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13463366 No.13463366 [Reply] [Original]

my politics tend to be pretty hard left, but I'm still really curious about this, is it worth reading even though I probably won't agree with her philosophy?

>> No.13463388

If you want to grapple with the philosophy you are better off picking up the virtue of selfishness and objectivist epistemology which combined are shorter than atlas shrugged. If you want to read a political thriller you are better off picking up a Tom Clancy novel. If you wanna grasp the aesthetic appeal of Rand then read the novel.

>> No.13463431

I am a national socialist (fascism with leftist economic policies) and I read this. It opened my eyes to what real morality actually is. Self-interest is a characteristic that should not be looked down upon. Self-interest is essential to be a truly happy person. Her philosophy largely makes sense, but where it lacked was the biological component. What Rand did not realize that extreme rightist policies (small government, free market, etc.) will not work in a world that has Negroes, Mongoloids (East Asians) or Jews. Humans are tribalistic creatures, and this tribalism has been brainwashed only out of Europeans and European Americans. This means that other populations who are tribalistic will continue to work together among their tribes (race or ethnicity).

This will result in a situation where Europeans and Asian Caucasoids (Central Asians, north Indians, Levantians) will eventually be pushed into a meek and disharmonious position. We see this atm in the US where white people have become pussified and feminized. White men are self-destructive and completely selfless.

The final red pill is to realize that essentially the economic policies have no bearing on righteousness or happiness for as long as nation-states are heterogeneous. Singapore is capitalist and prosperous. Japan is quite socialist and prosperous. The common denominator is that these states have no significant Negroe, white or Jew populations.

>> No.13463452


>> No.13463487

>fascism with leftist economic policies


>> No.13463499

Jews are white though. I don't understand how you can say ruskies and Lithuanians should be included in your white utopia but exclude jews.

>> No.13463528

Yes, because all Jews are are Ashkenazim with multiple gentile great-grandparents.

>> No.13463547

Fascism is by default leftist. Fascism aims for self-reliance (not having to do trade with foreign entities) and improving the well-being of their own tribe.

The socialistic aspects of National Socialism:

funding numerous worker’s welfare programs including:

- Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.
- 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people (Between 1933-1938). 2 million people went on cruises, and 11 million went on theater trips.
- Every citizen was given a radio.
- A 5 day work week for all citizens.
- Free Public Health.
- Hitler’s government banned Trade Unions, and it was mandatory that all workers had to join the German labor Front trade union. Strikes were banned, and people who refused to work were imprisoned.
- Every large factory had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools for its workers.
- Organized Industrial Production & Farming for self-sufficiency
- Hitler initiated a policy of self-sufficiency, where the goal was to produce only what is required by Germans. The goal of the National-Socialist government was to produce for its country everything the German people needed without having to rely on imports to meet the needs of its citizens. Along with the calculated production of material goods, new policies were introduced so that the aim of farming was to produce what German’s needed, not what was most profitable. The government subsidized the farmers for loss of profit and farmers were given guarantees that all of what was grown would be purchased.
- Public welfare programs with the slogan “None shall starve nor freeze”. Every year, high-ranking Nazi’s and citizens would take to the streets to collect charity for the unfortunate, which generated a feeling of comradeship toward those in need. They even went to the extent of publishing names of those who didn’t give charity in the paper as a punishment or reminder of their neglect. According to Mark Weber of theInstitute for Historical Review,
“On one occasion, a civil servant was prosecuted for failure to donate, and his argument that it was voluntary was dismissed on the grounds it was an extreme view of liberty, to neglect all duties not actually prescribed by law, and therefore an abuse of liberty.”

Jews are a semitic people. Semitic people, especially Jews, have Negroid admixture. More importantly, Jews have no home state, therefore they are not loyal to any state, a Jew will always be subversive in whatever country they are. They will not stop scheming until the entire planet looks like Robert De Niro's kids.

>> No.13463551


>> No.13463562

11 million jews out of a total of 15 million are ashkenazi

>> No.13463570

>More importantly, Jews have no home state, therefore they are not loyal to any state, a Jew will always be subversive in whatever country they are. They will not stop scheming until the entire planet looks like Robert De Niro's kids.
Neither do whites. Different whites belong to different nationalities.

>> No.13463581

>Fascism is by default leftist
This is only true insofar as you view ‘government economic planning’ as leftist.

Otherwise, Fascism is technically conservative.

>> No.13463583

A German moving to the UK will never be subversive because the German has a homeland that he wouldn't want anyone to be subversive to. The German who moves to another European state will not have underlying evil motivations. It is also not within the nature of Europeans or Central Asians to be subversive.

