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/lit/ - Literature

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13400454 No.13400454 [Reply] [Original]

This board is officially dead. Suggest alternatives.

>> No.13400461

/sp/ or /ck/

>> No.13400466

The idea is a literature discussion place.

>> No.13400477

Any board or website where the mods and jannies aren't literal pussy fags who actively work towards the destruction of this board. Fuck this place and fuck the mods and jannies.

>> No.13400484

reddit desu

>> No.13400503

Which sub?

>> No.13400506


>> No.13400519


>> No.13400537

Ideally, everyone would read and only make posts asking for clarification or understanding about what some author said.

>> No.13400543

But anon, you can discuss sports biographies and cookbooks on those boards.

>> No.13400545

/r/literature is alright

>> No.13400551
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/ck/ is an excellent board of well seasoned shitposters. I do reccomend.

>> No.13400554

You'll ruin that place too.

>> No.13400555

They banned me just because I called someone a faggot

>> No.13400559

1. Nobody on /lit/ reads (except for the meme books for the meme value)
2. There are at most 10 people on /lit/ whose IQ is over 110
3. It's summer.
4. Most people here are 18-22 year olds, and in the modern day with the low testosterone it's equivalent to 13-15 year olds.
5. People here care more about memes and laughs rather than actually discussing ideas, mainly because they don't have any ideas of their own.
5. Mods and jannies are actively trying to ruin this board by deleting good threads and banning active and productive members of the board.

This place is ruined, I suggest you all leave.

>> No.13400561

This board is full of pseudointellectual discord trannies.
>le what would daddy marx think of this?
>socialism is literally inevitable
>marx says blah blah blah
Im guessing they frequent r3ddit and come here after getting assraped on /pol/. The problem is mods and jannies are complicit in allowing them to spread their /pol/ bullshit here. Its ok to make explicitly political marxist threads, but dont dare say anything right wing otherwise mods will ban you and tell you to take it to /pol/ (which is unusable due to spam and shills)

>> No.13400562

We have that sometimes, usually some of us trying to explain what Spinoza meant or that 1984 is not a dystopian on the dangers of socialism. Challenging conventional misunderstanding, but that's not what you meant.

>> No.13400564

Fuck off, we dont want more redditors there.

>> No.13400565

>well seasoned
You are appreciated!

>> No.13400588

Good, youre part of the problem

>> No.13400594

You think you know what the problem is, but in reality you have no idea.

>> No.13400603

The problem is immature manchildren.

>> No.13400606

Homophobists btfo by based discord tranny!

>> No.13400614

Then you should fuck off, braindead nigger dyke

>> No.13400625

Utter brainlet here, can you elaborate on your point regarding 1984?

>> No.13400630

See? Imagine an adult person actually typing this.

>> No.13400658

Basically the dystopia of 1984 is totalitarianism using a facade of unrepresented pseudosocialism. Lots of people think it's the endgame of actual generic socialism but it's really a hijacking of socialism.
It's similar to the way ISIL didn't represent the endgame of an Islamic Caliphate.

>> No.13400667

Why respond to them then? Keep a lid on it.

>> No.13400670
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98% of Literature is just a waste of time anyway lmao.

>> No.13400693

That 5 percent is worth spending entire life over

>> No.13400730

>5 percent

I loled

>> No.13400777

>wow, people calling me names on 4chan when i act like a redditor faggot??? Thats absurd!!
Fucking hang yourself, braindead nigger dyke.

>> No.13400783

>but it's really a hijacking of socialism.
More like an abuse of socialism. Which is why socialism never works.

>> No.13400937

I don't follow your logic

>> No.13400966

>anime poster
Part of the problem

>> No.13400991
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Try suicide anon and let us have fun without your sorry ass

>> No.13401000


>> No.13401017

1. Nobody on /lit/ reads (except for the meme books for the meme value)
I read about 30-40 books per year, the last three books I read were The Kingdom of This World, The Castle, and The Trial.
2. There are at most 10 people on /lit/ whose IQ is over 110
I was tested when I was in junior high at 119, my verbal linguistic IQ has been tested since then more than once and I usually score around 141-148. I don’t think IQ means much though.
3. It's summer.
4. Most people here are 18-22 year olds, and in the modern day with the low testosterone it's equivalent to 13-15 year olds.
I’m 24.
5. People here care more about memes and laughs rather than actually discussing ideas, mainly because they don't have any ideas of their own.
Memes are fun, but every once in a while you get really good posts, it’s not much but that is what keeps me coming back

