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13424223 No.13424223 [Reply] [Original]

If a writter doesn't have a millitary record his opinions are worthless.

>> No.13424227

why did you post a picture of a 2d jungle?

>> No.13424243
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Sorry my bad,here is a shot of an empty field

>> No.13424360

>dumb enough to enlist
>smart enough to write
An unlikely combination.

>> No.13424386

>if you don't fight for the petrodollar you can't write books good

>> No.13424392

Your opinion is worthless.

>> No.13424519
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>> No.13424543

>don't have a military record
>love military equipment
>feel like an asshole
it's just so fucking useful! they're designed explicitly to last forever and be extremely practical and everything fits inside! There are vietnam magazine bags for sale and they're perfect for carrying a wallet and a book or two, but I'll feel like an asshole, but that's fucking stupid!

Also: onision has a military record you fucking moron.

>> No.13424549
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t. Missed the point of Starship Troopers

>> No.13424552

oh yeah? well your opinion, OP is just...no wait...let me correct myself...

your ENTIRE FUCKING EXISTENCE, OP is just worthless

>> No.13424581

seething pacifist

>> No.13424844

you dont need to be smart to write

>> No.13424862

>you need be stronk to fink good
Pacifism is superior friend.
Let's not argue about it. Let's kiss.

>> No.13424864

Did Plato have military experience?

>> No.13424868

Only tier-1 operators can legitimately call themselves authors.

>> No.13425075

No,and that's why he got BTFO by a homeless man

>> No.13425088

>millitary record
fuck that. what's the point of having a military record if you don't have crippling ptsd? If the guy hasn't seen at least active combat, then what's he bringing to the table, huh? How to no personal agency and get treated like a fuck-toy all day? Pssh, we ALL can do that.

>> No.13425132

Yes, I wish everything were made industrially/militarily. It's the most economically sustainable yet the economy can't sustain it.

>> No.13425177

capitalism isn't sustainable. there's a difference.

>> No.13425209

This uwu

>> No.13425213

Who is onision?

>> No.13425219

pssssht, vita est militia super terram, kid...

>> No.13425223

Only the contrary is true.

>> No.13425225
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>> No.13425229

if a writer does have a military record today, he has PTSD

>> No.13425230

he didn't even finish training though

>> No.13425245

hard to explain. he's... imagine the most obnoxious human being you possibly can, and then imagine that he's not only obnoxious, but a legitimately terrible person then give him the ego of donald trump, then give him a social media platform.

And he wrote books:

doesn't seem to matter to onision much

>> No.13425264
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>> No.13425405

what a weird association

>> No.13425431

i agree and take it a step further

if a writer hasn't watched the life leave his best friend's eyes while in a foxhole his opinions are worthless

>> No.13425440
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>writer has a military record
>never actually deployed anywhere further east than Germany

>> No.13425444

Is this what zoomers jerk off to?

>> No.13425586

is it possible to pen something worthwhile if you've never experienced hardship?

>> No.13425665

Whats the point?

>> No.13425705

Fucking Americans...

>> No.13425746

Everyone has experienced harship though,big or small

>> No.13425804
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>No genius passionate writer to share us his experience in Delta Force and his thoughts on war with much deeper insight

>> No.13426009

not American

>> No.13426722

That is a bonus when you're a writter

>> No.13426727

Darn, guess I'll never be a writter

>> No.13426746

I've been thinking about joining the army recently, but I don't want to fight some immoral foreign war for Shell Gas and have the murder of Arab women and children on my conscience for the rest of my life.

>> No.13426778

bros i want to go ffl

>> No.13426786

He seems like a psychopath, he needs ex and acid and good friends

>> No.13426791

It's impossible unless u sleep w everyone (are desirable) and are a good boy

>> No.13426802

lmao. most veterans sat in offices all day and never experienced combat. kys.

>> No.13426901

if you are a first worlder don't even bother

>> No.13426962

>if a writer doesn't [random thing I like that's completely irrelevant to writing] his opinions are worthless

>> No.13426990

He needs to get his shit stomped is what he needs. People like that are so self-absorbed, any outside input just doesn't register. Jesus himself could tell Onision to his face that he's a shithead and he'd just make a video about how Jesus is actually a bully. Guys like him need one extinction-level event to recalibrate their fucking egos. Then you can work on fixing them.

