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/lit/ - Literature

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13443246 No.13443246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oh no no no

>> No.13443252

is the guy on the left that epstein dude

>> No.13443254

why is the jewish phenotype so disgusting?

>> No.13443261
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Oh no nonno no no

>> No.13443265
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Lolita Express oh no no no

>> No.13443271
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Prof. Lawrence Krauss

>> No.13443277
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Krauss' wife

>> No.13443282

This was already common knowledge. Why are people talking about it like it's news?

>> No.13443291

holy shit is that a real quote lmao

>> No.13443298

Because I hate Steven Pinker, and with the Epstein case blowing up again, there's a sliver of chance Steven Pinker will get chased out of the public sphere.

>> No.13443309

Why do you hate Steven Pinker?

>> No.13443312

not him, but pinker is insufferably obtuse. he suffers from what you might call "intelligent stupidity"

>> No.13443317

Care to give some examples?

>> No.13443319

no not really

>> No.13443326

So this is the power of Positivism?

>> No.13443328

I hate Pinker and Epstein because of how they look. I hate their faces. I hate Epstein's Jaw. Even if I didn't know who they were, I would intrinsically want to punch them in the face. Their physiognomy is detestable. Everything about these two makes me recoil in disgust. Animals are better looking than them. It has nothing to do with their genetic history either. There can be semites with good physiognomy, and they are good people. You can't judge a book by its cover but you can judge a man by his face.

>> No.13443336

judging pinker by his face/hair/mannerisms i would say he seems like the kind of guy that sleeps in pajamas with dolls as an adult. that's my first impression really

>> No.13443351

the jawlet incel has logged on

>> No.13443352

Shit Bourdain looked really red before he offed himself

>> No.13443357

it was all those hot n spicy peppers

>> No.13443359

When I was a kid there was a boy in my neighborhood whose face I really hated. He wanted to play and hang out with me but I refuse because I really hated how he looked. Later I found out that he was a retard.

>> No.13443363

>having prognathism like a warthog is n-normal, y-you're a jawlet if you have a normal jaw

>> No.13443378

>I'm not mad! I'm not mad!

>> No.13443399
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Not the guy you're talking to, but Enlightenment Now has to dumbest book written in mainstream scientific tone. It tries to be a liberal Bell Curve, but the book reads like it was put together by reading our world in data for three weekends. Cherry picked data (cuts off data at turning points, like an uptake in crime after 1960), blatant false hoods (he claims people before 1950's never ate fruit or leafy vegetables), overreaching far from his area of expertise (tries btfo commies, fascists and theists in a single book) and strawmanning (it is painfully obvious he has never read any of the founding books on the positions he is attacking). I hate to say it, but the book reads like a journalist that doesn't really care got paid 10k to shill liberalism. The editor should be ashamed too because of the general lack of structure. Its the only book I read by him, but I can't imagine any of his other books to be THAT brilliant to make up for that mess. I lost respect for Bill Gates for endorsing the book. This comes from somebody who considers herself be politcally moderate.

>> No.13443421

>I lost respect for Bill Gates

>> No.13443425

I'm not a fan of Pinker (I don't dislike him either, I just don't know enough about him) and I haven't read Enlightenment Now, yet your critiques of it sound awfully suspect.
>he claims people before 1950's never ate fruit or leafy vegetables
Sounds to me like you are oversimplifying something here to the point of dishonesty. Where did he claim that?
>tries btfo commies, fascists and theists in a single book
To be honest, it doesn't seem like it's that hard to BTFO all of them in a quite short amount of time. I assume you're two of those three things yourself? Which ones?
>it is painfully obvious he has never read any of the founding books on the positions he is attacking
Why would he need to read the founding books on the positions he's attacking? What's this weird obsession of /lit/ to read the founding books. Isn't the point to attack the positions that people in the contemporary society hold, rather than some positions that a guy has espoused that have long evolved since. You wouldn't try to BTFO evolution by disputing The Origin of Species - it has taken a much different form today and scientists recognize that the book has a lot of flaws and got things wrong.
>This comes from somebody who considers herself be politcally moderate
What about the book isn't politically moderate? Is it the fact that it tried to btfo fascists and commies?

