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13427929 No.13427929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Never let Christians trick you into talking about philosophical arguments for an abstract deistic god. This is just an act of subterfuge on their part to try to get you arguing about something that is totally unrelated to the Christianity discussion. It's like telling a person that their car is falling apart, tyres wobbling, exhaust spluttering, engine on fire, before they turn around at you and say, "Well it still drives doesn't it?"

The reasons atheists reject Christianity have nothing to do with rejecting a deistic creator. Christians only take to this front because they know that is where they are the strongest, similar to the guy with the faulty car.
Instead, we reject it for these reasons:
>1. The Bible claims that people lived up to 600 years
>2. The Bible claims that there was a worldwide flood in the times of Noah
>3. The Bible contradicts evolutionary theory
>4. The biblical lineage puts the Earth at around 6000 years old.
>5. The Bible contradicts itself in multiple places
>6. The Bible holds to a geocentric model of the universe
>7. The Bible asserts that genocide is morally permissible
>8. The Bible asserts that slavery is morally permissible
>9. The Bible claims that the Exodus happened
>10. The Bible claims that a donkey talked
>11. The Bible's morals are what you would expect to find among a bronze age society
>12. The Bible makes multiple historical blunders

These are all off the top of my head; there are a lot more. Christians have to defend the Bible, not deism.

>> No.13427945

You sound awfully tense. Do yourself a favour and prep that bull of your and give yourself a wank watching your wifey have some fun. Trying to comprehend higher reason of celestial beings is making you sound silly.

>> No.13427951
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Imagine not knowing these problems are already addressed

>> No.13427953
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I-it’s metaphorical bro.
Please delete your thread

>> No.13427976

Aww how far we've fallen back.

1. Not important
2. There was a flood in the whole of the known world
3. No it doesn't, the usual argument is evolution theory contradicts original sin and it doesn't. Man has sinned and continues to sin, even secularists acknowledge man isn't perfect and for similar reasons
4. Not important
5. It doesn't particularly and either way it was put together politically, you don't have to accept all books of the bible as almost no Christian does
6. I'd like to see that verse. Saying man is made in the image of God or is the most important creature doesn't mean that.
7. All humans hold this, the nature of the universe allows logic that makes it permissible (for instance, would you train track genocide of your ppl to save the earth, etc)
8. Same as 7
9. It did? Diaspora comes from Jews getting kicked out of Babylon, I don't see how u can accept one and not the other
10. And?
11. You mean the ot?
12. You're repeating yourself and it's not important

>> No.13427978


>> No.13427984
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I'm not a christian, but I challenge anyone who sees this post to try beat me in an argument disproving or pointing out a flaw in christianity.

>> No.13427988

>9. The Bible claims that the Exodus happened


>> No.13427995
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The only spluttering here is from you, friend. You will find that all of your hyperbolic hogwash has already been addressed by others not limited to thinking "off of the top of their head." A majority of your points suffer from misinterpretation of Biblical quotes which kooks such as geocentrists and flat-earthers also use, as well as irrelevant claims and some claims such as >historical blunders and >contradictions which are still contested.

Philosophical arguments are the last refuge of the spluttering atheist who has run out of out-of-context, misinterpreted quotes or words/phrases such as "Abrahamic, Zoroastrian, desert death cult, zombie Jewish carpenter, etc."

>> No.13428027

1. No it doesn't
2. No it doesn't
3. No it doesn't
4. No it doesn't
5. Yes it does which is why you interpret it and don't read it literally
6. No it doesn't
7. No it doesn't
8. No it doesn't
9. No it doesn't
10. No it doesn't
11. Yes and so what?

Whats the point in judging lawbooks from antiquity from a post-enlightenment perspective? They didn't have the benefit of 2000 years of political, cultural and scientific development made possible by their religion.

>> No.13428035

Is exoteric garbage mostly. Real christianity is gnostic christianity. Period

>> No.13428042

>The reasons atheists reject Christianity have nothing to do with rejecting a deistic creator.
I'd imagine they rejected a deistic creator if they were atheists.

>> No.13428041

You forgot to start with Genesis

>> No.13428076

No Christian will ever hear you mention a specific christian doctrine and then start talking about arguments that also support deism.
This thread literally means nothing and doesn't advance the argument at all.

