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13475211 No.13475211 [Reply] [Original]

Could you guys recommend any books that are about esoteric religious and occult concepts? Bonus points if they are word salads. I love a good word salad especially if they are political in nature. Esoteric and self-contradictory symbolism would also be cool.

>> No.13475224

Crowley's Book of Lies + Liber Lapis Lazuli

Magnum Organum

Schelling's Ages of the World/Essence of Human Freedom

Boehme's Aurora

Robert Fludd's illustrations (Godwin has a great book on this)

>> No.13475259

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.13475298

Symbols of Sacred Science by Guenon (best to start with his first book though)

>> No.13475395

The Red Book

>> No.13475403

Fuck Guenon

Read the Prajnaparamita Sutras

>> No.13475435
File: 238 KB, 1325x441, Buddhism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a Buddhist tells me to read his shitty fake made up Buddhist scriptures
No thanks, I prefer the original doctrine and not the fake breakaway version of a doctrine based on texts falsely attributed to Buddha whose actual ideas are themselves just an uninspiring and lame ripoff of the original (the Upanishads)

>> No.13475586

-the secret teachings of all ages - manly p. hall

-the complete mystical records of dr. John Dee
- Kevin Klein (if you're into enochian, but I don't believe there exists any PDF and the book goes around for like 300$ used at minimun)

-agrippas's three books of occult philosophy (it's one of the fundamentals of western occultism)

-A practical guide to Qabalistic symbolism - Gareth Knigh (if you want to know more about the kabbala)

-Qabalah Qliphoth and Goetic Magic - Thomas Karlsson (if you don't know anything about the kabbala, it's a pretty good introduction)

-transcendental magick, it's doctrine and ritual - eliphas levi

I can give you more recommendations, if you specify how much you know and if you want me to recommend you some grimoires.

>> No.13475591

A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.13475595

I know nothing about the occult. Completely new. Thank you for the recommendations.

>> No.13475708

If you don't want to get to deep into it, than "the secret teachings of all age" would cover most of what you probably want to know. Just read a PDF(for the paperback editions of it are unreadeble and the harcoevers cost about 250$ used) of it and if you would like to know more about something specific you could go from there.

>> No.13477434

Did the /x/ mega folder with a lot of these books get moved or is it completely taken down now?

>> No.13477464

Anything from Blavatsky and Heindel

>> No.13477481

I have the cheap paperback and it's not "unreadable". Unimpressive, sure, and Hall is probably rolling over in his grave due to its existence, but completely readable. Plus I don't feel guilty underlining in writing in it like I would if it were a "nice" edition.

>> No.13477485

*underlining and writing

>> No.13477489


>> No.13477627

You're a saint. My bookmarked version wasn't working for some reason

>> No.13477837

Yezedi, Wicca, Theosophy, Sufism... everything except for mystical christianity.

Guess the one tradition that is true.

>> No.13477902

How so?

>> No.13477937

You wanna read Miguel Serrano... You really do.. Hard to find, mostly in Spanish, a few books online.

>> No.13477950
File: 367 KB, 970x1372, synchronicity tao serrano NOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serrano quotation.

>> No.13477957

That's my favorite Guenon book. literally blew my mind

>> No.13477981
File: 63 KB, 400x522, serrano_magi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based UFO Nazi Magus

should I read NOS before i read last avatar? ive already read el/ella, his book on jung/hesse, and his book on india

>> No.13477984

it repels jews and new age boomers that are open for anything except for the Word made flesh. It's an ontological state of rebellion

>> No.13478006

im a jew and i like christianity

>> No.13478017

>it repels jews and new age boomers

So? As if that makes you the "one tradition that is true".

>> No.13478043

their rebelious state does prove it is the one true tradition. Otherwise they wouldn't have so much aversion for it.

Can you imagine what goes behind a western new age boomer considering buddhism and wicca, hinduism and islamism instead of christianity? Why would a westerner rather study oriental traditions when he has christianity? That isn't perennialist folder. That is a "anything except for christianity" for rebelious reasons only.

>> No.13478062

There is a gnostic folder in there, that's enough of christianity.

>> No.13478081

The fact that morons are opposed to something doesn't prove that that's the one thing that is true, buddy. But, yeah, one should be reading Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, too.

>> No.13478129

You write like you just learned to spell last year. Are you retarded? Your beliefs are alright, though.

>> No.13479040

Occultist here. Recently read introduction to the devout life. Fuck off.