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File: 62 KB, 855x450, Ayn_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13407936 No.13407936 [Reply] [Original]

Happy 4th of July /lit/. Let's celebrate by having a thread about Ayn Rand, discoverer of the central philosophic essence at the heart of the American love of, and potency at living, life. What is your favorite objectivist work? Mine is the Romantic Manifesto, top lass talking about tapdancing melts the heart.

>> No.13407945


>> No.13407972

>discoverer of the central philosophic essence at the heart of the American love of, and potency at living, life
>a Jew
Are you here to prove /pol/ right? Because that is what you are doing.

>> No.13407992


>> No.13408017
File: 7 KB, 139x186, better Ego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you care what those reddit infested faggots think because?

>> No.13408023

>they are reddit infested faggots
>I am here to prove them right

>> No.13408029

Let me make this clear for you; only philosophical disintegrated louts echoespost.

>> No.13408037

My favorite objectivist work is the one with bad writing and boring plot. So all of them.

>> No.13408049

Not an argument.

>> No.13408075

t. echoesposter

>> No.13408189

/lit/ likes to abuse Rand but America is pretty based, anyone who crafts a philosophy to both extoll the constitution and point out it's flaws is ok in my book.

>> No.13408196
File: 38 KB, 570x454, il_570xN.772593582_f79c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13408201

What are some comfy /lit/ to read on 4th?

>> No.13408245

The Wealth of Nations is pretty good.

>> No.13408394


>> No.13409413

Strictures upon the Declaration of Independence

>> No.13409658
File: 117 KB, 358x478, ayn_rand_young.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alisa Rosenberg
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.13410069

Foreign Jew whose selfish policies would have been met with contempt by the founders, who considered merchants as seditious clowns

>> No.13410792

Source: your ass.

>> No.13410852

What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? by Frederick Douglass

>> No.13410875

remember when Ayn Rand died while in public housing living off government welfare programs?

>> No.13410911
File: 1.35 MB, 1704x2272, ayn-2-death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13410924
File: 1.53 MB, 1704x2272, ayn-2-social-1-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the format of these two images is a bit faggy, I know.

>> No.13410943

>forced to pay
False. At any point she could have renounced her citizenship and moved to a country where those taxes were not in force. By remaining in the United States she actively consented to pay taxes raised by the United States government

>> No.13411013

That is a statist rationalization. Coercive taxation is force. You are also dropping the context of the freedom America has that no where else on earth does. So she wouldn't even have wanted to.
Partial reclamation of one's taxed income is not hypocrisy. There are sundry, optional, socialist activities thst Rand could have engaged in and THAT would have made her a hypocrite, but she did not.

>> No.13411023


ayn rand is a massive psyop
US is an experiment

>> No.13411032

>Coercive taxation is force. You are also dropping the context of the freedom America has that no where else on earth does.
Nope. You choose to live in a place which charges these taxes, there are plenty of countries in which you don't have to pay them. If this was a Berlin Wall situation where you couldn't leave, you might have a point. But any American is free to leave any time they want.

>> No.13411241

And lose freedoms so we won't. "Don't like taxes: so leave" is disingenuous as one can take the other option of trying to induce philosophic change in policy. Which is exactly what Rand did.

>> No.13411250

/pol/ tier post

>> No.13411819

The Art of the Deal, unironically.

>> No.13411882

>independence; forth of july
>in dependence for the jew lie

>> No.13411969

Fuck Ayn Rand. She was retarded and subversive
>just be pure individualist, materialist and objectivist bro

>> No.13412330

She was addîcted to speed, it made her a bit squirrely...

>> No.13412342

>waah how come the left is the only one that gets collectivism, we want some too

>> No.13412349

Primacy of Existence doesn't mean materialism dude. She materialism and spiritualism "two sides of the same bissected human".

>> No.13412378
File: 249 KB, 466x660, Absolutely disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>"((("good ideas")))"
Railing against the tribalism some jews exhibit is fine but gold and even love of gold unironically did nothing wrong. Gold is frozen morality according to objectivism.

>> No.13412699

Rand is based. fuck trannys

>> No.13412713

I hate the 4th, and I’ve given up on pretending to enjoy sitting in a lawn chair staring at sparklebooms for an hour. Loud, hot, sweaty, and utterly plebeian.

I’m already a-bed, but the god damned music and incessant popping of fireworks is getting on my nerves.

>> No.13413211

How do euros react to seeing the odd euro celebrating 'Murica day?

>> No.13413501

*She said

>> No.13413512

Until you believe the law doesn't apply to you, you have consented to pay all taxes raised by the government. Doubly so in the case on an emigree like Rand who knew exactly the tax policy of the US before she moved there.
In any case, many countries have far more freedom than the US

>> No.13413530

>In any case, many countries have far more freedom than the US
Not overall they don't even today. Hong Kong and Switzerland approach it but have pitfalls of their own.

>> No.13413541
File: 39 KB, 620x410, in-2014-region-map-web-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe the propaganda. America is about average for the west, not a standout. And in the 50s there were multiple states with no taxation policies at all

>> No.13413543

you desecrated an image of the American flag with Ayn Rand's face.

>> No.13413581

Not a very good writer desu, but a pretty good propagandist, and basically correct

>> No.13413595

Awful propagandist. She convinces nobody who isn't already on her side, good propaganda convinces people who previously disagreed

>> No.13413604

I'm sure she's convinced plenty of people. She won't convince anyone very sophisticated, but lots of impressionable young men read her.