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/lit/ - Literature

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1341796 No.1341796 [Reply] [Original]

i got a copy of the beautiful and damned for my birthday and in it there was a note and it read

"Dear random stranger,
I hope this surprise makes you smile. I've actually just started this book and I love it. I think Fitzgerald and I have a lot in common. I want to be a writer, but I don't want to be a trashy novelist. I have high expectations and idealistic ambitions for myself just like he did. Perhaps I'm self destructive like him as well. Perhaps we all are. All I know is that I want to experience life and write it all down. Even though I'm saying this to you, I'm also saying it to myself. Whatever you love to do - do it. It's rather tragic when people run away from their destinies in fear. You are worth the desires and dreams of your heart. you shouldn't stop singing or playing music just because the chances of becoming famous are slim. Just like you shouldn't not apologize just because you think it's too late. Or you shouldn't stop yourself from writing a letter just because you don't expect to get a reply. There was a quote that I used for my senior project It said something along the lines of : the world needs people who have come alive. So do what makes you happy. Be alive. Like I said, this is a wonderful book by Fitzgerald, but I disagree with the title. Yes, we are beautiful, but I don't believe anyone was meant to be damned. Not me. Not you. You don't need to fear failure, loneliness, or imperfection or yourself. Life's too short for that."

There's a heart next to the name Melissa at the bottom.

has this ever happened to anyone

>> No.1341809

No. But that's really cool. It's almost like words of encouragement from F Scott only via proxy.

What did you think about it? Did it help you in any way?

>> No.1341816

I would act upon this OP

>> No.1341819
File: 42 KB, 338x500, I-Can-Make-You-Confident-The-Power-to-Go-for-Anything-You-Want-1402769229-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1341823


haha but jokes aside. Thats pretty cool and sounds like good advice to me.

>> No.1341826

no it didnt help me in any way i am wondering why someone so delusional would leave a note in a book

>> No.1341827

so who gave you the book exactly

>> No.1341828

it was a gift from my dad he said i knew you liked fitzgerald i wasnt sure if you had this or not and i didnt

>> No.1341831

Delusional? How so? She seemed very realistic to me. She told you that while your dreams may be utterly impossible to reach you should still keep going for them, even though you probably don't have a hope in hell.

Sure she was sappy. But delusional?

>> No.1341835

She might be insane OP

>> No.1341840

you obviously have no idea what delusional is i suggest you go look it up on wikipedia so you can argue with me over the symptoms

>> No.1341842

I think someone i know wrote something like that on facebook once

>> No.1341843

just seems like a rly self-important way for a failed writer to "leave their mark" on the world. i could open up any self-help book if i wanted to read shit like this

>> No.1341857

>Implying wikipedia is not a user generated site.
>is overly defensive and quick to argue
>didn't answer the question asked

>> No.1341861


you don't know how to troll / argue. please leave.

>> No.1341865

Why didn't she just write a self help book then?

>> No.1341872

ITT: People who failed their dreams and/or think it's cool to be cynical.

>> No.1341875

I'm not trolling, or arguing. I don't want to argue with you. I'm just curious. You're still dodging the question.

>> No.1341878

she's delusional because she has no concept of the real world or success
she's most likely 14 years old and so are you

>> No.1341879


i'm not quentin. just making an observation on your lame posting.

>> No.1341880

You're definitely mad.

>> No.1341881

OP, its probably your mom who send it. She saw that you're not getting any presents and no one's at your birthday and decided to cheer you up.
So cheer up!

>> No.1341882


people thinking: "omg look at me im so edgy im being contrarian lololol"

Goddamn hipsters.

>> No.1341886



>> No.1341892


See, this is why I hate /lit/

Not one person here knows how to spot a samefag and you just throw the word around hoping to make it stick.

>> No.1341893
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OP's situation.

Picture relevant.

>> No.1341894

>Yes, we are beautiful, but I don't believe anyone was meant to be damned. Not me. Not you. You don't need to fear failure, loneliness, or imperfection or yourself. Life's too short for that.


>> No.1341899


>> No.1341902


Did you know

The world sucks because the people in it make it suck.

It is your fault that life is shitty. Congratulations.