>> No.13443439
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Oh, You!

>> No.13443460

Hahahahaha when the fucking facade of innocence and benignity drops and they're forced by circumstance to directly go "Hey, Mr. Epstein's an upstanding great guy OK? Jeez leave him alone!!"

Exact same routine as when all the Zizeks and Butlers came out of the woodwork to defend Avita Ronell, or when all those French intelligentsia figures rushed to sign the protest literally against anti-pedophilia laws. The circlejerk rushing to defends it own members. Classic oligarchy, classic corruption.

The only sad thing is that society is so docile, and the stakes of scandals like these are so huge and distributed, that it will pass through the public consciousness and go back to being like nothing happened. At the very least you can hope that the frequency of mentions of these people's names, and their connections, will increase in the future.

Completely unsurprising. I bet you if we had a flow chart showing the actual interconnections, the "network" of corruption and the number of truly sleazy people would be so small it's astonishing.

>> No.13443473

>What about the book isn't politically moderate? Is it the fact that it tried to btfo fascists and commies?
It is a politcally moderate book, in line with my ideology. Yet it is so bad, that I still fucking hate it. If I am forced, gun-to-my-head to take a position it would be libertarian because I just want to be left the fuck alone.
>To be honest, it doesn't seem like it's that hard to BTFO all of them in a quite short amount of time. I assume you're two of those three things yourself? Which ones?
Are you implying that some psychologist can stroll in to THREE fields that are over centuries old (economy, theology, politics) and simply blow out the brightest minds by going "lol look at this graph chump"
>Why would he need to read the founding books on the positions he's attacking? What's this weird obsession of /lit/ to read the founding books. Isn't the point to attack the positions that people in the contemporary society hold, rather than some positions that a guy has espoused that have long evolved since. You wouldn't try to BTFO evolution by disputing The Origin of Species - it has taken a much different form today and scientists recognize that the book has a lot of flaws and got things wrong.
>Sounds to me like you are oversimplifying something here to the point of dishonesty. Where did he claim that?
In the chapter on immigration, read the fucking book mongoloid.

The only worthwhile statement he makes is that life before the industrial revolution was worse than now, which is entirely obvious to the historically literate. Fuck Pinker, he isn't a smooth brain but he is entirely lacking in intellectual rigor

>> No.13443475

God I hate pinker. Does he not realize that this is anecdotal?

>> No.13443488


>> No.13443498

Nasty lady.

>> No.13443508

that can't be real

>> No.13443526

it reads like a parody

>> No.13443537

>Are you implying that some psychologist can stroll in to THREE fields that are over centuries old (economy, theology, politics) and simply blow out the brightest minds by going "lol look at this graph chump"

Not that guy but you just russle'd my jimmies...

You fault an author for presenting an argument based on counter facts, then state that the counter facts are wrong, not because you have a counter-counter fact, but because he did not appeal to authority, as you appeal to authority...

Well... at least you are consistent in your fallacies...

Might I remind you that we thought things fell down because they would seek their own level for thousands of years, and that things tended to slow down instead of remaining in motion for thousands of years, and that God made things do what they do, well... there are still those that think that....

Changing the story is how we make new stories.

I am not a fan of Global capitalism, but at least when I argue against someone, I tell a different story; not just the story that, "well, that's not what so and so says..."

You should try it...

>> No.13443551


>Lawrence Krauss
Lawrence Krauss. Lawrence Krauss.
Lawrence Krauss in Washington in January 2016.
Nicholas Kamm/Getty Images

Claim to fame: Theoretical physicist, retired from his position at Arizona State University following sexual misconduct allegations (which Krauss denied)

Connection: Ran a program at Arizona State University that included Epstein among its major donors. Organized scientific conferences with Epstein in St. Thomas. Stayed close with Epstein “throughout his incarceration,” according to the Daily Beast.