>> No.13401026


>> No.13402433


>> No.13402440

have sex

>> No.13402612

My God you're insufferable

>> No.13402628

Learn to fucking greentext before posting noob

>> No.13402961

>every single day the same faggot posts about how socialism is retarded because huMaNs Don'T wOrK thAt Way
>every single day we have the same arguments, close to literally jerking each other in a circle
>surely the fault lies with socialists

>> No.13402970

>going on Reddit to call people faggots
>surprised when you get banned
Are you autistic or are you just unaware that 4chan edgy far-right culture is not the norm on the internet?

>> No.13403019

>5. Mods and jannies are actively trying to ruin this board by deleting good threads and banning active and productive members of the board.
this is true af. i typed up a nice long post explaining leibniz to someone (i am a philosophy major so i actually sonewhat know what i'm talking about) and found out i was banned for 3 days. the crime? a marx thread, apparently "off-topic" to talk about a philosopher yhat nobody else here gets banned for making threads about. i'm fucking done with these jannies

>> No.13403026
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Why has the board been particularly awful these last few days? It all started with the non-stop marx threads, right?

>> No.13403035

it's been awful ever since the summer started

>> No.13403040

Oh right, it's the season.

>> No.13403051


>> No.13403072


Maybe on /pol/, antifacucc!
4chan tends to go according to its own groupthink. Like comedy, it shits on whatever is sacred at the moment.

>> No.13403078


>> No.13403125
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Stick to shitty oneliners. Your brainpower is not strong enough to greentext, newfag.

>> No.13403140

Lmao you must be retarded if you think 4chan isn't far right. Look around you. Even lit, a reputedly lefty board, is full of fat-right white supremacists.

>> No.13403176

I'm a little bit fat, that's true. I'm certainly not a far-right white supremacist.

t. /lit/

>> No.13403182

it's been shit since /pol/tards started to "get into books" and by that I mean pretend to have read anything besides the patch notes to their favorite video game
hang pewdiepie

>> No.13403190

The extreme insults on 4chan at one time functioned as a method of social regulation. It kept out anyone offended by mean words. This is no longer the case.

>> No.13403196

>5. Mods and jannies are actively trying to ruin this board by deleting good threads and banning active and productive members of the board.
Actually though.

>> No.13403203
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clearly discord because as literate platform vanguards we can vet annoying newfas or retards, wont link invite because thats too much effort rigtnow though

>> No.13403204

kys faggot

>> No.13403301

pretty sure this site would be even more reddit if no one said nigger

>> No.13404216

This guy fucks.

>> No.13404239

with me

>> No.13404262

what would you like to see more of here?

>> No.13404268


>> No.13404277

I went on /his/ for a while, but I soon realized that /his/ is full of absolutist retards who have no idea what they're talking about. At least /lit/ will warrant some interesting discussion once in a while

>> No.13404304

>last few days
It's been shit for years

>> No.13404327

I'll join everyone in calling you a faggot but the truth is if an alternative presented itself i'd leave this place in a heartbeat.

Everyone shilling politics and meme book's .God I miss my uni professor, we'd go to the pub and talk Hamsun and Conrad and i'd defend the Germans' he hated, and he'd go into 30 min monologues about the history of philosophy which i never gave a shit about and i'd try to get him to read poetry which he never did but sometimes would try and bluff it.

Now im in the country side again all my friends are doctors for some reason.

>> No.13404338

Go fuck up /pol/ some more. It's been begging for destruction since 2014.

>> No.13404679

real friends

>> No.13406124

1984 has nothing to do with socialism it's just a demonstration of how irrelevant and powerless individuals are and how the price of material comfort and technological advancement is to be treated like cattle

>> No.13406131

Reading books.

>> No.13406456

lmao what is this, the year 1700?