>> No.1341903
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>> No.1341904


Yes. I hate this so much. Thanks for pointing this out. This is the defining feature of why /lit/ sucks. You have hit the nail on the head. I can't believe I've never thought of mentioning this before.



>> No.1341907
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>> No.1341924

staggy? is that you? have you grown pubes + had existential crisis? getting solemn vibes here.

>> No.1341931

Youre all a bunch of goddam phoneys.


>> No.1341944

the only thing that ever made me mad was when people would post topics saying they had or are going through an existential crisis

no im not going through that since it's fake and man-made and only characters in books go through it

>> No.1341948

namefag gtfo. You are the cancer killing /lit/.

>> No.1341949


Spoken, truly, like a kid that hasn't had the displeasure of the experience. Sure, there are some hipster faggots that like to pretend every anxiety is a groundbreaking crisis for attention, but the shit exists, in one form or another.

Don't worry, you'll grow up and in a few years, you too will know what it's like.

>> No.1341952


i don't think that's strictly true and this is just you projecting your easy life on everyone else

but neways, my poitn was that you're seeming more serious than i remember you. that's all.

>> No.1341953

it doesnt exist it's a literary plot device. like cliffhangers.

>> No.1341955

What are you talking about?
She acknowledges that your chances of being successful are slim, but you shouldn't stop what you love doing because it will never amount to anything.

>> No.1341957
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mfw he claims that people don't ever feel like shit and question if their life has purpose.

>> No.1341961

Oh my god... You are such a hipster. Stop the act, you're not witty, edgy, or amusing acting like this, kid. Just be yourself.

>> No.1341970

>really forgettable page 15 thread
>Quentin !!p3mpBqBwOeY
>12030123 replies post images omitted etc

>> No.1341973
File: 91 KB, 453x453, Problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever you say, kid.

>> No.1341980

i think you're the hipster here b/c you think you've read too much camus and now you think there's no purpose in life and think existential crises are real
it's ok, one day you will grow up and realize how childish those thoughts are

>> No.1341985

jokes on you I've never read Camus. Hahaha faggot.

>> No.1341986

Maybe one day you'll advance to first grade where they teach proper sentence structure. If you're going to be annoying all over my /lit/, at least make a passing attempt at proper English.

Existential crises are for people whose personal estimation of their value is particularly low, whatever the reason. Not ever having one is for arrogant douchebags who can't fathom that they may not be the most important thing in the universe. Pick your side.

>> No.1341987


How old are you, bro? Seriously. No lies. No posturing. How many years have you been out of the womb.

>> No.1341997

im 16 how does it feel knowing a 16 year old knows more about the world than you do?

so since i dont feel bad about myself ever means im the most arrogant thing in the universe? incorrect. it just means i have high self confidence whereas you have none. go put some proactive on your pimples or something and you'll feel good too

>> No.1342001


Oh, lord. Yeah. I knew you had some growing up to do, but I had no idea just how bad it was.

>> No.1342004

Booo. I'm very tired of people who can't win arguments deciding to bail on their first point and attack grammar. Fucking lame.

>> No.1342006

>TyBrax suicide
>Quentin return
Am I the only one drawing parallels here?

>> No.1342009


that explains it.

>> No.1342013

nope I mentioned it in another thread. could this mean something?@??@?!!!

>> No.1342014


>> No.1342030

My first blurb on this argument came after I mentioned his grammar.

>> No.1342043

So is someone else going to report this kid for being underage or am I going to have to do it?

>> No.1342049

lol like the mods even give a shit

>> No.1342056


Be nice to get him out of everyone's hair for a while, at least.

>> No.1342061

Some faggot making character-trolls.
TyBrax - look at me. I'm retarded
Quentin - look at me, I'm ignorant
Stagolee - look at me, I'm obnoxious

It's all just samefag, ignore it and keep /lit/ing

>> No.1342066

I hate to bring it up, but anyone else notice the spirit of Holden Caulfield in this thread?

>> No.1342081

sorry to ruin your shitty theory but no im not tybrax

>> No.1342084

There's mods on /lit/?! I thought this was still 4chan!!

