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13428015 No.13428015 [Reply] [Original]

What books will teach me how to own libtards?

>> No.13428019

Studying the Talmud will teach you to own anyone

>> No.13428023

the books written by libtards

>> No.13428040

Basic Economics, Sowell
The Bible, Various
Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt
Free Will, Harris
The Blank Slate, Pinker
Enlightenment Now, Pinker
MAGA Mindset, Cernovich
The Bell Curve, Hernstein
SJWs Always Lie, Box Day
12 Rules of Life, Peterson
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, Savage
Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging The Myths of Modern Progressivism, Various

>> No.13428043


>> No.13428120

If you buy books on this subject you’ve already been grifted hard. Same with self help books

>> No.13428126

Das Kapital.

>> No.13428134
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You forgot art of the deal

>> No.13428142

Pinker is about as liberal as you can get. He's a reddit favorite.

>> No.13428153

Unironically this even though anti Semitic rhetoric is ghey

>> No.13428173
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>> No.13428177
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Extremely powerful

>> No.13429554

>Basic Economics, Sowell
Great book, but Economic Facts and Fallacies is probably better ammo for political debates

>The Bible, Various
Boring garbage

>Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt

>Free Will, Harris
>The Blank Slate, Pinker
>Enlightenment Now, Pinker
Not gonna help own leftists. The last third or so of Enlightenment Now is basically Pinker ranting about Trump/populism, which is ironic given that the beginning of the book is all about how we need to remain rational and not let emotions control our view of the world.

>MAGA Mindset, Cernovich
Cernovich is an idiot and one of those guys who always shills some big bombshell that amounts to absolutely nothing time and time again.

>The Bell Curve, Hernstein
Some of it is out of date, but still worth reading

>SJWs Always Lie, Box Day
Haven't read this, but my opinion of Vox Day is about on par with that of Cernovich

>12 Rules of Life, Peterson
About as helpful as the Harris and Pinker recommendations

>Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, Savage
Haven't read this, but Michael Savage can be okay. Every day it seems like he flips a coin to decide whether to be an insightful commentator or a moody bitch

>Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging The Myths of Modern Progressivism, Various
I honestly found this somewhat boring. Admittedly, there wasn't much new in it for me, but I think it is too superficial a guide for debating leftists.

My recommendations: Discrimination and Disparities (Sowell), Wealth Poverty and Politics (Sowell), Merchants of Despair (Zubrin), 10 Things You Can't Say in America (Elder), also Left Turn (Groseclose) gives an interesting analysis of how biased the media really is.

>> No.13429879

If anyone here was actually interested in productive debate they'd seriously study and try to understand basic leftist theory before arguing rather than trying to come up with one liners to attack a false image.
But you're not going to do that, so why even bother.

>> No.13429958

Uncle Tom's Cabin
Life and Times of Frederick Douglass
other books about how early Americans owned people

>> No.13430096

t. libtard

>> No.13430120

Actually Reading leftist theory makes you realise the real rebels and revolutionaries are on the radical right. Ben Shapiro, Sowell, Peterson are just moderate liberast globohomos

>> No.13430507
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>> No.13430531


On a related note: what physics book can I read to tell me gravity isn't real, and I can just step off a building and float?

>> No.13430582
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Read Marx and Kropotkin. "Wage Labour and Capital" and "The Conquest of Bread", specifically.

>> No.13430774

according to >>13430507 you should read the Young Hegelians:
>Once upon a time a valiant fellow had the idea that men were drowned in water only because they were possessed with the idea of gravity. If they were to knock this notion out of their heads, say by stating it to be a superstition, a religious concept, they would be sublimely proof against any danger from water. His whole life long he fought against the illusion of gravity, of whose harmful results all statistics brought him new and manifold evidence. This valiant fellow was the type of the new revolutionary philosophers in Germany.

>> No.13430903


The Memoirs of Captain Hugh Crow

>> No.13430928
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>> No.13431086
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"Liberalism: A Counter-History" by Domenico Losurdo.
It has the delightful title in Finnish: "The Black Book of Liberalism"/"Liberalismin Musta Kirja"

>> No.13431099

Rabbis spend a lifetime studying it and barely comprehending it though.

>> No.13431122
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You must first own the libtard within yourself

>> No.13431136


>> No.13431178

anyone shilling for multinational corporations and capital to fuck us all is no "rebel"

>> No.13431417
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>> No.13431425

>MAGA Mindset, Cernovich

>> No.13431453

Liberalism is the biggest Jewish ideology.

>> No.13432356

embarrassing list for anyone over the age of 14

>> No.13432367

boomer cover art

>> No.13432373

>what books will reinforce my worldview?

>> No.13432419

>He's supposed to reveal reality but the revelation, at least the one on the cover, is actual ideology.
Ahh i get it now, liberal is how murricans reffer to progressives, ok, wathever, greentext still valid.

>> No.13432462

this is slowly changing with the rise of leftypol/chapo, americans are finally dropping the "liberal = marxist" shit, at least online

>> No.13432516

based falseflagger

>> No.13432540

>Neoconservative with a kippah
>Defends economic liberalism and conservative values
How is following this dudes ideology more desirable than anything?
I may understand it if you're a miserable white man that's too worried about his masculinity, even in that case i don't think you should follow his ideological accounts.
The more i think it the more stupid i think americans are.

>> No.13432591

Guys do you even discriminate between SJW, Marxists and Liberals?

>> No.13432624

The left wing is no longer ready to accept Israel's bullshit and the right wing is moving towards fascism. So now we're seeing right wing Jews like Shapiro and Prager trying to keep things center right and in support of Israel

>> No.13432632

Discriminating is bad.

