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File: 5 KB, 188x268, Mainlander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13466975 No.13466975 [Reply] [Original]

Been seeing a lot of people talk about Mainlander on here. I think it has to do with the new translation that just came out.

What can you tell me about him (besides the whole, heat death is heaven, the Messiah is a deliverer of eternal sleep, etc. etc. stuff)? Do you think he's still relevant today? Has he been superseded or not? I plan on starting PoR soon.

>> No.13467020

Since when was Mainlander's Philosophy of Redemption been translated? I know someone on Reddit did a translation, but it's Reddit and I'm looking for something a tad more professional.

>> No.13467036


This is it, it's the reddit one, looks solid to me though

>> No.13467037

His political critique shows some internal hope, but it's extrinsically useless considering the age and relative lack of economic theory; However, his anthropology of religion is very much relevant, as well as his breakdown between idealism/realism and the dimensions therein.

>> No.13467040

>I think it has to do with the new translation that just came out.



>> No.13467069

Did you hear anything about that Australian university that was supposed to be working on an translation? It's a shame that both Mainlander and Zapffe remain obscure.

>> No.13467094

I have not.

>> No.13467122

>The attentive reader who is familiar with the history of philosophy, will have found, that the by me presented teaching contains important truths that had been discovered by Kant and Schopenhauer without any change, as well as results, that can be led back to brilliant thoughts of these great men, although I have nowhere invoked Kant or Schopenhauer.
Are you seriously telling me this is a good translation. "That the by me presented teaching"? Reddit has NEVER and will NEVER produce anything good. Now scurry on back to that rat's nest you fucking pleb.

>> No.13467159

Are you retarded, anon? I just said it was from Reddit and I want something more professional. The only actual translation is Oxford 's Weltschmerz: Pessimism in German Philosophy, 1860-1900, but it's second source and isn't solely about Mainlander.

>> No.13467165

Oh sorry, I forgot that monolinguals can't infer for shit. Here:
>>The attentive reader, who is familiar with the history of philosophy, will have found that the by-me-presented teaching contains important truths that had been discovered by Kant and Schopenhauer without any change, as well as results that can be led back to [the] brilliant thoughts of these great men, although I have nowhere invoked Kant or Schopenhauer.
It must be difficult, living as a linguistic mendicant, and you have my sympathy. Try to recognize your role as having some nobility, some sentimental affection, and you'll lash out with less and less ressentiment until you've finally accepted your lot.

>> No.13467166


This. I know someone who speaks fluent German (he's a math teacher) and I sent it to him and he said it's little better than someone plunking the original text into Google translate

>> No.13467173

>That the by me presented teaching"
it's clear what is meant so who cares

>> No.13467354


>Name: Christian ROMUSS

>Project Title: Continuities and discontinuities between the thought of Arthur Schopenhauer and Philipp Mainlaender

>Advisors: Dr Stephan Atzert, Dr Geoff Wilkes

It's still an ongoing project.

>> No.13467378

Looks like a secondary source, but it's better than nothing. Thank you, senpai.

>> No.13468331

>Do you think he's still relevant today?

>> No.13468367

damn i can't believe there are still untranslated works in 2019. there are billions of people and hundreds of years have passed and yet no one has done anything

>> No.13469677
File: 19 KB, 276x350, Albert-Camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex

>> No.13469944

In moments like these I feel great for being fluent in german.