On Epstein: “If anything, the unfortunate period he suffered has caused him to really think about what he wants to do with his money and his time, and support knowledge. Jeffrey has surrounded himself with beautiful women and young women but they’re not as young as the ones that were claimed. As a scientist I always judge things on empirical evidence and he always has women ages 19 to 23 around him, but I’ve never seen anything else, so as a scientist, my presumption is that whatever the problems were I would believe him over other people. I don’t feel tarnished in any way by my relationship with Jeffrey; I feel raised by it.”— Krauss to the Daily Beast, April 2011

>> No.13443586

Who are these fine descendants of Abraham? I recognize no-one but the dude in white.

>> No.13443590


>> No.13443619
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>Jews are trying to destroy western civilization and it's people, while sexually abusing and exploiting underage white girls
Nothing new under the sun faggots.

>> No.13443653

it's being jewish that lets people get away with crimes against humanity? are you sure it's not the money and power they have? you don't think there's entities beyond epstein and his immediate family, jewish and not jewish, that have an immediate interest to defend him and his estate from being sued and dismantled?

>> No.13443670

It has to do with them being rich and powerful more than anything.

>> No.13443684

Jews are rich and powerful anon, and they protect and help each other all the time due to a strong sense of ethnic/tribal solidarity

>> No.13443708

>the 'nothing to see here goy' meme extended to normie academic intellectual spheres which influence real public matters
bazinga current year

>> No.13443748

>believes jews are biologically born geniuses and masters of money

cuck ideology, dude. white men including trump have defended epstein and work behind the scenes to prevent any details from going public.

>> No.13443780

>if you ignore all the Jews that aren't rich and powerful, they're all rich and powerful

tell me how this doesn't apply to every other ethnic group

>> No.13443782

>>believes jews are biologically born geniuses and masters of money
Nah it is mostly about group work and nepotism, whites are too much individualistic.

>white men including trump
You know that Trump has jewish ties right?

>> No.13443802

because they all have their own blackmails. even if someone isnt a pedophile they will get fucked on some other way if they talk. could be stocks, public relations, business connections, resources, their family etc.

>> No.13443810

Post face. I bet you're fat.

>> No.13443821

>Jews are only 0.2% of the World’s population, but 17.46% of the World’s richest. Thus their representation is 8,730% of their population share.

>tell me how this doesn't apply to every other ethnic group
Not to the same degree. In large part it is also due to their religion which promotes this, on the other hand Christianity tends to be a more universalistic religion.

>> No.13443858

it's almost as if connections of money and power incentivize rich people to hide and ignore abuses of power so they can keep staying in power. it's not like christian religious institutions don't also go out of their way to defend their priests from accusations of child abuse or embezzling church money.

>> No.13443967

you need to be untriggered to realize this dialectic is beyond typical race/religion whataboutism. its as if theres a divide between the religiously modest and the religously commercial.

>> No.13443977
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>> No.13443978
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>> No.13443999
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One fine thursday night you're having dinner with great minds, two days later you're on a plane learning about blocked flatulence. Who wouldn't believe the world's the greatest it's ever been.

>> No.13444086

That argument was meant to present that he built up strawmans of his opposition so he could blow them up with a single graph. On top of this many of those graphs are cherry picker. Another example is his argument on suicides, where he argued that societies are happier because suicides have declined, failing to mention;
a.) That suicide statistics are extremely tricky and historically stigmatized, thus misrepresented
b.) Overdoses have skyrocketed and can be seen as a form of suicide
c.) The incredible philosophic variety of definitions of meaning and hapiness, of which he cherry picked only the modern humanistic forms. Even if the graph would be flawless, it would mean nothing to somebody for who hapiness means honour.

My conclusion is that Pinker is completely out of his depth, and Phil. Underderads probably could write a better book. The fact he is a public intellectual is shameful. Read Creveld instead, rise and fall of the state

>> No.13444092

Damn, haven't heard that author in a long time.

>> No.13444105


>> No.13444153

>life is better than ever! He concluded from his secluded island getaway, before turning to fuck his 14 year old boytoy for the 4th time.

>> No.13444229

But most Jews are neither rich nor powerful. You're grasping at straws and your statistics are fake

>> No.13444240

Jews have high IQs and IQ is mostly genetic. Jews make a lot of money because they're really, really smart. It's not rocket science. Blame your ancestors for persecuting them, its what raised their IQ.

