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13471941 No.13471941 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13471950
File: 155 KB, 259x287, ted montana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty interesting and funny at times but Kaczynski still has the best manifesto by quite a margin, though Elliot Roger is also up there.

>> No.13471960

Elliot's is barely a manifesto. Mere whining and not really focused.

>> No.13471968

is that the Dallas sniper?

>> No.13471969


>> No.13471970

It's not particularly well written, but it's shockingly coherent. I picked up a copy from Year Zero(?) a while ago I think. It was the full manifesto with footnotes for all of his claims about department misconduct and included the documents/reports he refers to.

I thought it would be unhinged, but its a really interesting look into just how banal the evil of a notoriously corrupt LAPD is. His partner kicks a cuffed suspect in the head, he reports it, but she's family friends with a higher up and he gets transferred. Rinse and repeat.

He's one of those guys who wanted to be a "good cop," but when faced with the inescapable toxicity of the blue line instead of accepting and becoming part of it he tries to fight it. He snaps and goes on his Black Rambo shit.

It was an interesting 15ish minute read.

>> No.13471971

It's a combination manifesto/autobiography, though you are right that there is less of the former and more of the latter. It was just really amusing and it's rare to hear the pure, unadulterated voice of someone with autism and narcissism.

>> No.13472050

I can't stand Elliot. I hate him for the same reason I hate DFW.

>> No.13472058
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I can see hating him, that makes sense, but why did you dislike his writing? Again I can see why I'm just curious what specifically.

>> No.13472083

>It's not JUST US, it's JUSTICE!!!

>> No.13472192

I never got why /pol/ loves this guy. Isn't he basically a precursor of Black Lives Matters? Didn't he just shoot some cops because he got fired for protesting police brutality against black people?

>> No.13472227

he killed his asian roomates for literally no reason and then shot some random faggots in the streets or something. the most retarded radical person in history. a total amateurish and misguided fool. putting him in the same conversation as Uncle Ted is an insult to Uncle Ted.

>> No.13472238

Are you talking about eliot

>> No.13472242

I guess it's the closest thing to a radical centrist manifesto we'll ever get.

>> No.13472243

>>13472227 meant for >>13471950

>> No.13472248

He was also trying to expose police corruption, police brutality against black people (everyone already knows about that) was just a part of it. Unrelated to his manifesto he triggered the cops and made them so hysterical it exposed how stupid they were, which includes them shooting at innocent people to try to catch him.

>> No.13472255

Elliot wasn't a radical, he was an incredibly stupid, deluded autist. I ranked his manifesto higher because it was hilarious, it isn't comparable in terms of ideology/content/reason to Ted's. Elliot had some writing flair to him too.

>> No.13472439
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why do you hate DFW u turbo nerd?