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13404036 No.13404036 [Reply] [Original]

Lib-gen and Sci-hub have been banned in France. Say something nice to Macron, defender of human rights and freedom.

Reminder that France censors more than any country on earth. Turkey comes in second place, by an extremely wide margin. We've censored 3x as much websites as Turkey did. China and NK don't count since they have PASSIVE censorship, to limit western influence over their countries.

>> No.13404044

But how do they let Houellebecq and Céline get away with it?

>> No.13404057

>Baww i cant steal no more
Based Macron

>> No.13404060

it’s not stealing

>> No.13404070
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i use non french dns to get to libgen

>> No.13404080
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Yet pornography is not censored. It really makes you think.

>> No.13404081

Only last year they said that much of Céline's work could not be published.

>> No.13404092

The majority of french scientific studies are publically funded so why should we pay to read them? Mmmh?

>> No.13404108

Paternity testing is banned in France.

So is collecting and analyzing data on judicial decisions.

>> No.13404109

Most continental Europeans, especially the Germans but also the French to no small degree, have no love of freedom and in general have no conception of justice or respect for the rule of law. They are the most servile and simpering race of dead-behind-the-eyes non-people to ever stain this earth with their presence.

>> No.13404126

Literally any person who puts science behind paywalls needs to be shot IMMEDIATELY.

>> No.13404140

Paternity testing is banned only because private companies get hold of a minor's DNA without his consent. The minor can consent to giving a DNA sample then a paternity test can be done.

This is simply to protect your DNA and privacy.

>> No.13404146

I think it was his wife who elected to not publish his Vichy era anti-Semitic writings.

>> No.13404157

tell me how I don't even know what a dns

>> No.13404162

People use LibGen to not pay for course-books. It is straight up stealing, some of these books are massive and take many years to write.

>> No.13404165
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thats why they riot and protest all the time

>> No.13404167

Is france unironically the villain of the story of the world?
Serious question.

>> No.13404169
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you can't stop me

>> No.13404175

I'm the OP, been using libgen for years and I have never download a course-book because I'm not a bugman with a double digit IQ who needs to read tertiary sources and distorted ideological drivels written by neutered academics. You'd know what I'm talking about if you were actually intelligent and not a technician of whatever discipline you were molded to specialize in.

>> No.13404177

That's not stealing. Copying a book is not taking someone's property. If I make a drawing of you, I'm not stealing you. If I copy a file and make an identical one, I'm not taking the original file away from you. That's not theft.

>> No.13404178

Again, everyone who puts science behind paywalls needs to be shot immediately.

Also do Amerikeks not have libraries? 95% of the science stuff I could get from libgen I could also get from my University.

Also textbook are literally a scam and that is why I pirate (or get them legally through the library) them and print them myself and you LITERALLY can't stop me.

>> No.13404180

Serious answer: no, retard

>> No.13404181

Is france unironically the villain of the story of the world?
Serious question.

-Sincerely yours, an anglojew

>> No.13404185

Why do you need free science articles? You don't. People like you cause trouble and would be better off watching pornography, which actually is and should be free. It is a human right, unlike proprietary high quality journal articles that you have no business reading . Your say: "i want to steal science articles." This has no place in society. It has been my experience that persons such as yourself are climate change deniers and use the sciences for right-winged purposes like cockamamie phrenology and race realism. Last thing we need is a bunch of country bumpkins using science and making fake news out of that too. I've showed this post to my colleague at Elsevier and he was taken aback by your crazy person rhetoric. You are lucky he does not press charges. Elsevier is 100% committed to being at every university where actual college students can use it, if they have a valid research paper they need to write. Please educate yourself with some videos on youtube and buy an actual book for once, then you'll possibly learn something.

>> No.13404200

Not a single word of this is true.

>> No.13404203


I wrote around 20 academic papers in my life, all published in decent journals. Each of them costs 30 to 70 dollars to view if you don't use an university pass or something like those sites.

I never got paid a single cent of that even though I did 100% of the work and I could've just hosted this shit for free on arxiv or some shit.