>> No.13463596

Cool. Come back when it is 15 out of 15.

>> No.13463608

>A German moving to the UK will never be subversive because the German has a homeland that he wouldn't want anyone to be subversive to
What do you mean by 'subversive'?
I can also guarantee you that very few people have this thought process. Nobody thinks, "I could commit a crime but I wouldn't want any immigrants committing crimes in germany so I won't do it." That's just retarded.
>The German who moves to another European state will not have underlying evil motivations. It is also not within the nature of Europeans or Central Asians to be subversive.
I can't imagine what kind of person could buy into this shit. Are you being vague on purpose?

>> No.13463609

Conservatism describes social policies and your views on morality. The left-right scale describes economic policy. The word "leftism" has been hijacked by progressives or so-called "liberals".

Economically: left vs right
Socially/morally: conservative vs progressive (or as I would like to call it: degenerate)

For example, communist are left and so are fascists. Communists may be conservative or progressive, as communism only describes the economic policies. Fascists are conservatives by necessity, as it is a label that describes the government holistically.

>> No.13463619

I don't understand you. If you want to exclude non-ashkenazi jews you can make a policy excluding non-ashkenazi jews. By excluding all jews you are casting too big a net.

>> No.13463630

>I don't understand you.
I am responding to the notion that Jews (implying all Jews) are white, when this is, as you admitted, not the case.

>> No.13463633

It's badly written and doesn't say anything useful I never got the hype

>> No.13463640
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Subversive as in pretending to be of native stock to make it easier to gain governmental or corporate power, while having allegiance to your own tribe. This can be seen by how often Jews practice nepotism. Jews are disproportionally involved in policies that try to give advantageous to non-native people within western countries.

> I can't imagine what kind of person could buy into this shit. Are you being vague on purpose?
It's my perspective

>> No.13463649

The book is incredibly shit regardless of where you stand politically

>> No.13463662

For fuck's sake /pol/, stay on your board

>> No.13463664

How is Bernie Sanders loyal to his "tribe"? He literally wants to tax the rich and raise minimum wage. He's for the working people. He's the only anti-establishment candidate in America. I guess because he's Jewish he's bad?

>> No.13463679

>Hitler’s government banned Trade Unions, and it was mandatory that all workers had to join the German labor Front trade union. Strikes were banned, and people who refused to work were imprisoned
Peak socialism right here

>> No.13463719
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, bernie-sanders-AudiR8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How is Bernie Sanders loyal to his "tribe"?
Bernie the frail feminine beta male wants to open borders and provide free stuff for illegal immigrants. This will make it easier and incentivize non-Americans to come to the US. This will further the Jewish goal to make everyone on Earth look like Rober De Niro's sons through two ways; firstly, non-whites with free stuff will have it easier to propagate their own tribe; secondly; more non-whites coupled with social engineering will cause the decline of unmixed tribes through race-mixing

> He literally wants to tax the rich and raise the minimum wage. He's for the working people.

Bernie is an old man who will live for maybe 10 more miserable years. He's made enough money to buy what he wants. He's increasing taxation so that it is harder for people with jobs to afford to have children. This reduces non-negroe and non-mutt populations.

> I guess because he's Jewish he's bad?
Being Jewish is absolutely reason enough not to trust him. However, this particular Jew resonates his subversiveness more explicitly.

>> No.13463765

i know its not a perfect example but botswana is developing very well with free market,i dont understand why your guys want a dictator to rule your own life

>> No.13463769

>small goverment
>free markets
>extreme right

>> No.13463788

not really.
But it might chime with you.
Lots of people from the far left became right-wing individualists/libertarians in the 90's. Half of the Brexit party in the UK are ex-Trotskyists. Likewise, members of the project for the new american century thinktank.

>> No.13463799

It's pretty much garbage throughout, from a technical and does not present a conservative or even libertarian world view that is consistent with the world. It's so long that you shouldn't waste your time. A better conservative writer might be Dostoevesky or VS Naipaul or Celine because they tap into something real.

>> No.13463819

>open borders
Well that took like 2 seconds of googling
Anything else you say is pure speculation since Bernie has not yet released his immigration plan
>Bernie is old and rich, he won't lose out
Bernie has been consistent in his positions for years. There are clips of him from when he was a young man talking about corporate power and healthcare and free college. In 2003 he was talking about big money in politics.
>it's harder for people with jobs to have kids
I don't understand how reining in corporations through taxation and raising the minimum wage and abolishing the private healthcare tax is going to make it harder to have kids.

