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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 720x720, t2nm4e8lnfe21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13427616 No.13427616 [Reply] [Original]

For a someone with a number of books read, do you find this correct?

>> No.13427621

No, I've always been ugly.

>> No.13427624

>before I read a book
me on the far right
>after I read a book
me on the far right

>> No.13427633

>before I read a book I was casually walking around with a book in my hand

>> No.13427634

I genuinely find the girl on the right more interesting and appealing. What is the point of this image? Reading makes you look like less of a whore? Huh?

>> No.13427635

Correlation =/= causation.

Attractive people are less likely to be well-read. That is not the same as saying being well-read makes you unattractive.

>> No.13427636

what happened to her ass and tits? did reading destroy her health

>> No.13427642

Stands in ur way

>> No.13427643

shoulda stopped at the penultimate stage

>> No.13427651

Amazing, she turns into a man.

>> No.13427653

Her hair is ugly and her pussy is probably crusty and smells like cream cheese.

>> No.13427655

Being intelligent isn't the same as being well-read. Attractive intelligent people end up going into business or something like that.

>> No.13427659

being more intelligent doesn't necessarily make you well read though

>> No.13427694

Left is inside the house
right is outside the house

>> No.13427709

me on the left

>> No.13427741

Reading just made me feel slightly less shit about how stupid I am.

>> No.13427801

Personality is everything. I would choose left over right any day if the personality was solid

>> No.13427813

Have fun with your Donald trump bimbo then

Personally I prefer the one second from the right over that pasty, yeasty princess on the far right

>> No.13427848
File: 70 KB, 960x460, 1560477255473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when is showing less ass anti-lit? My favorite writers appreciated ass to the fullest.

They are 18th century romantics.

>> No.13427855

showing ass*

>> No.13427877

Actually yes.
I mean, this girl would be completely the same on the inside, but people who read a lot of books begin to adopt more of certain fashion.

>> No.13427878

far right is probably passive agressive and feminist, 4 is where its at

>> No.13427884
File: 141 KB, 440x487, A301E45D-8A50-49D9-9805-2BB0B48E6402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13427897

The Inca? The Inca what anon? Tell us, don't leave us hanging.

>> No.13427907

Sure that's fair but they usually are more well read

>> No.13428061

How do I find a /lit/ girl? Sometimes I dream of just reading in bed at night with a woman.

>> No.13428069

>walking with a heel strike

>> No.13428070

4 2 3 5 1

Debate me

>> No.13428074

My wife was reading Foundation in bed last night. Don’t give up hope.

>> No.13428079

>what's the point of this image?
It's an edit of fetish art that became a meme. There's no point to it

>> No.13428081
File: 31 KB, 540x217, 1544583850252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13428124

it's left over instincts from the high heels

>> No.13428147

You should major in photoshop

>> No.13428170


>> No.13428181

The Incal by Jodorowsky and Mobius. It's a comic book.

>> No.13428299

How'd you find her?

>> No.13428317

Please someone post the reversed version of this image, I remember seeing it here on lit last year. Never laughed so hard ever ever

>> No.13428322

she went from a slut to a pseud slut

>> No.13428341
File: 28 KB, 231x637, 0aef7df8-a834-40c2-a95d-ba40566c75ea-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best stage in the image. Prove me wrong.

>> No.13428350



>> No.13428530

Reading books made my boobs smaller cause I also developed an eating disorder so yeah guess its true

>> No.13428543

>The Incal

>> No.13428679

>me on the far right
You right-wingers don’t even know basic grammar

>> No.13428741


Why does the booty disappear though? Is it from too much seating?

If this is the case with moderately well-read women, I say: Don't pick up the book.

>> No.13428749


Agree. What's so bad about showing some shoulder?

>> No.13428772
File: 860 KB, 3548x2048, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the male version of OP's pic?

>> No.13428801
File: 4 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>before I read a book
>me on the right
>>after I read a book
>me on the left

>> No.13429904
File: 46 KB, 508x612, computer programmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Writing is like computer science. Most people do it not because they enjoy it or have any talent, but because they're too ugly, unpopular, or unpleasant to do things with other people.

If you're well-adjusted and want to read some good books, you have to be prepared to shut these freaks down so they don't piss in the pool.

All girls in OP's pic have the same IQ and are equally well-read

>> No.13429973

I did that with a girl a few weeks ago. Then she said she didn't want to have sex. Then we started touching each others and we eventually had sex.
Conclusion: reading in bed makes women horny, works 100% of the time.

>> No.13429983

#1 Professional titty monster who assiduously keeps all books out of sight to preserve her friends' eggshell-thin egos.

#2 "Executive Assistant" who quietly but expertly corrects the awful grammatical and logical errors in her boss' correspondence.

#3 Trophy wife who puts bestsellers and coffee table books on the downstairs shelves while the bedroom is full of Stephen King and bodice-rippers

#4 English Ph.D. turned housewife who always has a manuscript in her purse.