>> No.13432704
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Foundations of the nineteenth century - Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Essay on the inequality of the Human races - Arthur Gobineau

For my legionaires - Cornelius Zelea Codreanu

Siege - James Mason

Patriarcha - Robert Filmer

Golgatha and Scheblimini! By a Preacher in the Wilderness - Johann Hamann

>> No.13432755
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Take the real red pill

Read this

>> No.13432911

I agree, modern leftists are no rebels. At best they are the left hand of multinational capital squashing out dissidents, enforcing neoliberal social norms and buying all the woke marketed commodities

>> No.13432916

my diary desu

>> No.13432939

Whenever I read the term SJW, my brain automatically replaces it with 'decent empathetic human being'. You cant be a leftist or liberal if you are not also a dedicated SJW, otherwise you are a reactionary at best. The most relevant political devide is between decent people and shitty people/nazis.

>> No.13433546

Holy shit why are americans allowed to continue breathing, there must be less than 5 correct uses of liberal / neoliberal itt and yet everyone makes these grandiose statements aboute the whole of "the left" or "liberalism" without realizing these things are actually mostly in oposition to each other.

>> No.13433571

shut up libtard

>> No.13433576

any other term, from mystical plutocrat to anarcho-syndicalist fits me better than the word "liberal".

>> No.13433581

whatever, libtard

>> No.13433612

can there ever be peace between Facts and libtards?

>> No.13433630

What are some books about coping with loss?

>> No.13433633
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>> No.13433636

What a pathetic manlet.

>> No.13433641

Big yikes

>> No.13433653

this, but you have to acknowledge that some people take social justice too far and end up looping back into reaction, for instance Twitter/Tumblr "leftists" that consider their minority status a sign that they're more special than other people

>> No.13434523

first you need to own the libtard in yourself

>> No.13434540


>> No.13434655

I now understand the absolute retardation of some of the posts here

>> No.13435026 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13435039 [DELETED] 

Sixth post, best post

>> No.13435044
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Sixth post, best post.

>> No.13435102

>neoliberal social norms
Elaborate way of saying "if you don't type the n-word on the internet all day you're pro-capital, unlike me, a threat to capital"

>> No.13435105

Are you a rebel? In what way? If not, why?

>> No.13435114

This cunt is physically grotesque

>> No.13435118

Also on Epstein's flight logs IIRC

>> No.13435261

People promoting neoliberalism aren't leftists, moron. Why do Amerifats pathologically conflate the diametrically opposed movements of Liberalism and Leftism?

>> No.13435274

Our overlord’s decades long programming. I feel the truth is reaching more and more of them though

>> No.13435559

>like Shapiro and Prager trying to keep things center right and in support of Israel
Nah, they're fascist, especially so with their Israel shilling

>> No.13435579

>Israel is fascist
even if I accept your Jewminati bullshit for five seconds, that idea remains utterly absurd

>> No.13435641

They’re an apartheid state, faux democracy oligarchy and their ruling party is a bunch of jewish supremacists. They aren’t Nazis, but they’re almost as bad

>> No.13435651

> They’re an apartheid state
They're not citizens, which means that Israel isn't an apartheid state.
> faux democracy
Israel does fairly well on various measures of democracy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index
> their ruling party is a bunch of jewish supremacists
Some shitty policy-making by the current party in power doesn't make the entire regime bad.

>> No.13435662
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Tell it to Norman

>> No.13435839
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How come this thread is allowed but I get banned when asking for Marxist books?

>> No.13435843
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>> No.13436404

You must be a kike. That's fucking cope bro

>> No.13436415
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This is incoherent, because modern 'SJWs' want to throw open the borders, while oldschool leftists (including pic related) correctly argued that this would be dumb and injurious to the recipient nations. What I have noticed in the past few years is that when I describe myself as a closed-borders/nativist leftist, the SJW faction flips out and replaces that description with "Nazi," which is a genuinely low-IQ way of interpreting things.

>> No.13436417

Heidegger's essay on technology, then, once properly understood, Uncle Ted's writings, Jacques Ellul, etc. Linkola is fine, but kind of redundant and a bit thin at that point.

>> No.13436419 [DELETED] 

You are all into interracial sex slavery and having your minds read by corporations and the government, your thoughts will be catalogued against you

>> No.13436452



Im an esoteric hitlerist national socialist revolutionary. Btw, read SIEGE faggot. Your beliefs do not significantly differ from those of google the nyt, pentagon or goldman sachs and you call yourself a rebel? The radical right is trully avant garde and antiestablishment, the left is a slave morality enforcement unit designed to homogenise all culture, impose atomising social norms and turn everyone into dependent neurotic queers. The people the left hail as revolutionary for 'breaking muh white patriarchal norms' ie. Trannies and faggots and americanised pee oh cee proffesional victims are actually the most craven and conformist subjects of multinational capital. A society is only as strong as its weakest link, if the weak define our social norms in the name of muh inclusion they will only drag us down to their level.

>> No.13436464

>Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging The Myths of Modern Progressivism, Various
>#1“Income Inequality Arises from Market Forces and Requires Government Intervention”
>#2“Because We’re Running Out of Resources, Government Must Manage Them”
>#3“Equality Serves the Common Good”
>#4“The More Complex the Society, the More Government Control We Need”
>#5“Income Inequality Is the Great Economic and Moral Crisis of Our Time”
>#23“The Balance of Trade Deficit Requires Government Action”
>#24“Americans Squander Their Incomes on Themselves While Public Needs Are Neglected”
Looks boring af. Can anyone suggest a spicier alternative?

>> No.13436471
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>> No.13436487

A truly radical right must be anti communist and anti prorgressive yes, but also anti capitalist and anti christian.capitalist corporations are the foremost promoters of cultural marxism. The vatican a close second.

>> No.13436493

>cultural marxism
Just say globohomo.

>> No.13436496

You are just a shitty person and a nazi apologist. like I said the real division is not about economics but between shitty people and decent people. If you think political correctness is not just basic human decency then you are a bad person

>> No.13436505

This is indistinguishable from a religious zealot ranting about heretics.

>> No.13436508

I like te term cultural marxism because it pisses all the right people off.

>> No.13436512
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You could always read Cioran.

>> No.13436519


State and Revolution by V.I. Lenin

>> No.13436526

I know.

>> No.13436533

Aren't you literally a sex slave?

>> No.13436535

Opposing corporations is not anti-capitalism. Anti-capitalism is about abolishing private property, capital, and wage labour, not about favouring mom-and-pop shops and ""national capital"" versus corporations. That's just taking sides within capitalism.

>> No.13436536

Well help

>> No.13436539

I want a big nanny state to tell me what to do

>> No.13436548

Nobody on the left, including mainstram liberals, considers "marxism" a swearword. It's a respectable intellectual tradition.
It pisses people off because of the obvious connection with Kulturbolschewismus. People are just allergic to Nazis for some reason.

>> No.13436563

No one has any clue how to 'abolish capitalism' so in practice leftism just amounts to favoring massive corporations over self reliance, atomisation over community, total managerial control over the family, cultural homogenisation over local autonomy, and compulsory consumerist therapeutic dependence over religion or morality. Like libertarians marxist hold to a purely economic view of life and are actively hostile to all true spiritual values.They want you to be a cog in the economic machine.

>> No.13436567
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>embarrassing list for anyone over the age of 14

>> No.13436589

I don't know what all of that has to do with calling anti-capitalism that which is not anti-capitalist.

>No one has any clue how to 'abolish capitalism'
It's very simple: centralize means of production under society, direct the production from the center, direct the distribution of the products from the center. Capitalism is buried.

>> No.13436600

Just like it happened in the ussr, once you 'take the means of production' you point the guns at the newly ' liberated' proletariat to force them to keep the same infernal machine running.

>> No.13436608

I dont know what 'fascism' is but seeing all the worst people jusr happen to be vocal 'antifascists' makes me think gee maybe this 'fascism' thing cant be all that bad? There is nothing more subversive or rebellious than embracing all out no holds barred capital F Fascism.

>> No.13436622

None of my fake Pinker tweets are as patently offensive as this poster's inclusion. Holy hell, he's still human, guys, have mercy. To see all the prestige and largesse of Harvard stuffed full of milk and honey and sent floating into the scaphist swamp of this peerage is entirely appropriate for the themes ITT, but so undermine Pinker and his institutional patronage that you must wonder, what is left? What remains unwrecked?

>> No.13436627

All the right of center boomers love this cyber heeb

>> No.13436628

Imagine, that a creature like that exists and thrives solely within the minds of some people. Rent free, I might add.
Nature is miraculous.

>> No.13436638

What means of production even really exist anymore in the modern west? What does it mean? Everything is within the tech bubble that matters. Are we going to storm google?

>> No.13436640

Wow, what a fucking retard.

>> No.13436642

I tried to read this. It's one of the worst written books i have ever laid my eyes upon. Full of inconsistencies, barely sourced. Its the MIGA equivalent of a guardian opinion piece.

>> No.13436661

No, the USSR had a large private sector. People were still wage labourers, and they did groceries in stores where they paid in cash. The only thing that changed is that the state became the dominant industrial capitalist (in the narrow sense which excludes industrial agriculture).

>What means of production even really exist anymore in the modern west?
lmao leave your basement from time to time

>> No.13436670

Modetn Leftists are not working class people but woke professional managerial class urbanites (journalists, ad 'creatives', middle managers, academics) who just want more control above normal people. They have nothing but contempt for the native working class, and are only hopeful about immigrants because they think theyvwill be easier to control.

>> No.13436684

Most leftists are STEM majors who get low salaries. And since most young people are stem majors with bachelor degrees, they just want fairer salaries for the work they put in to maintaining and advancing Civilization.
You know how little a scientist doing groundbreaking research makes compared to some lazy gold mine owner or banker?

>> No.13436702

You don't need books for that, common sense will do just fine

>> No.13436709

It's common sense to sell your flooded house when global warming happens? Who will buy it?

>> No.13436710

>USSR had a large private sector
Stop talking out your ass. Every single store, schoold, clinic, factory, farm, ship, electric plant, printing press, etc. were owned by the state. You could sell some vegetables raised on your tiny piece of land (that you didn't de-jure own) and there were a handful amount of privatly operating professionals like dentists, that's about it.

>> No.13436716

Crap so that's why dentists are still private in my socialist country

>> No.13436719

literally all true

>> No.13436754

>anti communist
>anti prorgressive
Define it and explain why.
>cultural marxism
For what i know the marxists that studied culture just pointed to what was being done of culture under capitalist mode of production.
How the fuck are capitalist corporations its 'foremost promoters'?

>> No.13436798
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critique of pure libtardism: bend sharpino

>> No.13436810

because corporations promote the big gay which makes them marxist but they're also degenerate profit seeking capitalists, fairly obvious

>> No.13436868
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That's false. The majority of agricultural production was done by non-state enterprises that paid wages to their employees and sold their produce on the market in exchange for cash.

