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13471552 No.13471552 [Reply] [Original]

How am I supposed to go on after reading this? I feel utterly demoralized and have completely lost any hope I had for the possibility that I might have a fulfilling life. I hate my shitty job even more now and wish I could leave and just escape from the slavery of modern society as a whole. Should I just kill myself?

>> No.13471796

Should I read it on my Kindle?

>> No.13471863
File: 97 KB, 1051x645, 1561655496383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't he just join the Amish?

>> No.13471872
File: 1.51 MB, 1000x1500, 1562638961627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you read this

>> No.13471934
File: 227 KB, 2048x1024, 4L_wPOtaKvF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I just kill myself?
No, that's always the most cringe and bluepilled thing to do. remember that. alway rember hapy day
ISAIF is a pretty big redpill to swallow, you should first give yourself some time to process it, since it's quite possible you haven't even let yourself do that.
after that, think about what you want to do with this info, are you gonna try to seek ways to organize against the system, are you just gonna try and move innawoods and find a trad grugina waifu, will you just live with it and do nothing, or maybe something different from all of the above. but don't let this demoralize you. that's the exact opposite of it's point.
also don't fall into the "Tedhole", ISAIF might just be the most important document written in the last century, maybe ever, but don't assume you "know it all" after you've read it. books may have been a disaster for the human race, but you WILL benefit from trying to learn and read more in the messed up confusing world you've wound up in.
also this

>> No.13471945

build a cabin you fucking puss

>> No.13471948

The Amish don't accept random people joining.

I want to read it but it must be a physical copy and I don't want to buy it and my library doesn't have it.

>> No.13471957
File: 13 KB, 328x499, TheFoundationforExploration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the spiritual successor

>> No.13471980

Quite possibly the most life-changing book I've ever read. Goonan operates on a higher plane.

>> No.13471987

>my library doesn't have it
Of course they don't, it's a book written by a recent political radical.

Just don't buy it from Amazon:

>> No.13472006
File: 40 KB, 220x337, Fredy Perlman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it's time you read this

>> No.13472021

My library had the first book.

>> No.13472031

Now watch this.

>> No.13472135
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Now you read The Technological Society.

>> No.13472179
File: 102 KB, 700x839, 1563216410814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just the beginning. Now read 'Meditations on Moloch', then Land's Jacobite articles.

>> No.13472212

This, Meditations on Moloch is going to destroy you if you get it.

>> No.13472251

Meditations on Moloch -> Against His-story, Against Leviathan -> exit

>> No.13472283

Man things really get pseudy after Kant, huh?

>> No.13472293


>> No.13472296

If that poorly written drivel demoralized you then you lack the resolve of a man

>> No.13472304

>Against His-story, Against Leviathan
Pretty sure Ted is very much against the line of thought put forth in this volume.

>> No.13472319

t. oversocialized leftist

>> No.13472326

Not him but thank you for this, it's exactly what I needed after reading Camatte.

>> No.13472333

I'm glad, still reading it and loving it so far. yeah yeah maybe a little idealized here and there but 99% of it is blisteringly true

>> No.13472399


That's exactly what I am, and proud of it. There's literally no actual philosophical basis for Ted's beliefs but his own schizophrenia

>> No.13472432

>There's literally no actual philosophical basis for Ted's beliefs but his own schizophrenia
Wrong, and I disagree with his schizophrenia diagnosis. He fucked up in a lot of ways, but his philosophy itself is pretty legitimate.

>> No.13472542

What does an oversocialized gnat like you know about it?

>> No.13472621

Just started reading ISAIF today. The first thing about leftists just screamed boomer but when he gets into power process and fulfilment it’s pretty good.

>> No.13472628
File: 89 KB, 639x523, PT0116_FEATUR_UNABOMBER_06_v2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just screamed boomer
He was.

>> No.13472708

underrated manifesto

>> No.13473346

based and zoomerpilled

>> No.13473397

Some people think that the proper response to the tedpill is to avoid learning any sort of technical skills and isolate oneself from society, but this does nothing to solve the problem.
Ted spent years working in mathematics and while he viewed it as pointless, it gave him the experience needed to build working bombs and evade capture until his brother turned him in. The way that you go on is by engaging fully with your own personal power processes, regardless of how difficult that might be in industrial society.
Only by continuously gaining in historical and philosophical knowledge, and relentlessly building on your own technical ability(s) of choice can you make yourself useful to any effort to cut the head off the snake.

>> No.13473505


Very good post by that anon. Really shows how shit Land is and that continental philosophy ended with Deleuze

>> No.13473564

I don't think ISAIF is an indictment of technology as much as it is an indictment of the industrial mode of society. Cumbrains who say "hurrr but you use computer" clearly aren't understanding the point he's making. Ted is criticizing how industrialization specifically changed social roles and how societies treated people within them in a fairly cold and rational way. It's not really technology that is inherently bad. I imagine that in a hypothetical (and frankly, unrealistic) future circumstance of people exploring space, the problems described in ISAIF would not manifest as much or as severely. The frontier way of life affects people differently. But what do I know?

>> No.13473961

Ted specifically critiques of modern technological society are entirely secondary to his belief that technological society will destroy the earth and make humanity go extinct in the very near (relatively speaking) future.

Ted has even argued the reason we don't have any signs of intelligent life is because such societies invariably destroy themselves by the time they reach a level where they could communicate with us.

Ted is against anything that has high energy needs, a hammer is not "tech" a computer is. "don't use your computer" is just retarded because Ted isn't calling for some voluntary protest, he calls to bring the whole thing down for everyone.

Reminder Ted is a self-professed libtard when it comes to his personal inclinations. He has issues with how technological society affects modern human life, but he likely finds the rampant misogyny, animal abuse, child abuse, early deaths etc etc of primitive society as much or more of an anathema. The difference is primitive society is sustainable.

if you read anti-tech revolution, he goes into why after a collapse another industrial revolution could never happen, so we'd be set forever.

>> No.13473962

Just kys

>> No.13473975

>Available now on Amazon