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13413772 No.13413772 [Reply] [Original]

How many books have you "rage-quit" from reading? I mean to ask, how many books have you decided to stop reading after a certain point, based on a very negative impression? What were your experiences like reading, and what caused you to stop?

>> No.13413790
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under the volcano
every other white cracker lobbies it like som paradrigm shift in drinking alcohol fuck all i read. what i read? just a nigga describin bushes n some gay ass antiquated fuckin prose on he all green how he can hide in it fuck, ohhhh the stream of consciousness parts comes in wen he dive in geta a botle of some wiskey. OHHH WEEE. kafe ka esuqe if you aks me sheit how coulda I?? ngl some parts where he snap back to hinself and why he broken up wit the hoe it real u feel ? but 600 pages on that ? like bruh

>> No.13413804

The Ice Palace

I found it unbearable to read through even another page. Something about the prose (granted it was a translation) really irritated me.

>> No.13413824

How far into those books have you made it? A little under, or over halfway through? Almost the last quarter?

>> No.13413827

kafka's the trial
When he started rambling about lawyers and judges and fuck all it was just a matter of paragraphs until I fucking had it. Fuck that book, at least for now until i RE read it

>> No.13413881


its 300 pages

>> No.13413888

Was the judicial nature of the subject matter just very dry and boring for you? I imagine that it may not appeal to a lot of people, depending on how the topics are written, and how much versus how little of it gets featured.

>> No.13413903

>it was just a matter of paragraphs
That's like saying it's only a matter of sentences for me to drop a Krasznahorkai book

>> No.13413913

The Quran. It was just so bad.
I did go back and finish it for the memes

>> No.13413914

Haven't done that since Ready Player One. Actually, that was the first book where I allowed myself to do that. Now I know that I can ditch it if I'm 50 pages deep and still waiting for takeoff.

>> No.13413929

Did this with Lolita. I get through almost the entire book, and find out she got fucked by Chad during summer camp. This man truly cares for her and loves her but no, super gigacock can convince two underage girls to fuck him, well our hero gets sloppy seconds. He tried finding the most pure thing he could think of, which is a little girl, and even that was defiled by her natural whoreshness. This book taught me women are the literal scum of the earth, lock them up and let them starve, says I.

>> No.13413945
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>> No.13413976

It isnt bait. I'm very honest about it. I have never finished lolita after that reveal. Was enjoying the book alot too. Such a shame.

>> No.13414011

have sex

>> No.13414037

Please kill yourself, literally. The world would be better without you

>> No.13414043

Tom Sawyer desu
I'm just not a big fan of the GEE GOLLY HUCK I OUGHTA LICK YA ONE FOR THAT I RECKON! style, plus Tom Sawyer is a total unrelateable asshole of a kid who scams his friends and tortures animals for something to do. Kid's a total shitbag senpai

>> No.13414054

2 books.

Atlas Shrugged at the point that part 1 finished because of what a slog and how hamfisted it was. Like fuck, do you have to hammer your theme into literally every sentence?

Some Michel Crichton book at page 125 because nothing had happened yet. It was about global warming and the most interesting thing that had happened was a test tub for ocean waves. I had finished Jurassic park and Lost World in 7th grade and tried this one at 15.

>> No.13414215

Good explanations, thanks.

>> No.13414223

>One hundred years of solitude
>Too many characters
>The Titan by Dreiser
>Had enough tram scams and hoe fucking by the end of the first book

>> No.13414250

When I was a kid I read through almost the entire Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series by Stephen R. Donaldson. I borrowed them from the school library who seemed to be unaware of how adult the material was. Even as a pre teen I was aware of how pathetic and self pitying the hero was, the core of the story seemed to always be how he doubted his powers and kept collapsing into a self-loathing pile every time someone was depending on him. I was halfway through the final book White Gold Wielder when I realised I just didn't care how the story panned out, the constant cliffhanger tension had eroded my interest and I've never been prey to the sunk cost fallacy so I gave up.

>> No.13414252

I never rage quit rather just get distracted and slowly read less and less of it

>> No.13414263

I happened to like The Trial (not as much as The Castle) for its humor and in general Kafka's absurdity, but to each his own.

Once you understand that Lolita is just an allegory for the love you feel for your own mother, then you start to understand where your misplaced animosity towards women stems from.

My personal rage quit came from Great Expectations. Maybe it just was because I was so young (9th grade), but it was just so damn boring and pointless that I lost interest almost as soon as I started it. I know there are much better Dickens' books out there, at least.

>> No.13414350

Gave up on Petersburg by Andrei Bely about halfway through. Felt like I was reading the same descriptions of the Neva River, Nevsky Prospekt, and the Horseman statue over and over and over and over...

>> No.13414362

Human Action by Mises
Praxeology is literally just a meme, there's no substance to it whatsoever, I picked the book up when in my "libertarian phase" but man is it one thick slice of shit

>> No.13414411

Who the fuck drops a 200 page book? Fucking baby

>> No.13414530
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>Years of solitude

and they're all named the same fucking name! The massacre at the Banana factory was good tho

>> No.13414552

Atlas Shrugged was so boring that I quit after a couple of chapters.

