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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 138 KB, 1000x667, chapsal-bataille-orleans-1961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13433879 No.13433879 [Reply] [Original]

"hey anon I found some chick that's down with us urinating up her anus. you in?"

What was this guys deal, is transgression the only way to break free of society's expectations? What more should I read after Story of the Eye

>> No.13434387
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You missed the whole religious subtext.

>> No.13434391

pissing girls buttholes is still hot

>> No.13434399
File: 56 KB, 900x600, freckles_by_nicolenudes-d5rsugf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, but it's even hotter if she's a hardcore Catholic.

>> No.13434401

Ok I’m really loving Bataille now

>> No.13434415

you missed the point, Imagine if Evola wrote Story of the Eye, you now get it.

>> No.13434439
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she knows what’s up

>> No.13434459
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>> No.13434677

You mean like riding the tiger?

>> No.13434812


The idea that Bataille had groupies is disturbing.

>> No.13434867

im not sure ive ever finished anything other that his theoretical writings.

>> No.13434930

I've only read Literature and Evil and some uni papers on his literary theory. Is his fiction good?

>> No.13435109


Is it true that he was a great economist?

>> No.13435147

“Water sports” is stupid, but transgressions against the religions has always got me going. Girls going to a confession just to inform the priest how depraved she’s been used to be a favorite fantasy...

She hot.

>> No.13435200

im not sure that writing about transforming the sun into an orgasm counts

tho I suppose making a dime of everyones libido is the best business practice out there

>> No.13435212

Story of the eye was honestly cringe af

>> No.13435243

sure, but how much stupid shit have you done drunk or in the throws of hot sex?

>> No.13435272

how can someone focus on changing the world if they have witches like her seducing him at every turn?

this is why this author is terrible

>> No.13435287

you just had to be there

>> No.13435289


>> No.13435405

Is it true Bataille was still a Catholic but some weird mystic kind?

>> No.13435439
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>A philosopher, essayist, novelist, pornographer and fervent Catholic who came to regard the brothels of Paris as his true 'churches', Georges Bataille ranks among the boldest and most disturbing of twentieth-century thinkers. In this influential study he links the underlying sexual basis of religion to death, offering a dazzling array of insights into incest, prostitution, marriage, murder, sadism, sacrifice and violence, as well as including comments on Freud, Sade and Saint Theresa. Everywhere, Eroticism argues, sex is surrounded by taboos, which we must continually transgress in order to overcome the sense of isolation that faces us all.

>> No.13435454

Probably the most degenerate catholic who ever lived then

>> No.13435467
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>tfw no Bataille reading gf to go through a transgressive phase with

>> No.13435498

>Why even sit home shitposting?

>> No.13435553
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I know that feel :(

>> No.13435883

Yes please mr Bataille

>> No.13435902
File: 69 KB, 640x881, 18EC656A-3999-4317-9AB8-9420F92F56F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah transgressive phase is the best phase, even better than the honeymoon phase

>> No.13435909

Ok I love Bataille and plan on reading all his works- bye /lit/

>> No.13436075

a milf if i've ever seen one

>> No.13436221

no, I was kinda joking. But Bataille is an underrated gnostic. It's not just smut.

>> No.13436258

wow so being a slutty ho is "transgressing against taboos" and achieving gnosis. sounds based

>> No.13436319

Buddy, no one is making fun of anyone, anything, or anybody for not having a gf.

Go outside and communicate with people. I got this quasi-gf from very unusual circumstances, but life is unusual.

That’s why you should explore. No one ever got anything, anybody, or anywhere by staying where they were born and raised. :3

>> No.13436320

>tfw ywn take your edgy bipolar transgressive-ass thicc butt gf to an art gallery, discuss modern art with her, then go to the toilet with her to voraciously lick her semi-sweaty asshole as you jerk off and moan "oh yes mommy your asshole tastes amazing"
why live

>> No.13436328

you probably shouldn't

>> No.13436331

have sex

>> No.13436339

Yes, yes, rebranding pathetic degeneracy as being somehow bold and important is a great way to help us along toward a "new" society. Thanks once again, Frankfort school!

>> No.13436343

You are all into interracial sex slavery and having your minds read by corporations and the government, your thoughts will be catalogued against you

>> No.13436373

*our asshole

>> No.13436375

/pol/ please leave

>> No.13436388

That /leftypol/...

>> No.13436409

You are into interracial sex slavery and having your mind read by corporations and the government, your thoughts will be catalogued against you.

