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/lit/ - Literature

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13408561 No.13408561 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a non-christian or atheist who rejects Christ, leave this board! This is not a place for wilfully ignorant, prideful brainlets!

Jesus has told you how to be saved, yet you still reject him out of pride and hate for God!

Is there any literature on why non-christians are so stupid they wilfully send themselves to damnation? They know deep down that Christianity is the truth, yet they still reject Jesus?!

>> No.13408566

The bible can be easily disproven scientifically and historically. The contradictions alone should tell you that it's not a divinely inspired book.

>> No.13408570

why don't you people just fuck off

>> No.13408579

A set instinctual submissive behaviors towards an imaginary Alpha monkey.

>> No.13408582
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Stop being so prideful and accept Jesus! Every other religion is stupid idiocy, atheism is just as prideful and stupid!
Christianity is the only religion that will send you to hell forever for not being a full on Christian!
How can you be so prideful that you reject Jesus' loving offer of forgiveness? You must hate god?!

>> No.13408587

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc.
>If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/.

>> No.13408594

Seems like you're trolling buddy. We now know as a matter of objective fact that the bible is simply not true. No amount of platitudes and feel-good maxims are going to change my mind.

>> No.13408675

>When you can’t grasp Christianity
>begin larping as what you think all Christians think
>that’ll show them

So fuckin pathetic

>> No.13408823
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cringe and cringepilled

>> No.13408843

Hi anti-Christ larper how are you today?

>> No.13408874

I have never met an intelligent theist

>> No.13408881

Then you have not met me. Check mate, you.

>> No.13408896
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Stop larping, faggot.

>> No.13408903

>you must hate God
You and me both, fren

>> No.13408916

Meeting anon, he decided to continue his search

>> No.13408920

>bible is historically incorrect
you don't even know that

>> No.13408977
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Wowza. Have sex, and have it quickly, OP.

>> No.13408986

stale meme bro :3

>> No.13408989

Just like your religion *dabs* *party rockers in the house tonight*

>> No.13408997

Love that song, man.

God is real though. Verifiably. :3

>> No.13409017


I personally don't have really hate against god but what about religion ?

Religion are just a way to enslave people.

God exist (not like a old man in the sky of cours) but religion are just a weapons to brainwash.

>> No.13409028

redpilled answer
trying to be a Christian only made me miserable and false
loving God and the Good brought me peace and true joy, more importantly, it has helped me bring Good to those around me

>> No.13409036



>> No.13409045

why isn't this bannable?

>> No.13409049

Hahah, anons gather around this man, look at this old man! He doesn't realize god is dead. He is just an animal, he doesnt understand the power of the Overmanm

>> No.13409054

Vaporwave was supposed to convey a message about a kind of vapid, hollow, consumerism. On top of that it's also really lazy. Stop unironically using it.

>> No.13409059

I don't know. Remember how quickly the last batch of annoying buzzwords got filtered?

>> No.13409126

You don't understand how religion are a weapon to brainwash people ? Religion is litteraly : Obey or got to hell. Just that. Maybe some person become more good with the "help of god" (in fact it's just with the help of there belief, not god) but if you look in history religion was always use like a tool to control people. Look how sect work, look how islamic state work, look how KKK work ! It was always a way to create a army and win a war.

You can love God, you can have a spirituality, you can follow the philosophy of Jesus Christ if you want !

But open your eye : Vatican is full of pedophile, Islam are bunch of fanatic, Jew only want enslave Goyim ! It's not hate against god it's my point of view

>> No.13409144
File: 331 KB, 1800x900, VirginYahwehvsChadSatanrev2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Jew told me to worship him
>Stop being ignorant, t-traitors!

>> No.13409146



>> No.13409153

>that pic
A lie doesn't become true just by applying retro aestheics to it.

>> No.13409165

Why worship a dead jew on a stick, lol.

>> No.13409174
File: 192 KB, 800x785, Fra_Angelico_-_The_Annunciation_-_WGA0454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cathwave is kinda cringe bro, can't you just accept catholic art for what it is?

