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13434282 No.13434282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have no coherent worldview. I swapped from catholic to atheist to agnostic, back to atheist, to catholic again and then theist and finally I don't know.

Nothing is certain and the only thing I can say with some confidence is that I don't know anything and even if I do know something I wouldn't know if I do.

I'm a zoomer NEET and rotting away in my chair, browsing 4chan for 14 hour a day. It feels wrong to be like this but I can't definitively explain why it's wrong because I cannot be certain if absolute truth exists or not. Before I was very goal oriented but after a lot of self reflection, all my goals seem just like vanity such as getting a high paying job, getting /fit/, joining the military to reserves to be prepared for any situation...etc. Is it vanity, and if it is why is that bad? Should I pursue it even if it is vanity? What changes if it isn't vanity? How do I know?

>> No.13434293

lol join the military weeb, they'll get good use out of you

>> No.13434299

"Reason" is a scam. Follow your feelings

>> No.13434315
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I know exactly how you feel anon.

>> No.13434373

But following your feeling inevitably leads tothe trigger warning esjaydoubleyous and roasties bringing millions of african migrants into western countries and effectively destroying the white man's way of life

>> No.13434511

>this is what women actually believe
Neck yourself

>> No.13434624

Does life need to be eternal, or possess universal meaning, or be otherwise perfect to be worthwhile? Do you really think being fit and having more disposable income is just 'vanity' and won't tangibly improve your life?

I think you are just constructing an insurmountable failure condition to avoid change. Start making changes and understand that waiting on 'perfect' standards is an unreasonable cop-out... Once you build up some forward inertia things will get easier. Existential questions may remain important to you, but they will become incidental to your more immediate concerns.

>> No.13434645

I never said anything about perfection. However, my problem is that I don't know what to do because I'm not sure what kind of values I should even have to live my life or if I should even live it at all.

>> No.13434691
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Values stem from our natures. Follow your nature in the healthiest manner possible (i.e. avoiding modern dopamine-fix short circuiting of your nature). If your nature is truly maldaptive (like you're actually suicidal or incapable of social success) then you'll remove yourself from the gene-pool and there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.13434699

But don't you ever feel like "following your nature" leaves something to be desired? How can you tell if you're just convincing yourself that something is your nature or if you are doing something "true"?

Some argue that following the natural order means following God's law but how can you know that a creator exists, let alone cares about your actions and is the Christian god?

>> No.13434822

Simple... Understand your nature. Understand the most basic processes of life and how they can become perverted and maladaptive. Understand that your nature could be maladaptive (you could be homosexual and won't reproduce, or genetically predisposed to analysis paralysis). Prioritize and compensate accordingly. I don't know what it means to 'do something true' -- I don't know what standard you could possibly be appealing to. If you can't bring yourself to value life for its own sake, by all means employ religion -- but I can't help you there. Ultimately death/extinction is the final judge and life which becomes too maladaptive will not continue.

>> No.13434839

>value life for it's own sake

Why? What's so special about it?

>> No.13434873

It's special to you because you are it. Why do you need more reason than that? The only reason you can value anything is because of your nature -- you possess that capacity... So if you can't value the nature that allows you to value in the first place, I'd say you're a bit fucked.

>> No.13434876

Read the CTMU, by Chris Langan. It's all in there. It's essentially a logico-mathematical proof of a panentheistic God. It describes reality as a Self-Configuring Self-Processing Language (SCSPL). I'll give you some preliminary definitions, and then move on to what the author has to say about the structure of God, and the meaning of life. In short, the purpose of life is to help God, as embodied by the universe, express His nature in a positive way. Do right by God, and He will do right by you. Reject Him, and He will reject you.

Teleology: The will of God, or the intentionality of the universe.
SCSPL: Self-Configuring Self-Processing Language.
Infocognition: Reality everywhere consists of a common substance, infocognition. Infocognition is a convergent generalization of information and cognition based on the fact that cognition is a process which, by definition, informs the cognitive processor.

Paper: http://knowledgebase.ctmu.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Langan_CTMU_0929021-1.pdf
Knowledge Base: http://knowledgebase.ctmu.net (password:"ctmu-kb")
Wiki: http://ctmucommunity.org
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDwe1zllqq7kLoxBe2c4mPA


>> No.13434885
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>what does the ctmu say about god?
http://knowledgebase.ctmu.net/question/what-does-the-ctmu-say-about-god/ (password:"ctmu-kb")


>> No.13434889
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>how can we prove the sentience of god? how can we prove the will of god?
http://knowledgebase.ctmu.net/question/how-can-we-prove-the-sentience-of-god-how-can-we-prove-the-will-of-god/ (password:"ctmu-kb")


>> No.13434897
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>on the meaning of life.
http://knowledgebase.ctmu.net/question/if-there-is-a-reason-that-reality-must-exist-then-that-would-also-be-the-reason-that-i-exist-which-is-probably-what-i-am-really-wondering-is-the-answer-that-giving-myself-a-reason-to-exist-is/ (password:"ctmu-kb")


>> No.13434991

Get into this. It encouraged me to read more and understand the basis of all things

>> No.13435827

What manga is this from?

>> No.13435861

Your thoughts need some sort of environment with rules that allows your matter to arrange for them to exist. This implies that everything is configured beforehand in order for something real to be determined to be "legal" to exist. Necessarily the thing that configured this container, if capable, must configure all possible containers in every order to prevent the possibility of they themselves being contained. This implies that all imaginable is necessarily real and thus knowledge is determining not the fundamental truth but the local truth of what particular reality you are in relative to all of them. So just take the conclusions of empiricism, throw in some healthy room for possibility and get on with it.

>> No.13435863

Go to trade school.

