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/lit/ - Literature

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13409215 No.13409215 [Reply] [Original]

I bought this dudes entire collection. Is it worth finishing every single one of his short stories? I found that after reading like 20 or so, there is some link between a few. But some are just a bit dull. Should I plough through it or just go straight to his novels/novellas?

>> No.13409221


They're not all great, but a lot of them are. His novellas are his best work, and you won't lose anything if you skip to them.

>> No.13409251

Alright thanks. Yeah some of his short stories are really good. There was one about some Freudian Doctor who like studies some Appalachian nut case. Was really good, so hopefully I find more as good as that.

>> No.13409258

Just read it all, what do you have to lose? You bought the collection.
I wouldn't say I'm a fan, anymore, I honestly think it's great to read as a teen, but re-readings a decade later have fallen flat to me.
I can stomach his shorter more mysterious works like Dagon, because it's concise enough to make the lack of characterisation bearable, but upon rereading The Call of Cthulhu and The Dunwich Horror, I was bored to tears by the tenuous detail and lore.

>> No.13409845
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Yes, you can read them all here: