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13462669 No.13462669 [Reply] [Original]

>democracy? nah bro, i tell you what: think of a car, and a steering wheel. what do you think it's best: that an experienced driver guides you to your destination, steering the wheel himself, or that you both start fighting for who's going to control the car? you see, this fight, this stupid fight for who's going to control the path we're taking, that's democracy bro, and it's going to crash us into the end of civilization. we need experienced drivers, we need tradition, we need to stop fighting between ourselves for this fake sense of control "democracy" gives us. i think we should go back to the most experienced leaders the european nations had, the monarchy. a monarch is literally groomed to be the leader of a nation, he is in the best position possible to run a country and is one step below only to the philosopher king of plato's republic. in some cases, he is the philosopher king himself, such as in Dom Pedro II, great emperor of the 19th century Brazilian empire. i think this whole thing of democracy was a mistake bro, socrates had already figured it all out. what do ya think?

>> No.13462676

I'd like a second car please.

>> No.13462678
File: 1.34 MB, 3012x3131, Socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but chad, you'd at best be an auxiliary to the philosopher kings. just look at you. the real philosopher kings must be picked from a caste determined entirely by merit, not birth, according to plato's wise teachings. your genes best suit you for the battlefield. mine however, suit me to rule over you. wouldn't you agree?

>> No.13462680

I'll take a triple this is based with a redpill on top.

>> No.13462683

It's determined by merit but there is no class movement. You can only sleep and socialize intraclass

>> No.13462713

>picked by merit, not birth
>my genes
Pick one.

>> No.13462722

Did you even read The Republic?

>> No.13462731

your girl drove me around

>> No.13462743

Genetic (and epigenetic) makeup (as well as nurture) giving rise to good intelligence need not be exclusively hereditary and present in all your ancestors. The point is that bloodline alone doesn't determine that someone belongs among the philosopher kings in Plato's system. 'Birth' specifically means bloodline. Monarchism like Chad advocates is actually entirely bloodline and that's when you start putting inbreds with deformed jaws and blood diseases on the throne, just because they have the right ancestry. Plato wasn't into that.

>> No.13462744

>there was a brown person in my comic book movie, therefore democracy has failed

>> No.13462745


>> No.13462782


>> No.13462792
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>why, yes, i'm obssessed with pop culture so much that people who complain about blacks in movies or whatever live rent free in my head 24/7, how could you tell?

>> No.13462839

yes, a good monarchy is better than a good democracy, hands down. I'll give you that
what you seem to forget is that a bad monarchy is FAR worse than a bad democracy. a bad monarch can accidentally wipe out his entire nation and culture due to his own stupidity. a good monarch may be more efficient than a good democracy, but the worst a democracy can get is stalemate
you also don't have the natural safety in numbers a democracy has. for a monarchy to be bad, one person must be ineffective. for a democracy to be bad, a majority of the entire population must be ineffective. and sure, you can specifically select your monarchs so that they're never ineffective, but by what manner and standards? if he is chosen by tests or mathematically, how do you make the tests or equations such that they encapsulate every trait a good monarch must have (i.e. your example, being a good philosopher does not necessarily make one fit for rule)? if he is chosen by the previous monarch, then how do you stop nepotism? if he is chosen by a council or by the general population, is this not tending towards democracy? if it is hereditary, then how do you deal with the sole heir (or if you're especially unlucky, all eligible heirs) of a good monarch being absolutely retarded? compare this to a democracy, which naturally has bigger sample sizes and better margins of error

>> No.13462848
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>America is real democracy

>> No.13462896

I see where you're coming from.

>> No.13464323

Socrates idea of a philosopher king is much closer to an acual CHAD than any other philosopher meek beta faggot figure like Kant

>> No.13464390

the myth of the medals relates directly to birth; sure, two silvers can have a gold, but someone born silver can't become gold

>> No.13464443

Your perspective is that of perpetual insecurity that desires a Daddy figure to come and make everything better. Everyone can see it except those like you who are blind to anything else, and everyone is laughing at you.

>> No.13464460

See >>13462743

>> No.13464483
File: 151 KB, 1279x312, wittt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always understood democracy to be complete participation in the political game by all parties involved all of the time, meaning that a lot of activism should be involved (not always in the form of street protest), instead of vote once and bitch for 4 years.

>> No.13464494

How do you explain the disparity in quality of life under monarchies and democracies? It seems inarguable that the average person's life isn't better now than it was under kings. Speaking strictly of the west here.

>> No.13464562
File: 21 KB, 768x432, deepthroat-1-768x432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democracy works as long as you only let people who are heavily invested in the future of the society vote. Universal suffrage will kill any republic as we've seen time and time again. The very first political theory texts explicitly stated this but we keep letting oversocialized, effeminate people guilt us into letting them have a say

>> No.13466000

Nice bait. Imagine that some people actually think like this

>> No.13466016
File: 59 KB, 900x539, charles-ii-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path and destroy your nation*

>> No.13466025

Sad that this might not even be bait anymore on here.

>> No.13466030

Booklist for this feel?

>> No.13466033

This is a 'my favorite author is Stephen King' tier opinion

>> No.13466042

The reddit migration needs to be stopped

>> No.13466069

based post
basedbois on suicide watch

>> No.13466071

honestly, being a DJ has red-pilled me on democracy because people are fucking stupid and don't know what they want to listen to or what sort of music will sustain the room.

>> No.13466188

>think about how stupid the average person is, now think that half of them are denser than that
A lot of people arent clever and with suggestion and messages and emotional control, can easily be made to vote for someone