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1346932 No.1346932 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this series today. Can we have a Mistborn thread?

THAT ENDING TWIST. Sure is fucking cliffhanger, and I doubt we'll get that second Mistborn trilogy due to Sanderson trying to write too many fucking books at once. At least maybe his stand-alone will come out and we can finally find out what the last two metals are. Anyone else think that was a bit of an asspull?
Is there any news on the next trilogy at all, anyway?

Also, what are some other good Sanderson books? I was looking at some summaries of them a while back. The excerpt of Warbreaker at the end of Hero of Ages sounded like an interesting book, as well as the Stormlight series. Elantris doesn't seem too interesting to me, but what else is there?

>> No.1346947

>throwaway fantasy dreck

makes sense

>> No.1346945

His Alcatraz books (don't ask me what they're like). He's a relatively writer so he doesn't have much else; on the contrary, it is outstanding he has so much already.

Oh, and of course the two co-written Wheel of Time books.

>> No.1346950

I never got into Wheel of Time and don't plan on it, honestly.

>> No.1346964

Suit yourself.

(correction to previous post: He's a relative NEW writer, damnit)

>> No.1346974

Yeah, that's understandable. It's just that he should focus on what he's currently working on instead of new shit all the time, but his career is writing so I guess he can do whatever the fuck he wants whenever the fuck he wants.

>> No.1347013

No book threads on /lit/? :\

>> No.1347019

hey bro if /lit/ is too slow for ur liking you can always bitch and moan in a couple of camwhore threads back on the arkanine right?

>> No.1347021

I think that's a bit harsh. I think he is concentrating on his "current" material, i.e. finishing WoT, continuing Stormlight, and apparently bringing out another Mistborn trilogy in the future.

Writing novellas is probably a necessity to get away from those behemoths once in a while.

>> No.1347027

Well, that's what I meant. I know he's obligated to finish WoT, and I'd like the idea of the next Mistborn trilogy sooner, as well as more Stormlight, since that sounds like an interesting series, but it seems he tries to write a billion other books in the meantime. :|

>> No.1347030

I'm not really following you on what are these billion other books...?

>> No.1347038

Just read his blogs sometimes. It's like he has 10-20+ other projects he tries to work on.

>> No.1347043

You are now aware that Elantris is Brandon Sanderson's only good book.

I liked Mistborn when it first came out but when I started the third book I just threw it down with disgust, WAY too much Mormon moralfaggotry for my liking, the main character might as well be named Sir White ShiningLord. People do not act like that. Everybody on the "good side" in that book is full of horrible goodie-two-shoes dialogue and dilemmas that consist of being holier than thou.

Plus the Mistborn is one big fuckton of inconsistencies, check out the forums at timewastersguide.com. It's probably because he writes so damn fast, but his series all contain GIANT mistakes that negate entire timelines.

Elantris is good because it contains no (or few?) inconsistencies and actually brings up interesting quandaries, plus the prose doesn't make me want to vomit either.

I don't know what the fuck he did the first go around but he needs to get back to whatever he was doing on his first novel.

>> No.1347056

Got any certain specifics?

Not that I disagree with you, I'm honestly interested to read more about it. I did notice how throughout the entire series, there was only about four-five different facial expressions, and Breeze overused the fuck out of his phrase.

>> No.1347066

I don't mean to keep bumping, but as I'm not looking at the front page, is /lit/ really this slow, or am I just impatient?

>> No.1347068

Lit is slow.

>> No.1347074

Gotcha. Maybe this thread can go somewhere today, at least.

>> No.1347523


>> No.1348490


Sorry e-reader convert, but Elantris was so incredible full of Mormon mythology it wanted to conquer the Americas and call all the Indians sinners.

Mistborn had a couple, but Sanderson has steadily moved away from the Mormon mythology since Elantris, Didn't really see any in Warbreaker or Way of Kings

>> No.1348492

Elantris is the only Sanderson book I've read besides the WoT stuff. I'll be honest, I wasn't that impressed. Fairly entertaining, but also just incredibly light to the point of being irritating. Almost oversweet. And the last line actually, legitimately made me want to punch people IRL. This is not a joke. I hated the last line with a passion, for some reason. It is actually physically sharpied out in my copy of the book.

>> No.1348535

I loved it too, reading the Alcatraz one's at the moment. They're a good light read.

>> No.1348649

I haven't read Elantris, but I had a similar - if not quite so strong - reaction to an event at the end of the first Mistborn book. It was so ridiculous I've felt no inclination to continue the series afterward (except in my darkest moments...).

>> No.1348668 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1349477

Which event was that?

>> No.1349502

After Kelsier died and the common folk went thirsting for noble blood, Elend talked them out of it. Bloody Elend! The son of the most prominent nobleman, a noble himself, who previously didn't exhibit any characteristics of fine oratorship, talked that noble-hunting posse back into their homes! His speech wasn't even shown, which further reinforced to me that it was highly implausible.

Otherwise I thought the novel ranged from OK to pretty good, but dog's balls that event was just plain silly.

>> No.1349599

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Been a while since I read the first sorry. Does sound like a load of shit though.
I enjoyed the series as a whole. Sure, there were mistakes but meh, decent original world and story. Pretty good overall. I've only got one more new book to read then I'm out of books. ;_;

>> No.1349985

I fucking hated Elend. He gets more and more ridiculous as the series goes on. I wasn't surprised when Sanderson said he was a self insert.

>> No.1349990

So Elend was basically Sanderson in-series? Any other neat Mistborn tidbits?

>> No.1349995

He writes commentary on his chapters on his blog. You can read it there.