which is criticized for it's despotic rule), the problem resides that while the strength of the rule of society is intensified by it's numbers, the rule of the family could be eventually dispensed. Just read Hannah Arendt "The human condition" - the social promotion.

>> No.13477935

Around 20% of sociologists are Marxist. So it's not that surprising.

>> No.13477936

My diary desu.
t. Harassed out of academia and has since left the USA to properly cultivate my bitterness into the perfect novel.
This kind of thing happens during any ideological purge however. Look how many authors and thinkers got driven out of Nazi germany or Mao’s China. Spheres of political correctness aren’t much better, probably far more orthodox and rigid than even Mussolini’s Italy. It seems America is going the route of Argentina, taking absurdist babble to bold new political highs with clown memes and Pepe.

>> No.13477941


>> No.13477948
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Orwell knew his shit when it came to doublethink. Guy must have seen alot of it as a colonial policeman.

The concept is that bad speech will suppress the voices of marginalised groups, whereas censorship by The Right People will ensure marginalised people get a chance to speak and share their experiences.

Of course, if you ever ask them The Question: Who is good, virtuous, fair-minded enough to determine what can or cannot be said, who can or cannot speak, the answer is "Me and My Friends" But the modern puritan at least recognises that it's bad optics.

So they use the identities of marginalised groups as justification. Much like pic attached. I like the term used, 'Blood Slinging'. Because that's alot of what these people do. Use the very real suffering and disenfranchisement of people as cudgels to hurt people and to get their way. I think it's no coincidence that alot of these sorts are unapologetic communists.

>> No.13477966

this is not twitter

>> No.13477967


>> No.13477974

a genius is a genius, what do you expect?

>> No.13477992


C'mon man, hands up

>> No.13478001

Žižek wrote something interesting on political correctness in Violence, I can't remember what it was exactly, I need to go to sleep, good night

>> No.13478029

>lalalalala I can’t hear you. Nothings wrong you crazy paranoid right wingers. Lalalalala

>> No.13478033
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trump is a capitalist, so he's left wing, actually

>> No.13478046

It's gachimuchi, newfag

>> No.13478051

good post

>> No.13478061
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>> No.13478075


>> No.13478088

What happened in academia?

>> No.13478096

How about you just read some books and live life a little, gain some years, then come back to us

>> No.13478098

Blumpf has no power over the cathedral.

>> No.13478103

Why do commies constantly say this as if it's not braindead retarded? I'm not even american and no one thinks this is my country either.

>> No.13478104

No, but they'll be in the position to obtain total control when the collapse even occurs.

>> No.13478107

the fucking state of this board

>> No.13478125

>he doesn't immediately see the equine reference to his death

>> No.13478131

In my country*

>> No.13478136

explain it to me

>> No.13478139

Left wing does not mean anti capitalist. That is YOUR definition.

>> No.13478140

Horses whinny
Nietzsche like dem horsy

>> No.13478148

it's about france specifically but still applies to other western countries. slavoj zizek also has a pretty solid critique of liberal authoritarianism but it's not contained in one single book

>> No.13478150
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>Left wing does not mean anti capitalist
Oh I see, alright, got it, yeah I don't know why the fuck I ventured outside my regular board looking for good literature, this is another trash board.

>> No.13478152
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whoops forgot

>> No.13478161

divide and conquer by administrations. the current neo-stalinist climate goes hand in hand with the implosion of professor salaries and spiraling costs for students. the idea is the keep them all fighting each over non-issues so they're easy prey for the administration

>> No.13478164

As if i don't want you to leave. Lmao.
Don't need your retarded takes here.

>> No.13478172

Based library computer user. My library has minecraft on the computers

>> No.13478178

Every fucking board, buddy

>> No.13478184

No sense of humour and feels superior because of it.

>> No.13478198

Every board sucks if you look for threads that suck too

>> No.13478214
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When you are trying to perform negotiations or politics, you must first proceed by finding out what the other party wants.

You must then proceed to frame a way in which what the other party wants is achieved by your plan.

This is the fundamental problem.

The Left fails the moral Dunning-Kruger test. When you ask Conservatives and Libertarians to answer a questionnaire as if they were Liberals, they answer correctly most of the time. If you as a Liberal to answer as a Conservative, they fail most of the time.

This is because the psychological foundations of Liberals encompass two moral foundations: care (or harm prevention), and fairness.

Conservatives use 5-6 of the available moral foundations set out by researchers like Haidt.

The worldview of Conservatives encompasses the worldview of Liberals, but not vice versa. As such, Conservatives can put themselves in the shoes of Liberals, but Liberals cannot put themselves in the shoes of Conservatives.

The Left literally cannot understand what motivates the Right (either the traditional normie Conservatives, or the various Neo Reactionary groups).

If you cannot understand what motivates us, or what we want, then you cannot sell us on your plan with anything other than coercion.

This is why you continue to push people away, and fail to build bridges.

This is why you fail to predict the reactions of the Right, and the victories of Populist or Ethnonationalist movements (nationalist Trump in America, ethnonationalist Salvini in Italy, The Golden Dawn in Greece, Marine Le Pen and the Yellow Vests in France, Bolsonaro, Hungary basically becoming a white Christian ethnostate with a breeding program, Poland, Bavaria, Norway, etc...)

Until you start treating us "little shits" with some respect, the only thing you're doing is paving the groundwork for undecided moderates to hate you, and side with the Right.

But that's impossible for you.

Because nationalists have "countrymen."

Commies have "comrades" ("little shits in waiting"), aka disposable tools.

We don't hate you because we fear you, that's not how the Conservative psychology works. We hate you because you disgust and insult us, and you don't even know it.

>> No.13478226

>"If you ASK a Liberal to answer as a Conservative, they fail most of the time."