>> No.13428083

>a bunch of losers who couldn't make it a century
>rules of 1000+ year Roman Empire

>> No.13428099

You get it anon. Arguing that a "god" might theoretically exist doesn't mean its the christian god.

>> No.13428110

>the original
>the shit thrown together by the very government that executed jesus

>> No.13428133

>muh local flood sophistry

>I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."

ALL LIFE. I guess you're gonna say all is metaphorical too?

>> No.13428143

>believing this

>> No.13428213

There's nothing in Christianity that makes it necessary to believe that Genesis is literally true. Christians were saying that long before all the scientism masturbation about creationists.

>> No.13428229

1. Wrong
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
5. Wrong
6. Wrong
7. Wrong
8. Wrong
9. Wrong
10. Wrong
11. Wrong
12. Wrong

>> No.13428235

I love how you don't make a counter argument or explain how and why he is wrong. Well done! A+

>> No.13428281

shit wasn't a century old and you guys were already bickering about the rules of your larp

>> No.13428307



Every sin is pardonable, except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The "artist" who made Piss Christ is going to roast in purifying flame for a few eons. You may very well be his companion. Repent.

>> No.13428312

>1. The religion of Atheism claims that people can live forever, thanks to Science.
>2. The religion of Atheism claims that Climate Change will cause the icecaps to melt, and the entire world will Flood.
>3. The religion of Atheism contradicts Science. Atheists believe in more than two genders.
>4. The religion of Atheism thinks the universe just created itself, randomly, similar to how computers randomly assemble themselves from seaweed and flotsam on deserted beaches.
>5. Atheism contradicts itself in multiple places.
>6. The religion of Atheism holds an ego-centric model of the universe, the individual is "god", do as thou wilt.
>7. The religion of Atheism asserts that genocide is morally permissible (see communism)
>8. The religion of Atheism asserts that slavery is morally permissible (see illegal immigrant labor)
>9. The religion of Atheism claims that true communism has never been tried.
>10. The religion of Atheism claims that Democrats are the moral leaders.
>11. The religion of Atheism's morals are what you would expect to find among a dystopian society.
>12. The religion of Atheism makes multiple historical blunders, like their belief that Native Americas were peaceful utopias before "evil white man showed up", or how "the Crusades were an unprovoked invasion by Christianity against the peaceful Muslims", or how "Republicans have to atone for the Democrats' practice of slavery", etc.

these are all off the top of my head, there are a lot more. Atheists have to prove how the universe was created in order to be prove that they're right. They can't. Instead they try to say that "we don't have to prove anything because we don't hold any beliefs", which is a complete joke, since everyone can see that atheists CLEARLY DO have a belief system. In math and logic, even "negative assertions" have to be proven.

Atheists BTFO

>> No.13428337

Eons? Your God is far too kind for that - the artist will be in the fire for eternity. And trying to comprehend the reasoning of invisible celestial beings is what the entirety of Christian theology consists of, and what Christians like yourself come up with answers to and preach to the rest of us, so not sure what you're praising the first commenter for...

>> No.13428340

go outside the internet and/or the US

>> No.13428354

pray to Jesus.
Accept his forgiveness. Repent of your sins.

>> No.13428355

>he doesn't know that sin is eternal and infinite

>> No.13428377

Do not anger the christcucks my friend, just let them be. Just look at this one:

>> No.13428395

>imagine taking mythology literally

>> No.13428663

don't anger the Atheists my friend, just let them be. Just look at this one: >>13427929

>> No.13428688

The existence of the Christian god is demonstrably true. You cannot prove it logically, but if you look at the world around you, you will see evidence of its existence in the lives of all people. Everyone who is truly happy lives in accordance with the laws of the universe set forth in Christian teaching. That is how I realised the truth in Christianity. I realised that I was suffering through my sins and my perpetuating of these sins was making me miserable and unfulfilled, a slave to my passions. When I saw people who lived truly fulfilled and happy lives, they were all practicing the teachings of Christ. This is not something that can be proven logically, but a recognition of cause and effect in human behaviour.

>> No.13428702

>taking the bible at its word
this some 2008 atheist youtube comment section shit. As far I'm concerned, the talking ass ain't from the bible, it's OP, because nothing's coming out of you but shit.