>> No.13436876


>> No.13436908

Is this sarcasm?

>> No.13436952

yes. im exposing how these retards think

>> No.13436956

The real political conflict is between globohomo/big gay and its discontents.leftists and capitalists will join hands and bend over for big gay every time. In leftist circles you will get more flak for even mildly diverging from the lgbt orthodoxy than for actually being a corporate capitalist

>> No.13436972

literally any book, since most liberals don't read unless it's a sensationalist article they see on google while scrolling through their phones

>> No.13436976 [DELETED] 
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Industrial Society And Its Future

>> No.13436977

well i do agree that loads of "leftists" fight more for trans rights and all that bs that benefits like 0.1% of the population than for things that actually matter, but it's not like corporations do that as well because of some worldwide marxist conspiracy. it's literally because it's trendy, it's all optics and profit, in reality they have no problem fucking people over when no one is watching

>> No.13437011

I don't get all this 'globohomo' babble right leaning retards talk about, current capitalism actually builds itself onto 'difference'. In the current cultural industry disparate and strong identities are the most marketable and profitable commodity. Be those national identities (i.e. 'American') or any other form of identity (i.e. 'white race').

>> No.13437023

Are there any leftists who are openly anti transgender? 90% of the time leftists either demand more corporate control and censorship, defend corporayte commodities while attacking artistic culture, or argue for the abolition of what little remains of organic community in exchange for more manufactured commodified identities and transactional relationships. Leftists and capitalists need each other.

>> No.13437039

>organic community
What the fuck does this mean? a tribal community? sounds as a mistified essentialist naturalization to me.
>90% of the time leftists either demand more corporate control and censorship
What i think they demand is actually responsibility for the produced cultural goods.
>defend corporayte commodities while attacking artistic culture
Any examples?

>> No.13437046

>Are there any leftists who are openly anti transgender?
yes, TERFS, many "orthodox" marxists, old style leninists and most stalinists/maoists/3rd world socialists

>> No.13437058

"orthodox" serious marxists don't even talk about transgenderism, they might just say that gender unequalities will come to an end as soon as communism sees its realization.
Why should any leftist be "anti-transgender"? i don't see any problem with transgenderism appart from 'essentialist' conservative ideology.

>> No.13437071

>Why should any leftist be "anti-transgender"?
i don't know, many would say it's a bourgeoisie corruption of morality or some shit like that, i personally don't care that much

>> No.13437076

Leftists ruined art criticism because they dont understand tragedy as cathartic the facing of one's limits, to them art is merely supposed to serve as 'empowerment' to the homogenous liberated consumer subject. Satisfying a checklist of correct beliefs unambiguously advocated and skin tones represented. Hence, to a leftist a 'diverse' comic book movie is a better work of art than shakespeare or dante. Leftists reject both christian redemption and the greek tragic conception of life, instead they hold to a hedonistic and therapeutic ideal, hence they can only be the advocates of a thoroughly bovine existence.

>> No.13437078

>"orthodox" serious marxists don't even talk about transgenderism, they might just say that gender unequalities will come to an end as soon as communism sees its realization.
it's not that they are critical of transgenderism in itself but more of the preoccupation many leftist circles have with it because they are class reductionists and as you said they dont think it matters

>> No.13437088

Theoretically i might understand transgenderism as a legitimate sexual perversion, I understand these people go through a lot of pain, but hey its not my fault every last one of them just happens to be comoletely insufferable and undeserving of the slightest sympathy. I am not transphobic but it stands as evident these people are unwell, give them an inch and they will take a mile. Unless you go out of your way to make them feel unwelcome they will hijack all your attempts at community.

>> No.13437098

All I see on the board these days is idealogical garbage. You fucking autists need to get a hobby that you can’t pervert with partisan politics. No one likes a fanatic.

>> No.13437118

> to a leftist
All you're telling there might also be applied to 'rightists' but replace "'diverse' comic book" with "mistified ignorant glorification of dominance and purity".
>christian redemption
This is just retarded.
>the greek tragic conception of life
Do you actually know anything about existentialism? it was actually a mostly 'leftist' (i don't know what you mean by 'leftism' anymore) philosophical school which actually acknowledges and responsibly advocates for the assumption of the inherent tragic qualities of life.
>hedonistic and therapeutic ideal, hence they can only be the advocates of a thoroughly bovine existence.
The same applies again to current 'rightists'. they seek confort on fictitious representations of a past of calm, ordered and secure wellbeing.
I don't know where you're drawing this from, but it's pretty retarded.

>> No.13437142

Theoretically and empirically you're retarded.

>> No.13437145

Either a women or bait

>> No.13437155

Whats wrong with dominance? I am in fact a former leftist, who realised capitalism and leftism are working together to reduce us to a bovine mass of dependent consumers wracked by guilt and resentment uncapable of independent thought. Im for nietszche and heeidegger and D'Annunzio and Junger over marx. Fascism is about taking life seriously and creating a life worthy of that name by any means necessary

>> No.13437157

>I am not transphobic but
I hope all this post is actually irony.

>> No.13437181

>capitalism and leftism are working together
I still don't get this, i don't know what you call leftism. Are you american?
>Whats wrong with dominance?
Ends up backfiring in many ways, the best example being the 'domination of nature'. We're actually being dominated by nature now, what an strange dialectic.
>Fascism is about taking life seriously and creating a life worthy of that name by any means necessary
At what cost? i think you actually got it wrong, fascism is about building a society that functions like a mechanical machinery made of burocrats. It's the imposition of a 'mode of life' by negating and reducing the multiplicity of individuals and colectives. What doesn't change ends up perishing. Fascism is death from it's birth.

