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13413856 No.13413856 [Reply] [Original]


Transgender dogma is naive and incompatible with Freud

>> No.13413872

not /lit/ related. Have sex.

>> No.13414059

zizek is a philosopher, freud is philosophy-adjacent, /lit/ is the philosophy board (fuck /his), fuck off

>> No.13414091

Zizek is a stale meme. Freud is a very stale meme. Have sex.

>> No.13414111

>compatible with Freud
what is that?>>13413856

>> No.13414159

What is Freud?

>> No.13414160

Wow you just playing with ambiguity of words. Define "philosophy" to me.

>> No.13414163

It's infamously difficult to define, but Zizek is a philosopher. He is an academic philosopher, like that's literally his job title.
Freud has influenced and was influenced by philosophy a lot.

>> No.13414253


>> No.13414261

He's right of course. It's no less incompatible with Foucault and probably Butler, this view of setting your authentic self free through a new discourse.

>> No.13414594

I don't know if I'm missing the forest for the trees, but who cares if transgender dogma is compatible with Freud? Freud's ideas have no scientific basis so why cite him as a source of authority? If Zizek recognizes that this is just a philosophical or some other type of argument I must again ask why cite Freud?

>> No.13414610

wasn't science discredited in 2016?

>> No.13414666

Reality is incompatible with Freud.

>> No.13414680

Hmm, Freud is bullshit and psychoanalysis is a pseudoscience. That being said, I hate trannies, so I'll buy into this for the time being.

>> No.13414722

Science doesn't have a monopoly on truth.

>> No.13414753

But do Freud's writings really offer anything beyond that? if it's a philosophical argument is Freud really the best source for this argument?

>> No.13414762


I hope you die by getting AIDS and trying to cure it with juice cleanses

>> No.13414838
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>> No.13414898

Scientism is just autism that conflates data sets/phenomena with a metaphysics of presence, when science is STILL struggling to bridge the kantian gap even today. Why would you take that shit anymore seriously than freud?

>> No.13414904

>he hates trannies because they remind him of his own castration complex
Freud has to be wrong in order to protect you from your own pathologies.

>> No.13414949

What was the point of that article? Is Zizek a terf now? Why wasn't The Schreber case mentioned?

>> No.13415035

I'm just asking why a trans "person" should care if their dogma is compatible with Freud. Presumably, they would have to believe in Freud's ideas in the first place for them to care about any incongruity with them, but I fail to see why they should. What does Freud offer, what does he posit that is worth believing in?

>> No.13415181

What's wrong with pseudoscience? Things don't all of the sudden become more useful when there's a data table involved

>> No.13415287

Schreber was a real freak.

>> No.13415584

Without freud they wouldn’t have a psychiatric discourse that labels them as deviants to resist or react against. Even if freud was wrong, his mistakes are worth studying to trans people as a roadmap of potholes. The point isn’t to take freud’s Ideas seriously, but rather to invert them, to illuminate them as the mechanisms of repression which block or impede the modern understanding of gender.

>> No.13415587

/his/ is much better

>> No.13415604

Freudian analysis has only been discarded because of its anti-civilization implications.

>> No.13415660

Psychoanalysts generally take seriously the view that belief has a structure. Even if a belief or ideological construction doesn't necessarily consist entirely of measurable things, they would still insist that they be arranged in a way that basically works. It follows that it can be a risk to hold beliefs that you yourself can't ground, since in the moment, your subconscious will tie up loose ends if necessary, and keeping just the Id out of the driver seat was always a big part of the goal

>> No.13415819

>incompatible with freud
so? Freud is a fraud. Not to say trannies arent mentally ill, but Freud has been discredited hard.

>> No.13415825

Communist trannies are so bootyblasted over this lmao

>> No.13415848

>fat Slovenian man doesn't understand what trans means and continues to push outdated psychological theories

>> No.13415960

human sexuality is not immanently perverted, traversed by sadomasochist spins and power games, that in it, pleasure is inextricably interlinked with pain?

>> No.13416243

I doubt mentioning him would really work in trannies favor.

>> No.13417427
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>> No.13417526
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Lovely qt blocks your path, anon.

Also this article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm

What's the next step in the dialectic?

>> No.13417546

There are people who see hallucinations and their brains react to it. Did religious people actually see the Virgin Mary because their brain reacted as if they did?

>> No.13417561

>Freud is a stale meme
Spotted the pseud. If you're into literature you can't avoid Freud.

>> No.13417564
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>> No.13417641

what argument?

very honest argument there you retard

>> No.13417650

wait, are you talking about Zizek's argument about sexuality? then yes, this particular argument depends on psychoanalysis

>> No.13417651

Claiming that science has no monopoly on truth isn't Freud, its husserl.

>> No.13418373

:...encouraging me to be confident and live authentically as my best self.’"
What a bunch of anti human garbage.

>> No.13418383

>hmm this thing that never worked surely is just as valuable as this thing that has been proven to work time and time again

>> No.13418399

Spotted the college freshman.

>> No.13418737

Do you even understand what pseudoscience means?

>> No.13418738

Zizek is right about Freud who is also right

>> No.13419276

stop embarrassing yourself, you will never get tenure anyway

>> No.13419279

soccer moms and their gurus?

>> No.13419287

I'm not saying he's a deep cut, but he's still very important in literary studies.

