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13459775 No.13459775 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss underrated philosophers?

>> No.13459805

trads gtfo

>> No.13459996
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>> No.13460072


>> No.13460085
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>> No.13460086

Care to explain?

>> No.13460112


>> No.13460260

How can Dugin be underrated if he's the most popular Russian modern philosopher. I live in Italy and recently Dugin made a fucking tour throughout the country.

>> No.13460437

Except he is not? He is literally hated by the libtard masses and the others find him difficult to understand because his ideas are all over the place. He used to be extremely pro Putin couple of years ago, now he just seems extremely depressed and blackpilled and criticizes what’s going on in the country more and more. No one really understands who he is and what his ideas are.

>> No.13460453
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Never see him mentioned even by people who read works adjacent to his position in the discourse.

>> No.13460517
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>> No.13460547

I know very little about him, would like it if someone could elaborate some of his big ideas or point me to short commentaries

>> No.13460551
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>> No.13460621


>> No.13460804
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>> No.13460821

underrated and unknown are not the same thing

>> No.13460860
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>> No.13460865


>> No.13460869
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>> No.13460981
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>> No.13462116

Dugin is a batshit insane in a very good way, he also has a very good grasp of history and the history of philosophy. We need more intellectuals like that in the West.

>> No.13462167
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>“Appalling numbers of youth have been led into a cynical ultra-sophisticated attitude which regards drinking as a badge of social aptitude, which makes a fetish of sport and professes eroticism as a way of life. A perverted and insane pictorial art, lewd exhibitionistic dancing and jungle music form the spiritual norm of this sector of America's youth.“. - Imperium, by Francis Parker Yockey

>> No.13462177

He's more of a political theorist.

>> No.13462182


sloterdijk is about where he should be. sufficiently popular at conferences but hasn't risen above the rest of the OOO/spec realism homies.

the correct answer is Iain Hamilton Grant

>> No.13462203

sounds like an incel desu

>> No.13462234

How tall is Dugin? I don’t read manlets.

>> No.13462240
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>> No.13462242

what is this thread, just measuring our dicks or?
for most underrated it's probably Yuk Hui or Bernard Stiegler
also a good choice

>> No.13462270

I'll always prefer UG, but it's reasonable enough to mention Jiddu alongside him (if only to prevent the inevitable confusion).

>> No.13462292

Carlo Michelstaedter

>> No.13462295

trying to figure out this lad also

>> No.13462299


>> No.13462302

>Yuk Hui
I follow her twitter, haven’t gotten around to reading her. TLDR for me?

>Bernard Stiegler
Muh techne. I liked that doc tho.

>> No.13462305
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>> No.13462341

political philosophy isnt real philosophy

>> No.13462408

Yuk Hui is a man

>> No.13462415


>> No.13462423

I like his videos, but I haven’t read any of his work. Is his St Anselm stuff, or his virtue ethic stuff decent?

>> No.13462445
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I don't know but he is an absolute unit

>> No.13462460

Big Greggy is his name

>> No.13462485

Jonathan Dancy

>> No.13462667

A lot of them between 1870 and 1930 are really, really underrated, and even the ones who are well known aren't taken as seriously anymore. Continentals got over speculative metaphysics after Heidegger (Deleuze being the main exception) and analytics got over constructionalism (after Carnap).

>> No.13462672
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>> No.13462677

Hartmann's Evolution is pretty neat, Bahnsen's Dialectic is very thorough, and Michelstaedter's Rhetoric is inimitably precise. I still prefer Mainländer's Salvation/Decay for it's metaphysics and physical poetry, respectively.

>> No.13462685

Full names so that we may grow new brain matter good sir?

>> No.13462693

Eduard von Hartmann
Julius Bahnsen
Carlo Michelstaedter
Philip Mainländer

>> No.13462697


If you want a brain stimulator, check out Horstmann. He's a real trip.

>> No.13462704

Sorry, if you asked for full names I should know to oblige you with them at every following occasion: Ulrich Horstmann, famous author of Das Untier and a polemicist against mankind.

>> No.13462716

Based anon, thanks. I feel like I have a duty to excavate obscure, forgotten philosophers and the 19th century (especially late 19th) is one of the main areas for me. I feel like I owe it to them to not let them die in obscurity. It's what got me to read stuff like Herbart and Bradley.

>> No.13462738

You should know that your duty is rooted in a keen sense, not a dull one: you're on the modern version of the Socratic "spartan hound" track, only with no real ending in sight (at least, no end for humanity that isn't a final ending rather than a competitive, gamely one). The years before the first world war spelled out the salvation and destruction of mankind in equal reverb. Good on you for following suit and learning where you know you must, at any rate.

>> No.13462742


>> No.13462814

I didn't know about this post-Schopenhauer transcendental realism stuff, weird how there's always new movements from the 19th century for me to discover, and I though I knew a good deal. Thanks again anon. It's sad that there were so many movements in that time period that today neither analytics nor continentals pay attention to.

>> No.13462827

literally a meme propelled by russian trolls from Internet Research Agency.

>> No.13463007

Logos Daedulus?

>> No.13463021

Read Plotinus.

