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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 317 KB, 952x717, imageboard brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13418062 No.13418062 [Reply] [Original]

What books should one read to undo having an imageboard brain?

>> No.13418078

is this OC? Nice.

>> No.13418080

As soon as I started visiting this place again I've had no motivation to do anything.
Makes you think

>> No.13418086
File: 22 KB, 400x400, A661F6E3-F652-4C1D-ADD5-77B4BC808A7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>switches between boards like normies do with television channls

>> No.13418087


>> No.13418089


>> No.13418098

I've been posting here for 13 years, so I don't think the damage can be undone at this point.

>> No.13418102

Ezra Pound

>> No.13418110

this. it's so easy
you guys wouldn't believe me, since I'm here after all. but damn, not logging on 4chan for days is so piss easy it's laughable

>> No.13418111

Try 30 years.

>> No.13418112

literally any paper book that isn't a choose your own adventure or some other nonlinear gimmick.

>> No.13418116
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>>switches between boards like normies do with television channls

>> No.13418117
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>> No.13418121

You don't need books, you need a job.

>> No.13418128

For me, it’s /lit/, /sci/, /his/ (just in case there’s something philosophical), /pol/ for news because I don’t have any social media or tv, and when I’ve exhausted all threads and no one has yet responded to my posts, I’ll check /a/, /adv/, /fit/, /tv/, and /x/.

>> No.13418135

Oh lord. Help me

>> No.13418143

okay faggot, i'm gonna make a normie version since you obviously think you're so smug about making fun of us.

>> No.13418146

I don't really see what the problem with using image boards in moderation is. /lit/ has had a positive impact on my life and without it I would likely never have began reading in my spare time, dooming me to a life of vidya and soulless mediocrity. There is nowhere on the internet quite like it. Sure, I hate this place sometimes, but it provides a opportunity for discussion that is very difficult to find. I just wish people would post less bait and less meaningless political/religious debate threads where it is simply name calling and the same arguments.

>> No.13418164

Dude everyone goes through this thought process. It’s just an excuse. You’ve already been exposed to everything. You don’t need to stay here. You should be reading.

>> No.13418212

/k/ then /lit/ then /his/ here

>> No.13418215

You are projecting. There is nothing wrong with discussion.

>> No.13418219
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>Switches between boards just like normies switch between tv channels
That one really struck home.

>> No.13418232
File: 27 KB, 450x345, D0zZH2jUwAAE6kn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imageboards in moderation has fueled ideas for my writing, and /lit has fed new material into my reading.

Habitual imageboard use hampers my writing productivity, however, as with any internet activity. If I check threads before writing, it puts my brain in a different mode.

Shitposting is a sometimes food.

>> No.13418233
File: 330 KB, 952x720, go fuck yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13418234


>> No.13418375

>4chan is a psyop!!!
But really, there is NOTHING to gain from being here for more than a few minutes a week. Lads, you all have your charts, all the books and things you already want to learn, experience and achieve. Get to work.

>> No.13418384
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>> No.13418389

>There is nothing wrong with discussion.
Sure. But good substantial discussion is few and far between to warrant being on here for more than 20m a day.

>> No.13418391
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>> No.13418396

I have a dozens of charts and bookmarked websites for philosophy, fiction, and mathematics. Every now and then I’ll start the first book, read 15 pages or so, then quit for weeks. Haha

>> No.13418406

this. just get off of the internet

>> No.13419470

just reading any will undo it by virtue of it forcing you to not be on an imageboard

>> No.13419605

these two pics are huge messes. They need to be re-edited

>> No.13419611

You are shaped by your experiences, stop experiencing imageboards and it will fade away

>> No.13419633
File: 600 KB, 1200x1162, Art+critic+big6greensee+this+and+more+comics+visit+the+artistgreenhttpsstonetosscomcomicepicmemebig6_ae0aba_6532750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13419637


>> No.13419647


>> No.13419652
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>> No.13419660

t. poster who throws out meme words like incel themselves.

>> No.13419665

no I didn't lol

>> No.13419666

i can literally feel your anger through my screen. cope

>> No.13419667

says the incelpanels poster lol cope

>> No.13419673

100% this.
Whenever I want to leave this shithole I always tell myself
"dude but think about all the books you find here :)" etc
but being here means that I barely fucking read
I start reading a book, but as soon as I look at 4chan I get caught in this cycle of
"check this board, check this thread, check that board, check for replies here, check check check" and waste hours doing that
FUCK this site I am GONE GOODBYE

>> No.13419680
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>> No.13419681


>> No.13419684

lol someone's mad

>> No.13420868

The one that tells you to cancel your internet service

>> No.13420880

The main points are incorrect, aside from the first one maybe.
Image board doesn't cause high prolactin.
Nor does it induce hypofrontality
Nor is it a primal drive.
All of these are limited to sexual excesses.

>> No.13420886

This is a good example of why leftist memes are so terrible. There's nothing funny about it. It's just a picture intended to insult someone by showing a caricature of them. There's no joke at all. It's probably because leftists are humorless moralfags.

>> No.13420888
File: 231 KB, 952x717, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More accurate version. Other things are exclusive to cumbrain which usually goes alongside being an imageboard brain.

