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File: 19 KB, 220x307, 220px-Marx_Reloaded_promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13424740 No.13424740 [Reply] [Original]

Take the real redpill.

>> No.13424752

>come kill 1/7 of the entire human population with us!
>we'll give you free stuff that will grow on trees!
>you will totally have freedom of thought to choose from pre-established thought library!
>you will never need to feel man again!
>you will be able to lick other people's feet like you never did! HOW FUN
>don't be stupid be a smarty, come and join new nazi party!

>> No.13424858

are you retarded?

>> No.13424876

>Communist Propaganda payed for by the German taxpayer
Oh, the irony...

>> No.13424892

Google a list of famines by death toll. Then highlight each country that was communist at the time of the famine. It'll blow your mind.

>> No.13424971

the only one is the Russian famine of 1921. i don't get it

>> No.13425070

>Russian Famine (1921)
>Soviet Famines/Holodomor (1932)
>Soviet Famine (1947)
>Great Chinese Famine (1959)
>Khmer Rouge (1975)
>Ethiopia (1984)
>North Korea (1994)
You could also note how every other major famine occurs in a war, civil war, or in the distant past.

>> No.13425094
File: 375 KB, 867x1000, greek assemblywomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

communism is a literal comedy

>> No.13425124
File: 38 KB, 400x613, Stalin-400x613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trotskyite propaganda funded by socdem tax dollars with commentary from a bunch of +100k/year salaried """Marxist intellectuals"""" is not the real redpill.

Kerry Bolton's Stalin: The Enduring Legacy is.

>> No.13425131

Trotsky was the exact kind of Jews Marx wanted dead.

>> No.13425138

communists weren't in power in russia after late 1920s and they were never in power in all the meme third world countries

>> No.13425153

Read Marx, stupid Amerimutt boomers.

>> No.13425154

Ah, so you're saying real communism has never been tried?

>> No.13425162

Indeed. No true communist has ever existed anyway aside from young Marx (older Marx was no longer a communist).

>> No.13425163

Read Marx.

>> No.13425187

> (older Marx was no longer a communist).

based take

brainlet take

>> No.13425188

you zoomies and retarded millennials can't even coherently differentiate between propaganda book and reality. go protest on a highway.

>> No.13425193

those commies are propagating on US soil and European as well. That's more than a billion combined, kiddo.

>> No.13425231

mods nuke this thread please

>> No.13425426

no, I'm not saying that

they did exist. they just weren't in charge either in russia since the late 1920s or in any of the meme third world countries.
either "true communists never existed aside from young Marx" or "communists ruled... ethiopia and north korea" must be the most retarded false dichotomy i've seen this summer

>> No.13425765

You can't just decide countries that fail don't count as communist. If you have specific reasons for not considering Stalinism or Maoism forms of communism, that's an argument you should make.

Communism has taken a lot of forms in a lot of different countries. If you don't count political situations that are either necessary precursors or likely outcomes of a proletarian revolution part of communism, you can rule out literally anything that doesn't suit your argument. Do you have any examples of countries you would consider "real" communism?

>> No.13425894

>If you have specific reasons for not considering Stalinism or Maoism forms of communism, that's an argument you should make.
I'm not going to have the same argument every day. Just on the days I feel like it.

>If you don't count political situations that are either necessary precursors or likely outcomes of a proletarian revolution part of communism, you can rule out literally anything that doesn't suit your argument
Counter-revolution is a likely outcome of a proletarian revolution, like of every other revolution. So by that logic the French Third Republic was communist.

>Do you have any examples of countries you would consider "real" communism?
I already gave one.

>> No.13425898

or not one but two now

>> No.13425977

>I'm not going to have this argument every day
Fair enough; I'll be around later.

>Counter-revolution is a likely outcome...
I do think the risk of counter-revolution is a good argument against revolutions in general (in contrast to working within the system, say). This is an advantage democratic socialism has over revolutionary communism - it's unlikely to make things dramatically worse. If communism can't be implemented without inevitably devolving into single-party authoritarianism, that's surely a good argument against communism.

>I have an example
>Actually, two
I saw that you mentioned Russia in the 1920s, so it seems you're onboard with Leninism but not Stalinism. What was your second example?

>> No.13425984
File: 130 KB, 257x279, 456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like your tone. It's aggressive. Come up with a new act, or I'll terminate the thread.

>> No.13426026
File: 316 KB, 1414x1667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13426357

You seem to think that a revolution happens when some socialists have a debate and they make a decision in favour of revolutionary socialism and against "democratic socialism", but that's not how the world works.
Revolutions don't happen because some socialists, out of the blue, refuse to "work within the system", but because the system refuses to work for a whole class of people. And at that point there's no choice between revolutionary socialism and "democratic socialism", but only one between revolution and counter-revolution. All the reformists end up supporting either one or the other. The German Revolution illustrates this clearly.

>If communism can't be implemented without inevitably devolving into single-party authoritarianism
Of course it can't. This was one of the main discoveries of Marx:
>What I did that was new was to prove: [...] (2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat [...]

>> No.13426903

On paper that's how it's supposed to happen. But reality has been different so far and capitalism is still here, so we can't speak of the system refusing to work.

>> No.13427347

not for long

>> No.13427495

Marxists have been saying that since Marx. It always looks like capitalism is about to implode.

> Yeah, but this time it's different!

>> No.13427514

wow, a whole 150 years, half of which have been wasted because of Stalin and other retards inspired by him

>> No.13427585

All those Chinese and Indian famines. Makes sense with such a huge population.

>> No.13427725

>> Yeah, but this time it's different!
Yes, since this time it's capitalist nations that are gaining class consciousness, not feudal nations. It's therefore closer to Marx's predictions than last time.

>> No.13427778


>> No.13427885

>using the fact that someone wrote a play about something as evidence

>> No.13427891

No it's not fuck you.

>> No.13427892

Marx, the famous pseudo-socialist, authoritarian dictator.

>> No.13428311

Stalin was an ideologue, not some pseudo socialist dictator.

>> No.13429348

Stalin reduced worker control. Opposite of socialism.