>> No.13437204

>fascism is about building a society that functions like a mechanical machinery made of burocrats. It's the imposition of a 'mode of life' by negating and reducing the multiplicity of individuals and colectives.

Same goes for soviet communism or its succesor the woke capitalism globohomo state. Fascism, in my opinion, is the ultimate form of anarchism, a fascist is just an anarchist who is not willing to let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his freedom. Current fascist theorists like Sam Hyde and David Myatt/O9A are far more insightful that modern marxists who are either generic consumerist sjws with superficial soviet aesthetics or dogmatic autists who read nothing but marx

>> No.13437212

>Current fascist theorists like Sam Hyde
I don't know the other guy but this is a comedian you're calling 'theorist'
>Fascism, in my opinion, is the ultimate form of anarchism, a fascist is just an anarchist who is not willing to let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his freedom
Well it's clear you don't understand what you're talking about.

>> No.13437220

I think the best theorists are people too radical annd uncompromising for academia, see for example James Mason's classic SIEGE, the esoteric hitlerists and american icons such as the unabomberband charles manson. Why is Manson so malligned by the media establishment,? What are they so afraid of?


>> No.13437589

>lazy gold mine owner
>lazy banker
You do realize that if jobs look easy , that doesn't make them easy right ?
The only "lazy" professions if you could even say so are unproductive philosophy majors or gender studies majors,but even they can get a job. So the only lazy person is the one who isn't a student , and still does nothing all day.
Dont jump to conclusions

>> No.13437624


>> No.13437734
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>> No.13437748

you got owned faggot

>> No.13437752

>are unproductive philosophy majors or gender studies majors
Which nowadays, at least where i live, are a minority as publications and actual investigation projects are required to mantain your position and job. I'm talkin about proffessors, those majors you're talking about end up working in a mall or in a shop or if they're not their parents are.
Well, most owners as far as i know end up delegating and extracting value from their employees without actually working.

>> No.13437755

holy gay batman

>> No.13437787

What was the last meaningful thing leftists have done that wasnt just riding on the coattails of liberals?

>> No.13437840

Stablishing minimum wage, universal healthcare, public education, universal suffrage, rights for women, and the list goes on.
What was the last meaningful thing rightists have done that wasn't just stablishing a plutocratic and aritocratic elite that imposed it's will and extending poverty through privatisation and free market?

>> No.13438398

wow, you’re automatically a faggot now.

>> No.13438407

And you're a nazi

>> No.13438472

don't forget this one

>> No.13438486

Liberals did all this. Even corporations and the military have achieved more for progressive values and marginalised peeps that the mostly white and mostly male LARPers on the far left, who can usually be found harrassing women, amplifying russian propaganda, and praising dictatorships

>> No.13438663

No liberals are hate this shit. Liberals love low wages

>> No.13439085

Again, i don't get what you americans understand by 'liberals'. If by liberals you understand those who advocate for the liberalisation of the capitalist market ('free market'). What you just said is plain retarded.
You could say that they gave up some 'rights' to the masses in order to calm the protests, in that case it wasn't 'liberals' who where the acual agents of those changes.
The rest you posted just doesn't have any coherence.

>> No.13439099

You are clearly uninformed about American politics. In america the Democratic party is composed of liberals (eg. obama and biden and hillary) and leftists (bernie, AOC). These people in no way share the same goals. Liberals are identical to conservatives except they don't hate minorities. Leftists actually want economic change.

>> No.13439126

>Liberals are identical to conservatives except they don't hate minorities
they also like abortion, taxes, minimum wage laws, and the abolition of the first and second amendments

>> No.13439150

That falls under hating minorities. Ie. subjugating women
Liberal tax policies do nothing to help the working classes. The overton window in America is so far to the right that even rightwing parties in europe are further left socioeconomically speaking than the liberals in the democratic party.
>minimum wage laws
Conservatives in general support minimum wage laws. If you mean liberals want to raise the minimum wage to $15 you are incorrect. That issue is being pushed by the leftist faction of the democratic party.
>abolition of the first and second amendments
Nobody important is pushing for this; it would be political suicide. I assume this is a talking point you got from Alex Jones.

>> No.13439163

Abortion has nothing to do with women's rights or minorities. That's like saying criminalizing murder is subjugating minorities.

>> No.13439272

>That's like saying criminalizing murder is subjugating minorities.
Have you thought about what you actually wrote before posting it? i'll let the other anon respond if he actually cares.

>> No.13439330

It has to do with women's reproductive and bodily rights. Some women don't want to go through the pain of pregnancy and childbirth to spend the rest of their life raising a child they didn't want in the first place. When you have a kid you crush any hopes of pursuing your career or travelling or meeting people or chasing your dream. It imposes a huge burden of responsibility onto your life. It's alright for the man because he can just fuck off and leave while the woman is left with the kid.

>> No.13439363

>It has to do with women's reproductive and bodily rights
It does not, it has to do with the rights of the unborn and with nothing else
>Some women don't want to go through the pain of pregnancy and childbirth to spend the rest of their life raising a child they didn't want in the first place.
i know, don't fuck without a condom then
the fact that you don't feel like giving birth doesn't give you the right to take someone else's live away
>but rape!
1% of all abortion cases are rape cases

>> No.13439365

Hate speech laws are tantamount to the abolition of the first. Being sympathetic to them in anyway is the ultimate form of bootlicking.