>> No.13428710

At a simplistic level, I do not believe it is any coincidence that Christian civilisation conquered and dominated the world, while civilisations adhering to perversions of the true faith stagnated.

>> No.13428734
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>> No.13428750

Top lass

>> No.13428800

Plotinus destroyed Gnosticism

>> No.13428868

You don't have to be an atheist to reject abrahamic nonsense btw. I do appreciate fedoras attacks on christianity though. If only they would be as aggressive towards jews, but I think we all know why they won't.

>> No.13428872

>There was a flood in the whole of the known world
This is bullshit though. If it was a local flood and god promised not to do that again, why do local floods still happen?

>> No.13428876
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I'm a deist anyways so I'm very enthusiastic about their arguments. Get their hopes up and don't give them a single inch more

>> No.13428885

If you're deist why not just gamble on a certain religion?

>> No.13428888

>Implying the prime mover had anything to prove

>> No.13428895

Do they in Mesopotamia?

>> No.13429038


Not whoever you were engaging with, but this is precisely why I regularly think and write Fuck the Holy Spirit, Fuck the Holy Spirit, Fuck the Holy Spirit.

>> No.13429071

I said that to myself once and it actually bothers me that i did it. I dont know why i had the impulse I guess I was just miserable because my life was fucked up. Id hope God would forgive it because he'd understand

>> No.13429100


Fuck the Holy Spirit, Fuck the Holy Spirit and Fuck the Holy Spirit! See this? (now, I am directly addressing The Holy Spirit itself, doing something extra-naughty which I shall not describe in this space): See it? This is why I think of you.

>> No.13429105


Or rather, *what I think of you (ooh what a giveaway!)

>> No.13429119

FPBP Fuck this degenerate faggot

>> No.13429124

fpbp, b&rp, &c.

>> No.13429130

>Everyone who is truly happy lives in accordance with the laws of the universe set forth in Christian teaching. That is how I realised the truth in Christianity.

Same brother. It's so obvious and in plain sight now that I see it, I'm amazed I never saw it before.

>> No.13429136


>> No.13429145
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No, OP.
Having an argument with a Christian by referencing the Bible directly and word by word doesn't make you smarter.
It is nobody's fault that you got strict parents that wanted you to come to church on Sundays when you wanted to play your shitty games and scream at the screen, similar to what you currently do with your writings and "arguments".

Oh, and please do not post videos about atheist intellectuals debating with a pastor that doesn't have a D.Div, ThD or at least a PhD in Religion.

>> No.13429151

>10. The Bible claims that a donkey talked
didn't you see shrek?

>> No.13429162

I almost fell for this bait image

>> No.13429179

1 “God” means “that than which nothing greater can be conceived.”

2 The idea of God is not contradictory.

3 That which can be thought of as not existing (a contingent being) is not as great as that which cannot be thought of as not existing (a necessary being).

4 Therefore, to think of God as possibly not existing (as contingent) is not to think of the greatest conceivable being. It is a contradiction to think of the greatest conceivable being as nonexistent

5 Therefore, God exists

Check and mate

>> No.13429185

Who decides which parts of the Bible are important and which are not?

>> No.13429186

Keep it up, anons. The strength of your arguments are helping me (not OP) to gain faith in God.

>> No.13429194
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>> No.13429205

i am legit fascinated by the psychology of religion. why do you people cling to obviously primitive and evidently false thinking so bad? why do you keep stretching the evidence? i have yet to hear a good answer to the question "why is Christianity true and why are all other religions false?" (inb4 muh pensées, inb4 muh empty tomb)

just because fedoras are dumb doesn't mean christianity is smart lol

implying mental gymnastics is an honest way to address a problem

christian "thinking" in a nutshell

>Everyone who is truly happy lives in accordance with the laws of the universe set forth in Christian teaching
demonstrably false btw

i thought it was ze jews who dominated the world

>> No.13429210

i didn't mean to >> OP in there sorry, he's based

>> No.13429211

Not even an atheist but good job OP.

Most of the Christcuck larpers can't formulate their own argument and just respond by sperging out with insults and memes when confronted.