>> No.13463846

It speaks to a lot of conservatives and liberals who were frustrated by Roosevelt Democrats and Eisenhower Republicans. These people were joined up with the hippies in their goal of dismantling the state and empowering NGO's.

>> No.13463856
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This is a video game analysis by a Christian ex-Randian. It's probably the best recent piece on Rand that I know of - watch it.

>> No.13463881

> Anything else you say is pure speculation since Bernie has not yet released his immigration plan
By open borders I don't mean inviting people to immigrate, but not deporting illegals. I am pretty sure his stance is that any illegals in the US may stay there.
Example showing his traitorousness:

> Bernie has been consistent in his positions for years. There are clips of him from when he was a young man talking about corporate power and healthcare and free college. In 2003 he was talking about big money in politics.
Bernie never had any real-life skills. He graduated with a degree in political science and has been a career politician ever since. His pay as a politician far exceeds his worth so it's not like he's made any sacrificed.

> I don't understand how reining in corporations through taxation and raising the minimum wage and abolishing the private healthcare tax is going to make it harder to have kids.
I don't think he wants to raise corporate tax only. Income tax will be changed to. Any rise in income tax for the middle-class and under will make it more difficult for them to raise children. Any rise in income tax for the upper-class will result in wealth leaving the country.

Btw, why does he need so much money? The hypocrite should give it all to me, a poor brown refugee (literally).

>> No.13463895

seek help

>> No.13465047

>be me just now
>stop at roadside bookfair
>Find 1898 ed complete works of Tolstoy for 25 burger bucks
>Find [WITHDRAWN] Atlas Shrugged, hmm never read it but no price on it
>How much for AS?
>They all laugh and say just take it
Is this book really that meme?

>> No.13466370

>my politics lean left
And dropped

>> No.13466498
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>my politics tend to be pretty hard left
You should read it since you are the target audience. It was made with the sole purpose of making brainlets like you sperg out internally.

>> No.13466536


>> No.13466548
File: 97 KB, 630x630, MountainBread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you're actually willing to give her a chance instead of just memehating her, I'd strongly suggest beginning with The Fountainhead.

>> No.13466568

Read Fountainhead instead. Rand makes a good point about personal authenticity and the virtue of selfishness, however the biggest issue with her idea is that she romanticised industrialists. She believed that an industrialist would want to make the absolute best hammer possible, completely ignoring how markets work. They want the cheapest hammer possible, not the best. Only niche manufacturers try to make the best hammer possible. Rand completely ignored that people would cut costs and make disposable poor quality products because when the hammer breaks you must then buy another.

>> No.13466614

no, rand is a hack and has never been taking seriously in any meaningful context. the best part of this book is the title

>> No.13466633

>technically conservative
technically collects a shit ton of taxes

>> No.13466660

> doesn't realize its all one scale
enforcement of social policies (conservative or degenerate) requires additional taxation. all policies are economic policies. its always about the (((money))). ALWAYS

>> No.13466684

>raise minimum wage. He's for the working people
>raise inflation
>destroy savings
bernie's a fucking corporatist that brainwashed brainlets into accepting gibs that are longterm harmful.

>> No.13466707

One really only needs Rearden's, D'Anconia's, and Galt's speeches.
Though reading the whole book to understand the context these speeches occur in has high value.
The mystery surrounding Robert Stadler and Galt is very gripping. Cigarette collector guy was based.

>> No.13466723

honestly i'm okay with illegal immigrants as long as they're working and not criminals. undocumented workers paid under the table counteract the minimum wage increases. it's the lesser of 2 evils.

totally agree on tax policy

>> No.13466742

>every other developed country has socialised healthcare
>free college working in Scandinavian countries
There's a class in America called the "working poor" -- people who work full time but dont make enough to live on. If you think that's acceptable you're anti-worker and especially anti-white worker.

>> No.13466798

>They will not stop scheming until the entire planet looks like Robert De Niro's kids.

KEK and Absolutely Based
That sentence alone made me hesitate to write you off.

I’m listening

>> No.13466804

No, it is not worth it.

>> No.13466805

not worth it, did not like it at all - and this was during my right wing teenage phase. it unironically persuaded me to look at the other side , where i started reading marx

>> No.13466887

I agree with this.

Extremely based.


>> No.13467221

literally no. Even when I went through that cringey libertarian phase when I was 19 I thought pic related was horrible just because of the prose -- and I was seriously under the impression back then that Ayn Rand politics/economics was the answer, so I should have liked it.