>> No.13436601

Accept that you don't know anything and that you can't, and that because of that you can't know whether you should live or not. It makes it easy not to kill yourself because you can assume there's some probability that the suffering others would feel after you leave is unjust, although it's probably not. After you accept that, simply don't bend to the undesirable terms the system tries to force upon you, and you're less likely to feel fucked under it.

Also don't join the military, you will 100% get shipped off to Iran and have mine shrapnel implanted at high velocity into your skull.

>> No.13436679

get off 4chan immediately

>> No.13436747

one punch man

>> No.13436758

Going from a Christian to a Confused theist is the only red pilled path to God.

Keep trying anon you’re doing better than 90% of /lit/

>> No.13436789

>this is what incels actually believe
Neck yourself

>> No.13437677

Just be yourself

>> No.13437759

Based jarhead

>> No.13437810
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Even just the reserves? I want to learn skills, discipline and have part of my college paid off without loans
Pic related

>> No.13437900


>> No.13438055

Read Marx unironically. Marxism provides a worldview so general you can apply it to anything.

>> No.13438123
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When will the world be free of you communist filth?

>> No.13438127

A theory being extremely general isn't necessarily a compliment

>> No.13438135



Read: Unfalsifiable and useless

>> No.13438374

That's my fucking point

>> No.13438464
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leap of faith

>> No.13439141

good post

>> No.13439300
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>> No.13439309

Is that supposed to mean anything? lmao randtards

>> No.13439413

There is no fundamental objective purpose infused into anything we can do, be we can do what we find to be meaningful to ourselves.
Now that we know that we have no objective purpose and that everything that we do will have no purpose, we are set free to do whatever.
We can rebel against the utter meaninglessness of it all and enjoy what life has to offer with a passion anyway, because we’re human.

>> No.13439430

We know? Explain how we know.

>> No.13439434

Sounds like you became a lion without first becoming a camel, then forgot to turn into a child.

>> No.13439450

Because no one knows what the objective meaning is if there is one.

>> No.13439457

no one knows X is true = every one knows X is false. Is that your argument?

>> No.13439565

op is a bitch and a faggot and worthless

>> No.13439621

There is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to be happy, and helping others here and there.

>> No.13439627

Imagine not being an open individualist in the current year.

>> No.13439633

>but how can you know that a creator exists, let alone cares about your actions and is the Christian god?
A leap of faith is required. This is why we talk about faith. I'm trusting my mind to tell me my brain can interpret my senses and use reason to know that I'm made of matter, never mind that the God of my faith is real and offers me Grace.

Blessed are those who believe without seeing.

>> No.13439640

See >>13437677

>> No.13439651

I guess you’re right.

>> No.13439672

Stop reading ecclesiastes. Those things aren't vanity. They would make your life objectively better. God is irrelevant to this discussion. Fix your life and you will feel less shitty. Your happiness is important because it is important to you and those around you. Fix your shit.

>> No.13439751
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I'm in a similar position as you, except my daily routine is making food, cleaning, talking to my friends (disc) and playing games when I feel like it.
I've tried learning in the library, hoping if I know more I would get closer to a reason for my purpose, but weak self-discipline gets me back into my comfort routine.
I've tried scheduled workouts and it really boosts your general mood, but the problem stays.
I've tried putting myself into situations where I die. Though it is the sweetest way out, it will not accomplish anything in any way.
I got a job at a bar and I'm earning more than my mom, but I have no desire to buy anything excess, so the little I spend I spend it on alcohol.
Now, I'm starting to give up on any answers to a reason, all that I know is: I like suffering, I really like cats (animals) and I'm interested in art because all my life I've been surrounded by it.
We are probably just stuck in a comfortable place where we can just wait for the end of our existence without actually doing anything significant.

>> No.13439771
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Believe is implicit through action. If you don't do anything it doesn't matter what you believe.

>> No.13439856

Let's play pretend, say objective meaning exists. In what circumstances would it be so? Tell me the parameters required for obective meaning to exist. Is god enough? Say god exists and he tells you your meaning is to collect as many pineapples as possible before you die. That's why you exist, that's your meaning. Does that fulfill you? Furthermore why is the word of god our meaning? Out of fear, eternal damnation if we don't fulfill our meaning? Wouldn't that just mean our meaning is to avoid suffering? And doesn't that mean that, in this life, you should avoid suffering as much as possible, for that's your reality as far as you know it, and meaning? Being bored and unfulfilled isn't avoiding suffering, that IS suffering

'Objective meaning' is impossible. You can always ask 'why', always

>> No.13439872

not op but what should I care about history ? I mean I know most of the stuff in the first episode, is it all like this ?

>> No.13440090

eat some mushrooms, lsd, or smoke some changa

>> No.13440111

nice, next step is give up alcohol. then games. then see what you do with your time

>> No.13440126

I'm in a similar position. No clue about how to cultivate a deeper, consistent meaning in my life. I have a comfy routine that involves way too much time on Youtube and Chan, some reading, gym, part-time work. None of it makes me feel fulfilled or happy. I love to read, but it has never "completed" me to where I feel like pursuing my intellect is enough.
What I've come to realize lately, though, is that finding myself will not come out of thin air, and the more that I close myself off because I'm not sure of what to do, the worse my chances are at figuring it out. Traditionally the majority of humans have found meaning in work, friends, family, etc., so I'm putting my money there and gunning for it. I feel sick everyday sitting around doing nothing. It's a spiritual sickness. I don't care if it's "selling out" to want a good job and to be fit. It will improve my conditions, my self-esteem, and give me a better shot at having a comfortable and stable family later down the line. At this point shooting for that sounds way more appealing than wasting my life behind the screen. I don't think that you need to have all of the reasons for why doing these things is good right now. Just trust in your human nature that you will value them later on. It's overwhelmingly likely that you will.