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13421261 No.13421261 [Reply] [Original]

>atheists on suicide watch

>> No.13421281

Give me a tl;dr on why I should believe in sky santa

>> No.13421293

He rejected theese voews öater

>> No.13421307

There’s nothing better to believe in

>> No.13421332

>sky santa
atleast have some honesty

>> No.13421344

Atheists are a-THEISTS, not a-deists. We don't believe in religious gods. All philosophical arguments for god, even if they were granted, would only bring us so far as deism, not a 6k year old earth and not Noah's flood.

>> No.13421348

>Not knowing how to read mytholopoetically

>> No.13421363

Why is not having faith a virtue?

>> No.13421368

>I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.

>> No.13421373
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>mfw I realized kant's entire philosophy was just to defend the existence of god

>> No.13421425

>Why is not having faith a virtue?
Because blindly believing absolute horseshit with no substantiating evidence is deserving of ridicule.

>> No.13421433

Prophecies aren’t evidence? The wisdom of the Bible isn’t evidence? It’s not completely absurd to believe that the Bible was created with divine influence. It’s not as if there is zero evidence

>> No.13421437
File: 61 KB, 240x360, 0000274_aristotletodays_intellectual_state_mp3_download_360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faith is the unadulteratedly evil curtailment of reason

>> No.13421442

But you have faith in your ability to reason correctly

>> No.13421456

>prophecies aren't evidence
Not biblical prophecies
>wisdom isn't evidence
Not at all. There are plenty of books that offer much more wisdom and insight than the Holy "kill every man woman child and livestock that belongs to the canaanites" Bible but that does not make them divine

>> No.13421457

"That is not faith. That is a conviction."

>> No.13421466

it was to defend the existence of science, brainlet

>> No.13421470
File: 87 KB, 807x480, CA16AA7D-E8FE-45F6-9360-A23F29BB320A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not biblical prophecies
Not an argument. You have to have faith that the Bible was one big convoluted forgery by several men spanning millennia.

>> No.13421487

No, it's really not. “Faith” designates blind acceptance of a certain ideational content, acceptance induced by feeling in the absence of evidence or proof.

>> No.13421508

The Bible is a collection of books written by different people thousands of years ago who knew very little about the world scientifically speaking. Some of the books were written for nefarious purposes such as justifying genocide and Jewish supremacy and providing a justification for Judah's supremacy over the other tribes; others were written for purposes such as spreading love and equality between Jews and gentiles.
This is not a problem and I am completely open to extracting whatever bits of wisdom are embedded in the biblical texts. When Christians claim it is a divine scripture written by an omniscient being we know that is false simply by looking at things like Noah's flood or the exodus, which we know, as a matter of objective fact, did not happen.

>> No.13421591

Where’d you get that definition from?

>> No.13421644

Not gonna reply to your stupid post, because you're too much of a self-centered moron to listen to other people.

This is for the benefit of those in the thread looking on.

>we know that is false simply by looking at things like Noah's flood or the exodus, which we know, as a matter of objective fact, did not happen.



These are scientific facts, as we currently understand them.

>> No.13421646

No, 'faith' is just a synonym for 'trust'.

>> No.13421684
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>> No.13421688

Trust is an interpersonal affair. You do not base cognition on social criteria.

>> No.13421755

More like the lights in the authors head are going out LMAO got'em
What kind of a fuckwit do you have to write to write a book with such a faggy title holy shit

>> No.13421760


>> No.13421782

Get out of /lit/ cretin

>> No.13422390

So what is the demonstration?

>> No.13422428

Not him but to defend the existence of science in the context of seeking the objective truth of reality.
Quantum theorists are attempting to answer this but are ignoring abstract values, which is a sticking point, I think at an atomic level all values are consistent. This will probably make little sense because my tongue currently is numb.

>> No.13422649

Jesus fuck, atheists are more hung up on sky god than fundie tards
Saged for inability to let go of sky grandpa and expand personal concept of divinity