>> No.13404205

How do bugmen justify their own weakness? They literally have to go through building societies and institutions to ignore the fact that they're weak and couldn't stand on their own legs given free agency.

off yourself domesticated swine, I'm not having my freedom diminished because some dysgenic failure can't breathe without the government pumping oxygen directly to his lungs.

>> No.13404206

the eternal w*m*n strikes again

>> No.13404213

Ah bon? tu peux nous éclairer alors? T'as l'air de connaitre les raisons derrière la législation

>> No.13404214

>and buy an actual book for once, then you'll possibly learn something.
I just explained in another post that I print books myself, tell that to your Elsevier friends.

Stop falling for bait.

>> No.13404220

We need to eradicate anglos once and for all. You're a scourge. Also Catholicism and Orthodox are the only legitimate religions.

>> No.13404238

>I wrote around 20 academic papers in my life, all published in decent journals.
You could have published them in not so decent no name journals, for people to get free open access. Obviously you didn't do this, because it would detract from your reputation e-peen.

>> No.13404247

>evil porn should be free
>science (intrinsically good in its pure non news form) shouldn't

>> No.13404251

moving goalposts

>> No.13404259

This was my first post in this thread. I didn't even touch upon any previously discussed point of contention. Nice deflection though, of course you bear no responsibility.

>> No.13404280

Macron is hot though
>tfw no French bf

>> No.13404281

Do you know how the academic world works you fucking brainlet?
You need to publish in prestigious journals to build your curriculum. You won't get good jobs otherwise.
Also are you aware that publishing in open access means YOU fucking have to pay the price for the journal?
The average OA journal charges between 1000 and 3000 dollars per paper.

So not only I do ALL the fucking work for them, ALL the fucking research, ALL the fucking editing, ALL the fucking EVERYTHING. I still have to pay them 3000 bucks and not get 1 cent back.


>> No.13404292

bugmen morality in a nutshell.

you're getting fucked? better not fight back and fuck over those below you

>> No.13404299

>t. never worked in science
If you publish something in a no-name journal, nobody will see it and you’ll never get funding you retard

>> No.13404303

lol i wonder why is his gilf wifey so much more enthousiastic than him?

>> No.13404315

Yes I do, this is literally my job nigger, I've been sending mails to retarded employees like you all day asking for post-prints to stick on our free open-access repository and looking up journal fees and policies.

>Also are you aware that publishing in open access means YOU fucking have to pay the price for the journal?
Covered by the institution you work at, unless you live in a third world shithole like the US.

>So not only I do ALL the fucking work for them
Not the peer review process, not the editing, etc etc.
>and not get 1 cent back.
You are being paid to what essentially boils down to having fun. You can read and study and play with collections of numbers and have a good comfy non-invasive job with a high social status and good salary. I don't pity you at all.

>> No.13404324
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>> No.13404331
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>Why do you need free science articles? You don't. People like you cause trouble and would be better off watching pornography, which actually is and should be free.

>> No.13404342


Imagine being this brain damaged.
Any technology you have ever used in your life at some point started as a research paper somewhere.
Universities will only pay that shit for you if you break your back showing you are worth it, and again you don't get paid any extra for this.

Your whole line of thought was that "oh my poor book writers you are stealing from them". You think academic book writers get paid a lot for what they write? Do you also think human feces are part of a healthy breakfast?

85%+ of the money goes to Elsevier/Springer or whatever other fucking publishing house, and the remaining 15% are split between the university and the writer.

You are literally grovelling for a fucking exploitative system. It's not the like the music or movie industry. If I got any fucking money for my intelectual property being hijacked by those fucking publishing companies I'd give you some semblance of reason but you are a fucking brainlet that probably works mopping floors at the local Elsevier branch.

>> No.13404346
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Ban porn.
Free journal publications.

>> No.13404356

He isn't getting fucked. The library is getting fucked because it has to pay for his licenses and processing fees and his cushy position. The readers are getting fucked because they get fleeced or locked out if they want to read new research.

