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13438265 No.13438265 [Reply] [Original]

Recently got a recommendation for this book here, and i wanted to have a few words with that Anonymous, if i could. But the thread is open to all of course.
I just finished the Introduction by a guy named Cox, and. Must say I disagree with a central tenet of the mans thesis. He seems to think we’re too intimate in the public sphere now, and were far more distant in the past. I find it to be the reverse. Cox even cites the rise of department stores disconnecting the buyers from the sellers.
Can anyone make sense of this book or even suggest a better one?

>> No.13438281

It is important to consider what WAYS that people are closer, or farther apart these days.

I would say there is a noticeable increase of human interaction, yet what kind of character is in these interactions.

I think there is some good and bad. Either way, thanks for not making another shit thread :3

>> No.13438295
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I don’t make many threads at all.
First one I’ve made since my “return”, actually.

>> No.13438323

I agree, that doesn’t sound quite right. Between atomization, consumerism, materialism, narcissism and whatever other modernity-ism you want to throw in there, Intimacy has all but disappeared.

But this points to a bigger problem with “our age,” that we can’t even agree on the most sweeping descriptive generalities about modern life: Do we live in an age of fracture, or one of crushing homogeneity? Were the fifties a time of bland and stultifying conformity, or an era of explosive change? Are we freer today than we’ve ever been, or hedged round ever more closely by an oppressive network of control.

I don’t fucking know anymore.

>> No.13438367

So, I watched this interview with a porn actress.
Among the obvious details she mentioned, and which I shall not mention, she implied that this porn company allowed her to act out her fantasies while they get broadcasted to the public. In this way, she acts out her intimate fantasies, shares them with the public, and lets the public go through her reactions to the enactment of said fantasy. Pretty strange if you ask me.
I didn't read this book, but if you look into history, people did not have access to share their intimate fantasies in public. Even orgies were a pretty niche thing in those days.
>department stores
Well, we don't hackle with sellers anymore. (Unless you happen to live in some Turkistani country). The sellers have to play the role of the seller without actually selling. They observe and attend to the boring details of the process rather than engaging in the actual sales process. They really couldn't give more fucks about whether you consider buying an extra banana. On top of that, we are disconnected from whoever brought the goods in, and for all we care, it could've been a fairy.

>> No.13438436

cool i LOVE have a nice life

>> No.13438463


>> No.13438480

It is most certainly homogeneity and any perception of fracture is just the remnants of human thought peaking through conditioning. You have the monolith system which has a very well defined range of behaviors, ethics, hierarchies, and social manners all based around material neoliberalism or something adjacent or supportive of it.

Then you have the atomized minority purity spiraling in either some traditional faith, technical ideology, philosophy, or other pursuit. But assuredly the mass is sufficiently entertained by the life cycle of produce output for trinkets, receive wages, and consume media and their values and behaviors align with that. If you think this is wrong simply have a conversation with such a person and they will admit as such even if you are baffled at them possibly being satisfied with such existence. They at the very least insist and conditioning will out weigh the little nagging doubt in their mind.

But rest assured unless it is successful to the altar of output and manufacture something won't reach very far into the mind of people any longer.

>> No.13438503

That's death of marat you moron

>> No.13438575

Pornstars are a very small subset of a wealthy region of the world. Technology does bring out a strange desire in some people (yeah, I see that it’s mostly girls, but not all) to make connections, at least safe and phony connections with people. This gals the likes of you all (and I! I have no public profiles out there. I hate Facebook etc.) So there’s a desire for some kind of connections, but they’re usually by people with intimacy issues. Their real personal lives look to be very lacking, so they/we reach out for at least a reasonable facsimile.
The real world, in the city spaces, you see people, you get really close to them in elevators and buses. But there’s absolutely no real connection. Public spaces are less connective than online hangouts.

>> No.13438600

Pretty wild visiting city friends and they couldnt even name who lives in a single apartment around them

>> No.13438644

It's important to note that enactment of fantasies now is in the public eye, which makes it more 'intimate' than it used to be, historically. If you've had the misfortune of living in the US for prolonged periods of time, there's a tendency to direct people towards 'public self-expression' since self-expression in a closed circle seems somewhat dull and without approval from the public, which would put you in the sweet centre spot on the normal distribution curve.
I don't have any public profiles either, but the broad use of social media now sadly falls into relatively insignificant category called "pathology of everyday life". Ya ask me, I'd have them all in mental hospital for wanting to create an additional persona and publicise it, as if having a persona already at work wasn't bad enough.