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13451782 No.13451782 [Reply] [Original]

Post your face when Euaemon's son Eurypylus stabs Apisaon the son of Phausias at 11.680 in Iliad

>> No.13451801
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>he didn't cry when Idomenus kills Othryones, a man who lived in Cabseus and Deiphobus comes to defend Asius by stabbing Hypsenor son of Hippasus

>> No.13451808
File: 19 KB, 350x183, heidegger_lacan-in-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Achilles son takes Hectors wife as a concubine

>> No.13451893

Read The Trojan Women by Euripides it's pretty good

>> No.13451924

you don't actually care about these people, you're just turned on by all the hipster cred you can get by claiming to know what happened to literally every obscure character to the point of emotional impact when they die

>> No.13453906

tfw you read about the death of Phostaphinius son of Prophostaphinius second son of Palprophostaphinius, who perished avenging his friend Kalfodenus third son of Magkalfodenus bastard son of Megamagkalfodenus fourth grandson of Mogmegamagkalfodenus from the island of Ubkofodalos

>> No.13453925
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>> No.13453931

tfw dude father's dude son kills other dude father's dude son

>> No.13454033
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>when the whole affair is very similar to the way a mountain lion goes out to hunt

>> No.13455438
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>when Zeus tells iris to relay a message and Iris relays the exact 2 page long message word for word

>> No.13456021
File: 72 KB, 595x398, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw in book seventeen line 424 Homer refers to the battle between Trojan and Achaean as an "iron tumult" despite establishing throughout the poem the use of bronze weapons only

>> No.13456580
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>mfw they build a wall just to spice up battle descriptions and homer has to retcon poseidon into destroying it later

>> No.13456673
File: 36 KB, 750x743, Snapchat-867813801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This battle, this chaos, this bloodshed, if only I could liken this to something familiar..m,,,, "imagine ,,,,,,, a boar,.,..."
>Holy shit yes that's just *right* yes

>> No.13456854

nice selfie

>> No.13457269

kek OP, unironically the best thread on lit in quite awhile

>> No.13457289
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>mfw the rose fingered dawn rises over the wine dark sea
>mfw some guy falls in the dirt like a tree chopped down on the side of a mountain
>mfw the dark mist fills his eyes

>> No.13457319
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>he didn't cry when Menesthius, bright in bronze, son of Spercheus River swelled by the rains of Zeus and born by the lovely Polydora, Peleus' daughter, and Eurodorus, Phylas' daughter, Polymela bore him, when Hermes the giant killer lusted for her once, gathered around Patroclus to prepare for battle

>> No.13457341
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>when Athena convinces Zeus that Hector should die now because "all men die eventually anyway"

>> No.13457348
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>that guy who thinks the ships of the men who lived in Pherae fronting Lake Boebeis, in Boebe and Galphyrae and Iolcos' study ramparts who had elevent ships led by Admetus' favored son Eumelus, who was born to Ademetus by Alcetis, queen of women, the most radiant daughter Pelias ever fathered were ANYWHERE as powerful as the ships led by the men who lived in Methone and Thaumacia, men who held Meliboea and rugged ridged Olizon: who were captained by Philoctetes the master archer after their captain lay on an island racked with pain on Lemnos' holy shores where the armies marooned him because of a deadly water viper bite

>> No.13457380
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>when someone doesn't deck my temple in garlands and offer me the burned thigh bones wrapped in fat

>> No.13457408

Full disclosure, this is for my myths class. Thanks for the responses guys.

>> No.13457415
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>when your bowstring mysteriously breaks before you get a chance to kill the bad guy

>> No.13457421
File: 12 KB, 264x293, 1338670177848s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an Ajax gets cucked out of killing Hector episode

>> No.13457861
File: 181 KB, 546x411, 1562977209514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Menelaus about to kill Paris and end this destructive war
>peace and harmony only seconds away
>everyone can go home, no more blood, no more killing
>I decide to spirit Paris away in a cloud

>> No.13457867

spoiler much?

>> No.13458612
File: 73 KB, 1012x1012, 1558444741652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't cry when Priam's wife, on the eve of an important libation, said: “Ask Zeus to send a favorable sign in the shape of an eagle which will appear on our right hand so that you can go in full certainty; then I will not oppose your going.” Then Priam in his turn says: “Grant me, Ο Zeus, the power to go to Achilles and give me a favorable sign in the form of an eagle which will show that I can go in all confidence among the Achaeans.”

>> No.13459678