>> No.13478230

based & tedpilled

>> No.13478249

I’ve posted about it here before, but not a while. Basically two months before university started I survived a mass shooting, where a schizophrenic friend of mine started killing people in their beds while I was in the house. My surviving friends and I managed to wrestle him to the ground till police arrived, but it was understandably a jarring experience. Anyways,
>enter university, shaken but excited to learn and make friends
>a bit jumpy, I’ve always been somewhat awkward, since I’d just died I really wanted to have sex with as many cute girls as possible so I was also fairly flirtatious
>one crazy cunt decides she wants to sleep with me, tries, but I can smell the crazy on her so I tell her no
>she tries again, still no
>go out drinking with friends, end up running into her, and she’s so drunk she can barely stand so I agree (when she asks) to help her get home safe
>on the way back she asks me again if I want to fuck her. I tell her even if I did she’s way too drunk
>of course she accuses me of “sexual assault” the next day
Instant I become a campus pariah and “suspected rapist”. The school investigates, and despite having multiple witnesses (including the crazy cunts own friends who she recommended as witnesses) the ‘investigation’ drags on for three months, all the while I’m not told what specific evidence is being held against me or how the investigation is proceeding. The school initiated a “no contact order” which prevented me from going into certain buildings on campus and seeing my friends who lived there. Various SJWs in positions of power in the student body use their positions to ban me from attending campus events. I was also harassed and threatened by various fags and negros at parties and dances. When I complained to the administration (about eight separate times) they refused to do anything about the harassment, until I finally provided them with indisputable proof that my rights were being violated (an email telling me not to attend a school play— written on behalf of the school by some cunty student body politician) at which point they told me their hands were tied but I could make a complaint to get another student body organization in which they’d placed all authority for handling disputes. When I did, it was insinuated that I was making the complaint to get back at this brave sexua assult survivor and implied I could be punished if I followed through with it. By this point I was completely isolated from campus, was starting to show pretty severe signs of PTSD, and had basically stopped leaving my room. So I dropped out, but not before my grades had suffered so much as to essentially bar me from ever entering higher education again, at least at any reputable institution.
So I turned 23 today and I’m starting my first year of community college this fall to work towards a four year degree. I have nothing to show for it but anger and bitternesss.

>> No.13478259
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Yes it's a book named "propaganda" written by a Jewish genius around 1912-1916. I forgot his name though but you can find it, there is a digital copy is out there.
pic, not related

>> No.13478265

write a book about it and sell it.

you have the perfect story that captures the zeitgeist of present day. just tell it.

>> No.13478270

What really sucks though is I can’t even TALK about these experiences in “polite company” because the implications are too ‘problematic’. Every time I bring these experiences up, I’m generally called some variation of a privileged white male and told that this is just what brown people experience every day so get over myself, or it’s implied that I must be crazy, bitter, resentful and so on so my life can be safely ignored as not meaningful. These people always act like they’re the most moral, sympathetic, etc. But they’re the first to spit in your face if your life doesn’t confirm their political biases.

>> No.13478282

And become public enemy #1? Lots of people in the media would look to make an example out of me if I did that, and I don’t want every single moment of my life dug through and recontextualized in order to “prove” that I’m actually a sexual predator.

>> No.13478298

if it makes you feel better I thought that community College was a better learning environment than a four year college. in cc if you are a shithead or don't show up to class they just drop you

>> No.13478301
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yes, but i wouldn't really recommend it

>> No.13478305

Fine faggot, I'll write it and get rich off it. Be a cuck or be cucked. Why are you scared of a bunch of sjw morons anyways?

>> No.13478307

Soviet infiltration and subversion during the cold war.

>> No.13478317

sounds interesting and plausible, do you have some sources to papers on this topic? e.g. the moral compass stuff

>> No.13478325

*moral foundation stuff

>> No.13478327

>why are white men checking out of society?

>> No.13478344

It's a turing test

>> No.13478355

Propaganda - Edward Bernays. 1928

>> No.13478368

Entitled wypipo can’t stand that now they’re no longer privileged with racist things like rights (and that’s a good thing). Remember, the Magna Carta was written by privileged aristocrats (white men), and seriously needs to be unpacked.

>> No.13478371

If you committed suicide, the world would probably be a better place.

>> No.13478383

Right, the establishment that doesn't want universal healthcare, hates unions, and wants to keep university expensive is left wing...

>> No.13478389


It was described that way by Haidt, but the source I got these articles from was a little channel known as Monday FA Monday, and Thinking Ape. And in those videos, it was expounded upon as a moral "Dunning-Kruger" test (as while the Liberals fail to interpret the motivations of Conservatives, they are also more confident in their assertions that Conservatives are evil).


Turing test and Dunning-Kruger are interchangeable in this context. The main point is:
1) one side cannot understand the other
2) yet that side is the most confident in asserting that the other side is evil


1. Graham, Haidt, and Nosek: Moral Foundation Theory


2) Johnathan Haidt, Reason article:


>> No.13478391

You probably did it during an episode you schizo

>> No.13478390


Eight years in the executive branch does not an establishment make.

>> No.13478406

Yes, and? Establishment Democrats and Republicans alike agree on those things. AOC and Sanders are not the establishment. The establishment despises them.

>> No.13478414

In real life (Australia) i often notice that leftists always speak as if they assume everyone agrees with them. The right wing to them seems to be some far off evil and not the human beings sitting in front of them.

>> No.13478419
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Not as bad as you but I got suspended from the uni gym for awkwardly asking a girl out there and because I kept telling the gym staff I did absolutely nothing wrong (they agreed but said making someone uncomfortable is justified in temporarily suspending me). Pissed off the gym management so bad they reported me to the sexual assault investigator where he thankfully realized this was all bullshit and let me go peacefully. Anyone in their right mind should realize universities are no longer useful in this modern age. The fact that we are dependent on the paper certificate after paying thousands and dealing with indoctrination is bullshit. God I hate colleges

>> No.13478425

The west is absolutely doomed

>> No.13478426
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Who cares? You're dead, remember?

>> No.13478449

>Anyone in their right mind should realize universities are no longer useful in this modern age.
They've allowed the broader left tog gain a monopoly on educated labor. They're the fundamental institution in our technological society. to say they're not useful would be to ignore their influence, which has effectively been weaponized against the society they were supposed to conserve.

>> No.13478454


>> No.13478455


>> No.13478459

>"little shits"
How fucking arrogant could you possibly be

>> No.13478463

The Turner Diaries

>> No.13478470

Thanks for the answer. Always is terrible to hear stories about people getting away with framing. Do you mind if I ask what you were studying and what you're currently studying?