>> No.13427955

>his YA genre fiction fave isn't a shell shocked amputee

>> No.13429473

Probably, seeing as that would be one of the only opportunities to issue writs

>> No.13429492
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>worshipping the boots
Cringe. Amerifat detected.

>> No.13429498

Is pacifism the most brainlet, cowardly and quintessentially sóy stance there is?

>> No.13429499

Socrates did

>> No.13429501

it doesnt have to be armycucks vs peacefags, y'know. why do burgers think in two sides all the time? lmao lose weight

>> No.13429502

joining the millitary is a GIGAKEK move

>> No.13429505

I'm not a Burgoid, faggot.

>> No.13429538


Not having confined himself to any particular historical period, the OP, who I am not, can be taken to refer to the entirety of history all over the world (as opposed to right now, in the United States, one example of the volunteer-situation that you've wrongfully assumed). The point being that conscription is a common world-historical situation in which a writer may find himself a soldier, which has nothing to do with your imposed frame.

>> No.13430448
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Im just shitposting

>> No.13430482

What if military service was mandatory in one's country?

>> No.13430483
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>Wanted to join army at 18
>Parents wouldn't let me
>The only answer they could come up with for not letting me go is "Y'know it's full of gays right?!"

>> No.13430672

>tfw your parents are more homophobic than the us military

>> No.13431105

Name ten writers with military record

>> No.13431112

Based retard

>> No.13431121

So rude

>> No.13431192
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What would be more rewarding for the reader?
>To learn the voice and perspective of the zealot that succeeds in such organizations
>The pleasures and joys of the profession
>The personalities of this secretive world, especially foreigners
>When the high speed life catches up with you (medical, organizational, personal, spiritual)
I'm trying to say something original in this genre and wonder if anyone would share what they wish they'd see written about more? My memoirs end up getting lost in the left of boom moments of suspense, where pauses in calculation and maneuver stand out to me. I try to describe some of the "fighting" although in many cases, well resourced, planned and executed action tends towards the anticlimactic. I worry about how I represent war as impacting the fate of my eternal soul and so I don't want to glorify evil. But I wonder what else should be delved into for this genre to live up to it's potential. What do you think?

>> No.13431258

and first responders

>> No.13431266

romanticizing violence is actually pretty fucking söy, just look at all those gay ass marvel movies

>> No.13431282

All Athenian youth had basic military training at the time (Plato was 20 by the end of the Peloponnese War) but there is no record of him being in a big battle. The end of the war was fought almost wholly on sea whereas most aristocratic boys (and this Plato) went in the cavalry.
He was also a good enough wrestler to compete in the games.

>> No.13431884

Actually the USA is the current embodiment of the Weltgeist so yes it has a lot to do with it sweety :^)

>> No.13431909

The USA is the embodiment of Satan.

>> No.13432149

What about a writer who's been homeless before and locked up? I'd ask about alcoholism, but that's somewhat of a pre-requisite for a proper writer.

>> No.13432290

>Be me
>leave halfway through senior year to join army
>basic training/AIT/airborne school
>get deployed to Bosnia in 1996 for Op: joint endeavor
>visit blown to shit Sarajevo. Entire place looks like a town built in the middle of a cemetery. Get hounded by dirt faced lolis missing limbs for money and food everywhere you go.
“Please, GI-kun, g-give me Deutschmark, g-give me some something, I have nothing. Grandpa will beat me if I come home empty handed.”
>give her all the money I have on me
>she shows me a small stone next to a bridge painted bright red. It’s where the assassin stood when he shot prince archduke Ferdinand and ultimately started ww1.
>destruction as far as the eye can see
>walk back to base
> sleep in underground shooting range that’s so cold the Serbs used it as a morgue. There’s bulletholes in everything, old bloodstains.
>wizards of the coast struck a deal with MWR to entertain troops.(no bob hope or dancing girls) instead im given an entire crate of Magic the gathering cards for something to do.
>sell cards to some private for $100 drinking money.
>curl up next to space heater in underground office.
>water seeps in everywhere. Use water bottles cut in half as a makeshift aqua duct system to capture all the rain getting in. Empty the bucket every other hour or room floods.
>listen to NIN-downward spiral on loop. Forgot other CD’s
>wonder if little girl survived
>everything is muddy and cold and looks like pic related. Covered head to toe in ranger plate body armor.
>covered in green pack, helmet and armor. Everyone looks like ninja turtles
>cat gets stuck in tripwire of claymore mine on perimeter, blows a hole in the fencing. Everyone on alert for 3 hours until EOD guy comes back with a singed bloody tail
>Turkish guard gets headshot by Serbian extremist leaning out of a speeding Yugo with a bolt action rifle
>what is this place

>> No.13432298
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Forgot pic

>> No.13432614

i'm going to apply in 2 years, i sure hope having a past surgery + glasses +being a manlet+ fucked up bones won't disqualify me

>> No.13432838

A curious hypothetical. And hypothetically, such an individual might observe the proportion of literary or indeed literate conscripts to be quite small even in the special unit they may hypothetically have served in.