>> No.1342095

I hope you're lying since he hasn't been on msn :(

>> No.1342103

why would i lie on the internet
i for one have morals unlike a lot of you "existentialists"

>> No.1342134


Blatant trolling. No one cares about your teenaged assery.

>> No.1342141

so do you count everything you disagree with as trolling or what?

>> No.1342162

ugh this thread kind of makes me wish 4chan wasn't anonymous

>> No.1342199


>i for one have morals unlike a lot of you "existentialists"

I suppose you, then, honestly believe that morality is an absolute term? Black and white, no leeway, watsoever?

It is wrong for a man to take a loaf of bread to feed a starving child, and it is right for a man to withhold water from a girl dying of thirst if she cannot pay?

>> No.1342204
File: 319 KB, 608x557, calmthefuckdow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nobody on /lit/ remembers quentin is stagolee.
You've still got it stag, you fag

>> No.1342211
File: 31 KB, 632x245, staglee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remembered.

>> No.1342231

TyBrax is DeepandEdgy you faggot.

>> No.1342264

why would i give the water i paid for to a girl who couldnt pay for it? your argument makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.1342266

The best and worst part about /lit/ is that it feels like there are only ten or twenty people that come here.

>> No.1342267

Shit, I completely forgot about his JoGo fetish.

>> No.1342269



I know you don't understand, but you don't need to. Your ignorance is all the argument needed.

>> No.1342272

How long has stag been back?
How long have I been gone...?

>> No.1342278
File: 63 KB, 399x382, christian bale is amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there is a good reason to give anything to anyone for free

>> No.1342285


>Implying compassion is not the greatest human virtue.

Yeah. we get it. you think it's cool to be cynical. you don't have to try so hard.

>> No.1342289

>implying charity is compassion and not just socialism
how is being unemployed working out for you

>> No.1342302


>Implying socialism is bad

How's being a fear mongering tool working for you?

>> No.1342306

itt: quentin argues w/ himself 2 show everyone what a sick troll he is

>> No.1342312

>implying socialism is good
anywayz i need a nap. i guess i cant argue you you out of your own ignorance. maybe someone else can

>> No.1342326

Heh, you don't really think that, do you?

>> No.1342332


>Implying I said or implied anything close to "socialism is good"

I said it's not necessarily BAD. Nothing about good. Sound to me like you lack depth.

>> No.1342341

I believe the word you're looking for is "nuance"

>> No.1343202
File: 127 KB, 640x960, 1285824006450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this story, this is such an amazing, cute coincidence. I've actually always sort of fantasized that something like this would happen to me.

>> No.1343215


>> No.1343220

I know tybrax quite well (chatting often on live) and for some reason I haven't seen him in a while. We were supposed to meet IRL but he wasn't here, I keep calling him and I get no answer.

Frankly I'm afraid to check the journal of his city at the deaths section.

>> No.1343242

lol do it faggot

>> No.1343258


You didn't deserve this sweet girls well intended letter.

Fuck you OP.

>> No.1343268

im jk guys
her letter almost made me cry actually

>> No.1343277
File: 60 KB, 400x320, sketkllttor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1343418

Is your dad Melissa?

>> No.1343450

I remember going through the cynical phase. Gosh I was a douchebag. Glad I got over myself.

>> No.1343459


I kind of did that once. I circled random letters that turn into code in house of leaves, creepy messages.. random highlighting.. burnt some of the pages. One thumbprint, in blood. I had a nose bleed and was like "hey... this could work."
That kind of stuff. I left it in a library and someone took it, does the heart good

>> No.1343466


Gross. Keep your AIDS to your self, tyvm.

>> No.1343686

lmao.. always love ya, Quent'

>> No.1343707

I got a used book yesterday and it has a black and white photo of someone taking a graduation photo. LOL'd.

>> No.1343709
File: 27 KB, 284x416, 1273991838791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>haha but jokes aside

What joke?

>> No.1343710

>Fuck yeah now i can act gay and look down on these cynical douchebags

>> No.1343718

Holy gosh, thank raptor Jesus I got over the loving and actually giving a shit about others phase. God I was such a sheeple. 4chan fixed that

>> No.1343731

Confirmed for 15 year old.

>> No.1343733

She might suck you dick OP, pursue this crazy bitch