>> No.13429216

>why is Christianity true and why are all other religions false?
All of them are, buddy.
Just because you specifically hate Christianity doesn't mean you're a man of high culture and intellect, anon.

>> No.13429224


>> No.13429226

Do you seriously think someone will bother doing a reasonable argument to an unreasonable post?
Fedoras surely have a 200 IQ, minus 190.

>> No.13429230

Blessed and Holypilled

>> No.13429234

This is 100% true. OP is the eternal faggot

>> No.13429238

who says i hate christianity specifically? actually when did i say i hate religion you fucking dumbass, i just think it's outdated and that it would be better if we moved on
i hate fedoras btw i don't even like the word "atheist"

>> No.13429247


>> No.13429256

You know your intentions very well behind the purpose of your post, as well as your language. Don't be a retard that avoids my reply.
Why would a Christian bother replying seriously to an atheist if he doesn't have an actual argument that doesn't quote the Bible?

>> No.13429286

>Free will is pointless if God can see the outcome of the choice in advance
This is idiotic. A clairvoyant who can spy the outcome of a game of poker isn't doing the same thing as remote-controlling all the players. Fuck off with your stupid false equivalancies.

>> No.13429302

anyone who thinks it's reasonable to believe a perfect God would make such a flawed document as the Bible as "His Word" will certainly not be convinced by reason

i said i'm interested in the psychology of religion. christians don't use this way of thinking in their daily life. the world would be mad if they did

>> No.13429336

There's nothing unreasonable in OP's post. People are just butthurt because he points out very obvious flaws in the Bible.

>> No.13429349

you don't hate ideologies that say people like you should be converted or killed?

>> No.13429350

>why is Christianity true and why are all other religions false?
There is no answer to this question. People believe whatever makes them feel good. They don't care if it's true or not.

>> No.13429356

So all those allusions to Israel invaded and the earth being desolate and void are literally? The shot heard round the world was a literal gunshot of the American Revolution that people all over the world physicallly heard?

>> No.13429358

i'm a fag so i get two death penalties
i dont hate them as long as they dont mess with my shit. they can go to church and follow their retarded doctrines including hating fags if they like
secularisation is inevitable anyway, at least in the civilised west

>> No.13429360

Literally nothing wrong with any of that. I was expecting a compelling argument.

>> No.13429364

Amen and God bless everyone in this thread!

>> No.13429385

Do you still not realize that there is absolutely no Christian on Earth that has followed the Bible word by word?
Christians only follow the ethics and values that it gives to the reader. As well everyone knows that any sacred document is flawed, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything to gain on it.
Lets take an example of a simple saying, "Break a leg", are you going to break it because someone told you to? No, because it actually means "good luck".
And I know what you're going to say by quoting OP,"The Bible asserts that slavery is morally permissible". So? We live in the 21st century, why would we follow that?

This is what your kind does not understand whatsoever, and has not done so for the past centuries.
Perhaps if I write "cuckoldry is the greatest intellectual fetish", you will actually believe it or so.
Oh wait.
>Helen Fisher
>Helen Fisher, PhD Biological Anthropologist, is a Senior Research Fellow, The Kinsey Institute, Chief Scientific Advisor to the Internet dating site Match.com. She has conducted extensive research and written six books on the evolution and future of human sex, love, marriage, gender differences in the brain and how your personality style shapes who you are and who you love. She is currently using her knowledge of brain chemistry to discuss the neuroscience of business leadership and innovation.
Then why can't he make an argument without using the Bible?
Why do you guys love loaded questions so much? Is it because of your 500+ IQ argument that, I, a normal anon cannot understand and comprehend from a normal perspective?

>> No.13429428

i have a hard time accepting that a sacred document could be flawed, and many people believe the Bible literally and think it isn't flawed at all by the way
i also never said people can't benefit from religion, all I have been saying is that it's not factual
believing in shit just cause it makes you feel good is bluepilled and lame

it's not that i "can't make an argument without using the Bible", it's that the Bible is pretty damn relevant when the thread is about the truth of Christianity lmao

>We live in the 21st century, why would we follow that?
took you long to finally understand the point i've been making snice my first post lol

>> No.13429437

Off topic.

This is just a propaganda post with no intended relavalnce to literature.

Slide thread and move on.

