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/lit/ - Literature

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13462072 No.13462072 [Reply] [Original]

I read 44 pages today frens! Woo!

>> No.13462085

That's fuckin awesome dude I read about 30 but after reading your post I think I want to read some more.

>> No.13462097

It took me 4 hours to read that though. It was moderately dense (Orphic Roots of Platonism by Uzdavinyz) and I was taking notes and writing down definitions for every word I didn't know. It was tons of fun though. Reading is so cool! Thoughts from millions of people through time and space, all accessible to me right now!

>> No.13462195

that's the best attitude towards reading i've ever seen on this site.

>> No.13462199

Nice. I read 40 pages of Swann's Way today. Haven't enjoyed a book this much in a while, Proust is on another level.

>> No.13462205

Apologies for the comma splice.

>> No.13462210

Based thread. Keep it up, my friends. There's always more to absorb and more to give out. Be receptive to all sensation and stimuli.

>> No.13462217
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>> No.13462264

That's right. People so take for granted the global libraries we have now, that in a few books is the crystallization of an earlier master's life. Every observation, thought, discussion, word written by those admired sages, which they have given a lifetime of indomitable heart and mind to, synthesized for you to spend not a lifetime learning, but only days. It's really miraculous when you don't take it for granted.

>> No.13462271

I unfortunately didn't read any, however I did go to the gym, so I'm still happy. Nice job on the 44 too. :)

>> No.13462360

I read somewhat slow but most people I know don't read at all so I achieve supremacy through a lack of competition (; _ ;)

>> No.13462392

reading speed doesn't matter, just read, read stuff you want to read, and read stuff that will challenge you (and interest you). it's not a competition.

>> No.13462399
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This is a perfect thread.

>> No.13462689

No wonder people say Proust is an elder-god of the novel. At times it is incredibly comfy and incredibly reflective, and at others inflicts such scenes of devasting and borderline psychological torture that ones entire moral and societal framework can be turned inside out by his words alone. Unironically the effect is less pronounced if the reader hasn’t been desensitized to the workings of the world by 4chan cynicism already, but it does take a special kind of autist to tackle even a bit of Proust in the first place that’s not a sentimental woman

>> No.13462748

Good job man.

>> No.13462760


Good job! Keep going and keep posting these threads on /lit/.

The trick is to keep the OP short, as you've been doing. Then post details, as I'm sure you've been-oh heck you're doing the right thing, you don't need my help.

>> No.13462786

I read a few more of Seneca's letters, but I feel like I should take the time to mentally digest them before I read more.

>> No.13463694

Nice one! My goal for today is 52 pages. Don't ask me why 52. But it's 52. I am currently 17 pages there.

>> No.13463717

Starting to read Nietzsche after listening to the Great Courses lecture series on him and it's been good.

>> No.13464098

roderick is the best

>> No.13464169

He's good too. What's neat about this one is that's it's taught by two Nietzsche scholars, Robert C. Solomon, and his wife, who happens to also be a Nietzsche scholar.

>> No.13464175

That's awesome man! I need to read more. Thanks for having a positive attitude, maybe I'll go read now

>> No.13464188

this is cringe... reading shouldn't be fun. It's something we force ourselves to do in case anyone would ever ask us what the books we have on our shelves are about.

>> No.13464201

i either read 100+ pages a day, or get high and do nothing the whole day, once or twice a week. who else has nothing in between?

>> No.13464699

Why 52?

>> No.13464701

That's my boy!

>> No.13464712

I must have read something like 25 so far. :3

>> No.13464720

this. if you actually enjoy reading then you're reading wrong. fucking stop.

>> No.13464835

Good job anon. You're doing better than most people here

>> No.13464855

>thread about the basic action of reading words gets thousands of replies
>on a board dedicated to the discussion of literature between people of age

>> No.13464858

Is this the /lit/ "we're gonna make it"?

>> No.13464862

>haven’t read anything yet

>> No.13465068

Today was excellent. I had the whole day free and read No One Writes To The Colonel, Story of the Eye, and finished Pedro Paramo. Tomorrow I will knock out a few more since it is a free day.

>> No.13465073

Try to ease up on the negativity, frens!

>> No.13465121
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Didn’t have it in me to read today frens, usually manage about 30 but I’m too tired. Try again tomorrow I guess

>> No.13465130

I enjoy taking my time when reading. I can rush when I need to for work or something but not for recreation my dude. As long as you enjoy it

>> No.13465170

I’m sure you can do it anon

>> No.13465173

I said don’t ask, friendo

>> No.13465192

I read 76 pages this morning before lunch and played some Switch and PC games

>> No.13465193

Spoken just like someone who spends all day on anime discussion imageboards instead of reading

>> No.13465200

This is a wonderfully comfy thread, thanks anon.

>> No.13465315

I only read one chapter of the Odyssee today but thats okay because tomorrow I have a long trainride and a lot of time to read.

I really hope Odysseus gets home.

>> No.13465367

>want to start a new book
>it has a 100 pages introduction

>> No.13465377

But I’m so curious

>> No.13465398
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>> No.13465434

Just don't read the fucking introduction

>> No.13465441

I never read them, or the foreword.

It’s like skipping the trailers at the movies anon, it’s okay.

>> No.13465466

If you don't enjoy a book is it better to soldier through and finish it, or just put it down and move on?

>> No.13465715
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>tfw read 50 pages of the bible each day for the last 2 days

>> No.13466152

It depends how much you don't enjoy it and why you're reading it

>> No.13466160

>I really hope Odysseus gets home.
Doesn't the Odyssey "spoil" this in the first few lines?

>> No.13466178

I've been reading 50 pages a day since a long time ago
Sometimes I can even read 75-100 pages per day, depending on the book
>I read 25 pages in the morning, then 25 pages in the afternoon, if I feel like it I read more 25 pages at night before sleep

>> No.13467399

Cool! I have ADHD, so I can't do that, but I like to come here and experience reading vicariously.

>> No.13467412
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I haven't read a single page in more than a week

>> No.13467414

Took all day but I’ve done like 70 pages of The Idiot today. Hit Ippolit’s first speech last night and have been hooked since. Had a similar experience with C&P where the book just clicked around 1/3 through and I don’t wanna stop. Can I expect this from all Dosto novels?

>> No.13467421


>> No.13467423

Why not? What's been distracting you?

>> No.13467424

I stopped reading when I saw it, retype your comment if you would like me to read it

>> No.13467426
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>> No.13467427

i keep procrastinating and i can't fucking stop :(

>> No.13467493
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Almost cried with this one, OH FUCK

>> No.13467569

what - specifically - do you do instead?

>> No.13467594

browse 4chan and watch youtube videos...

>> No.13467622

ah, i see. Are there any physical spaces you can go to that are away from your electronic devices that distract you?

>> No.13467636

Not really.. I think I'll start going to the gym, just to get out of my comfort zone, maybe that'll help.

>> No.13467649

My new wallpaper

>> No.13467655

So you’ve read 100 pagesof the Bible?

Why not just say that as oppposed to an elongated trend analysis of two fucking days??

>> No.13467656

If you have distractions, you'll be distracted. Simple as. That's why monks isolate themselves. Leave willpower out of the equation and don't inflict unnecessary temptation on yourself. We're only human.

>> No.13467657

Because this is a blog thread

>> No.13467806

you go man gonna start reading right now

>> No.13467859

Hush, child.