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13411609 No.13411609 [Reply] [Original]

>promised myself I would read 25 books this year
>only read 3 so far

>> No.13411627

>haven't set a target
>read 25 so far, including Don Quixote, Crime and Punishment and The Iliad

>> No.13411634
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It's better than 2, than 1 and than none !

You still have 6 months to read a bit more m8

>> No.13411638

15 books in and halfway through Lolita atm

>> No.13411644

Those books you read in high school...

>> No.13411646

>promised myself I would read through all of Daniel Dennett's philosophy of mind works
>can't stop watching William Lane Craig debates
I don't even like the guy and I think he's an idiot why am I doing this to myself?

>> No.13411648

>hasn't read those prior to 2019

>> No.13411650 [DELETED] 

10/20 books completed.

And I read every day too :3

>> No.13411659


that's really low lad

>> No.13411668

you'd better start now then

>> No.13411751

Here's your problem. If you are reading non-fiction. Stop finishing them. They have diminishing returns and you know it and you aren't as motivated to read. Get a collection of books on a subject and read out of all of them for awhile. Try that.
Get five books on a subject and just read from them for and indeterminate amount of time. Then move on.
I guarantee you will start to read a shit ton.
"Finishing books" is the biggest enemy of everyone that thinks they want to read more.

>> No.13411765

and I haven't read a SINGLE one

>> No.13411774
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>usually read about 20 novels a year
>still don't read nearly as much as I want to

>> No.13411776 [DELETED] 

>"Finishing books" is the biggest enemy of everyone that thinks they want to read more.
I hate this site :33333333

>> No.13411777

read faster

>> No.13411849


>> No.13412121
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I haven't read any book, magazine or even a newspaper in more than 1 year.

>> No.13412136

>Don't read a book word for word
>Look for one piece of gold

Tai is such a fucking douche

>> No.13412140

Competitive reading such as Goodreads keeps alive in all of us a spirit of vitality and enterprise. It teaches the strong to know when they are weak and the brave to face themselves when they are afraid. To be proud and unbending in defeat, yet humble and gentle in victory. To master ourselves before we attempt to master others. To learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep, and it gives a predominance of courage over timidity.

>> No.13412142

You need to be 18 to post here, and you are clearly in middle school.

>> No.13412151


>> No.13412158 [DELETED] 

Fuck this global rules shit nigga



>> No.13412175

At least he reads, unlike you faggot

>> No.13412187

I don’t really keep track but I’d gues im about 30 books deep and just starting fight club right now

>> No.13412193

>stopped seeing reading as something productive
>suddenly I read more

just be comfy and don't hase

>> No.13412194

me read boby dick right now and like it

>> No.13412239
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>tfw I promised myself I would read 5
>tfw I've read 6

Nah, but seriously, the key to making yourself read more books isn't weird goals like that or new year's resolutions. The key is to simply make it a habit. Nothing special, just something you do. No pressure, and you're actually doing what you set out to. I hope you read more then 3 books before the end of the year.

Based nigga

>> No.13412251

Is it possible that you have other problems to occupy your mind?

>> No.13412281

You sound underage

>> No.13412287

Yes, vidia

>> No.13412303

This so much, as soon as i stopped thinking about reading as a chore to be done i was able to enjoy reading and finished more books

>> No.13412350

I don't keep totals of the things I've read, but here's all the books I at least remember reading recently.

The Fountainhead
Bad Blood
One Summer
The Setup: A True Story of Dirty Cops, Soccer Moms, and Reality TV
Deathbird Stories
The run of his life
Some vietnam war history book
The Competition(Rachel Knight #4)
walking a pagan path(it sucked)
Devil in White City

>> No.13412366

You give me hope, since I read 2 books just this summer.

>> No.13412377

Don't worry fren. Sometimes hard books take longer to read. 25 is just an arbitrary goal and you might end up reading trash just to get it over with and meet the goal. Take your time and enjoy your reading sessions.

>> No.13412635

>"Finishing books" is the biggest enemy of everyone that thinks they want to read more.

Whether or not this is bait I knew somebody like this. He was a "feminist" who idolized the rapper Drake and eventually everyone found out he'd been raping his girlfriend and was a porn addict. Complete brainlet but so narcissistic he would strongarm most people into "accepting" that he was right.

>> No.13412646
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Cancel the internet
It’s the only way

>> No.13412655

>only reading books once

>> No.13412670

>promised I would read 50
>only read 13 so far
Guess I'll set the bar lower next year

>> No.13412720

That's a good idea desu

>> No.13413023


>> No.13413028 [DELETED] 


I wish I had a garage. My car is getting torn up by the elements.

>> No.13413034
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This is your mind on daily masturbation or sex.
This is your mind on nofap and stimulants.

>> No.13414115


>> No.13414971
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Please explain. He said he wants to read more. What do you get by finishing the last 10 pages of potentially 700 page book on let's say climate history? Specifically.

Are you aware of the law of diminishing returns? Do you read all the appendix? Where do you stop?
I literally have 500+ books and read minimum one full hour a day (and don't get smart, that's a BARE MINIMUM) out of books that are usually 100+ years old. I go to estate sales EVERY WEEK and collect more books. I read like a madman and I am self employed so I have the time.
I am giving a legit tip. Many, many people don't have the motivation to read and part of it is because they feel like the "fail" if they don't finish a book. This leads to not starting books.
Actually think about what I'm saying. The guy said he wants to read more. What does he have to lose by trying this?
>pic related is one of three book cases in the very room I'm sitting in now
Learn to recognize a pro-tip.

>> No.13414990
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I've doubled my target so far because I don't have any friends or hobbies. It's great!

>> No.13414994

>tfw already on 42