>> No.13414599

The Da Vinci Code, when he throws his tracking device out of a window onto a passing lorry, and the next line is something like
>Robert Langdon had left La Louvre!
Also Stranger in a Strange Land, when I started to realise that not only was it really badly written, but the writer was a moron, and he didn't know he was a moron

>> No.13414711

Taipei. Tao Lin just isn't a good writer. His style is shit and the plot is completely engaging

>> No.13415288

I created an entire dropped shelf in goodreads.
/a/ has the 3 episode rule for a reason. only /lit/ are autistic enough to force themselves to finish something they hate. i used to just speedread to finish, now i drop without hesitation. life is too short to read shitty books.

>> No.13415298

>for the love you feel for your own mother,
I don't have any love for my mother as anything more than the essence of what a mother is. As a baby I wouldn't even let her breastfeed me and needed to drink from a bottle.

>> No.13415303

I haven’t ever not finished a book.


I only read good books.

>> No.13415367

all of willy boy billy goat's plays basically, very early on

>> No.13415452

Huck Finn is the vastly superior book of the two, I really don't know why people read Sawyer in school instead.

>> No.13415455

Every single book I read in my life

>> No.13415699

Great Expectations. Only had 20 pages but I just couldn't finish it. Story was too convenient to be engaging and his prose is just garbage

>> No.13415713 [DELETED] 

niggers shouldn't be allowed anywhere near books. commit suicide.

>> No.13415731

literally just two have the same name

>> No.13415735

>Who the fuck drops a 200 page book?
zoomers, thats who. they have the attention span of a fly.

>> No.13415748

I rage quit Les Miserables because the scene where the kid drops the coin and the convict steps on it seemed so contrived. I pretty much gave up on reading after that.

>> No.13415753


>> No.13415945

You don't read Dickens for plot or prose, but for characters.

>> No.13416544

Slit your throat, mongrel

>> No.13416555 [DELETED] 

t. butthurt nigger

>> No.13416573
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i was loving the premise, but as soon as sjw politics came into play i fucking raged quit.

>> No.13416679

Brave New World. It felt forced and way over the top

>> No.13417025

my s i d e s

>> No.13417031

At what point did you give up?

>> No.13417042

That's enough to do it for me, as well, depending on how badly forced an author's SJW political views are.

>> No.13417259

Huckleberry Finn is usually considered the better of the two related books, although I found Tom Sawyer to be a little more fun, with the lighthearted and mischievous pursuits of kids, and the cave at the end. Huckleberry Finn is more dramatic, and more historically evocative of a piece, considering how it treats slavery during the pre-Civil War period.

>> No.13417272

"relating" to a character is the most Reddit thing in existence. You're actually making me read Tom Sawyer for the first time ever lmao

>> No.13417294

Whenever I get lefty vibes I stop reading

>> No.13417299

t. pseud

>> No.13417311

Other way around actually. The need to relate to a fictional protagonist in order to comprehend or enjoy a book is strictly for the birds. Only pseuds do this, as a matter of fact.

>> No.13417318

This but SJW vibes.

>> No.13417340
File: 27 KB, 258x387, turtles all the way down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fault in Our Stars. I couldn't stand Hazel's voice and John Green's sense of humor.

I say this as someone who later on read Turtles All the Way Down and actually really enjoyed it, and have no snobbery towards genre fiction/YA.

>> No.13417360

I tried reading Rwsdy Player One, first I was hate reading, then I rage quit.

>> No.13417367

I am also considering a more serious re-reading of Tom Sawyer. It has been years for me, maybe since my last elementary years, or sometime during junior high school.

>> No.13417369

Whenever i see the author is a woman or has berg/stein in their name I immediately throw the book away.

>> No.13417599

I don't think that has ever happened to me, whereby I reach a point in which I am very nearly at the end of something, and decide not to finish with the small amount of time involved. I'm sorry for your experience, but I have usually liked Charles Dickens, during my school years.

>> No.13417610
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i never rage quit books because i do my research well before picking the book up

>> No.13417730

To what extent does your research involve? Do you read the book plots before reading them?

>> No.13417738

Now that is epic for the not win.

>> No.13417764

Only book I did this to was one of Lacan's seminars. So far the only thing to make me feel like a complete brainlet

>> No.13418347

Do you think you will try to revisit the one you missed? Have you read his other seminars?

>> No.13418361

Back in my young teens I read this weird sci-fi series that I borrowed at the library. It was ostensibly about this world that was split into a ton of different zones, suited to various different creatures, and they were all sort of "Balanced" so no one section would take over the whole planet. So if a species was really physically powerful it might have an enforced lower technological level.

One of the main characters was this swashbuckling heroine Han Solo copy, and then in about... the third? book she is modified so she can't fight, she's forced into a submissive position, and her arms and legs are all but cut-off.
Basically they turn her into a "Fucknugget".

These days I realise it was all the fetish of the writer, but back then I just got bored with having several chapters in a row describe her physical degradation.