>> No.13478493

That will teach you not to fuck crazy chicks.

>> No.13478499

Forgot my double negative.

Meant to say teach you to not not fuck crazy chicks.

>> No.13478535

Do this under a pseudonym that either sounds female or doesn't sound white, and then either race or gender swap your character.

>> No.13478548

You're slavery to an arbitrary phrasing has ruined the meaning of what you're trying to convey.

>> No.13478560

My meaning is anon should have just fucked the crazy chick in the first place. Then her borderline personality disorder would have pushed him away on her own and none of this would have happened.

Dudes in college need to buy small cameras to set up and then have the chick be on top at least once.

>> No.13478564

>books about a phenomenon that does not exist

>> No.13478586
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He's such an idiot. All the Left does these days is increase radicalism on both sides. I mean look at this post - it simultaneously claims to want to convince a group of something and is at the same time overtly contemptuous of that group.

Luckily radicalization and polarization both work in the Right's favor.

>> No.13478607

I like that millions of young people are suffering and feeling isolated. If they need the group to save their pathetic asses, then they have no substance as individuals and they're better being left to rot.

Also, you have no moral center if you don't know how to feel harsh, unrelenting contempt towards those who deserve it.

Your feelings don't matter, faggots.

>> No.13478625
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I’d do it anonymously, but somebody already beat me to it. Canny how they managed to peer into my mind

>> No.13478640
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Industrial Society And Its Future

>> No.13478773
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>Hysterical optimism will prevail until the world again admits the existence of tragedy, and it cannot admit the existence of tragedy until it again distinguishes between good and evil. . . Hysterical optimism as a sin against knowledge.

>> No.13478811

Well that's the whole thing. You can say them and mock them in kind. The nature of "political correctness" is the use of institutions to enforce ideology.

There is no "ridicule". There's no point in debating the truthfulness or validity of the thing. You just de platform people who make effective arguments against you and form cadres to harass and intimidate their employers and companies offering services to them until they're effectively banned from society.

That's what you're talking about in reality, not a couple of weird trannies on the internet that "can't take a joke".

>> No.13478849

To which I'd add that if you are a conservative, then they probably will just gang up on you because they know you don't really know what's going on anyway, and will just recant if they get hysterical enough. Basically capitulating in full to their ideological premises, being only a regressive liberal yourself. The people who get de platformed and their employers threatened into firing them are people who are fundamentally aware of the nature of their political opposition.

>> No.13478865


>> No.13478866
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>tfw views so extreme that no amount of discussion will get the point across

>> No.13478877

Anything fundamentally disagreeing with the premise of Liberalism puts you in the "unredeemable" camp. Basically they don't get anything out of debating you at that point.

>> No.13478896

And I'd reiterate, this is Liberalism quelling dissent. None of these people are in any way anarchists or communists. They're radical liberals and more beholden to the System than any other group.

>> No.13478988

>the left is the establishment now
>atleast in america
The only thing that represent itself as left you have does nothing but sperging obession about lgbt rights and "social" problems.
Even most center to right wing parties in europe support shit like public health.

>> No.13479005

nah, i think its quite the contrary, atleast in a personal level. Its bets countered with a even more extreme and obessed version of the person.

>> No.13479013

Every position is countered by anarchism.

>> No.13479019

This is like saying systematic racism doesn't exist because Obama became president

>> No.13479043

It's a sophist strategy worldwide of claiming false consensus.
>oh, the whole of OUR society believes in x, so if you disagree, you're a black sheep!
it's patently disgusting

>> No.13479118

They're authoritarian as opposed to libertarian.

>> No.13479260

there's this paradox of tolerance. if you're tolerant towards intolerance you will eventually loose to it.
also, the point of deplatforming should be to deplatform bad faith actors, people who willingly spread lies and decieve. pc culture and deplatforming goes too far in some cases, but that's quite rare desu. we are better off without alex jones spreading conspiracy theories. what cant you do because of pc culture? you cant be openly racist or support ethno nationalism? needs to happen because as i said you cant be tolerant towards intolerance otherwise you'll end up with intolerance. are you really willing to die on this hill because you are not allowed to say nigger anymore?

>> No.13479280

Okay Mr. Hitler. Enjoy your one man crusade against Israel.

>> No.13479300 [DELETED] 

You fucking moron the establishment vehemently promotes moral degradation, that's what the whole thing is about, annihilating all standards and turning the population into consumer units. Better wages? Better (any) healthcare? Social security...? No. No. No. That is the price we pay, and what do we get in return? The wonderful freedom to run around with pimk hair, tattoos and fuck with other faggots without anyone judging you. The "left" has forgotten about the economy, it's all about the satanistic anti-values and that is exactly where their interest converges with the corporate interest, it is an unholy alliance but little do the leftists know that they are pawns who will get obliterated in the end.

>> No.13479310

Doesn't the "tolerance paradox" just show that making tolerance a moral axiom is unfeasible by definition?

>> No.13479331

Look for the rags

>> No.13479350

You're a fucking snake and a faggot retard. There is no paradox of intolerance, there is 0 proof that people being allowed to say stuff that offends you leads to a loss of free speech in the end. You are just positing this as some law of society and history when it has no evidence supporting it, the countries in which 'loss of freedom' occur have all sorts of positions on free speech. The US, the country most absolutist about it, has never come close to what happened in the USSR or Nazi Germany despite allowing extremists to speak.

>> No.13479360

you can filter names too friend

>> No.13479362

The hitler rule is also the blumpf rule.

>> No.13479365

neoliberalism is the establishment idiot

>> No.13479369

>All are minorities with 0 power.
idk about this

>> No.13479370

Not necessarily, but "leftist" always does.

>> No.13479379

Neoliberalism is left wing. Marxists, anarchists, etc are not The Left, they are the far left. Same way that you can have republican capitalists be right wing even though they're not Monarchists. Democracy is in general quite far left, though there are obvious right wing aspects to parties in democracies.

I don't know how many times this has to be explained.

>> No.13479384

No it doesn't, Marxists use the word that way, nobody else does, they just use it to mean 'person with left wing values'.

