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/lit/ - Literature

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13436668 No.13436668 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many trans people on this board? Nothing wrong with it, just don't understand the correlation between literature and transgenderism.

>> No.13436677

Its more of a 4chan thing, this place has always been a hangout for homosexuals, weebs, autists and the mentally ill. Trannies are at the center of the venn diagram so not surprising

>> No.13436688

>tfw no intellectually intimidating trans hacker gf

>> No.13436706
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They sterilize themselves, nature always finds new ways to stop bad genes from spreading

>> No.13436718


>> No.13436720

They're creepy asf and all into interracial stuff

>> No.13436722

falseflagging of non-trannies and natural attention-whoring of actual trannies probably bloats the perception

>> No.13436735
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Tumblr is shit because the retards can’t post their buttholes anymore so they migrated over here. Pol and B outs them for being wastes of skin and LIT is half tolerant so they stick around even though no one wants them.
>talk about books
>h-hey guise can you suggest a book for the mentally challenged?
>gets offered Plato
>”I-I only read Harry Potter growing up, this doesn't make any sense. Do you have something with trannies in it?” Uwu *blushes* *prolapses*
>offers pic related which oddly enough has a tranny GF
>”I-is there an anime of this? I don’t want to read the whole book”
>”does anyone want to come to my discord? There’s pictures of my butthole”
>a few people check it out. Of course there’s a link to a patreon account from OP. No one donates
>”d-do you think I’m passable?”
>picture looks fat and hideous sweetjesuskillitwithfire.mp3
>op makes another thread
>h-hey guise why is lit so accepting of trannies?

>> No.13436741

Rather, the only way they can propagate themselves is through memetics which is why they devote so much effort to evangelising

>> No.13436750

Theoretically i might understand transgenderism as a legitimate sexual perversion, I understand these people go through a lot of pain, but hey its not my fault every last one of them just happens to be comoletely insufferable and undeserving of the slightest sympathy

>> No.13436755
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>>”I-I only read Harry Potter growing up, this doesn't make any sense. Do you have something with trannies in it?” Uwu *blushes* *prolapses*

>> No.13436773
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>> No.13437317

Why trannies? Why do people read books? Why do people write books?


>> No.13437343

while transgender do need medical help, to fix their condition and not to accentuate it, these people deserve the rope

>> No.13437347
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>>”I-I only read Harry Potter growing up, this doesn't make any sense. Do you have something with trannies in it?” Uwu *blushes* *prolapses*

>> No.13437525


>> No.13437530

>nothing wrong with it
neck urself faggot.

>> No.13437549

4chan has always been a beacon for the mentally ill

>> No.13437563

There aren't that many but I agree that one is more than enough and they need to be removed

>> No.13437592

Gender dysphoria pushes you to the limit of your thought and forces you to challenge most notions of identity you learnt when you were a child. Many closetted trans also face guilt and alienation from their peers, which is ultimately the reason why people resort to art as a means of expression.

>> No.13437607

Trans people cant create or even appreciate good art as they are ludicrous creatures who lack even a fundamental sense of human pathos, forever condemned to the internet cringe ghetto along with furries and weeebs

>> No.13437652

I'd be worried about you guys not reading my work when I publish, but I know none of you actually reads.

>> No.13437669

>Many closetted trans also face guilt and alienation from their peers,

Because you fuckers won’t shut up about your goddamn 82 genders for two consecutive fucking minutes.

>> No.13437688


>wanting to cut off your dick is being pushed to the limit of your thought

at last i truly see

>> No.13437698

The harrowing existential horror and abjection of trannies would made for great literature if they were self aware enough.

>> No.13437713

I blame the accelerationism threads.

>> No.13437731

Shut up sex slave

>> No.13437964
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Seventh post best post

>> No.13437987

Closetted trans people don't shut up about their 82 genders? Learn to read, dog.
Wanting to cut off your dick is being pushed to the limit of your thought, yes. Indeed.
100% true. I'm writing something like that, although I really hope my work goes by unattended. I wouldn't want to become a trans icon, just because of how crazy my life has been and the little service I'd do to their cause.

>> No.13437993


>> No.13437997

Stop being a tranny.

>> No.13438005

Bruce is a freak.

>> No.13438235

Basement creeper dude, 30 is right around the corner

>> No.13438270
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>other ppl trying to cut ur dick off for u and employing police, uni students and homeless ppl

>> No.13438277
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>surviving and not being a creep about trannies

>> No.13438283

Trannies= incel class traitors

>> No.13438294

I sincerely hope your children become gay or trans.

>> No.13438321

Class usually is used to refer to one’s economic standing, not some sort of sociological classification

This thread doesn’t belong

>> No.13438357

>h-hey guise can you suggest a book for the mentally challenged?
>gets offered Plato

>> No.13438372


Lmfao, based

>> No.13438742

Here's my question: if gender is performative, as the lefties like to tell us, what does it mean to feel like a girl? Wouldn't that mean it isn't performative?

>> No.13439742

rent free in your mind

>> No.13439749
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>Nothing wrong with it