>> No.13419324

but all "X studies" are meme degrees

>> No.13419328

If you study in America yes

>> No.13419331

>he's still very important in literary studies.
That literally means he became the most fucked-up meme to him. Jusy of cursory reading of his biography you can clearly tell Freud really wanted to become a type of scientist, found psychoanalysis as scientific research, with analytical method into it. Right now be become elvis presley of psychology and exile into literary criticism where comparing characters with the bible is still allowed.
Your saying is as same as stating "success" of Pepe the frog in 4chan and claiming "Look Matt Furie's comic is still popular now" when Matt Furie looks like he wants to pull his eyes out every time the press covers Pepe the frog.

>> No.13419338

Freud basically was a literature scholar himself though. Science doesn't have a monopoly on truth btw.

>> No.13419390
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Is human life compatible with mutagenic ooze?

>> No.13419396
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>> No.13419420

based slimepeople

>> No.13419429

I was pretty stunned when i finally got around to watching contrapoints.
The characters are insanely cringey, how is it so popular?

>> No.13419459

he single-handedly converted all the alt-right into progressivism by dressing like a cat

>> No.13419471

now try watching and comprehending what he's saying

>> No.13419476

run-of-the-mill coastal elite gobbledygook

>> No.13420756

when it takes someone as popular as ziz to say this it also comments about the freudian elements in the intellectual sphere. no shit its not just trannies, any meme person nowadays are the end result of a century old slave conditioning advertising experiment.

>> No.13420791


>> No.13420852


>> No.13420884


>Zizek is a philosopher

I mean, if you consider pedantically rephrasing Lacan for decades on end to be "philosophy" then sure

>> No.13420890


>coastal elite

In what world, exactly?

>> No.13420903

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.13420971

>explicitly Freudian take on transgender ideology
>rephrasing Lacan

>> No.13420995


>> No.13420997

/pol/ and/or reddit was won, /lit/ is kill
read beyond the title (that is often writen by an editor)

>> No.13421007

Transgender dogma is incompatible with reality. It is Satanic in the truest sense, being total inversion of the good. It's a sick world we currently live in.

>> No.13421162

yes, Baltimore is part of the coastal elite bubble

>> No.13421166

just ignore them, they will go away, it's a minority of people

>> No.13421186

>i'm going to make a clearly reactionary point, but i'm going to assert strongly that i'm still on the side of sexual minorities somehow, btw have i told you i'm a communist
t. zizek for the last 20 years

>> No.13421200
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Good article.

Fuck the bourgeoise neoliberal liberationists, and fuck Deleuze, YOU DON'T HAVE SELVES THAT NEED TO EXPRESS DESIRE

>> No.13421204
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>> No.13421244
File: 165 KB, 1000x432, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychic sexual identity is a choice [...] formative of subjectivity [...which...] entails the radical transformation of the bearer of the choice

woah, brilliant insight

>> No.13421366

>Peoples of Sexuality
Honk honk

>> No.13421370

>taking anything Freud wrote seriously
>has been discredited and disproved multiple times
>Freud had 0 evidence for any of his ideas/hypotheses

>> No.13421390

People take science seriously because it produced rockets and computers. That doesn't mean it can tell us everything or that all science deserves the same level of respect, but there is a reason it is so highly regarded.

>> No.13421416

Scientism is not science or the results of science. Scientism is the belief that all true beliefs must be validated through empirical evidence or experiment. The reason it's derided is because it's a self defeating belief, as there is no empirical evidence or experiment that can validate the belief that all true beliefs must be validated through empirical evidence or scientific experiment.

>> No.13421618

who cares what is incompatible with freud? he was a hack fraud.

>> No.13421687

Zizek was a member of the right wing party during the Tito years so that shouldn't be odd.

>> No.13421705

If you’re implying that zizek isn’t a philosopher you shouldn’t post here

>> No.13422093
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>> No.13422456

>at the age of three
>face already looks old
something is definitely fucked up

>> No.13422489

>Transgenderism is incompatible with Freud
So is basic logic and all real psychology.

>> No.13422511

>We decided at 3 to permanently change his life without him knowing fully the consequences

>> No.13422527

>we """""""finally accepted""""""" that he is transgender

>> No.13423408

Thank God I was born just a few years prior to this shit otherwise I'm sure wanting a barbie doll when I was 4 they wouldve put me puberty blockers or some shit. feels like I dodge a bullet

>> No.13423416

I do

>> No.13423456


Yeah but Freudian psuedoscience still makes material claims about the world... hence it makes the same metaphysical claims, but it does so in an inconsistent, self-contained and unfalsifiable way. Which makes it retarded

>> No.13423460


I hate trannies cuz they gross nigga

>> No.13423512


>> No.13423952

>still being le ebin rational man in the year 2019 of our lord and savior
sometimes i wonder if this type of people are lost in time

>> No.13423954

fuck, that's so sad, you can see the kid being happy and then dying inside in the last 2 pictures...

>> No.13425575

nice reddit spacing

>> No.13425601

>X is incompatible with Freud
This is without a doubt the most irrelevant refutation I've read in a while.

>> No.13425717

freud is a hack

>> No.13425718

Is he still a boy on the third one or was he getting hormone treatment already?

>> No.13425874

hormone replacement therapy can't start until puberty

>> No.13426298

>pseuds not understanding the austria-german strain of metaphysics of modernism that eluded categorization and genre massacre which is well advanced even for contemporary standards of meme tier birds eye overinformed hipsters pretending a few academic cucks disproves aything using typical cartesian cliches
its not too late to end it