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File: 2.85 MB, 480x540, Post-truth_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13439101 No.13439101 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on (what we're seemingly heading towards) a post-truth era, where nothing can be trusted?

(4chan itself seems to be post-truth these days especially with all these 20 year old 4chan "oldfags" remembering the "good old days".)

>> No.13439115

my dairy desu
mooo nigga

>> No.13439122

Pomo shit stoopid nibbla

>> No.13439370

Hysterical retard

>> No.13439454

That's the best you motherfuckers got?

>> No.13439467

You also received this video in your YouTub recs? lmao

>> No.13439537

No, someone sent it to me.

>> No.13440965

There is a Truth that can be trusted which is Jesus Christ, get to know Him

>> No.13441813

Shut up polythiest.

>> No.13441822

How does nostalgia equals no truth?

>> No.13441835

Arendt wrote an essay in the 1950s called 'The concept of history: ancient and modern', where she argues the axiom 'everything is possible' which underpinned totalitarianism leads to the situation where almost any hypothesis can be made to work, even if it is not backed by some metaphysical truth. Modern understanding of nature as fundamentally mediated by models and the questions the models allow us to ask, with a parallel for historical understanding. This combines with the increased human capacity to act, our capabilities to create natural processes which impact into our human lifeworld, creates more and more opportunities for making 'almost any hypothesis work'. And it drives the closing off of a common lifeworld, feeding 'world-alienation'.

>> No.13441873

Maybe you could say a correspondence theory of truth got dominated by a vulgar pragmatist theory of truth and popular culture hasn't gotten to the post-positivist critique yet.

>> No.13441911
File: 243 KB, 441x388, f63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew, you could say that twice.

>> No.13443245

It's faux-nostalgia. 4chan doesn't really have proper archives so things can easily be lost to time, especially intangible things like sentiments (like the "cats are sacred" thing which seems to have faded). A lot of early 4chan isn't recorded, so any newfag who was born yesterday can claim anything and it's pretty hard to call them out when only a sliver of it survived and what survived doesn't have much context to it; '/b/ was always shit' is parroted a lot by newfags trying to pretend they were there in the beginning thinking that /b/ was always overrun with porn.

>> No.13443293

I, for one, came in around late 2012, and I really miss it.

>> No.13443561

That was when it started really going to shit with gamergate and the fappening in 2014.

>> No.13443573

2006 was firmly newfag territory, /b/ was always shit, modern porn dump /b/ doesn't share anything in common with its history

>> No.13443576

Does this imply that there ever was a "Truth" era?

>> No.13443725

True, but that's the last I saw of pre-banana YLYL, beta, shoop, and all around fun, original threads.

>> No.13444111

I don't know but shit could be verified beyond doubt.

>> No.13444135
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 62B0400D-7D0C-4FA8-8ACC-BA3F78A141E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t even trust math anymore

>> No.13444152
File: 68 KB, 720x705, 1558103537214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far yeah. But this wasnt even possible like 6 years ago. It's accelerating and we're all in for the ride!!1! :')

>> No.13444174
File: 83 KB, 500x459, freebookfreewifi5538072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13444423

trust pure math , apllied math is the cancer

>> No.13444430

Pure math is a sham. We can’t verify any of it. Circles, infinity, pi, irrationals, area, distance, all made up concepts. No one understands them

>> No.13444444

>Pure math is a sham.
What? What about all the proofs I did in uni?

>> No.13444455


>> No.13444457

That's a lot of 4s

>> No.13444548


>> No.13444646


>> No.13444675
File: 108 KB, 700x523, that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13444709

Proofs that rested on false axioms

>> No.13444802

wasted on such a faggot comment

>> No.13444811

I dONT liKE coNFUSION!!!!!!

>> No.13444883
File: 89 KB, 570x940, gulag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13444930

Why are they false? Forgive me if it's a stupid question, uni was almost a decade ago and I'm losing IQ points in a dead end job.

>> No.13444944

You're so fucking dumb dude. Parts of history are poorly recorded so we're in a "post truth era" now

>> No.13444958

They aren't false so much as self defined, so they refer back to math instead of some universal truth.

>> No.13444964

There is no "post-truth" era. The hysteria around it and "fake news" is liberals desperately trying to assert their views since Trump winning caused a "crack" in the hegemony and people question everything their institutions say now very publicly.

We live in the era of cybernetics, Friedrich Von Hayek's concept of market economics is a cybernetic concept: the market as a massive self regulating information exchange system, that's just been getting more and more efficient as the capacity to harvest information grows and grows. Our civilisation is built on the ruins of the war effort of the 40s and the subsequent dyonisian orgy of the 60s just like medieval civilisation was built on the ruins of Rome. hippies took to buckminster fuller's ideal of the comprehensive designer and the cowboy archetype of the american frontier, in the 70s and 80s, cyberpunk filled the vacuum left behind by utopia, the refuse and the remnant of runaway capital accumulation. Reagan and Thatcher were not conservatives, but revolutionary agents of deterritorialisation. Trump and May are nothing but degenerated clones of the original prototype. Our popular culture, now managed by investment bankers, focus groups and 'woke' 20th somethings, remains likewise fixated on the collective childhood of the 80s. social media becomes another way of enforcing repression and narcissistic dependency. The spectre of the alt right is just another disciplinary boogeyman, just like 'radical islamic terrorism' and the soviet international. It's relation to the liberal media and the frightened cyberserfs is one of codependency. a self regulating system means something else entirely when you are the one being regulated.

