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File: 12 KB, 271x368, FoundationsGeopolitics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13425919 No.13425919 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13425929

A great work that perfectly explains the Russian worldview.

You have to realize that the Russian people see themselves as a hero-chosen race destined to rule the world. That's why the transition between Soviet imperialism and Russian imperialism (both ways) was so smooth - the goal of world communism became simply a mask for the desire of the Russian nation to dominate, and although this is a historically grounded desire, the Russian triumph over fascism and Stalin's dejudaization and Russification of the CPSU apparatuses consolidated the notion in the eyes of most Russians.

They will not stop until they dominate. They will do what it takes. They are not the Chinese, they don't want economic dominance. They do not want coexistence. The Russians want to own the planet, perpetually, in their heart of hearts. Which is why they are the #1 geopolitical threat facing the West.

>> No.13425947
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Based Russkies

>> No.13425979


The Russian 'chosenness' is a notion that has existed for centuries, however, I should clarify that. It is distinct from the concept of being 'chosen' in Judaism, which is a fundamentally religious notion. Chosenness in Judaism entails responsibility - a responsibility to uphold the laws of HaShem. These responsibilities are bestowed onto the Jewish people because of their covenant with HaShem, and do not entail specific privileges or rights.

The Russian chosenness is more aggressive. It too, evokes a responsibility - but whereas Jewish chosenness is insular, Russian chosenness expressly involves the fates of other nations. Russians view themselves as the spiritual successor to Byzantium, which in turn was the successor to Rome itself. This imperial inheritance, combined with Russia's deep Orthodoxy and detachment from Europeanism (just look at the Slavophile movement), led Russia to believe it occupies a special status among the nations of the world; much as Rome was given its right by history to dominate the tribes of the world, so then will Russia be given hers.

>> No.13426134

It's a boring book about geopolitics, an old political science concept.
>Russian people see themselves as a hero-chosen race destined to rule the world
Eбaлo зaвaли, пиндoc тyпoй.

>> No.13426151

>Which is why they are the #1 geopolitical threat facing the West.
But that place is taken by the US?

>> No.13426154

>Russia's deep Orthodox
Russia is one of the most secular countries in the world
>detachment from Europeanism (just look at the Slavophile movement)
Slavophiles were European-style nationalists and considered Russia a European country.

>> No.13426182

Пoчeмy ты тaкoй злoй?

Nice meme, faggot

It's an Orthodoxy and traditionalism of spirit. Orthodoxy and traditionalist collectivism are intertwined. There's studies on this. They may be theologically secular but it's a fundamentally Orthodox society. Besides, I was talking about the historical context, where they were expressly Orthodox in a religious way as well.

Also, that is not true, Slavophiles were expressly anti-Western.

>> No.13426212

>It's an Orthodoxy and traditionalism of spirit.
lol shut up fag

>> No.13426272

Why must Japan turn everything into cute girls of questionable age ?

>> No.13426282

Wow you are quite a literal faggot if you think so. For starters EVERY empire thinks this way of itself. Doesn't America literally want the same fucking thing? No? Russia has an esteblished ideology and traditions of its worldview. NO sane people in Russia think or have ever thought of world dominance you stupid mongrel. The entire history of Russia and Russian empire is history of survival and gathering lands and people of its own kind. What you describe as "MUH WORLD DOMINATION LMAO" in reality is a desire to fight western ideology and ambition that throughtout its history is trying to corrupt simple people. I repeat NO sane people in Russia and post-soviet countries want to dominate the world. Putin literally said the same thing in his Munich speech, that he doesn't want to live in the world of only one power, he wants the world where all countries live their own lives and believe whatever they want. Unlike America which has invaded literally dozens of countries and esteblished their puppet gov-ts there.
>but muh world domination
man fuck off. I fucking hate this western mindset. I fucking hate you entitled brats.

>> No.13426293


>> No.13426317


America has a similar myth and exceptionalism. But America's is fundamentally more inclusive and cosmopolitan. Insofar as America wants to rule the world, it also wants the world to all be Americans - if not directly, then by bond and culture.

Russian nationalism is exclusionary, it is about the domination of the ethnic Russian people. Dugin himself says so, and he represents the most basal current of the dominant Russian ideology.