>> No.13406458

just friends would suffice

>> No.13406787

Greentexting doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.13406958

Why do you sound like you're blabbering

>> No.13407005

>far right
go back

>> No.13407006

He's reminiscing in a stream of conscience. It's alright. I tend to make friends with chefs for some reason I don't know.

>> No.13408193

I was sorta going for that. Remembering my early 20's. Just mumbling to myself. i dont know ...

>> No.13408210

Hello, I'm unsure whether I should divulge the main forum of discussing literature where many great discussions are held. However, since /lit/ is currently slow as we spake I shall hide the URL amongst spoiler tags in this very comment I write in.

URL is in between the following spoiler tags: reddit.com/r/literature. Do not share.

>> No.13408247

>be me
>be oldfag
>dabbing on the yoof for not knowing how to green text
>lul he can't even quote
>some other newb comes up to me
>>Lololol that's not green text
>>>Lololol you need semantic difference between greentext quotes and imblying
>>>>lololol also I can't triforce
>think to self
>this newb too dumb to remember Gide saying everything been said but nobody listening even on a repetitive basketweaving forum where everything is repeated
>newb's prolly a chomskiite who thinks ideas can't be green and colourless
>even tho his ideas very green and rather colourless
wat do? dabbing on the yoof doesn't work as well when they're /x/tier psychos who think they can read minds and think you're not dabbing on them in your heart? think i'll just dab harder

>> No.13408377
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I don't know why i laughed so hard at this

>> No.13408387

imagine being such a lastman that you'd tolerate not being able to call some other anon a faggot if you wanted to

>> No.13408707

imagine being such an absolute übermensch that you spend your time calling people lastmen on a Bavarian ballroom-dancing board

>> No.13409704

These threads are the worst. They are just for whining. Read more books instead or fix your life instead of trying to find friends online in order to cope with your problems.
One of the worse things of this board was the butterfly. Killed whole threads, incredible. There were some other posters here in the past, so go through the online archives to find what you are looking for.
I liked the thread about dead subcultures:
There was another fine thread a week ago by a guy who was successful with one erotic novel he self-published on Amazon.

>> No.13409780

Pretty much.
Obvious newfag. Cute.
Many of the communist threads are purely political with zero discussion or mention of any literature whatsoever. If the conversation was directly related to literature, the mods fucked up. If not, fuck off to /pol/, /leftypol/ or twitter and stop shitting this board up.
Yup. And summer. The liberal arts majors must have a lot of time on their hands.

>> No.13409855

I left, that's why. I made 50% of the coolest threads here but I was banned for meme reasons. I had to browse /sp/ for a while because I was also banned from /tv/. Fuck this shithole.

>> No.13409898

Would be nice to have a place to talk about books without all the retards.

>> No.13409921

lmao i got banned from /lit/ once and janny deleted all my posts in all the other live threads, even though they were perfectly rule abiding and actually thoughtful contributions. just for banting too hard. so i actually went and read some more books. thanks janny!

/ck/ mod is equally retarded. banned for "racism" for saying flyover whites have subhuman cuisine. meanwhile 4/5 threads are fast food advertisements. i can only imagine he's some assblasted 500 lb iowa dweller living in a shack next to a cornfield shoveling trays of meatloaf down his fat face, who thinks mcdonalds is fantastic exotic fare because it takes him a 2 hour drive to get to one.

>> No.13410301

8 lit
wiz (think there are reading and writing threads on hob)

>> No.13410367

A mod once banned me from posting on all boards just because I was posting anime porn on shit, /lit/ threads that should have been deleted but weren't. Reporting does nothing on /lit/.

>> No.13410433

damn 24 and no self awareness thats pretty impressive

>> No.13410832

I got warned once out of all the shit I've done on /lit/. Apparently, making graphic violent sexual remarks about butterfly is fanfiction.

>> No.13410855

discord is inherently bad for discussion because there is no real way to archive and share insights on discord. once the discord server inevitably geta abandoned or deleted due to drama (this always happens - no exceptions) any good content will be lost forever. on r*ddit and 4channel there are at least archives. Discord is cancer, and that doesn't even touch the fact that its a platform made to spy on you and is moderated and administered by literal pedophile furries.

>> No.13411253

lit's unofficial discord: https://discord.gg/7MRq3Y