>> No.13479393

>Neoliberalism is left wing
Do you even know what neoliberalism is?

>> No.13479405

>neoliberalism is left wing
>neoliberalism is left wing
>neoliberalism is left wing

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.13479414

>The president controls society
are you a moron? Academia, the media, multinational corporations all have much more influence over the culture and society than some reality star who won an election because of electoral technicalities.

>> No.13479415

Yes you fucking retards it is leftist on the following issues: monarchy, patriarchy, slavery, democracy, race, religion, etc. It is left wing about capitalism and that is it. Just economics.

>> No.13479419

>Doesn't the "tolerance paradox" just show that making tolerance a moral axiom is unfeasible by definition

>> No.13479428

OK, cool, so you don't know what the word "liberal" means either. This board is trash

>> No.13479430

>the point of deplatforming should be to deplatform bad faith actors,
Oh my sweet summer child. Deplatforming is a part of a voluntary system of thought control. It is impressive and powerful. No absolute sovereign in history could have formulated such an elegant system of control as we have under liberalism.

>> No.13479437

>This board is trash
Not arguing against this but that is literally just one guy who is politically illiterate. You yourself are posting in an off-topic politics-baiting thread.

>> No.13479438

there is very little resistance to neoliberalism from the current American left.
"gimme free college and healthcare" is about as radical as it gets. some claim to be Marxist or antifa or whatever, but it's all just young people LARPing.
leftists deep down want to protect the status quo because neoliberalism and American imperialism gave them their luxurious urban middle class lifestyles.
opposing neoliberalism means supporting the rural working class at the expense of the urban middle class. there is virtually no motion to do this among the current left.

>> No.13479441

Yeah I do it's a left wing tradition that originated in opposition to the Right wing institution of monarchy, centred on individual rights and the power of the people. You know fuck all

>> No.13479447

I have an actual coherent definition of what right wing positions entail, and it is hierarchy. Every left wing movement seeks to level some hieararchy, from the original republicans(monarchy) down to Marx(capitalism) and progressives(race and gender especially but a bunch of things).

Try to argue against this, Id love you to see you dither about like a fucking idiot

>> No.13479452

I'm a leftist. I want to see capitalism collapse. How is that in any sense "protection of the status quo"?

>> No.13479454

Ah yes, Friedman, Pinochet, Thatcher and Reagan, devout defenders of "human rights"

>> No.13479460

Are you historically illiterate, do you think Locke and Mill and co. were reactionaries in their times?

>> No.13479461

Liberalism serves the current neoliberal hegemony. Liberals like what we have now, they just want it to look a little more human. Leftism opposes the current neoliberal order in its entirety.

>> No.13479465

'leftism' is a word with a broad range of definitions encompassing the many left wing movements throughout history and you are conflating it with socialism or communism, or whatever particular far left position you think is the true left.

>> No.13479473

neoliberals aren't necessarily socially liberal, pinochet was not a lockean in word or deed

>> No.13479479


>> No.13479482

>Yeah OK that's like just your opinion man, leftism means different things to different people man"

i am going to die

>> No.13479484

Neoliberals are generally extremely socially liberal, to the point that they have eclipsed discussion of class in academia with discussion of race, gender, etc. Why are you using Pinochet, basically a fascist, as an example of neoliberalism?

>> No.13479487

>Also, you have no moral center if you don't know how to feel harsh, unrelenting contempt towards those who deserve it.

>Your feelings don't matter, faggots.

More proof that your entire ideology is based in feels over reals you fucking retard

>> No.13479490

Yeah that's how words work, especially words in politics, a ludicrously imprecise and dishonest field. Look up the word leftism in a dictionary, a good deal of them will list it as 'left wing values or positions', not 'marxist socialism'.

>> No.13479491
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>Neoliberals are generally extremely socially liberal

>> No.13479494

done with this thread

>> No.13479498

Either you admit that our current social order is not neoliberal, or you admit that neoliberalism is socially liberal, because our current social order is extremely socially liberal. So just pick one

>> No.13479501

Because you can't argue for fucking shit, your twitter snark makes you look like a fucking idiot here.

You're the one who mocked the concept of words having different meanings, so I offered an example of the literal agreed upon definitions of words, you fucking useless cunt

>> No.13479505

Neoliberalism refers to taking a "liberal" appoach to economics, anon. Laissez faire, free trade, deregulation, that's what it's about

>> No.13479508

I think everyone has stayed where they were, but conformist retards became left wing while rebellious retards became right wing.
Look at RATM, espousing the evils of NAFTA while jerking off the EU, a washed up relic of a different time, caught halfway between the shift.

>> No.13479514

Obama and Trump both got support from the same group of people, which supports my >>13479508 theory.

>> No.13479515

For one thing we have many economic regulations and we have a welfare state, in almost the entire west, and we are the most socially liberal people to ever exist, so again are you calling our current political order neoliberal?

It sure seems to me you're trying to dishonestly conflate any liberal economic policy with total fascism, thereby being allowed to call our current situation fascist.

>> No.13479518

read Marcuse's "Critique of Pure Tolerance"
>Marcuse argues that "the realization of the objective of tolerance" requires "intolerance toward prevailing policies, attitudes, opinions, and the extension of tolerance to policies, attitudes, and opinions which are outlawed or suppressed." He makes the case for "liberating tolerance", which would consist of intolerance to right-wing movements and toleration of left-wing movements.

>> No.13479523

And you take this blatant power-grabbing seriously? Are you fucking retarded? How would you react to Hitler saying true liberty consists in taking away the Jews' ability to spread malicious lies?

>> No.13479528

I wasn't the anon you were responding to, I probably should've responded to the earlier post where you (presumably) called neoliberalism a left wing ideology, when it's not. I'm simply trying to correct your viewpoint of neoliberalism as an extension of leftism overall. Neoliberalism, in and of itself, refers to an economic way of thinking, one practiced by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, people who are clearly not socially liberal

>> No.13479532

>and the extension of tolerance to policies, attitudes, and opinions which are outlawed or suppressed."
Not to mention that in Germany right now, if you apply this, it involves liberating discourse on Holocaust Denial, which is outlawed and suppressed, is that your position?