>> No.13426329

>Nice meme, faggot
What meme?
The US has destroyed the west and is the worst thing to ever happen to it.
Even Communist occupation couldn't as thoroughly eradicate the west as American "Freedom".

>> No.13426345
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> America wants to rule the world, it also wants the world to all be Americans - if not directly, then by bond and culture.
What an horrible fate

>> No.13426363

>Russian nationalism is exclusionary, it is about the domination of the ethnic Russian people. Dugin himself says so, and he represents the most basal current of the dominant Russian ideology.
I don't want to offend you anon but what you just said is the most retarded thing I've heard all year. All nationalism in Russia is literally banned. There is a small group of intellectuals who can be called Russian nationalists but their impact is close to none. Russia has always been a multiethnic and multicultural country. Well maybe except for Russian empire but it still was multiethnic and multicultural. There basically was one dominant culture and ethnic group which simply can be explained by Russia's history, when America was literally founded by immigrants who basically wiped out indeginous people. If you want comparison please read how Alaska was colonized by Russian empire.

>> No.13426369

Based russian mongols

>> No.13426381

me again. this is what I mean when I talk about western mindset. Your brain is literally filled with propaganda and stereotypes. You simply lack information therefore you fail to compare and make valid arguments. But I must give it to US because they seem to be winning this battle

>> No.13426387


Oh sure, here and there one might encounter some Central Asians or Armenians who have been assimilated into the Russian borg as time has gone on. Even if Russians weren't obsessed with the purity of blood, their nationalism is still one rooted deeply in Russian traditions and history. Unlike American nationalists, who advocate the spreading of Americanism globally, Russian nationalists (even civnat Rossiyane types) do not wish to spread Russian values or Russiandom. Their global quest is not one of assimilation but outright power and domination.

>> No.13426428
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>Based russian mongols
says you. this is so funny to read cuz all europe and america will be brown in a couple of decades and you can't refute that

>> No.13426443

>their nationalism is still one rooted deeply in Russian traditions and history
well it happens when a country has tradiotions and history and want to preserve it.

>> No.13426463
File: 26 KB, 800x558, 1554445378220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13426477

also Russia is very inclusive this way. If you are open to it's language and culture, whatever race you are you can be called Russian and viewed as one.

>> No.13426492

>implying it's not just some american communist drawfag loser

>> No.13426504

Chinks actually

>> No.13426520


I want to move to Russia. Are big cities clean there

>> No.13426550

There are no white people to be found in Brazil or the USA, also the list seems to be incomplete, surely Europe's (that means not Russia) most populous country should be found somewhere in there...

>> No.13426563

>Russians view themselves as the spiritual successor to Byzantium, which in turn was the successor to Rome itself.
>Russia's detachment from Europeanism (just look at the Slavophile movement)
Rome/Byzantium was fundamentally European so which is it

>> No.13426571

No, certainly not.
Move to Poland or some other semi-civilized Slav country.

>> No.13426581

Moscow and St Petersburg are one of the top European cities you fucking polak

>> No.13426589
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>> No.13426590

Your pea brain will never be able to comprehend that. Sad

>> No.13426603


Neither. Byzantium and later Russia represent an Orthodox divergence from Europeanism

>> No.13426608

At least it isn't Berlin or similar...

>> No.13426620

Moscow has the largest Muslim population in Europe.

>> No.13426636


>> No.13426653

Imagine the smell.

>> No.13426675
File: 13 KB, 454x520, 44B39FD9-78C2-4324-A4B2-47DF58B1D662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslims are one of the cleanest people you fucking retard

>> No.13426714

Calm down, Mahmud. Btw, you're not white.

>> No.13426743
File: 11 KB, 645x773, EB7F6BD9-0DE7-4CF0-A9F2-666523FF2C81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Keep outing yourself as a braindead npc.

>> No.13427753
File: 23 KB, 200x296, 200px-The_Grand_Chessboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is america´s counterpart

>> No.13427760

Muslim website talking about hygiene as prescribed by Islam.
Therefore... muslims are the cleanest people?

>> No.13427791
File: 190 KB, 750x698, A00D7BC8-FD5E-4D05-B0EC-37F707BBE9D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by clean you meant inbred