>> No.13433108

I've seen a lot of people in the military and let me tell yeah, there's a reason why they went there instead of college.

>> No.13433121

Well I've seen a lot of people in college and let me tell yeah, there's a reason why they went there instead of enlisting.

>> No.13433171

why are armycucks so cringe? lmao you do realize they're zionist corporate puppets, right?

>> No.13433177

Well people in college seen enlisting and let tell yeah, there's me instead reason why they went there

>> No.13433185

No comrade. We’re filthy capitalists for the college noney

>> No.13433402

Reminds of a snowless winter in Idaho

>> No.13433405

fabricated and homoseuxally inclined

>> No.13433613

People largely tell themselves you need to do x y or z to be a good writer as a way to explain away why they aren't one.

Someone born with the potential to be a writer will just figure it out almost regardless of life experience. It's a skill and a knack and some innate creativity, not a transcendental, metaphysical act. If you're even remotely prolific you're going to have to write about so many different types of people that you need to at some stage figure out how to write about experiences you haven't had about as well as you do about those you have, because very few people have really had so varied a life that they could write several books and confine all the major experiences of their characters to things they've gone through first hand.

>> No.13434546

No homo, just magic cards

>> No.13434716

Fuck off tripfag

>> No.13434831
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1560037992599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should military memoirs do that they usually don't?

>> No.13434886 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 850x400, quote-war-is-the-father-of-all-things-heraclitus-93-44-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spirituality of war? The self-contradicting love for war? The differences between a bluepilled armchair philosopher and a man who's lived in the jungle?

>> No.13434952 [DELETED] 

>But I wonder what else should be delved into for this genre to live up to it's potential. What do you think?
how's your prose? I find a lot of war books to be either highly amateurish or just plainly ghost written, and sometimes too detailed like Clancy for the average person. Perhaps you can work on presenting visual to be much more appealing to a wider audience -- if that's your goal?

>> No.13434997

>t. missed the point of star ship troopers (the book)

>> No.13435001


>> No.13435005


>> No.13435011 [DELETED] 

>But I wonder what else should be delved into for this genre to live up to it's potential. What do you think?
how's your prose? I find a lot of war books to be either highly amateurish or just plainly ghost written, and sometimes too detailed like Clancy for the average person. Perhaps you can work on presenting visual to be much more appealing to a wider audience but not dumb it down either-- if that's your goal?

>> No.13435014

No. They jerk off to incest porn because they crave the emotional connection.

>> No.13435037

>But I wonder what else should be delved into for this genre to live up to it's potential. What do you think?
how's your prose? I find a lot of war books to be either highly amateurish or just plainly ghost written, and sometimes too detailed like Clancy for the average person. Perhaps you can work on presenting visual to be much more appealing but not dumb it down either. Essentially it needs to have good writing

>> No.13435038

Pretty degenerate, desu.

>> No.13435240


>> No.13435270
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Yes, you need your personality broken down an then re-constructed by an organization to truly express "yourself".

>> No.13435284

I liked it. Nice detail.

>> No.13435303

Jünger is more of a man and an intellect than you will ever be, insect.

>> No.13435755

You guys worship Jugner too much desu

>> No.13436034

>mentally hears it as /ʒyɲe/ due to French-ish misspelling
thanks, I'm now traumatized

>> No.13436035

I have obliterated people who held master degrees in philosophy using nothing but information garnered from pop-sci books.

I know the legit science, it's just funny watching them choke on the babyfood version.

I'd have to say the crowning moment was when this thomist "scholar" was arguing for the immateriality of the mind and when I asked if he knew what mitochondria or synaptic clefts were he had no clue.

>> No.13436171

So this is pasta now

>> No.13436434

It was alien and terrifying.

>> No.13437189
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Modern military doesn't count