>> No.13439398


please pick one.

>> No.13439415

i did

>> No.13439420

What do you say to all the incels that were born to single mothers that wish they were aborted?
Go to r9k and you'll see thousands of them and they'll admit they wish they were dead too.
That's what happens when you let a single mother have kids

>> No.13439431

Abortion should be mandatory for poor and dumb people

>> No.13439459

>What do you say to all the incels that were born to single mothers that wish they were aborted?
>Go to r9k and you'll see thousands of them and they'll admit they wish they were dead too.
Not that guy but they could just... kill themselves, you know? What about all the people who were born to single mothers that are happy with their lives? You can't just apply statistics and say all people that are born into circumstances that are likely going to cause unhappiness should be killed without being asked.

>> No.13439479

I think statistics say people born to single mothers are a danger to civilization. We should eliminate them in the womb without fail.

>> No.13439481

That might be better for society but it doesn't make it morally correct, at least from an individualist perspective.

>> No.13439499

It makes it morally correct because it's better to give them a quick trip to heaven instead of making them grow up to become afflicted by gender dysphoria due to being raised by a poor single mother and her pure femininity, and them killing themselves later.

>> No.13439500

1. get in a time machine
2. go back to <1863
3. own as many libtards as you want (may have to indoctrinate blacks into holding liberal ideals so they qualify as libtards)

>> No.13439509

"unborn" things don't have rights. do you think jacking off and menstruating are murder of the unborn? So let's assume by unborn you mean a successfully fertilized egg.

If "unborn" do have rights, what are they? Is it equivalent to a child's right? Which would then allow for government intervention in a pregnant woman's life, like CPS for children. Would you support free healthcare and other social support for pregnant women in the sake of the "unborn?" Would it be considered negligence or child abuse if a pregnant woman was not doing everything in her power to be healthy? Or would smoking or drinking while pregnant be a crime? You see the complete fuckery of issues that come up when you consider a fetus equivalent to a human being. What should an "unborn bill of rights" look like in your opinion?

>> No.13439517

>It does not, it has to do with the rights of the unborn and with nothing else
This is your problem. The rights of the woman whom the child is inhabiting are utterly irrelevant to you.
>i know, don't fuck without a condom then
I'm not exactly sure what percentage of unintended pregnancies are due entirely to causes outside of the woman's control. I would be willing to bet that the majority are due to, like you say, carelessness. However I don't think that women who were careless -- whether that be down to intoxication, intimidation, or just regular stupidity -- should then be forced to go through a drastically life-altering event that causes them unimaginable physical and mental pain.
It should also be noted that abortions are not simply trivial procedures like getting your ear pierced. Abortions are quite costly, sometimes risky, and of course morally ambiguous. Very few women are using abortions as a substitute for contraception since preventing the birth via contraception is preferable in all cases.
>the fact that you don't feel like giving birth doesn't give you the right to take someone else's live away
This gets into philosophical territory. Already your sentence is assuming a lot of things. Firstly that a fetus is a "someone" with a life that is worth preserving. I would hold a fetus has no ego and has a substantially low level of consciousness that its life is not worth moral consideration. In fact a fetus's consciousness is lower than that of a pig or a cow, so if you are pro-life you should be vegan. Unless, of course, you're not so much pro-life as you are anti-woman.

>> No.13439548

Hate speech laws have been repeatedly rejected by the supreme court. I can't really think of any major Democrat that is actively pushing for hate speech laws. And if there is one then that issue is marginal to their cause.

>> No.13439551

pro-life is an understandable position until you look at the sheer amount of hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance held by "pro-lifers." At least in USA, are pro-lifers in other countries at least supportive of cheap/socialized healthcare and childcare?

>> No.13439556

>The rights of the woman whom the child is inhabiting are utterly irrelevant to you.
>Unless, of course, you're not so much pro-life as you are anti-woman.
I don't understand why you people always have to make it about women. The argument would literally be the same if men were capable of giving birth. It has nothing to do with women. Abortion is murder. Murder is immoral. The end.

>> No.13439561

pretty much any book on economics.

>> No.13439571

Pretty much any book on the Ponzi scheme

>> No.13439579

>but harvard
lmao can’t think for yourself

>> No.13439581

People said the same about reparations, and now I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s their central issue by the time their convention rolls around.

The broader left wants Euro style hate speech laws, and the dems with their recent attempt at bringing attention to far-right violence will likely go with it.

>> No.13439586

Women are the enemies of the decent life. You can’t really be pro-life is you see them as anything more than a means to an end.

>> No.13439589

Because women are the ones who have to give birth and raise the child. Men can leave and as long as they pay child support they don't even have to see the kid.
And my argument in the part was that prolifers should be vegans since fetuses are less sentient than farm animals.

>> No.13439597

>Because women are the ones who have to give birth and raise the child.
So that makes murder okay?

>> No.13439603

Yeah but theyre only less sentient for a limited time, is a full grown baby really all that much more sentient? How do you even properly measure this and why does it matter at any stage of a pregnancy? IF the mom doesnt want it by 5 months she should be aloud to get rid of it, its her body right?

>> No.13439608

The child's rights end as soon as he is born. After that this guy wouldn't support the child at all. So if the child died of starvation because the mother was too poor he wouldn't mind. He wants the kid to be born so it can live a bad life or perhaps a short life I guess because the mother hates it since she couldn't get rid of it.

>> No.13439610

Humans have an inherent right to life, animals don't.