>Your whole line of thought was that "oh my poor book writers you are stealing from them".
As I already mentioned my first post was this one mentioned here >>13404259

You could make a change by choosing to publish in open access journals. Of course, instead of letting the research stand for itself and pick an open access journal, you people pride yourselves on your lordly publishers. You are vocally attacking this system but quietly walking in a leash when not safeguarded by anonymity. You enable them, nigger.

>> No.13404371

>He isn't getting fucked.

I am. The library doesn't milk the money out of cows. It goes to whatever funding agency and says "look we publish a lot of papers, see our metrics! look at all these citations! please gib funds". But the library drone, such as you, is a brainlet who hasn't done a single google search in their lives, let alone fucking research.
I'm the one having to break my head coming up with relevant research and trying to get a good number of citations and all of that shit to enable the university to keep receiving funds. You have a completely backwards idea of how this system works.

No academic researcher wants to go through the pompous bullshit review process of a journal like Nature or shit like that. We all know it's bullshit. We all know it's all bullshit. But we have no option, and it's people like you and universities that back us into this corner.

If I published everything I do on arxiv for free I would be fired soon. If every academic in my department did so we would all be fired, and the department would be staffed with academics who do the traditional thing. If everyone refused and published in arxiv, the university would be closed.

>> No.13404381

>IP laws exist
>states act to enforce them or make it more difficult to violate them
OP is a faggot

>> No.13404387

Werent they part of the reason what.cd got shutdown? Fuck the frogs desu

>> No.13404395

what is that?

>> No.13404399

The ban is easy af to circumvent. I don't even remember how I did it, took me like 15 s.
Still the ruling is a bit sad, but I guess it made sense legally speaking.

>> No.13404406

>Reminder that France censors more than any country on earth.
I'd really like to see how you define and measure censorship.
Threadly reminder that Mein Kampf isn't even banned in France.

>> No.13404417

Author barely get revenue from those books, it's mostly soaked by the publisher. With contemporary editing free software you can make a professional-looking pdf by yourself.
When I was in uni some of my profs put their own books on libgen. Others distributed the pdf freely to anyone who mailed them about it.

>> No.13404421

Was the best private tracker for music for a long time. Idk if other ones are at the same level yet

>> No.13404423

>Threadly reminder that Mein Kampf isn't even banned in France.
And? Where is it banned?

>> No.13404424

Based and Freepilled

>> No.13404430

>course-books are ideological are biased
>but eigthenenth century treatises on the role of homonculi in human creation are not
>course-books are overspecialized
>but seventh century abacus recording star precessions aren't
Get over yourself pal, in any decent uni the course-book will be a solid reference written by a leading scholar in the field, who often will also be the professor.

>> No.13404434

Based, fuck pseudointellectuals

>> No.13404439

Solid 7/10 bait if not 8/10. Transparent but solid.

>> No.13404441

i hate the french

>> No.13404446
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Lmao at first worlders.

>> No.13404451
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>not employed by a reputable research institution
>can't afford to purchase text books
>having the gall to call anyone a dysgenic failure
Why are all /pol/cels such delusional pseuds? Is it because they never go outside and thus never have their egos checked?

>> No.13404455

Actually stealing books is wrong, though. Like if I own a physical copy of a book and you take my copy, that's fucked. But copying a file isn't stealing, and is completely fine.

>> No.13404462

only insofar as they helped spawn your unholy nation, americunt

>> No.13404466

It's called intellectual property. There are laws defending it because you want to incentivize creativity. But I know you are being obtuse and pretending to be retarded. And also, no. 4chan and internet meme culture is not creative nor does it lead humanity anywhere

>> No.13404479

There shouldn't by any intellectual property laws when it comes to publicly funded research.

>> No.13404480
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Clearly incentivizing creativity doesn't do shit, since the greatest artistic creations of humanity predate intellectual property laws.

>> No.13404484

Nobody read no name journals, that's why they're called no name journals.

>> No.13404493

>the system is incredibly fucked, everyone knows it
>proceeds to shift blame and continues to dance like a monkey
I have no respect for you lot

>> No.13404495

Intellectual property really became a problem when internet came out. You can't really copy a sculpture or a buildings architecture the way you can music or video

>> No.13404497

intellectual property is a spook

>> No.13404500

Russia, Austria and various other nations. Not banned but rights to print withhold by German government unilt 2016. The French government has as much reason to ban this book as Russia and Austria, if there really where hell-bent on censorship they would start with it.