>> No.13444242

this is like a fucking comedy skit

>> No.13444252

>life before the industrial revolution was worse than now, which is entirely obvious to the historically literate.
t. historically illiterate. Anyone who has studied history knows you can't make quality judgements like this. Anyone who does is misusing history and is why the field is filled with so much trash.

>> No.13444270

>Jews have high IQs
Ashkenazi Jews.

>Blame your ancestors for persecuting them, its what raised their IQ.
Being persecuted doesn't raise their IQs, it seems far more likely that their high IQs are the result of European upperclass admixture.

Because, genetically, Ashkenazi Jews are just that part Germanic (or Slavic) upper class and Middleasteners.

>> No.13444276

>But most Jews are neither rich nor powerful.
And most Nazis never killed a single Jew...

>> No.13444303

>Mostly genetic.

Dipshit. Anyone who can read can increase their IQ. Khanacademy exists. IQ is NOT mostly genetic. IQ is almost entirely shaped by the extend and degree to which one finds motivation to better themselves early on and build newer and more novel thinking skills on top of old ones. Take a pair of twins with the same genes and leave one in detroit with a crackhead mother and absentee father, then leave the other twin with a librarian mother and a mathematician father with no internet or television. See what happens.

>> No.13444320

Nope. Pogroms killed all the stupid jews and discrimination forcing them to work as bankers and merchants substantially raised their IQ.

There's actually research done on the subject that you can easily find for yourself. Twins raised in different environments were shown not only to have the same income and IQ, but even the same hobbies and mannerisms. Often they even marry women with the same name, and give the same names to their children.

>> No.13444327

>Anyone who can read can increase their IQ. Khanacademy exists.
To a very limited degree, mostly due to IQ tests being imperfect.

>IQ is NOT mostly genetic.
The expert consensus seems to average at 50%.

>IQ is almost entirely shaped by the extend and degree to which one finds motivation to better themselves early on and build newer and more novel thinking skills on top of old ones.
There is basically no evidence for that, if you have some, please provide it, I would be interested.
And I already told you about marginal effects from education, so something actually relevant please.

>Take a pair of twins with the same genes and leave one in detroit with a crackhead mother and absentee father, then leave the other twin with a librarian mother and a mathematician father with no internet or television. See what happens.
That lacks a fundamental understand of what "genetic" means.
Cutting of your legs also means you are shorter, but that is not an argument against height not bring genetic.

>> No.13444328

>post-natal environment has bigger influence on life outcomes than prenatal environment

Science disagrees. You need to have one embryo divide once then implant one in a highly stressed surrogate mother living in poverty and the other in a chill, healthy mother living in comfort.

>> No.13444340

its a tired meme. you dont have to be genius level to play the psycopathic game that ensures power and influence, this whole topic as example. the 'real smart' judged in all areas understand how influence can turn evil at the slightest misstep. human, all too human.

>> No.13444347

>Pogroms killed all the stupid jew
I would suspect that the successful Jews were killed...
Also I highly doubt that Pogroms had ANY effect on their genetics, neither were they frequent enough not affected enough people to contribute anything evolutionary.

>substantially raised their IQ.
Forcing someone to work as a banker doesn't raise their IQ.
Again, Evolution doesn't happen over night, this is totally absurd...
They found an economic niche which granted them power, thus they intermixed with the upper class of Europeans.

These arguments are really absolutely retarded, there simply is no evidence or logical basis for that claim.

>> No.13444353

t. antisemite

>> No.13444398

>I would suspect that the successful Jews were killed
No historically it was the members of the lowest strata of jewish societies that were killed. The millions of jews hitler killed were mostly ghetto dwellers. The doctors, bankers, lawyers, and the jews smart enough to fake documents and bluff their way through all escaped his fury. Think of persecution as an environmental factor only the fittest of jews managed to adapt to.