>> No.13439616

You want a child raised by a single mother who works for 7 dollars an hour at Amazon or Starbucks? Future incel in the making lmao

>> No.13439622

Admit it you just want to raise the white birthrate at all costs even if the kid turns into some tranny or junkie because of his slut mother

>> No.13439629

And yet these retards still vastly out reproduce people who could probably properly raise kids. So Whats the real end game of it? Dumb people shouldnt be aloud to reproduce?

>> No.13439631

No, I'm making an argument about the morality of abortion. Socioeconomic backgrounds are not part of the consideration.

>> No.13439638

>abort everyone whose family makes less than $X per month!

>> No.13439644

No. People who don't feel like they are ready to raise a child shouldn't be forced to.

>> No.13439649

give it up for adoption

>> No.13439653

But those kids will still live shitty lives? No?

>> No.13439665

I guess that's a solution too. But adopted kids don't do so well either I guess.

>> No.13439671
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>Stripping people away from their citizenship isn't a inherently fascistic practice
I warned you about biopolitics bro

>> No.13439673

Personally I don't really value the lives of babies because they don't have a self but I assume that most people would argue that babies who are born are sufficiently sentient so as to be granted full moral consideration while developing fetuses are not. The potentiality argument doesn't work in my view because as soon as the woman chooses to have an abortion the fetus loses all potential of developing a self and becoming human.

>> No.13439677

The whole thing hinges on the question where life begins. If life begins at conception abortion is murder, should be illegal, and women's rights have nothing to do with it. Whether it's rape, an accident, or you thinking they might live a shit life. None of that justifies murdering them.

>> No.13439679

I guess the moment trump authorises a drone strike, the civilians he's about to kill lose all their rights too. That's true

>> No.13439688

>as soon as the woman chooses to have an abortion the fetus loses all potential of developing a self and becoming human.
yeah, because the potential was forcibly taken away

>> No.13439699

They don't lose their rights but they lose the potential to live until the next day. Thus if one were to argue that potentiality of living until the next day is what gives them moral worth then the act of choosing to kill them would rob them of their moral worth on that person's view.

>> No.13439703

So a seven month pregnancy abortion should be fair game, but it makes everyone wince and bring out MUH CONCIOUSNESS like that 7 month babies conciousness is worth a shit. I kinda see abortion as an absolitst thing. Either they're all good or none of it.

>> No.13439716

Instead of making women have unwanted kids so that the white birthrate goes up, why not start paying women for carrying kids to term?
Why should they have kids for free when they can be paid for it?

>> No.13439737

>Instead of making women have unwanted kids so that the white birthrate goes up,
You're an idiot, the vast majority of abortions are by black women, if anything making abortions illegal is going to increase african american birthrates.

>> No.13439748

So why would the right wing do this?

>> No.13439753
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Maybe they'll increase cop homicide to compensate

>> No.13439754

Because they're making a moral argument, not a race or gender-based one.

>> No.13439976

Why would the right support policies that rob black women of their reproductive rights and force them to raise kids that are going to disproportionately end up as slaves for the prison industry?
Every single developed country has a lower birth rate than non developed countries. Everyone knows that access to contraception and abortion is one of the things that will improve the black community.

>> No.13440065

cuz they don't think you should kill people

>> No.13440076

Better dead than star spangled.

>> No.13440333

fetus aint a person. or is there no difference between a chicken and egg? what about sperm and pre-unborn persons rights?

>> No.13440524
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>> No.13440534

>They're not citizens
Ffs, way to fuck up that argument in the first few words.

>> No.13441778

>majority of agricultural production was done by non-state enterprises
Jesus fuck. In 1930-1932 communists killed from 8 to 15 million people to form this "enterprises". Of course they were "non-state" in name only.

>> No.13441914

Some of us prefer not sounding retarded.

>> No.13441922

>a state enterprise is when you kill a lot of people
here's you average libtard Sowellian expert in economics

>> No.13441948

>use repressive state apparatus to form and maintain an "enterprise"
>directly control said "enterprise" through one-party system
>turns out it's totally free non-staty entity
This is your mind on gommunism.

>> No.13442001

Kolkhozes were owned by the people who lived in them. They made profits for them. They disposed of their products, which they exchanged as commodities on the market. They paid taxes to the state like any enterprise in any capitalist state.

If they truly belonged to society, then this society wouldn't have to sell its products to itself, pay taxes to itself, and pay wages to itself.

"Repressive state apparatus" and "one-party system" are not economic categories. Treating them like such is your mind on liberalism.

>> No.13442007


>> No.13442021

Just ignore these /pol/ pests, seeping out from /pol/ and infecting the entire site.

>> No.13442082

>Kolkhozes were owned by the people who lived in them
Until the late 50s these people weren't allowed to even physically leave kolkhozes without authorities permission. You're a fucking retartd.

>> No.13442204

1. Says who?
2. How in the fuck is that economically relevant you libtard? As long as you as a group can use the means of production and directly dispose of what you produce (after tax deductions) by consuming part of it and selling the rest as commodities in order to make profit, then in the economic sense you're an owner of a private production unit. That's what's materially and economically relevant. You can shove your philosophical ideals about what true ownership consists of up your ass. I'm talking about reality.

>> No.13442273

1. Every history book. And I made a mistake: kolkhoze workes became semi-independent in the movement within country only by 1976.
2. Kolkhozes weren't managed by their workes, but by the Communist Party appointees. Workers weren't allowed to leave without permission of their managers. Produced goods were bought by the state for the fixed (by state offcials) prices. Till the late 50s workers weren't even getting salaries. It was literal serfdom.