>> No.13404505

music existed from the dawn of humanity. and yeah, you can copy a building's architecture by building an identical structure, same for sculpture. people made copies of famous sculptures in antiquity all the time and no one cared. in fact, that's the only reason we have so many classic ancient sculptures because people kept making copies. we dont have the originals for most

>> No.13404510

The Orange Man Bad crowd do the same, you going to tell me they're not braindead and servile?

I'm an Irish catholic.

>> No.13404517

Intelectual property has little to do with creativity, in fact it is common for the intellectual property of a thing to not belong to its creator (see any kind of private research and R&D and most of label-owned music, art, movies, etc., see also families who hold onto intellectual property for generations despite not creating anything anymore).

>> No.13404522

You don't really get my point. If you copy someones music you can't do it anonymously. Music today is not what music once was. The vast majority of music today is listened to privately, so you don't have to pay anything. Yes there are concerts and shows but that is not the way people get their music today. As for architecture, my point is that if someone copies someones building he would be known as someone who copies. The famous architects we know of today such as Michelangelo didn't copy, they made originals

>> No.13404525

>projecting this fucking much
how's that ceo boot taste you freedom loving fuck?

>> No.13404529

I still don't get your point, evidently. Is this post supposed to be in favor of intellectual property? I can't see what it's doing for your case.

>> No.13404535

the laws are there to help mega-corporations like Disney stop anyone from drawing a fucking mouse, another win for anglomutts

>> No.13404536

How is it not a defense of intellectual propery if I'm telling you that the people making originals aren't compensated today the way they used to be, vis-a-vis the internet and free distribution aka piracy

>> No.13404555

No one is going to steal your building via the internet. As for music, people still go to concerts, believe it or not.

>> No.13404559

Architecture and sculpting were examples of disciplines that weren't hit by the internet. As for music, people listen to music on phones and computers, not concerts

>> No.13404568

People still go to concerts. Musicians can make money that way, and if they can't (because they aren't good enough to attract audiences) then tough luck. Sink or swim. We have too much damn music, if you ask me.

>> No.13404570

you show severe disconnect with the past by suggesting that of all people Michelangelo would be concerned with credit since his early career was literally copying more famous people's sculptures
people in the past didn't have this neurotic obsession with credit the way we have been trained to, the IP laws are dogshit and stifle creativity

>> No.13404579

and yet youre here for some reason

>> No.13404580

I hate the french so fucking much

>> No.13404581

all corporation need to be dismantled and put into use for the publick not only for profits.

>> No.13404707

How do I access libgen in france?

>> No.13404778

What do you suggest you literal edgelord?

>> No.13404817

certainly not something you'd like to hear you literal domesticated urbanite (quite literally)

>> No.13404827

>hurr u live in a city and have a job so ur fucking stupid
kill yourself
t. rural know-nothing

>> No.13404834

>domesticated urbanite.
Can you stop speaking in commie for one second and actually propose a solution for once.

>> No.13404840

Rural retard

>> No.13404841

He's actually speaking in contemporary internet right-winger. Communists recognize the urban working class as an important engine of change. Contemporary internet right-wingers see nothing but a conflict between liberals who all live in New York and LA and the rest of the world, populated by good conservatives.

>> No.13404846

>The minor can consent
That's retarded. Minors are legally recognized as unable to make an informed choice. In this situation as in all others, their parents' decision should be the only one that counts

>> No.13404850


>> No.13404906

It's at the bottom of the page

>> No.13404921

Fuck off, anglo filth. We will sink that island of yours one day

>> No.13404998

if the textbooks take years to write, how do they release a new edition every year?

>> No.13405018


>> No.13405023
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>> No.13405030

They slightly rearrange the chapters. I've personally checked and some of these editions are completely indistinguishable. Sometimes they'll release the same book under different titles. This happened to me with an astronomy text book. I accidentally got the wrong book (it was the same authors) and the book was EXACTLY the same as the ones people had in class. Completely different title.