>> No.13429450

religion and philosophy are often discussed here
lurk more newfag

>> No.13429453
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>i have a hard time accepting that a sacred document could be flawed, and many people believe the Bible literally and think it isn't flawed at all by the way
Ah, sure.
Some are like that. But there are some denominations that do not.
>believing in shit just cause it makes you feel good is bluepilled and lame
Sure, that is why some denominations hate that shit as well Televangelism. Given how pic related fucking dropped out of a Bachelor's program and never went to a seminary.
>it's not that i "can't make an argument without using the Bible", it's that the Bible is pretty damn relevant when the thread is about the truth of Christianity lmao
Christianity is not only about the Bible though, there's the general Theology that everyone learns, the History, etc. That is why I am stating the same question since it is ridiculous to only do loaded questions regarding the bible while avoiding many other subjects.
>took you long to finally understand the point i've been making snice my first post lol
Eh, write better then. This is why I also preach the /lit/ wiki Liberal Arts chart from time to time.

>> No.13429463

This, also the bible is a piece of literature.

>> No.13429478

OFTEN? Ahahaha its funny how you exposed yourself in such few words.

Look at the catalog. If you think the current state of this board is normal, you're either delusional, or you came here because it's summer and you saw the infographic that said /lit/ had the highest iq. Same with your buddy here >>13429463

There has always been casual discussion and agreeableness. The mere fact that there's a reactionary movement against biblical discussion is proof enough that swarms of retards are flooding in, let alone all the /pol/-tier deus vulters.

Its a travesty. Go back to whichever board you came from.

>> No.13429509

>muh "but different denominations believe different things"
the feeling you get belonging to any church is still the same feel-good feeling that you possess "the TruthTM" and the bluepilling process is the same

>christianity is not about the bible
you say "many other subjects". like what? all Christian theology ultimately stems from the Bible, and theology is still literature that teaches you religious truths. if you're talking about church history and Christian culture, which can and should be studied from a 100% secular viewpoint.
if you're talking about mysticism, sorry but believing "magic" stuff like the resurrection, prophets, miracles, shows Christianity is outdated and primitive. believing in magical things is not possible if you're educated, if it weren't for cognitive dissonance

and if you're talking about Christian spirituality more generally (prayer and that kind of stuff), being spiritual is fine if you accept that's not for everyone. but you don't need to be a christcuck to do that stuff anyway

>> No.13429522

>the feeling you get belonging to any church is still the same feel-good feeling that you possess "the TruthTM" and the bluepilling process is the same
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even realize that every denomination is even intellectually different?
>and theology is still literature that teaches you religious truths. if you're talking about church history and Christian culture, which can and should be studied from a 100% secular viewpoint.
Absolute moron.

I don't know what you're trying to do but I think the discussion is already over given you and I are the only ones still posting.
Just educate yourself by learning how Christian education works.
There is a reason why religious universities and their descendants are the pinnacle of American education. You don't seem to know why so I encourage you to research about it.

>> No.13429566

Christians start with the idea of God because that is the first step if you understand that you can move on and have other discussions about Jesus and the old or new testament and so on.
And if you want to discuss the old testament as you are so ever to criticize Christianity for why not disscus it with some Thora Jews who have more knowledge about it. I don't have good interpretation of it because it not really the main point of Christianity.

>> No.13429576

Read everlasting man by Chesterton, maybe orthodoxy too. If you want a real answer, but I doubt that.

>> No.13429597

That's all fine but I actually do reject Christianity because I reject its God. A being that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, is infinite; an infinite being means there is nothing outside of that being, which means there is no me or you. Belief in such a being promotes subservience and absolves the Christian of all personal accountability.

>> No.13429771

That makes no sense since Gnosticism isnt one single doctrine put together. There were multiple gnostic schools which teached a variety of different ideas.
This is common knowledge so saying someone 'destroyed' gnosticism is wrong since it consist of multiple different teachings

>> No.13429936

Based and redpilled. The flood of low iq christians on lit is really ruining the board. Notice how none of them have any arguments itt. They are truly awful and ignorant people. Keep doing what you do, OP.

>> No.13429961
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>I'm not like those other girls.

>> No.13430000

>Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.

