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/lit/ - Literature

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13420761 No.13420761 [Reply] [Original]

can we compile a list of great modernist works of literature? enter and leave your favorites.
Will start it with some obvious ones
>Ulysses, Finnegans Wake - James Joyce
>As I Lay Dying, The Sound and the Fury, Absalom, Absalom!, Light in August - William Faulkner
>Petersburg - Andrei Bely
>In Search of the Lost Time - Marcel Proust
>The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil
>Berlin Alexanderplatz - Alfred Döblin
>The Sleepwalkers - Hermann Broch
>Endgame, Waiting for Godot, The Unnameable - Samuel Beckett
>The Devil to Pay in the Backlands - Guimarães Rosa

this is in no particular order, also unknown suggestions are welcome.

>> No.13421708
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b u m p

>> No.13421718

this really feels like something that doesn't need another list

>> No.13421736

You can add :
>The Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann

>> No.13421793


>> No.13421800

it's less for making an actual list, but rather to get to know great and for whatever reason unknown/unpopular works.

>> No.13421813

Andre Gide - Les faux-monnayeurs
Wydham Lewis - Tarr
Virginia Woolf- To The Lighthouse
Franz Kafka- The Metamorphosis
Hermann Broch- The death of virgil

>> No.13421822

sorokin - ice trilogy

>> No.13421859

some real unknown titles itt

>> No.13421906

the damn Cantos

>> No.13421942


Cairo Trilogy should be added too

>> No.13422012

nigga, I said I wanted to find great books I don't already know. Why in the name of god would I create a thread for unknown books I knew them already? Had to start somewhere, which is why I stated "Will start it with some obvious ones"

>> No.13422196

Would you consider Kafka modernist? I think The Trial and The Castle should definitely be on the list.

>> No.13422545

Max Blecher - Adventures in Immediate Irreality
Fyodor Sologub - Petty Demon
Turk Olesha - Envy

>> No.13422566

Anything by Nabokov really, especially Pale Fire.

>> No.13422612

Late Nabokov - especially Pale Fire and after - is where high modernism ends and postmodernism begins

>> No.13422644

Yes, but OP mentioned Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, so clearly OP was already thinking about postmodernist works.

>> No.13422701

Joyce's works are not postmodernist, if that's what you mean.

>> No.13422769

Sorry mate, but you're retarded. Lit crit is not a route for you.