>> No.13418367

I think it was Seminar IX but it was my first seminar of his. I read also read How to Read Lacan and The Lacanian Subject but I feel like I learned nothing from either of those. He's just too dense to really make sense of

>> No.13418429

That's fine. It's up to you. I have never read anything of his seminars, and truthfully, this is the first time I'm reading about the man.

>> No.13418438

The Count of Monte Cristo. Sappiest shit. Edmond Dantes has the most hilarious amount of character justification I'm not entirely convinced Dumas didn't write this on a dare. Dantes is literally perfect. He's attractive, young, and good at sailing. Everyone likes him. He's too young to be respected but people respect him anyway. He's just awesome. The only reason his life is ruined is because three dudes are jealous of how awesome Dantes is. Commence revenge fantasy.

Every other page is some Frenchman waxing poetic about how deeply he feels this or how he'd never consider that under normal circumstances.

>> No.13418448

>One hundred years of solitude
i read it because everyone had a big dick, especially the shota kid at the end

>> No.13418489

I would call it ""rage quitting"" but I've dropped several books a few pages in (say around 30) after finding the topic uninteresting, the prose too exotic or the book too complex in general to actually understand, in this case I return to the book after a while.

>> No.13418805

Prey by Michael Crichton
I really tried to read it through but I couldn't fucking stand the main character's betaness while he just fucking gaped as his wife abused their baby and tore their family apart. Throw that bullshit into the trash and never picked up a Crichton book again.

>> No.13419005

about 1/4th or 1/5th into it

>> No.13419025

>A Clockworld Orange
If you've ever even began it you would know why.

>> No.13419118

Yee but dey wrights on both sides of da paper

>> No.13419197

I have not, but now I am curious about the first twenty pages, at least.

>> No.13419236

Hahaha I tried picking it up one night and gave up after a few pages. I really want to give it another go

>> No.13419245

Just imagine trying to make sense of a book with bullshit British slang that pops up after every three words. It's like trying to read a book in another language

>> No.13419263

It seems borderline incomprehensible, now that you mention it.

>> No.13419270

I only ever do this to fanfiction when it gets particularly painful. the closest I ever got to DNF'ing a published novel was The Waves, when Bernard decided to hog up the last chapter with his pure, distilled pseudointellectualism. I decided not to and powered through it when I considered how spectacular the first fifty pages were and decided it would probably be worth it. it wasn't, and Virginia Woolf can go eat a dick

>> No.13419281

Anyone here read Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close? Hated that book and it's little faggit kid protagonist so much I gave up after about 50 pages. Read like the most effete, contrived, jewy shit ever. Literally the open mouth, numale-smile of novels

>> No.13419285

War and Peace. It's like reading the bible except everyone is a selfish pile of shit and there is a domesticated bear.

Ok, but really though, the characters in the story are amazingly well done but the disjointed nature of the book keeps me from ever really caring about the characters and there developments throughout the story.

>> No.13419288
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Portrait of the Artist. The long sermon of Hell was contextually riveting until I got up to grab a scone, then realized it was like 10 pages long. Put the book down and saved the section for bedtime reading, which took three days because it did its job very well at putting me to sleep.

>> No.13419289
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I haven't ever heard of it, but I'll look into a brief synopsis of that, now.

>> No.13419292

that's the issue, you're British, you were never expected to have the intelligence to read even the most basic of entry level lit

>> No.13419295

Scones are Irish you nitwit. They were literally chosen as the most representative Irish food for some EU nonsense

>> No.13419315

>he's fucking Irish
how are you even literate enough to read what I'm typing?

>> No.13419430

Went for a drive yesterday - on the 4th of July (US Independence Day), an advert that came on the radio. It said something about the 4th of July & WWII. Then it said nothing is more American than driving a Mercedes.

That's got to be the most Never-Go-Full-Retard advertisement on the radio to date.

>> No.13419484


Did you find this book in the school library?

>> No.13419507

>ready player one
I didn't believe the memes. It is the definition of using reddit as a slur. thank god I pirated it
>a queer thing happened to america
The first chapter made it seem like the author sympathizes with the subject he wishes to talk about (the gays) but it feels so disingenuous. At least the "don't make the black kids angry" writer came across his intentions on blacks. it felt disgusting how fake he seemed.
not /lit/ but:
>ajin and Inuyashiki
these were just edgy for the sake of being edgy and I got really tired of that shit real quick.
that one episode where they didn't shit on the book and talked about hockey I think then in the middle they fucking stop and shill for some net neutrality website like they were a paid spokesperson. I might give it a try again someday. once they stop whoring their patreon
>talking simpsons
The epitome of chapo tards talking about useless shit for something so clear cut. I just want to hear two people banter over the simpsons not how much of a faggot disappointment the hosts are or their ass backwards views on gun control its take away all guns because everyone can be homer with a gun.
>I don't even own a tv
They come across as /lit/ elitist who won't read Heidegger because muh Nazis. The way they say genre fiction makes them seem more like they smell their own farts. Every episode felt like they chose a book based on if the author is conservative, white, or non pc.
>historical roasts
netflix original comedy, stages enough said

>> No.13419685

I didn't think it was possible to play up how American Mercedes-Benz is.