>> No.13420942
File: 123 KB, 671x673, 1560431101248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the Russians

>> No.13420968

>less meaningless political/religious debate threads
That's literally all /lit/ is good for...

(also the only things that matter in life, much more than some loser's interpretation of Infinite Jest)

>> No.13420983

This was me from 2014 - 2018 and I can corroborate all of that. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing, bois. I've curbed it by installing LeechBlock.

>> No.13421063
File: 238 KB, 632x403, 1555874729125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, this is what I needed to stop coming here

>> No.13421084

stole from the cumbrain meme

>> No.13421095

t. cumbrain

>> No.13421547
File: 76 KB, 345x383, 1412553685480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chuckles every 30 minutes
the main reason I come to this site is to find funny shit to laugh at

>> No.13421574

>logging on 4chan

>> No.13422230

anons.. how do i get a job

>> No.13422298


>> No.13422310


>> No.13422665

>reading more than 30 pages from a single book in one sitting
>wanting to get the book over with as soon as possible instead of spreading it out, reading multiple books at a time and letting them all sit and simmer in your mind
>calls others' attention span short

>> No.13422686


>> No.13422696

This thread is shit.

>> No.13423484
File: 39 KB, 400x323, dope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ for news
peak cringe

>> No.13423497
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>> No.13423552
File: 3.52 MB, 3872x2592, litspiration word count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13423879

>hating /pol/
you have to go back

>> No.13423888

I like how peiple are just waking up to their personal retardation and blaming 4chan.

>> No.13424069

Do you have any interests that aren't derived from entertainment media? That is what your tertiary education is for, turning that kind of interest into a career. Believe me, the more you think there is no career in your interests, the more likely the relevant field is short of people with said interests.

>> No.13424241

But I'm currently posting while on my wagecuck job

>> No.13424258

Nice image mate.

>> No.13424269

you have to be a fucking retard

>> No.13424283

Does anyone here know actually how to fix this problem? Is it as simple as 'going outside' like a normie?

>> No.13424295

I went from NEET to normie pretty fast and i still love this place.
Being too active gets me tired and annoyed.
After being busy all week I love to unwind by laying on the bed and browsing different boards.
I don't think I'll ever stop coming here.

>> No.13424506

we'll i hope you'll still reply but im doing a Bcomm in quantitative management (fiance and economics but with more math and stats), i used to be really interested in investing, business and economics and always wanted to be a scientist but i got sucked into my pc and vidya and fucked up my school marks so i couldnt get into a science program. out side of uni im a musician and play gigs every week which i really love, come to think of it i love entertainment and putting on a show for people like music or theater i guess i like art in a way but the only problem is im too scared to do anything with it because its not a sustainable form of income

>> No.13424554
File: 77 KB, 951x596, 1533126235433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you.

>> No.13424555
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 1539359909339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Addicted to consequence-free comunication and the sense of superriority over normies
Very accurate.
Conversing with normies without desire of bashing their skulls in, is very hard these days.
Only fellow shitposters and frens who share my apathy are worth having discussion with.

>> No.13424753

What about people who were on 4chan years before but started browsing /pol/ because of Trump?

>> No.13424905

i like coming here because it reminds me i'm better than both you and normies

>> No.13424922

False, pretty much all normies at my job(s) have had this sort of mindset.

The real answer is to read Society of the Spectacle in the middle of the woods with no wifi/phone

>> No.13424930
File: 51 KB, 640x480, e;kld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13424936

What if someone wrote a book on the image boards?

>> No.13424953

It doesn't do anything. I left 4chan and the void was filled with Reddit instead.
All social media is killing us.
I keep refreshing news sites when I quit Reddit

>> No.13424994

Stop going on the computer? Like pick up a book or go to a club

>> No.13424996
File: 25 KB, 293x450, da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13425329

nu/pol/ is utter shit, /pol/ died long ago

>> No.13425588

That's not how it works. If I don't have a constant stream of information at all times, how will I be content just walking around?

>> No.13425598

>chuckles every 30 mins


>> No.13425621
File: 258 KB, 1200x788, DO77SKKU8AADk-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I am superior enough to do this dangerous thing in moderation without getting hurt.

>> No.13425627

I live off my family's wealth, loser. I can direct all my time to reading, studying, practicing sports and doing other activities without worrying about making money. How can you beat that?

>> No.13425633

too real

>> No.13425652

>quantitative management (fiance and economics but with more math and stats),

Get out now. You got trolled.

>> No.13425692

say it aint so anon

>> No.13425693

shut up nigger sayer
right wing memes are only insults nothing else and always have been. They're not funny and never will be

>> No.13425698

he'll still make more money than us and that says alot about the kind of society WE live IN

you'll get rich don't worry

this says alot about the kind of society we live in. The french revolution didn't happen so people like you could exist

>> No.13425818


This sounds like a really wattered down degree. Do you know anyone successful who has it?

>> No.13425824

most successful people have some watered down economics/business degree.

>> No.13425853

this is true but also doesnt take into account tech billionaires

its essentially a watered down data science/math/stats degree with business applications as the focus

thanks for believing in me anon, i figured that the safest financial security i can get get in my position would be the business of money bc youd never not have a job unless AI becomes human on a 1:1 basis

>> No.13425871

>just stop injecting heroin in your eyeballs, bra, it's easy :3