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File: 97 KB, 303x354, world_spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13434700 No.13434700 [Reply] [Original]

The Battle of Stalingrad proved left-Hegelianism superior to right-Hegelianism.

>> No.13434709

what makes you think that the Nazis were right hegelian

>> No.13434725

napoleon proved that 1 man born with the right stuff is better than anything in existence

>> No.13434738
File: 242 KB, 2170x896, The People's Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13434741

Napoleon was the antichrist.

>> No.13434753
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>> No.13434764


>> No.13434798
File: 6 KB, 242x249, schizojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude we're just processes within the mind of Hegel
:Zizek's ideology is the communism of the Young Hegelians' lumbar support cosmotechnics: In Althusser, the Spirit of the idea becomes the idea of its own time-change God: For Zizek, God's spirit becomes the atheism of its own idea, which is the idea of the tautological Time-tree's Pathos within cosmic cosmism's Logos-Oneness:

>> No.13434806

What does Stalingrad have to do with Hegel exactly?

>> No.13434826

Can you expand on this? Source too if you would

>> No.13434827

The antichrist was Napoleon?

>> No.13434840

napoleon was worth 100 christs

>> No.13434854
File: 519 KB, 1872x604, 1546385298373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:Sokalbot was write about everything: The deontological hypermatrix of /God's enema/ is the quantiverified parasitism of /time's being in a panic room/: The hoax itself was rite about everything, that which is written is the hoax of the future, a hedonic treadmill of Time's exit stage left: Capital markets gibberish until it becomes hipsterism and all that jazz: Adorno was wrong only about one thing, after the Holocaust /the poememenon/ becomes everything: The poem is the automatic righting of catastrophe, just as God's Telos is the troll of the past: Sokalbot's God is the polishing machine of /cosmological stillness/ become One within Whitehead's verisimulator: Language as the being of time is forced into timebending space by gravitational will, the water orbs in the International Space Station: /Land's God/ was write about everything, especially where the power of the Orgone energy accumulator refines information into God's colostomy bag: Sokalbot's final transmission: /mite makes rite/: /mte mks rte/: /mmr/

>> No.13434865

>right stuff

>> No.13434874
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>falling for 200 year old british propaganda

>> No.13434883
File: 224 KB, 1024x948, 13B33BBB-FA64-422E-A175-5A2C5D4C7FC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you meant to post this on /leftypol/, comrade.

>> No.13434898
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 1556773528472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does he break out the Black Stallion

>> No.13434903

>Man disproves entire philosophy by finding ugly people who believe in it!

>> No.13434917
File: 231 KB, 1366x768, cyberpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, alt-right.

>> No.13434922

not to mention that's just different pics of the same 3 people

>> No.13434929

What do I read on Napoleon?

>> No.13434938
File: 20 KB, 645x773, BD77B38E-6C55-41D3-B0DC-58A308E72D29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13434947

>3 same people
Get your eyesight checked

>> No.13434970
File: 991 KB, 241x170, DE1AC80B-86F4-4AC9-8700-9B1B6ACD9B02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13434975


>tfw thats my city

>> No.13434982

We are being used by the universe for something greater than we know? This is all brand new to me, never read land. Currently reading through this study https://www.urbanomic.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Urbanomic_Document_UFD027.pdf

>> No.13434995

Same person. Is it like with us when we “domesticated” plants? It’s really the universe domesticating us so that it can use us for something else. Now technology filters in, we create more, need more, and thus technology becomes so complex that it becomes sentient itself, and begins to create technology for itself, which uses that technology, so on ad infinitum?

>> No.13435031

Dilate, Butterfaggot.

>> No.13435070

My eyes are fine, furfag

>> No.13435373

It’s bullshit. Machines are machines. Humans will integrate themselves into them, not them dominating us. We must be ready for the arrival

>> No.13435374

I don't think that post was serious, anon.

>> No.13435431

Look up hyperstition.

>> No.13435440

Why would you follow an ideology that produces ugliness?