>> No.13479554

In the sense that laissez-faire offers greater autonomy to capitalists vs a democratically elected government, it is right wing, but its existence came about as the monarchies were deposed by less authoritarian structure of society so it can't simply be called right wing. Far right governments don't allow laissez-faire, they will regulate and tax according to the discretion of the authorities.

>> No.13479566

Gun owners are joining militias because they feel suffocated by gun laws is a problem, but the solution is not to do away with seizing their guns to appease them. it's to get the little shits to see that seizing their guns is good, actually.

>> No.13479568

And then will you kiss me?

>> No.13479574

lol no - I was just tracing the academic origin of this upside-down concept of free speech, for those unaware. this whole "deplatforming" movement has its origins in Marcuse's writings.
that would be fucking beautiful. Marcuse never imagined that things would so completely go in the direction he desired that following his exact formula might actually flip it over again! ironically, all the political right in Germany needs to do is to use this dreaded Frankfurt school Marxist, and they might be able to flip Germany's stance on restricted speech back towards true freedom for everyone.

>> No.13479583

That dude has a legit opinion if you would listen. Essentially it will probably boil to power structures maintaining a public show of opposition with a private cooperation.

>> No.13479596

This happens n the US also.

>> No.13479597

Political correctness is bad for discourse and it can be pretty stifling. But a degree of it is necessary for normal social interaction.

>> No.13479616

did you get permabanned yet again, why the new trip

>> No.13479648

the nazi example is gold because it perfectly proves my point. ppl were tolerant towards them, they gain power and are totally intolerant towards anything else and kill innocent ppl in gaschambers.

i just told you how its feasible, by just not extending that tolerance towards ppl advocating intolerance. do you really think there is no moral value in freedom? in letting other ppl be as long as they dont harm anyone?
if ppl are allowed to spread blatant, factually wrong information it harms public discourse and opinion. it muddies the waters and makes it impossible to get informed on anything. ppl in britain actually thought it would be good for their economy when that's demonstrably untrue, and look at their government struggle right now because they know it.

>> No.13479654

America was tolerant towards Nazis too and they didn't take over in the 30s you fucking dumbass, they went to war with them. politics is just a little bit more complicated than your trite, barely hidden desire for silencing those who disagree with you, faggot opinions.

>> No.13479656

And who decides what is true, the government? Academia? Do people vote on it?

>> No.13479657

That is indeed the case with most people, but it is definitely not advised. This way you will be controlled by absolute retards, being forced to go full retard in the opposite direction, cutting off your face to spite your nose.

>> No.13479663

why is it desirable to have ppl tell blatant lies though?

>> No.13479670

>Also, you have no moral center if you don't know how to feel harsh, unrelenting contempt towards those who deserve it.
Having any sense of a wholesome moral character is impossible without compassion. You just end up with dogmatic moralism, as you described.

>> No.13479672

This is making me madder than anything else anyone has said in this thread. How can you respect people when you won't even type their vowels?

>> No.13479697

this is fucking hilarious desu. really scientific lmao

>> No.13479704

Only morons think this means larping as a neo-nazi to upset insane sjws. What it actually means is to kill them. Neither the SJWs or the would be /pol/ack are extreme in any real sense of the word, everything they accomplish they do so by gradual perversion.

>> No.13479713

My rights begin where yours end.

>> No.13479714

where did i ever advocate for silencing those i disagree with? i said bad faith actors as in ppl spreading blatant lies like alex jones or holocaust deniers and ppl advocating intolerance because tolerance can't work if you are tolerant towards them.
now this is a good question and i agree that it's a very slippery slope and i have no perfect answer for you, but it has to be a robust system that requires an overwhelming mountain of evidence. stuff like flat earth, alex jones tier conspiracies, holocaust denial, climate change denial etc. im obviously not talking stuff that is somewhat sensible. right now de-platforming is mostly in the hands of the platforms themselves, which do whatever makes them money which is whatever their users dont revolt against. in a perfect world, there would be the justice system determining it. like a court case with academic experts determining whether or not there is an overwhelming amount of evidence for or against flat earth. and then the court would either conclude that the question is inconclusive or that there is enough evidence for one side to conclude that it's the undoubtedly factually correct one.

>> No.13479719

grasping at straws now, are we?

>> No.13479720

Pinochet was a neofascist.
Granting that, what exactly did Reagan, Thatcher, or Milton Friedman (!) ever do against human rights?

>> No.13479724

Underrated as fuck.

Fucking retarded.

It's a historical fact that the more censored societies were also the more intolerant.

>> No.13479731

can someone explain to me why these people are like this? they're so unbelievably tribal and petty and moralistic and hysterical about everything, and they lie all the fucking time. i used to think it was funny when people would make fun of libertarian logic guys, but at this point, half of the shit you hear from left twitter are literal nonsequitors. they clearly have no interest in making socialism popular, and it even seems as they would prefer it remain a hobby for college kids. it's impossible to argue with them because they filter everything through this sort of left twitter meme template and are unable to rationally evaluate anything that contradicts their talking points. it's literally like arguing with bots.

>> No.13479736

>ironically, all the political right in Germany needs to do is to use this dreaded Frankfurt school Marxist, and they might be able to flip Germany's stance on restricted speech back towards true freedom for everyone.
Everybody on the right, not just germans, need to educate themselves on the Frankfurts and Postmodernists. Not only will they understand the language and engage with the Left on equal footing in discourse, they will also have an adequate means of neutralizing their metanarratives, disarming their weaponized idpol linguistic and shaming tactics, while successfully passing the hegemonic fascist ideology hot potato onto them.

>> No.13479745

And who the hell decides what is "somewhat sensible." Within my lifetime many people didn't believe that tolerance for homosexuality was "sensible", but it was up for debate anyway and public opinion changed, presumably in the way that you approve of. Western society has never been more sexually tolerant or more race and gender egalitarian, Why is it that now we suddenly have all this talk about the need to suppress basic individual rights to fight purported racism and sexism? If it hadn't been for freedom of speech, people wouldn't have been allowed to argue against racism and sexism when those things were normative.