>> No.13430147

>means there is nothing outside of that being
Space is a created thing, God existed before it (or rather, he existed before time itself existed, which is also create) and he is not bound by your materialist conception that he must occupy some space and that this has to be infinite. Infinite in regards to what anyway? Physical measures are by definition relative and your argument makes no sense from literally any point of view.
>Belief in such a being promotes subservience
Nothing wrong with that. I am sure there are a lot of things you are "subservient" too, that are infinitely less important, powerful and holy than God. But you don't see that as bad because they don't tell you to stop being a fag.
>absolves the Christian of all personal accountability.
Completely the opposite, accountability is only rational if God exists and cares about your sins.
Nowhere in sound Christian theology does it say you can be an asshole if you're a Christian, unless you're some american bible-belt evangelical

>> No.13430162

>anon responds to an argumented OP by unwarranted name-calling
>there is no way this can be the post of a devious atheist trying to undermine Christians

>> No.13430173

No but Noah had to take 2 of each animal onto the arc (a task which is impossible) and god said never again will he kill "ALL" animals in a flood. It's very clear the bible is talking about a worldwide flood.

>> No.13430182

This is irrelevant. The consensus among archaeologists is that the exodus was made up.

>> No.13430358

Don't ask for evidence of God when you're really looking for evidence of Christianity. I swear most atheists don't understand the difference because I see guys like the OP all the time.

>> No.13430360

>What is allegory
Do you seriously a divinely inspired book is just going to be completely literal? That God doesn't understand metaphors? Atheists frequently mock Christian literalists, but when they criticize the Bible they use the same literalist interpretation, refusing to look for any deeper meaning and taking everything at face value.

>> No.13430392


>> No.13430414

>4 Therefore, to think of God as possibly not existing (as contingent) is not to think of the greatest conceivable being. It is a contradiction to think of the greatest conceivable being as nonexistent
This is where your argument falls apart. Why is it a contradiction to think of something great as possible not existing?

>> No.13430565

Fuck the Holy Spirit he is a nigger

>> No.13430578

This is legitimately the funniest post I have seen in years. I hope you're trolling anon

>> No.13430584

The Roman Empire, the mongol Empire, the Islamic caliphate, the Persian empire, etc.

>> No.13430627

Prove to me that the earth is spinning around the sun.

>> No.13430628

Christianity is usually attacked from the position of there being no God at all so that's a perfectly valid path to take the discussion down

>> No.13430883

Sounds like someone got BTFO and exposed as a simp, so he ran back home to complain on 4chan

>> No.13430889

>he is not bound by your materialist conception that he must occupy some space and that this has to be infinite.
Don't use words "omnipotent," "omnipresent," and "omniscient" to describe a being if you don't know what the words mean and the being doesn't actually fit that description then.

>Infinite in regards to what anyway?
In regards to everything if those three words are applied. There is no limit to such a being. Again, learn what words mean before using them.

>Nothing wrong with that.
This is relative.

>Completely the opposite, accountability is only rational if God exists and cares about your sins.
And yet Christians argue as if God will take care of everything as long as they obey, that evidence and solid reasoning is not needed, that morality does not need to ever be questioned because it is in the Bible, that words do not need to be properly defined (as evidenced by your response above), etc.

>> No.13430910

Jews are equally retarded; atheists don't criticize them because they are an exceeding minority in our country, there are very few jews in the public sphere, and almost none of them practice their religion

>> No.13431034

Fantastic bait : i can't tell if it's truly one or if the poster is legitimately this retarded

>> No.13431044

>demonstrably true. You cannot prove it logically
i'm christian but anon please stop posting

>> No.13431073
File: 572 KB, 1318x1170, Judaism 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't a semite why follow a corrupt, heretical version of a semitic religion? I would be very embarassed around Jewish people if I had to say to them that I was part of a cargo cult version of their ancient, ethnically specific religion. Talk about cultural appropriation!

>> No.13431187

graced & breadpilled

>> No.13431912

Look at this fucking retard thinking he discovered some ancient secret with his shitty oversimplified chart.

>> No.13432047

What is wrong with this then?

And if you are a Christian, what makes you so certain that you are correct about the nature of god? Blind faith alone?

>> No.13432157

Yeah i mean he could put how judaism is just rehearsed babylonian and zoroastrian myth, and christianity being hellenized semitism