>> No.13436414
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>> No.13436517
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>>What was this guys deal, is transgression the only way to break free of society's expectations?
bourgeois are sex addicts who can only talk about sex and boredom and they always try to link their smut to their fantasy of subversion of christian values, because they hate that they are christians

>> No.13436614

tfw when i could've had this the other day but i screwed it up :(

>> No.13436619

The Frankfurt School thought Bataille was a fascist...

>> No.13436648

Hey buddy i think you got the wrong thread,the /pol/ club is two blocks down

>> No.13436793
File: 125 KB, 1200x754, lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no shit, that's literally the entire American psy-op that's been going on for years now, brainwashing the entire world.
>your thoughts will be catalogued against you
right, the thoughts implemented into me mostly by the government will be used against me by the government. Awesome take but you're wrong. I'm catalogued as a non-influencer and won't be influenced where I'll force anything abstract into concretion so nothing will be used against me because I won't do anything.

>> No.13437351

The Frankfurt school unironically branded Bataille a fascist

>> No.13438581

I'm 5'4 I don't even have enough self respect to leave my house

>> No.13438625


looks like my kind of writer desu

>> No.13438635

>a priest is seduced, corrupted and finally murdered at the moment of orgasm

>> No.13438907

He was

>> No.13438980

>that's literally the entire American psy-op that's been going on for years now, brainwashing the entire world.

By seeing this as an exclusively American phenomenon you are part of the brainwashing. The root cause is capitalism, and the root of capitalism is greed as the virtue of virtues, which has its roots in the insatiable desire for permanence instilled by the infinite greed that is the Judeo-Christian desire for the afterlife in order to "permanently solve" the problem of fear of death from which the Western world (and now the entire world) has never grown out of. The origin is unquestionable assumptions, and conservativism and faux leftism are mutually fellows is the war on questioning assumptions.

>> No.13439179

Do girls like when you call them Mommy? Do they like treating you as a little boy, and specifically their own adoptive child? What if I want to be completely submissive to a woman, giving her as much power as she wants (but not to harm or degrade me), and to love her from my submissive perch? Do any women like such a relationship dynamic?

Also what do I do if I'm asexual, and therefore never do any sexual acts with anyone - how do I hold a girlfriend? Please no references to c*ck*ldry.

>> No.13439185

hire a dominatrix

>> No.13439197

my gf does this with me and started doing it without me asking for it, so i'd say yes. just act submissive during sex and they'll start doing it naturally

>> No.13439739

That's an attractive woman.

>> No.13439842

learn to greentext

>> No.13439911

you are the luckiest boy in the world. i'm asexual though so no sex for me

>> No.13439933

the root of world wide capitalism is america, jews and anglos

>> No.13440298

To be fair, it's hard to understand Libertines without just jerking off.

>> No.13440353

What a banal take, are you ready to exit 2015 yet?

>> No.13440364

yeah didn't catch that part sorry. well i guess try acting submissive and calling them "mommy" in contexts you see fit, they'll get thr idea
and yeah i feel pretty lucky. she makes me feel like such a good boy

>> No.13440435

i'll try it anon, thanks. what a shame that modern feminism became such a trainwreck, whereby a basic shift in power dynamics within relationships between men and women was not ever seen, and a whole bunch of other irrelevant nonsense became the face of the movement. it would have been so nice for dominant woman to become normalized, and submissive men destigmatized., but even in 2019 it's still the case that a girl can write out her fantasies involving the archetype of a "daddy" freely and openly on social media with no stigma whatsoever, while any guy who ever even hinted at wanting a "mommy" is automatically seen as a weirdo and intrinsically defective in some way. it's just so sad. I doubt it'll be easy to find a girl who'll not only accept me for being submissive, but love me and also be a natural dominant. I can't even find internet material corresponding to my fantasy, since all of it involves sexuality and even worse forms of it like p*gging. apparently the only option for a submissive man is to be a pseudo-homosexual, wanting to experience being penetrated by a rod. when all I really want is to be loved and cared for and protected and owned by a maternal girl. sorry for the ramble. I wish you and your girlfriend the best future together.

>> No.13440442 [DELETED] 

>tfw pretty sure that's the chicago art museum
>tfw went there a month ago with a thicc butt girl
>tfw stood in that exact room
>tfw later ate her asshole

good day

>> No.13440457

not being rude or judging you, but why would you ever perform such a dirty act? for what benefit? don't you feel dirty after, and regret it?

>> No.13440512

yeah you being asexual is what makes it difficult. even for us it's a mostly sexual thing, though we do sometimes retain the relation outside sex. also i agree that feminism is going in some wrong directions. one thing feminists could really do more is help men that don't fit the norm of heteropatriarchy well like yourself. maybe you could look into feminist philosophy and find something like that. anyway good luck to you too friend

>> No.13440596
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Bataille threads are just for horny posting