>> No.13444984

Axiom of infinity is unsupported by intuition, for example. How do we know there are infinite sets, or that infinite sums exist? We don’t. A lot of modern math is built on this nonsense. But there are problems going back to the ancient Greeks. One of Euclid’s axioms was that you can draw a like between two points, but how is this a mathematical axiom? What does that even mean? It’s true on paper, but his definition of a line, “that which has length, has no width” isn’t true on paper. We’re dealing with an abstract realm that we know nothing about. It’s a confused mess and no mathematician likes to admit. The notion of area is another problem. What IS area? And how is it defined by the lengths of the perimeter? How can the product of two lines construct an area, rather than a longer line? There are some missing assumptions and specifications here.

>> No.13444996

Been on here since 2005. The first day I was here it was Donate or Die. This place has always been shit. Any sense of nostalgia is your own projection. Teh rei, shoe on head, and long cat were just as silly as frogposters. People are just more ideologically charged when they shout nigger now. The same ironic posting that brought retarded normies brought the alt right because muh journalism. The same ironic posting turned people into catholic shills. We now see forced memes for what they are, we no longer respect GETS. Dubs is just a satire of GETS in an age where posts are too fast to care.

>> No.13445056

I have been here from the beginning too and was on SA before (and for a while, parallel with) that. This place has always been great. I HATE NIGGERS.

>> No.13445073

Yeah, I can't imagine living in a world where people just believe what they want and ignore everything else.

>> No.13445141

What would you say is a post-positivist example in today's society?

>> No.13445223

>The same ironic posting turned people into catholic shills.
I really find this bizarre.

>> No.13445322

With a car you can go anywhere.
It’s counter counter culture. Once the internet became something you had to opt out of it was flooded with people adopting its early ideas such as a strong support for atheism. Now it’s the counter cultural thing to be so over the tops atheist you own crusade armor.

>> No.13445323

I'm starting to worry that Youtube is part of some government psyop.

>> No.13445330

It is. Google is mining your data to predict... you. All of you. Change you. Good book Rec is age of surveillance capitalism.

>> No.13445349

based schizos

>> No.13445439

Some philosophers (Hume, Kant, Marx) are sort of antecedents for "post-truth" anti-realism, but the main philosophers you'll want to take a look at are Nietzsche, the American pragmatists (Peirce, James, Dewey), their American analytic heirs (Goodman, Quine, Sellars, Davidson, Putnam, Rorty), British ordinary language philosophers (Wittgenstein, Ryle, Austin), and French structuralists/postmodernist continentals (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Baudrillard). The heavy skepticism of Hume, the transcendental idealism of Kant, and the proto-structuralism (base/superstructure) of Marx are important antecedents.

>> No.13445443
File: 14 KB, 292x499, baudrillard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, may as well start with Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation, it's exactly about how we're heading towards a post-truth era, it's short, and not difficult.

>> No.13445575

Next you're gonna be telling me that the government doesn't have your best interests at heart bro, don't be delusional

>> No.13445706

Wtf is universal truth then? What is a single example of the kind of universal truth you want math to rely on?

>> No.13445832

Wasted. Fuck you.

>> No.13446032

wasted like the proofs you did in uni

>> No.13446036

You only have proof of those digits

>> No.13446520

>Now it’s the counter cultural thing to be so over the tops atheist you own crusade armor.
Is it a concious decision? I know most of them masturbate to shemale porn.

>> No.13446542

Nigga wat. The narrow realms of experience where things could be verified beyond doubt in the past are still there, arguably they've been expanding (to the extent that such realms exist of course).
Most of society has always been a shitfest of inverifiability, only now it's harder to ignore it.

I'm not very convinced thing have changed that much. At best we've come back from the naive 20th cetury belief that technology would allow for tangible proof with photographs, recordings and the like. But it's also true that governments have been efficiently tampering with photographic evidence since the 60s at least.

As for the state of truth before the 20th century, let's not even get started there. Some eras had staggering amont of impostor kings, backed by very dubious documents, some even had their own armies and came very close to making it to the throne. Legends and rumors were everywhere, the the investigative practices we now take for granted (evidence based trials, competent police, empirical method with a falsifiability and reproducibility criteria) existed more or less but were in their infancy.

The main philosophical difference is people used to believe in an absolute truth safeguarded by God, but in practice that truth was inaccessible to humans.

>> No.13446549

With free wifi I can access books that aren't in the library and they're even easier to carry.

t. Memorized over 1000 verses of French poetry by reading them on his phone during transportation

>> No.13446589

> starting
> mfw normies i talk to online openly state they don't care about being tracked/watched/spied on by govt or companies because "what are they going to find out lmaaaao i aint interesting"
then they joked about how taping your camera won't stop anyone from watching you. literally what

>> No.13446598

that's based. just finished reading Carr's Shallows yesterday, and tbhon i don't believe it matters much if you read on paper or on screen if it's a simple reading app with no distractions. the difference it does make is probably balanced out by concentration and processing which reading itself requires, so it doesn't rewire your brain remarkably

>> No.13446628

in the post truth era, young Jack Nicholson looks like Jim Carrey

>> No.13446640

lemme just say, technology and moral questions aside that is one good ass choice to put Jim Carrey's face onto Jack Nicholson's "The Shining" acting

like what perfect facial movements and what a perfect switching of actors to use as a demonstration

i would watch the entire Shining with Jim Carrey on his face. I wonder if that will be the future of memes, that kind of live remixing. The comments section of a new Netflix feature will be full of "LMAO PUT JOHN BELUSHI ON CHRISTINA HENDRIX XD" and it will be blue highlighted text because Netflix will have built in face swap technologyt

>> No.13446794

>4chan itself seems to be post-truth these days
>these days
>"free book"
Always makes me lol.

>> No.13447216

>future of memes
That's not a meme.

>> No.13448114

nobody cares

power has become too strong

you'll be dead in 50 and you're probably a reactionary white boy so your government isn't gonna target you; in fact they'll do everything they can to keep you safe even when you fuck up

>> No.13449173


>> No.13449202