>> No.13405043
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>France censors the most stuff in the world if we disregard the countries who censor more

>> No.13405044

It's wrong to be French.

>> No.13405048
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You're an idiot.

>> No.13405054

>Revolutionary France was "free"

>> No.13405056

works fine in France

as for sci-hub, just take a proxy

>> No.13405064
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>tfw when continental Europeans hate freedom so much that it's too much for even continental Europeans to handle

>> No.13405070

This is your brain on Trump

>> No.13405112

Yes, that attitude was never seen before Trump, infact he invented not only that but racism aswell
You fucking retard

>> No.13405123

Trump doesn't have the mental capacity to invent things.

>> No.13405175
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You got any juicy heifers on the Elsevier payroll? Ima abscond with them to the hinterlands and render them unto brap sowry or else part their fungible bits to China

>> No.13405186

Got some creampie on your mustache, bro

>> No.13405246

>There are laws defending it because you want to incentivize creativity
[citation needed], those laws exist for the same reason all property law exists i.e. to create scarcity and transferable revenue streams

>> No.13405371

based granny fucker

>> No.13405377

>"the state is out to get me!!!"
Get the fuck out schizo

>> No.13405396

>I need to state to breathe, if institutions quit existing I will die
>I love the psychiatric institution by the way
here's what you meant

>> No.13405417

You can die for property or you can build something more.

>> No.13405421

If that was the honest reason, and not the legal excuse to for it circumcision would not be legal in France.

>> No.13405442

ah yes, laws are 100% coherent and logical

fuck outta here, legislation has never been as convoluted as it is today. France is the perfect example.

>> No.13405734
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Ah yes Britain, the eternal bastion of sanity and freedom.

>> No.13405744

yes it is, Vlad. Piracy's one thing, but don't act like you have a right to it, that's really dumb

>> No.13405766

By tricking dumb people into doing our heavy work for us!

>> No.13405777
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Science paywalls literally killed the founder of Redd*t, I say they stay

>> No.13405788


>> No.13405795
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>> No.13405800
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You don't though. Journals take time and effort to maintain and are aimed at specialized people working in the field. You can just buy the textbooks you need

>> No.13405801

Ireland, not Britain.

>> No.13405804

Same thing, genius

>> No.13405812

You seem cool, don't start your car tomorrow morning.

>> No.13405820

Disgusting antisemites do not read publications anyways. I dont even think they read period.

>> No.13405840

Springer is currently publishing works from based Nazis though.

"He also joined the NSDAP in July 1931 and became a member of the Sturmabteilung in August 1931. On 2 November 1933 he organised the boycott of his Jewish professor Edmund Landau;[6]"

>> No.13405905

Lovely, absolutely worthy copypasta. Not believable in the least, inelegant in places, but raised and carried to flight by instinct, vitality. Elsevier - what a wonderful choice!

>> No.13405914

This joke can end now. Shoo back to /pol/. Springer is inferior to Elsevier

>> No.13405968

>This joke can end now.
Which joke?
Apparently anti-semites of the past got published...

>Shoo back to /pol/.

>Springer is inferior to Elsevier
They are both entirely obsolete and should be outlawed, like all restrictions to science. Arxiv exists, or just host the papers on your own website.

>> No.13405983

>WORLD wide web
>individual countries still try to pass laws on it that only apply to their own cvcklords
lel. for every ban there is a shady russian hosted site with horrible engrish that has the content available.
this. they don't even technically have a freedom of speech there, only the US has such a law on the books. lmao. maybe you fags should have pitched a better rebellion.

reminder to kill government officials you don't like. that is literally the definition of freedom and how the US was founded. the most patriotic act you can achieve is to find a tyrant and shoot him.
yellow vests have been setting trash cans and cvkcmobiles on fire for like 6 months and they've accomplished nothing with it. you had it right with the guillotines m9. bring em back and sharpen em

>> No.13406021

>the amount of bootlickers in this thread

>> No.13406152

based antipsych schizoposter