>Forcing someone to work as a banker doesn't raise their IQ.
Right, it doesn't, and IQ doesn't go up overnight. But that's not the point. The point is that jews who couldn't crunch numbers, who couldn't build connections, either starved to death or simply converted to Christianity. This meant that only the smartest of jews managed to survive, in the process raising the average IQ of the community. This is the reason jews are high on verbal and mathematical intelligence, but have average spatial intelligence.

Unironically read culture of critique.

>> No.13444407
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>It has nothing to do with their genetic history either. There can be semites with good physiognomy, and they are good people.

>> No.13444414

No wonder Stevie talks about how we live in the greatest possible times! He's deep in teen pussy every night courtesy of his buddy Jeff!

>> No.13444420
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Funny how all these truly logical individuals abandon their principles and rally to protect their fellow coethnics when push comes to shove.

>> No.13444425

I wonder what ol' Teddy has to say about this.

>> No.13444435

Are you implying Epstein isn't a Chad among Jews in regards to phenotype?

He would be a dilf if not for this.

>> No.13444445

I don´t think he´d give a shit about daily politics. He´d be buy finishing his studies about beethoven

>> No.13444447
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>tell me how this doesn't apply to every other ethnic group

Jews actually seem to be uniquely hateful compared to all other ethnic groups.

>> No.13444471

Spinoza is a good looking Jew.
Derrida is a good looking Jew.
And I like both of them. I'm no antisemite

>> No.13444520

If you're not a Jew, you're an anti-semite.

>> No.13444531


go dilate

>> No.13444536


>> No.13444541

Stephen Pinker's latest book might be somewhat sloppy in his historical scholarship, but I'm glad it infuriates radical and reactionary retards who impose narratives onto the modern world because of their own inability to have sex


So you only hate Ashkenazim?

>> No.13444551

>Stephen Pinker's latest book might be somewhat sloppy in his historical scholarship, but I'm glad it infuriates radical and reactionary retards who impose narratives onto the modern world because of their own inability to have sex

please stop exporting your puritan neuroses and desensitized rattlesnake dicks to the rest of the world, thanks senpai

>> No.13444598


Whatever faggot, get bent

>> No.13444630

I only hate ugly as sin motherfuckers.

>> No.13444653
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>as a scientist

Im crying lmao

>> No.13444735

I noticed a pattern.

>> No.13444748

>Are you implying Epstein isn't a Chad among Jews in regards to phenotype?
He's still disgusting. It's an instinct and spotting kind of thing. If you know about the jew, you recognize jewish features and are disgusted.

>> No.13445087


Okay, let me just address you all in one go.
First off, not a single source was sighted. And secondly, statistical science is subject to all kinds of confirmation bias and framing devices.

Different years have different popular names. People's success and mindset and worldview are heavily influences by the ctural and economic climate. For every one of those twins supposedly studied to confirm those biases, there was a set of twins ignored that didn't.

I'll give you that IQ tests are flawed and are at best a provisional measure of mental functionality. But ALL forms of mental aptitude are built upon simpler ones which are built upon simpler ones. And if genes accounted for a substantial amount of intelligence, education wouldn't matter. Every illiterate tribesmen would perform as well on standardized tests as every honors student. Yet as it is, you can take a child out of a gangbanging shithole neighborhood and homeschool him to be competent at calculus. And you can take any infant from any long line of scholars and raise him to think hiphop is cool and school doesn't matter and guess what, he'll grow up worthless.

Arguably, if there were an objective measure of raw processing power, it would be genetic. That rings true to me. But that does not mean that any intellectual feat is simply beyond the capacity of a person regardless of what kind of opportunities they had in life.

I come from a long line of dipshit hicks. I had three freshman years in high school before dropping out. I started college at 26 and graduated with a 3.24 gpa. It's not amazing, and an English lit degree isn't very hard. Fine. But it's vastly more than anyone in my family had ever done and it's because I put in the time and energy to better myself despite not being inherently smart. If there were some objective measure of raw processing power, I'll be the first to admit that I am average at best. But my IQ last tested was 144. On the line between gifted and highly so.

Your worldview is backed by shit science.

