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File: 459 KB, 600x1000, 0D092FB2-6783-452D-9346-DF6F0B27A19B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13467780 No.13467780 [Reply] [Original]

Are we slaves?

>> No.13467784

Slaves to the blowjack meme. Yes.

>> No.13467785

If you are a consumerist, cumbrain, voluptuary, hedonist or sensualist, yes.

>> No.13467786

The hope is in the proles, Orwell knew we’d be like this for at least 1000 years, eating tide pods, using gay fucking iPhones, reclusive

>> No.13467793

Actually let me take back my stance on reclusive people, because reclusive people have the right idea, the reject the masses which is smart, and seek out to do great things.

>> No.13467800

The only way out of the mess is to organize a collective. Individualism alone is a dead end. A union of egoists is best

>> No.13467803

you really dont like wojak memes lol
you are a wojak meme butterfly embrace it

>> No.13467804

Everyone is a slave to their hypothalamus

>> No.13467805

Down with Capitalism, Down with Big Brother. I got you butters.

>> No.13467808
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I’m not

>> No.13467812
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>> No.13467828

Reminder that Peirce refuted egoism of all kinds and a "union of egoists" is an childish analogy to the Peirceian ideal of a collaborative community that fails epicly.

>> No.13467830
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I'm not. I've had it gammaknifed.

>> No.13467840

Literally who?
The UoE is rather briefly mentioned

>> No.13467845

>Knows who forehead is
>Doesn't know who Peirce is

>> No.13467851
File: 11 KB, 645x773, wojakconcerned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends all waking hours on /lit/, /lgbt/, /fa/, /fit/
>i-i'm not a wojak...

>> No.13467856
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anyone have any more doomer wojak pics?

>> No.13467866

Whats it like being free? I heard people with lesions to the hypothalamus have no motivation to do anything, even eat or sleep.

>> No.13467873
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/fit/? Never
/lgbt/ not in years

>> No.13467890

/fit/ is an exit board. I think you’ve still got dues to pay here. What’s your take on /lgbt/? Why the disdain? Genuinely curious.

>> No.13467908

I sure fucking am

>> No.13467924

Finally the butterfly speaks sense.

>> No.13467925

If you act like one, sure

>> No.13467936

dumb dyel

>> No.13467943
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Not me.

>> No.13467977

I led her to that

>> No.13467984
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Man is free the moment he wishes to be.

>> No.13468001

Last I was there it was plastered with trans threads and trolls that love/hate them. A hand full of lesbians tried to make a lesgen, but it was always harassed by trolls. I told them what had to be done to fix the issue, but of course they wouldn’t listen. The men pretending to be women loudest of all. They even ousted the handful of girls who confessed to being bisexual. Rotten feelings all around you there. Some nice girls left and I had no reason to stick around.

Ive been saying this since I read Stirner

>Meanwhile at Hippel’s

>> No.13468014

Second thing u said that makes sense, considering you're a woman this is default tho

>> No.13468017

Yes we are, until y'all grow balls and group together we're all slaves. We can grow past this tho

>> No.13468025

I wish we were, at least slaves didn't have to worry about getting a job, finding an apartment and so on.

>> No.13468043

>I told them what had to be done to fix the issue, but of course they wouldn’t listen
holy shit

>> No.13468050

I feel famous for the fact you responded to me. I’m trying to figure out the best way to word this, so bear with me, if you can. Is the dysfunctionality of /lgbt/ due to the inherent 4chan self preservation mechanism, by which I mean this place is a fucking nightmare echo chamber of hate to keep bullshit and asinine opinions out, or is it inherent to the community? And by extension, your own failure to understand and acknowledge it, if that is the case? I don’t spend time on that board, so I’m extrapolating /lit/ to /lgbt/. Second, why do you hate /fit/?

>> No.13468059

Yeah. They even had a chat room at the time. Some girls had proofs!
But, as i said, the males discouraged it and got them fighting.

>> No.13468061

This is a good point, just go on discord if you want namefagging which builds a community and limits nihilistic trolling

>> No.13468066

I can see y you hate trannies lmao
Ppl are too retarded and passive and can't group together to save their lives, it's your horrid 300 years of liberalism which caused this

>> No.13468106

I think it’s a mess there, and most if not all boards, because of the self imposed single name anonymity, which is tailor made for trolling and little else. It’s an antisocial media site, ut anywhere there’s trip/name users, there’s a little faux community
I’m no expert on the homosexual or trans community, I just don’t think the ones who come here aren’t immune to the pitfalls.
I come here because I let myself become addicted. I’m like a sociologist, make notes and learning about authors and philosophy. Wasting most of my time but learning too.
I don’t hate /fit/. Just never been. Like most other boards

>> No.13468161

I’m having trouble understanding what you’re saying. What do you mean by “I’m no expert on the homosexual or trans community, I just don’t think the ones who come here aren’t immune to the pitfalls.“

Why do you hold yourself so above all this? From the outside looking in, you’re clearly a member of the community that you claim to not be a part of, and have disdain for.

>> No.13468189

I just mean they act like any of the straights. Kind of a duh point.

I’m part of an antisocial non-network, that resists any kind of community. I don’t care about my otherness to them. Any hauteur is either imaginary or meant humorously

>> No.13468230
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One minute later

>> No.13468251

It’s a claim with the only proof being your own word, but ok. I’m out for the night, but I’ll find you another day.

>> No.13468278

>The only way out of the mess is to organize a collective. Individualism alone is a dead end. A union of egoists is best
Bear with me, but, have you considered the alternative of suicide? Say, killing yourself?

>> No.13468350

Wow are you trying to say you orbit her harder than me, sweetie?

>> No.13468366

what a dumb bitch jesus christ

>> No.13468936

How can you give up with that Chad-ass hair? And that beard?

>> No.13469744

No one cares about your thought process and what you think or do.

>> No.13469759

>waaah men shut us down
Google image search “lesbian woman” and “gay man”

Note the difference

>> No.13469794
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x960, 7BF74B1E-4C6E-4EFB-96A5-68813ABF1838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defending the men of lesgen
Stupid troll.
>Use google