>> No.13479747
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What does a person have to believe in our world? Ask yourself that and their motive becomes clear, try and imagine the vacuousness of their lives working at Starbucks slowly repaying student loans for the better part of 2 decades for a woman's studies degree.

>> No.13479755

>the best way to bring these individuals who feel isolated by our cause over to our side is to insult and belittle them and tell them they're wrong without providing sufficient evidence to back up our claims
Finally, a reasonable solution.

>> No.13479760

1) if you find edgelord humour funny or make edgy jokes, you're really just immature. you're not actually an epic free speech martyr, you're mentally a high schooler.
2) calling people their preferred pronouns, or not saying certain offensive words around them isn't actually hard at all, and if you think it is you're throwing a tantrum and deluding yourself. stop.
>t. little shit
imagine whiteknighting for political incorrectness, and then getting so mad when someone calls you a "little shit"
>both sides
tell me, how many people have died in mass shootings due to the left?
now tell me, how many people have died in mass shootings due to the right?

>> No.13479772

Neck yourself.

>> No.13479779

Silence, pedophile tranny.

>> No.13479799

>the nazi example is gold because it perfectly proves my point. ppl were tolerant towards them
is that actually what people think happened? that the nazis gained power in germany because the public 'tolerated' them? this is too woke

>> No.13479801

All the terrorist acts that happened due to the left importing towelheads en masse can easily be laid at your feet, so I'd say the right has ways to go

>> No.13479802

fuck you dork

>> No.13479803

>1) if you find edgelord humour funny or make edgy jokes, you're really just immature. you're not actually an epic free speech martyr, you're mentally a high schooler.
>2) calling people their preferred pronouns, or not saying certain offensive words around them isn't actually hard at all, and if you think it is you're throwing a tantrum and deluding yourself. stop.
>TL;DR, if you disagree with me ur totally wrong because I said so. Look, I insulted you again! That proves how wrong you are! Clearly I am the victor. Better luck next time sweety
These aren't arguments. People can say and do whatever the fuck they want, and you can't ever stop them, short of threatening them, punishing them, or killing them. You do not deserve to monopolize on what people can say or do simply because you are convicted of your correctness and moral high ground. This is the kind of logic used by extremists and fanatics. You must provide sound reasons as to why people ought to do as you say. The possibility of hurting someone's feelings is not neccesarily a reason not to say or do something. Certainly there is such a thing as politeness, but it is also impolite to impose your own beliefs upon everyone else. If you are simply offended and not actually harmed by the behavior of an individual or group, why not simply avoid them? Further, you should not be surprised that when you attempt to intellectually and spiritually manhandle people they begin to dislike and avoid you.
The truth is, people who make arguments like this lack agency and strength. They believe that the world ought to bend to their whims. You will never be able to master the universe to your desires, and honestly, I'm glad that its impossible for ANYONE to control everything. The best thing you can do is try to muster the strength to overcome. Life isn't easy, and it never will be. You cannot childproof existence. I feel frustrated even trying to discuss this with you, because on one hand I can't be sure this isn't simply shitposting, and even if it isn't, I know you will simply override anything I say with posturing and derision. Still I feel I ought to try.
Bottom line is, you're a stupid fucking faggot and you should kill yourself.

>> No.13479828

Mass shootings only support my point. It would be far more effective to establish a dialogue and try to find out what conditions are causing the shootings - not blame a whole section of politics and then pretend like your job is done. You don't want to fix shit - you just want to score cheap points like you're trying to do right now.

>> No.13479831

>tell me, how many people have died in mass shootings due to the left?
>now tell me, how many people have died in mass shootings due to the right?
Completely irrelevant to the poster's point who you were responding to. Second, the only common factor to domestic mass shootings is alienation, if we are to go all the way back to Columbine. Whether it's due to politics or another social factor is incidental, and to pin the occurrence of such a phenomenon on an ideology is intellectually disingenuous or ignorant at best.

>> No.13479839

Dude, you are extremely "bluepilled".

AOC/Sanders are acceptable to the establishment. Plenty of European countries have the policies that they propose. Those countries are still ruled by neoliberal globalists.

Union power has been declining for the past 50 years. And it will continue declining, regardless of whether we elect Bernie, or not.

Universities are incredibly powerful institutions. Anyone attempting to expand their influence, and get more people into college with fluff degrees (e.g. sociology, french, et cetera), by guaranteeing more gov't money spent of college, is essentially pro-establishment. The academic part of the establishment, anyway.

>> No.13479853

where is barneyfag?

>> No.13479860

>let me censor everything you say without giving you a chance to argue your position
>i'll also attempt to shame you in public spaces and try to ruin your life
>WTF why are you lashing out

>> No.13479862

You're both right to be honest. Both AOC and Sanders are neoliberal-acceptable insofar as the truly nefarious people running the rigged game from behind the scenes COULD accommodate them if they were elected, and, more importantly, they are unaware of the rigged nature of game and of its nefarious show-runners. But by no means do the show-runners want either of them being elected.

Sanders is idealistic and codgery enough that he would get into office and go "No, fuck you!" when the men in suits arrive to say "Alright nigga, listen up. You don't actually get to do anything as president." like they did for Trump and everyone else, including Obama (in case anyone thinks Obama could have made it to his position without being a completely self-aware and committed participant of the rigged game). Sanders would still bend, but it would be an awkward moment as the men in suits have to say "...No, really, we'll fucking kill you. We don't usually have to say this part outright, it's usually just understood."

AOC is worse than Sanders because she's an empty-headed retard. She is a very very useful idiot for the system as long as she is kept at a low level where she can channel popular idealism into her meaningless go-nowhere well-contained political goals. For that position, being incredibly unaware of the system's true nature is useful. But if she accidentally moved up to a high position, let alone the highest, the system wouldn't know what to do with her. Sanders is embedded enough that he probably knows a surprising amount and would at least anticipate the men in suits arriving. AOC has an intolerably high wildcard index, because she might actually say "No, fuck you!" when they threaten to kill her. Her naivete would become a sort of strength, she'd genuinely be willing to try to impose some kind of idealism in politics, she'd actually try to change legislation or enact a policy that isn't in the Neoliberal Secret Cabal 10-Year Plan approved list.