>> No.13445112
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>> No.13445123

.2% of the world pop. are Jewish, yet, 99% of all global problems are blamed on them. It really makes the 99.8% look pathetic

>> No.13445193

Simple question for you guys: I was just watching the Rebecca Watson video on the subject, and it reminded me of just how divided North America, and the world at large, happens to be at present. My question to you is this: how do we foster a culture of kindness within the modern world, and reverse the polarization which took great hold within the past decade? Is there any solution? Is Buddhism the answer?

>> No.13445211

Good for you anon, you should feel very proud of yourself for the accomplishments you manifested. I wish you well my friend. Also please tone down the language.

>> No.13445219

Patterns are a tool of the white devil.

>> No.13445241


>Analysis of the data from the four major studies of the intelligence of MZ
twins reared apart, totaling 122 twin pairs, leads to conclusions not found in the
original studies or in previous reviews of them. A statistical test of the absolute
difference between the separated twins' IQ's indicates that there are no significant differences among the twin samples in the four studies. All of them can be
viewed as samples from the same population

>> No.13445431

positivists need to be gassed.

>> No.13445451

pedophiles are an expression of the divine love, haven't you read the Bible?

>> No.13445462

We're all descendants of Abraham m8, even the blacks. Only sians are not mentioned in Abraham's genealogy.

>> No.13445467

guys I just realized murder is ok because death is inevitable. what should I do?

>> No.13445475


>> No.13445569

Why am I not rich and powerful anon? Where is my birthright jewbux?
I'm willing to accept the truth of the stereotype if you're willing to provide me the means to embodying the stereotype.

>> No.13445588

Overrepresentation isn't absolute control. And those superpowerful Jews only represent a tiny minority within their own people.
What you're saying here is essentially
>woah dude, the richest whites are 0.01% of whites but the richest Jews aez 0.3% of Jews, clearly there is a global agreement between all jews to fuck us up.

>> No.13445605

Most Nazis as in "most blokes who had their party card for whatever reason"? Sure, but intelligent people recognize they were normal folks in dire situation, neither heroes nor monster. The Nazi people keep raving about are those in the military and bureacracy, and even when they didn't pull the trigger they had a role in helping and enabling genocide.

Now you're making it sound as if Jewishness was a political party with a clear bottomline. It isn't. Religious jews often despise secular jews (and they certainly despise the "jews defence league" crowd the most). Left-leaning jews are critical of Israel, finance and militaro-industrial complexes while right-leaning jews are gay for those things. Conservative jews are big on family values and old-school gender roles while liberal and progressive jews are either skeptical of or frankly against those things.

>> No.13445615

>are you sure it's not the money and power they have?
Jews .5% of the world population yet are a third of the richest 1%

>> No.13445621

Ahaha get real, jews are way more disproportionately wealthy on average than white people. They’re literally the prime capitalist enemy of you lefties but you don’t say shit lmao.

>> No.13445669

I'm not a leftist, and if I were I guess my problem would be with wealthy people in general.
Assume you somehow "solve" the problem of Jewish overrepresentation of Jews among the very wealthy.
You're still left with all the others very wealthy (that's the majority of them). You might not even reduce the number of very wealthy people or their share of the global wealth since in all likelihood other oppotunists would fill the vacuum.
Conversely targeting Jews preferentially would lead you to target a lot of non-wealthy people (note also how almost all the Jews people seem to care about a Anglo or American Jews, it's like the others Jews don't even exist to you, so why even bother with them?).

When you have a category that 1. doesn't include the majority of the relevant people (the superrich) 2. include in majority people not among the relevant demographic (the non-superrich Jews) 3. include more than 30% of people whose existence you are never going to take into account anyway, you've got a useless category for your purposes. It should be simple common sense, or at the very least highschool level understanding of naive set theory.

>> No.13446094
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stephen hawking. how could you?

>> No.13446106

Because, with the unsealing of his previous court records, it is no longer speculation to be denied; It is now fact to be contested.

>> No.13446125

So they are both scapegoats and guilty as sin? Interesting.

>> No.13446137

Israel Shamir explains the dialectic well in Pardes.

>> No.13446170

>Is Buddhism the answer?
Yes, converting the Jews to Buddhism would be a good start.