>> No.13464036

the guy's a hack psycho

>> No.13464060


>> No.13464425
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Pierre Daniel Huet, specifically his book on translations and the Treatise on the Frailty of Human Reason.
> Catholic Bishop
> Accomplished translator and scientist, made significant contributions to optics.
> Described the problem of induction before Hume, but gets no credit.
> Unlike Kant, didn’t have a panic attack at the consequences.
> Instead, calmly reconciles the skeptical empirical tradition with Christian thought.
> Absolutely bodies Descartes, both his philosophy and scientific works.
> Straightforward writer, easy to read.
His books are out of print in English, but I can post a gbooks link if anyone is interested.

>> No.13464447
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This man refuted atheistic existentialism before it was even born.

>> No.13464455

Then read Proclus

>> No.13464458

He’s pretty well regarded though. Wouldn’t call him especially underrated.

>> No.13464462

I mentioned this guy a while ago to an historian friend of mine.
Both he and I are interested in a link.

>> No.13464470

Seems pretty based. Could you expand on this point?

> Instead, calmly reconciles the skeptical empirical tradition with Christian thought.

Or point me to more information?

>> No.13464479

>another 50 years old haughty curmudgeon discovers, to his great shock, that young people are immature and like to fool around
Read what Marcel Aymé had to say about this. Those complaints are the secuar version of the middle-aged clueless priest ranting that people don't give enough money after Mass. Except the priest is grounded in practicality in this case.

>> No.13464486

Secondng this madlad.

>> No.13464587

Here’s Treatise. Having trouble finding the book on translations. I’ll post it if I can find it, or maybe another anon will have better luck.

The short version is that there is a hierarchy of human knowledge, and that the kind of worldly knowledge prized by his rationalist and empiricist contemporaries, while necessary for daily life, is essentially contingent and probabilistic in nature. Huet presents faith in Christ as the perfection of dim human knowledge, since it prioritizes what is unseen, yet allows man to positively act upon it as a given.
He presents a long genealogy of scripture and philosophical writings to show that this has always been recognized, if not emphasized, in Christian thought and the natural law.
You can read the above book, which handles a lot of common objections. I think there’s more work to be done to shore up and strengthen his insights, but I think the thrust is pretty solid. Maybe some anon looking for a dissertation topic can take up the mantle.

>> No.13464606
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>50 year old haughty curmudgeon
You’re an uneducated faggot. But, go ahead and defend the animalistic behavior and decadent desire of modern man. Defend the sinners, I beg you.

>> No.13464975
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Giambattista Vico

>> No.13464992

I don't think he's underrated. If you are into political writing then you can't miss him. I found him through Isaiah Berlin, so I guess he's widely known.

>> No.13465053

Isaiah Berlin isn't mentioned on /lit/ nearly enough

>> No.13465077

what do you mean?

>> No.13465110


Where can I find English translations of Hartmann and Bahnsen? Already got Mainlander.

Can't find the Beast in English anywhere...

As for underrated philosophers

Ludwig Klages, Lev Shestov

>> No.13465127
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>> No.13465159

Grant is brilliant and his book on Schelling is crack, probably the best rehabilitation of Platonic naturephilosophie I've ever seen

>> No.13465191

His letters are a nice read.

>> No.13465219

based and drainpilled

>> No.13465649

Berlin has become problematic among his natural supporters in our age.

>> No.13466122

based and redpilled

>> No.13466175

he's a level 70 chaos mage mentored by julius evola (level 92 chaos mage) through spiritual contact

>> No.13467664

Bumping an actually good thread.
Any other anons read Augusto del Noce?

>> No.13467682

how so

>> No.13467699

Damascius, Olympiodorus, Philo, Alcinous, Proclus, Iamblicus, Numenius, Isaac Brock, Doug Martsch, the Underachievers, Isaiah Rashad, Yeezy, Chester Watson, Angel Olsen, Regina Spector, Lady Lamb, Haley Hendrix, many more, will offer more names by request.

>> No.13467702

Learned about a lot of people I’d never heard of before.

>> No.13467738

>two pictures of sinning women
Defend the sinners, I beg you.

>> No.13467744

Saint alphonsus di liguri. I'm an atheist and really like reading this guy's writings.

>> No.13467781

>partial nudity is sinning
Dumb cumbrain

>> No.13467850

i hope you don't actually like those shitty indie pop artists

>> No.13467903

You have books/starting points for those?

>> No.13467923

That guys are hard af and I don't have any translation to my first language
Some of history of philosophy book didn't include two so even "teaser" is impossible to see

>> No.13467989

For Plotinus all I'm seeing is the Enneads and for English it seems there's a very recent translation?
>George Boys-Stones

For Proclus stanford.edu tells me that Elements of Theology is the starting point

There's another notable figure Iamblichus who seems tied to ancients post-Plato on that note

>> No.13468402

why is it that every time I see dumb shit on this board, it's always you

>> No.13468429

Neoplatonism by Paulina Remes

>> No.13468548

Even if I like the minotaur, he is more like a historian of thought, a guardian of how it should be done. I dont see him as philosopher, he isnt really creating new or doing philosophy.

>> No.13468576
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Francisco Suárez

>> No.13468589

>there is nothing wrong with lewd dress
You're the cumbrain. You've proven that time and again. Idiot. It was great when you were banned last week. Felt so good being on /lit/ then.

>> No.13469522
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>> No.13469742

I do, but that's entirely my fault. I understand the humor in it. I know it should be ridiculed, but I still posted them. It's like, for real but for humor. Ya know?

>> No.13469747