#5 /lit/ camwhore who posts unread philosophy & feminism books in bookshelf threads.

>> No.13430006

Agreed, it the only stage where she's actually reading.

>> No.13430007

red alert 3 here I come.
no. I was never openly dumb and I got smarter long before I picked up any books.

>> No.13430010

>a correlation of 0.4 is considered very significant
>teachers are asked to assess the attractiveness of 7 and 11-years old
>those measures are pitted against the results of various psychometrics tests as if they had the same quantitave value and reliability
>the "attractiveness" of a 11 year old is somehow a good indication of their attractiveness in adulthood
>all stereotypes are true
Not only is it a trolll article, is a more-than-slightly-pedo troll article.

>> No.13430013

I like #1
Only why does she make fiends with people who have eggshell-thin egos?

>> No.13430034

Same reason #5 does. Lack of options.

This is unironically one of the deepest pics I've seen on this site.

>> No.13430050

It's a small correlation

>> No.13430165
File: 285 KB, 1600x900, sinhababu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be retarded social outcast
>read books to become smart
>figure out how to fake being a normie
>slowly integrate myself into a regular friend group
>obtain gf and breed with her
>cultivate my disposition so i act normal and respectable on instinct alone
>begin to dissolve my ties to the netherworld
>read less challenging literature
>eventually stop reading altogether
>finally content with myself and the life i have

>> No.13430190

Self-Defeating: The Post

>> No.13430214

Pretty much.
Not an actual blow-up doll, and not a crusty, de-feminized feminist.
It's also the only one in which she actually reads.
Also the funny thing is, and this is completely anecdotal but the semen-demon on the far left, is actually less likely to have as many sexual partners as the one on the right.
The blonde would have more suitors, and would be much more choosey about who she sleeps with (since she actually has a pick). The one on the right would fuck "nerdy" guys and also chads as well.

>> No.13430289

Why doesn't the guy with money just sit down and relax

>> No.13431156
File: 38 KB, 700x350, gates scheming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get to that point if you can just sit down and relax

>> No.13431308

I want that thot in my life on god. I need some bimbo who's gonna cheat on me and then burn all my belongings in our front yard together. God that sounds nice. That girl on the right, though, yuck. Shes not gonna give me a wild ride

>> No.13431341

I have a bimbo fetish so far left for me desu

>> No.13431553


>> No.13431709

notice on the last picture, she is not reading anymore, she is also unattractive, and looking like the average leftist girl.
She is only carrying the book now, not reading it anymore.

>> No.13431747

wrong. far left is best

>> No.13431822

based achmed

>> No.13431824

Imagine seeing the girl on the right and instinctively sperging out under the assumption she's a feminist pink-haired tumblr liberal
You people need to go outside

>> No.13432087

>female becomes less fertile when she reads
Makes sense, its why all other races ban women from anything that is not being a house wife or some factory slave.

>> No.13432112

I like the middle one the most desu

>> No.13432114

the modern world promotes degeneracy. reject the modern world

>> No.13432300

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.13432325

>not being second on the right masterrace.

>> No.13432341

Very nice interpretation

>> No.13432533

Is this supposed to be a made-it story? Come back when she reads Ford, Spengler or any other author worth his salt instead of shitty kikel scifi for kids.

>> No.13432654

Well enjoyment of sexualization is significantly correlated with extroversion, slightly correlated with openness to experience in women (which is basically a measure of creativity), and negatively correlated with neuroticism. Now, it is true that writers are more introverted and neurotic, it doesn't look like reading books is related to introversion, from the studies I've read, reading books is only related to conscientiousness and openness to experience, except perhaps in the self-perception of young readers where only 3% of readers thought of themselves as outgoing. On the other hand, who knows, one might theorize that an extrovert finds pleasure in the real world, and in their socialization with others while introverts find pleasure in solitary activities, and this would include reading. I personally, however, doubt the claims of OP, though one should notice that the girl on the left is a bit socialized and in that sense she might not just be an extrovert but also lack openness to experience in spite of her enjoyment of sexualization (rather than because)

>> No.13432662

she looks attractive imo

>> No.13432827


>> No.13433627

I want to puke

>> No.13433634


>> No.13433706

Whatever happened between step 2 and step 3 is not pictured. It is not a state of affairs that ever obtained in the world. In fact, it is unthinkable that step 2 ever leads to 3. It is true that logic treats of all possibilities. Even if all possibilities are somehow presented to us, the world excludes the transition between step 2 to 3 from obtaining. Hence it cannot be pictured. Thus, the state of affairs pictured does not exist. I shall conclude by answering OP's question: no.

>> No.13433762

Books cant make you not stupid, or not a thot.
Behaviour and intelligence are mostly genetic.

>> No.13433794

>I like basic bitches
You must be basic yourself.