>> No.13446175

>Where is my birthright jewbux?
The secrets you seek can be found in the Talmud.

>> No.13446182

His assertion regarding the numerics still stands, despite your argument. The differences that you illustrate are not pertinent to the numerics.

>> No.13446271


>> No.13446276

>teaching some minors in physics

>> No.13446290

Assuming your last name is Jewish sounding, write an "academic" or "journalistic" book and try to get it published. Make sure to be as intellectually dishonest in the book as possible and coddle leftist views and talking points. Then submit it for publication.

After that, let us know what the results are. If you you got published, then that's your "jewbux" being cashed through social currency. If you weren't published, then every /pol/ac on this site got BTFO'd.

Sound like a fair bet?

>> No.13446396
File: 110 KB, 1322x1048, 1561518438730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13446464

go dilate or read the bell curve
nobody but me has actually read the book. it is technically rigorous, crystal clear and well defined

>> No.13446492

That's what you get for marrying your cousins for 5000 years. Epstein really dodged a bullet LOL

>> No.13446496

Grasping at straws much?

>> No.13446528


>> No.13446638


>> No.13446671

this is actually happening rapidly.

>> No.13446673

good triple

>> No.13446682

"Honey", you're a freak. Look at yourself in the mirror, you look disgusting, dirty. Your parent's trained ability to hide their disgust behind a fake smile means nothing. Deep down, below the layer of the manufactured superego which shields them against illiberal tendencies,... You know they hate you...

>> No.13446974

I'm waiting for someone to finally say what Pinker's facial expression communicates.

>> No.13446986

when you take a piss and thought you shook it all out but you walk out the bathroom and feel a few drops on your thigh
that's what his facial expression communications

>> No.13447012

Atheism and sexual deviancy. They're one in the same.

>> No.13447017

Gates has to make obeisance so he can run for president after the inevitable collapse and purge of the Democratic party

>> No.13447027

Unfortunately, no.

>> No.13447038

LOL U mad?

>> No.13447066
File: 57 KB, 480x719, ghislaine-maxwell-and-elon-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nononono

>> No.13447079

My last name is not Jewish. Also
>getting published in 2019
I'd need a social media following on tweeter or instagram for that.At least on twitch.

>> No.13447083

No, addressing the point.
>muh overrepresentation
doesn't justify any of the usual /pol/ talking points. The distribution is simply too lopsided for both jews and whites. If 5% or more of Jews were ultra rich that'd be another story.

>> No.13447097

it is true.

>> No.13447112

otto weininger is missing in your list

>> No.13447159


>Good looking Jews
what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

>> No.13447553

you just have to meet Spielberg at your bar mitzvah bro, it is known

>> No.13447964

>things are the best they can be. jk xd. if you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.13448002

Really? Where?

>> No.13448034
File: 2.57 MB, 3952x5048, jews3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be stupid.

>> No.13448042
File: 22 KB, 1230x600, share.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think this meditation app is being advertised everywhere? Who do you think gave them money to advertise like that? Mindfulness meditation is the most surefire way to recruit new people to Buddhism in the west.

>> No.13448103

fun fact: genetically speaking it was Jew inbreeding

>> No.13448237

Because they aren't human, they're aliens who bred into our species

>> No.13448556

>woah dude
You're fucking retarded

Those superpowerful Jews represent a tiny minority within their own people and an oddly large proportion of superpowerful individuals in general.

>> No.13449456

I'm in the same boat as anon. I'm half-Jewish through my dad, but have a Polish last name and was raised as a Christian and went to Catholic school. My family also celebrates Christmas every year. Where are my Jewbucks?

>> No.13449468

I've actually gotten asked if I'm Jewish in interviews and when it turns out I don't know anything they get annoyed and when I say I'm only half Jewish, they say you're either full Jewish or not.

>> No.13449545

If you count as Christian, the jews won't even give you nationhood in Israel, no matter the genetics. I assure you they treat you as they treat non-jews.

>> No.13449562

All that science and Krauss still falls for the black swan fallacy.

>> No.13449624

>18-24 year old boyfriend-free girl