>> No.13479865

Bye Felicia

>> No.13479866

Oh wow, you're right. AOC and Bernie are so despised, they get deplatformed, attacked during their real life events and have countless articles published attacking everything from their hair to food choices.

Oh wait.

>> No.13479869


>> No.13479871

if you get offended by some one deciding not to appease your delusion and sayin words with only as much power as you give them perhaps you shouldn't take the moral high ground and act as the arbiter of whats considered maturity

>> No.13479875

So this is what a non-slobbering literate deep state conspiracist looks like. Still entirely silly, but makes for better reading.

>> No.13479878

imagine actually believing this, ahh childhood idiocy i have fond memories of you

>> No.13479881

Wow liberalism is epic xD

>> No.13479882

The "deep state" is very boring. It's just well-established interests in a system where real democracy collapsed under too many years of bureaucracy and politicking. When the system becomes too big to run and too big to fail at the same time, the reins default to an uneasy cabal of whatever people are powerful enough to keep it at least stable and profitable to themselves, which further entrenches them and makes the job slightly easier with each passing year.

>> No.13479885

By your description, AOC still conveniently commits suicide by two bullets in the back of the head, and we're still stuck with the neoliberal establishment. If you win the race for the highest office in the land, you still lose.

>> No.13479888

So that's why JFK was assassinated.

>> No.13479894

just cause your wrong doesn't mean this is a trash board

>> No.13479901

The only thing protecting your precious board is overmoderation. Otherwise you'd be bending over for /pol/ like everyone else.

>> No.13479906

>the nazi example is gold because it perfectly proves my point. ppl were tolerant towards them, they gain power and are totally intolerant towards anything else and kill innocent ppl in gaschambers.
are you a fucking grade schooler

>> No.13479908

Has the investigation ever concluded? Have you ever thought about filing a lawsuit against the university for barring you access to uni resources, social events, and mental anguish? Suing the chick for defamation?

>> No.13479919
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The Nazis were persecuted the shit out of you retarded child.

>> No.13479926

can we not show compassion while showing reason or have we truly reverted back

>> No.13479929

This is why people like Nick Rekeita are right. There needs to be a legal network for this shit. Suing these scumbags has been massively successful so far.

>> No.13479930


>> No.13479938


>> No.13479942

t. Nick Rekieta

>> No.13479958

Every action an opposite and equal reaction

>> No.13479960

I wish.

>> No.13479961

do bad faith actors by chance happen to just mean anything that seems outlandish and impossible to you. Cause i mean we all know there are several "conspiracy theories" that would be seen as crazy today had the us government not openly admitted to them. Also who would be in charge of differentiating the wrong-think?

>> No.13479966

How did you get to /lit/

>> No.13480109
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>it's impossible to argue with them because they filter everything through this sort of left twitter meme template and are unable to rationally evaluate anything that contradicts their talking points.

"They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You can not change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still can not change the basic perception and the logic of behavior."

>> No.13480125

Americans are still very gay for family values. Even the trans/gays/LGBT:whatever activists are all about the right to have your own family.
What's been eroded is civic virtue (which is not a modern thing, it was often touted by the Romans). Now it's everyone for his clan, tribe or niche political subtrend.

>> No.13480154

The guy can stop treaties and declare wars so I'm sure why we should care about that cathedral thing.
Infighting among elites (Trump and business cronies vs states mandarins and left-of-center media) doesn't mean the elites are not powerful.
Case in point: people have been crying for Trump's impeachment and sometimes even psychiatric interment since almost day 1 and he's still there. Remember when Hoover had files on the President and would engage with a power struggle with him? Compare that with the how diligently the FBI has investigated both Clinton and Trump. Neither of them had to face any judicial consequence ultimately.
And Trump's laws are sometimes voted in Congress. There's more than one form of power, Trump is certanily not marginal and powerless.

>> No.13480155

Just ask deleuzians about that

>> No.13480166

Can someone explain the word 'nazi' to me? It seems that quite literally anyone could be accused of being one these days.

>> No.13480188

It's striking how you story is reminding of Edgar Poe's late life. He rejected a wannabe would-be writer socialite so she started accusing him of cheating in his wife and even started inviting herself into his private life "for his wife's sake". Even gathered quite a following of dedicated purity crusaders.

At some point Edgar Poe angrily told her that "she'd do better to take care of her own inappropriate letters" (she had sent him letters of courtship when she first tried to bang him, and she later accused him of having done the same with other women).
Since Poe was extremely gentlemanly he gave her back the letters the following day, so she burned them and he lost all evidence of his claim. Which made him look like a slanderer on top of an adulterer and only worsened his case.

The harassement was so bad that Poe's wife, who was already very sick, died after a few months.

It goes to show that contemporary american hysteria around sex owes as much to a long-standing (and frankly misogynistic) tradition of puritanism as it does to modern enlightenment.

TL;DR: You're like Edgar Poe dude, become the next Edgar Poe.

>> No.13480220

It's interesting but what justifies using those particular 5 axis instead of others? For instand the idea of justice/reparation and the idea of understanding/empathy are different from harm/care and fairness/reciprocity (though they are related) and they could arguably be attributed to leftists more than rightists.

Likewise why use purity/sanctity but not freedom/open-mindedness? Or authority/respect (person-and-status-centered value system) but not ethics/rule of conducts (laws-and-system-centered value system) ?

You can of course argue for or against any of those, but the fact I can so easily come up with alternatives axis of moral description examplifies how dubious the framework of the study is. At least if they had explicitly grounded it in an explicit philosophical system like Max Scheler's theory of objective morality they'd have solid ground to stand on, but here it looks a bit like an asspull (as it often does in this area of study).

>> No.13480234

Early Ted always reads a bit childish. Not to mention extra autistic but that's a given.

>> No.13480287


>> No.13480298
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ITT: American politics



>> No.13480312

tell your story to more people

>> No.13480314

Based Bezmenov poster.

>> No.13480316
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>AOC and Sanders are not the establishment.

>> No.13480321

We need seperate Ameristan and Rest Of The World boards

>> No.13480332

>responding to Disney shills

>> No.13480336

Even CNN hate them. In what way are they part of the establishment?