>> No.13409212

Based as fuck
Yahweh is an evil fuck
Died before you got initiated into his club? Sorry sweetie you get eternal torment :)

>> No.13409276
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>imagine God to be a flawed being with numerous personality faults and a gender
>Essentially lower God to the level of man
>Even claim that God literally became a human
>Everything is about the glory of God ((how does that make sense when there isn't anything outside of God to give him validation?) But don't say abrahamicism was originally polytheistic!) but you've brought God down to the human level that it really becomes everything is basically about the glory of man
>Vehemently deny this
>Man is separate from nature: causes widespread environmental collapse
>We are God's people: conquers and enslaves billions of people(religion of peace tho)
>All because a high ranking rabbi told you it was true
Christians are more niggery than even the Muslims and that's really saying something

>> No.13409281

Look, if you reject Jesus you go to hell forever. The truth is as simple as that. God has told you how to be saved, your pride prevents you from begging for his forgiveness.

>> No.13409288

Can I love the cunny and still get into heaven, or is the love of cunny a sin?

>> No.13409289
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My ancestors are smiling down on me, can you say the same christcuck?

>> No.13409297

Our ancestors are all flawed sinners. It is wrong to take pride in them. We must all prostrate and beg for God's forgiveness so we may be saved.

>> No.13409307
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Our children aren't safe around Jews like you, begone kike

>> No.13409322

God works in mysterious ways. We are all tainted by the original sin. Who's to say those children shouldn't have been sodomised? Perhaps it shall lead them to greater Christian faith.
It is right that humans suffer, as it humbles us before God.

>> No.13409341

VERY semitic!

>> No.13409345

I'll pray for you.

>> No.13409346
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I'll gas you

>> No.13409351

>My ancestors are smiling down on me
All of your ancestors from about 100 to 2000AD are praying for you to stop being such a cuck. The rest don't matter

>> No.13409352

I don't think christ ever said anything directly about cunny-loving being wrong.

>> No.13409359

>Christians boldly proclaim the Gospel from every street corner and don the mantle of knighthood to battle back the heathen hordes
>atheists cower from the light of their own computer screens as they weakly mumble their dissatisfaction with the freedom and plenitude the martyrs of Christendom have purchased them with their blood

Have children.

>> No.13409361
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>My ancestors are smiling down on me

Literally larping as a Skyrim nord by this point lmao
Pagans really have low standards.

>> No.13409363

Why do you make me?

>> No.13409373
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Skyrim lore is unironically a higher form of spirtuality than post enlightenment Christianity.

>> No.13409383

>Religion are just a way to enslave people.
What does Christianity "enslave" people to? Being nice? Not stealing? Giving to charity? Not being a sodomite?

>> No.13409387

>Being nice
Does it? Christians are largely arrogant boomer assholes

>> No.13409388

Can't you all take a joke?

>> No.13409389

>All materialist examples
This is your mind on Abrahamism. There's a higher, far more sinister form of enslavement you bugmen don't even realize you're subjected to.

>> No.13409394

>tolerance isn't a Christian value
Hahahaha holy fuck, you guys are dense

>> No.13409401

That's not a very nice thing to say.

Oooh he's hinting at his own fathomless esoteric wisdom. Elaborate.

>> No.13409403

I apologise if it brought you any upset :)

>> No.13409421

>esoteric wisdom
You guessed that so then you must know that I obviously wont elaborate any further.

>> No.13409601

>"uR fuKiNg IdIoT"

no u

>> No.13409644

Matthew 5:28

>> No.13409651


By enslave i mean there enslave by an ideology. You want to talk about how Christianity was in middle age ? Oh yeah Christian at this time was really nice and not sodomite at all... Or maybe you want to talk about Christian Spanish who just kill many indigenous people in Central America just because there are not christian so they don't really have soul. :)))) SO NICE

>> No.13409710
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>When you realize according to bible imagination is cheating.

>> No.13410264

Nah atheist can hang, im cool with that

>> No.13410273

This board is for every one

>> No.13410280


>> No.13410281

But Goddddddddddddd you promised me you would punish all the mean other tribes who stole my lunch money

>> No.13410291


>> No.13410298

Satan is cool dude, when get to know him

>> No.13410408

Sorry nigga this your crusade xp