>> No.13442297

Marxists don't get to decide what is "left"

>> No.13442379

>Produced goods were bought by the state for the fixed (by state offcials) prices.
That was just the tax. The remainder was sold freely at markets prices, with profit.

>Till the late 50s workers weren't even getting salaries. It was literal serfdom.
They had shares in the profits made from market sales. It was co-op capitalism.

>> No.13442403

>They had shares in the profits made from market sales.
What? They were serfs, don't you get it? Until the late 50s they were literally forced to work for food and weren't allowed to leave at will. How dense are you?

>> No.13442456

How dense are you? There's a difference between a state enterprise where all of the produce belongs to the state and is distributed by the state, and a non-state enterprise where part of the produce is directly consumed by the producers, part is paid to the state as tax in kind, and part sold on the market for money.

>> No.13442623

>They're not citizens, which means that Israel isn't an apartheid state.

>> No.13442635

>if you don't type the n-word on the internet all day you're pro-capital, unlike me, a threat to capital

>> No.13442638

Kolkhozes were de-facto owned by the state, and kolkhoze workers were de-facto state-owned serfs.
Or are you implying that there was some other owner? Who was it then? Certainly not the workers, since they didn't have a say in managment and could even refuse to work there, you dumbass.

>> No.13442642

How can some ugly dwarf have such a hot sister.

>> No.13442641

>Your beliefs do not significantly differ from those of google the nyt, pentagon or goldman sachs
They differ tremendously
>and you call yourself a rebel?
When did I call myself a rebel?

>> No.13442643

>There is nothing more subversive or rebellious than being edgy on the internet
You and a hundred million teenagers agree

>> No.13442648


>> No.13442662

>Unless you go out of your way to make them feel unwelcome they will hijack all your attempts at community.
Have you ever met a transgender person

>> No.13442668

Kolkhozes were owned by the people who were allowed to (after tax deductions) consume what has been produced there, sell the surplus on the market, and even have there their personal plots of land apart from the one that belong to the whole enterprise. Those people would be the workers.
Not distinguishing this from how the actual state-owned enterprises operate, even though it might be justified from a specific liberal moral perspective that disregards other factors, is nevertheless economically reductive.

>> No.13442683


>> No.13442703
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>> No.13442977

>People said the same about reparations, and now I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s their central issue by the time their convention rolls around.
Do you mean reparations in the sense of international state aid to countries, or do you mean reparations as in some individuals get a pay out from the state? No one is going to touch the latter with a barge pole unless they're beyond desperate and want one shot short term support. Anyone with half a braincell can see it would be an actual shitshow.

>> No.13443243

The government owes reparations to people who were directly and illegally harmed by the government. It's not rocket science. You're praying for cowardice on an issue that requires moral integrity.

>> No.13443372

Reparations historically is on the state actor level rather than the level of the individual, the individual thing is quite a recent idea.

Aside from there not really being a price you can put on the damage historical slavery has caused, the pragmatic issue is that that kind of reparation is like a lottery win. Lottery winners have this uncanny ability to end up bankrupt, and if you end up with a bunch of people who have not in any meaningful way benefited from reparations the whole thing's a failure. Justice is in a long term but boring tortoise strategy not a spectacular hare one.

>> No.13443393

>Kolkhozes were owned by the people
Did they had a say in managment? No.
Did they had they personal share in profits? No.
Could they sell their supposed share in this "enterprise"? No.
Could they just quit working there? No.
In what way they were owners of the kolkhoz then? Seems like it was the other way around - they were the property of the state and thier slave labour was organized as a "collective farm".

>> No.13443407

It's not "historical slavery", there are living people who had their houses/property stolen and suffered abuses by the government. If it were your father you'd want reparations.

>> No.13443792

>In what way they were owners of the kolkhoz then?
In the way I already specified.

>> No.13443880

>Reparations historically is on the state actor level rather than the level of the individuals

Reparations for interred Japanese-Americans were given to individuals.

>> No.13443903

I Thank the lord i havent had the misfortune to suffer the presence of those freaks.

>> No.13443915
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>> No.13444175

uhh where is based milo's book?

>> No.13444183

I'm reading Basic Economics now, did I fuck up?

>> No.13444226

Sounds like you live in a bubble. No wonder you're so bitter about phantoms

>> No.13444248
File: 40 KB, 610x504, IMG_5929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrial Society and it's Future

>> No.13444254


>> No.13444304

Rememver randy stair, the tranny school shooter obsessed with danny phantom ghost dimension slime girls and columbine? Not to sound bigoted but it is plainly obvious there is something sinister or perhaps demonic about the tranny phenomenon. Satanists molest children in ritual pizzagate irgies or corrupt their brains with stephen universe, phantom and other sick so called cartoons. Most trannies show autism spectrum traits which in the past were seen as a clear sign of the child being a changeling or demon possesed. How can i be sure these freaks wont try and attack me or my family?


>> No.13444319

Unironically this. NIGGER

>> No.13444440

See, twitter.com and sjws/progressives more broadly. These are obviously highly disfunctional and sick individuals being expolited by elite coastal leftists and corporate america in order to accelerate the breakdown of christian values and the family unit we cant risk assimilation into their culture.

>> No.13445704

"On the Jews and their Lies" by Martin Luther

>> No.13445713

Nah, it's a good intro to econ

>> No.13445759

The one what pretends to be Greek and got kicked out of his posh English school for fiddling with them young boys.

>> No.13447130


>> No.13447252
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>> No.13447255

Bros are jews people?

>> No.13447267

Industrial Society and It's Future has a section talking about liberals