>> No.13480337

They are senators.
also see >>13479878

>> No.13480342
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>> No.13480346

But they are clearly in the minority among senators. The vats majority of politicians disagree with them on most issues.

>> No.13480353

>first they came for the edgy guys who said nigger and I did not speak out
retard, tolerance is not an absolute and it's definition is too subject to changes, today they may silence an extremist but tomorrow it could be you

>> No.13480356

Actions > Words. Agree or disagree, they're tolerated despite being extreme leftists. Compare that to how extreme right-wingers are treated. Funny how nature do that.

>> No.13480365
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Fucking die

>> No.13480376

>affordable healthcare is extremism

>> No.13480386

In what way do CNN hate them? They are constantly portrayed positively.

>In what way are they part of the establishment?
Being part of Congress for 30 years might have something to do with it. Nothing Sanders says or promotes is radical enough to be called outside the establishment. He's very much a liberal's liberal.

>> No.13480391
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>>TL;DR, if you disagree with me ur totally wrong because I said so. Look, I insulted you again! That proves how wrong you are! Clearly I am the victor. Better luck next time sweety
>I know you will simply override anything I say with posturing and derision.
>Bottom line is, you're a stupid fucking faggot and you should kill yourself.
these aren't arguments. this is mindless rage and some gaslighting.
>People can say and do whatever the fuck they want, and you can't ever stop them, short of threatening them, punishing them, or killing them. You do not deserve to monopolize on what people can say or do simply because you are convicted of your correctness and moral high ground.
any society which allows dangerous or disrespectful speech to be freely spewed can never be truly moral.
>You must provide sound reasons as to why people ought to do as you say. The possibility of hurting someone's feelings is not neccesarily a reason not to say or do something.
i believe it is called "respect"
>Certainly there is such a thing as politeness, but it is also impolite to impose your own beliefs upon everyone else.
there is a difference between forcing respect and forcing disrespect.
>If you are simply offended and not actually harmed by the behavior of an individual or group, why not simply avoid them?
not everyone *can* do that.
>They believe that the world ought to bend to their whims.
literally anyone who wants to influence the world, including in a positive way, has this mindset. try again.
won't even bother getting into the islam discussion, but fundamentally, accepting refugees is the humane and moral choice. guess which side of the fence it belongs to?
remember, we are talking about violence that is specifically spurred by the mindset of a political side.
in addition to whiteknighting for the existence of grossly cruel weaponry and using mental illness as a big scapegoat without actually doing anything about the issue, the right also inherently champions intolerance, rage and fear. but if you blame the right for all the shootings, you're a virtue signalling sjw! yeah that makes a lot of sense!
they brought up radicalism and used the "both sides" argument, so i needed to show them how lopsided the level of violence between political sides really is. it is indeed related.
tolerate tolerance, do not tolerate intolerance. that simple.
>words only have power when you give it to them
there will never be a moment where every person on the planet suddenly stops being offended by inherently offensive words. there will always be power associated with them, and thus trying to de-fang them is a fruitless endeavour.

>> No.13480394

Well, it's not their only position. You know that, so why make such a shitty post?

>> No.13480403

> they're tolerated despite being extreme leftists

Are you serious? They would be centrists in somewhere like the UK. Extreme leftists want workers control of the means of production and the total abolition of capitalism. Sanders wants a slightly higher minimum wage and slightly higher taxes on millionaires. He's a moderate among moderates.

>> No.13480412

Nobody said you're a virtue signalling SJW, definitely not me at least. I also don't believe that intolerance, rage or fear are inherently bad. Tolerance is literally enduring things you don't like. What kind of insane person would see that as a virtue?

>> No.13480427


>> No.13480434

And what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.13480444

Don't know where you came from, but it's time to go back

>> No.13480453

Extreme leftists believe that equality in any sense is good and that the individual human life should take priority over the well being of society as a whole.

We’ve just been pulled so far to the left that these things don’t seem extreme to you.

>> No.13480454

>That is YOUR definition.
and everyone else's

>> No.13480455


>> No.13480458

>the current neo-stalinist climate
god i wish

>> No.13480464

There was a story about some academics having to literally prostitute themselves to make ends meet a while back. Pretty based.

>> No.13480468

>and that the individual human life should take priority over the well being of society as a whole.
that's liberalism, not "the left"
>We’ve just been pulled so far to the left that these things don’t seem extreme to you.
god i wish

>> No.13480474

Based American't education system

>> No.13480480

I'm a European and I'm probably further to the right than anyone ITT.

>> No.13480488

> they brought up radicalism and used the "both sides" argument, so i needed to show them how lopsided the level of violence between political sides really is. it is indeed related.
The systematic act of getting people fired for their speech is an act of violence worse than any murder because it comes from a place of authority that the latter hasn’t. The left has shown that it is not in a position of power, but that it has iin itself become power.

The left has rebranded its terrorism as direct action, and it’s hilarious to see people pissing their pants in anticipation for gulags and guillotines brag about being less lethal in the current moment. The left’s weapon at the moment is institutional control, and why would they murder when they’re practically omnipotent in all social spaces?

>> No.13480493

It’s an element liberalism and leftism share. These aren’t discrete entities. You’ve been radicalized b the left’s media-academia normalization machine.

>> No.13480497

Proud calvinists get the rope first

>> No.13480513

imagine not realizing the left and liberalism have merged into one thing by now

>> No.13480522

destructive behaviour caused by self loathing, a problem with self esteem.

>> No.13480527

Typical Inner Party - Outer Party shit. The Cathedral marches on.

>> No.13480533

The only thing still separating the "left" and liberals is fiscal policy.

>> No.13480535

Why do people hate on political correctness exactly? I don't really like people who swear let alone use the n word for example

>> No.13480537

The only thing still separating the "right" and white supremacists is fiscal policy.

>> No.13480544

>morality just me and my friends

>> No.13480550

>When you are trying to perform negotiations or politics, you must first proceed by finding out what the other party wants.

Cringed so hard

>> No.13480552

In addition to the links posted by>>13478389 Jonathan Haidt compiled a lot of that work into his book "The Righteous Mind".

I found it a compelling read, but I'm just some anon on the internet so I'm probably lying.