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/lit/ - Literature

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13396438 No.13396438 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most annoying goodreads post you have ever come across?

>> No.13396654

>monster movies are deep im film literate

>> No.13396678

This is probably the worst I've ever come across

>> No.13396723

Any leftists here who, like the girl in OP's image, have been sufficiently brainwashed to see race and gender lurking behind every point of tension? It seems that the universities and the media have drummed up some omnipresent racist right-wing caricature that teeters on the edge of global domination and convinces otherwise normal people that unless they get passionately worked up over identity politics a fascist plague will engulf the entire globe. These people, usually rich, replete with white guilt, turn into leftists, poisoning their own souls while serving the needs of corrupt politicians. I sit back in amazement how otherwise normal people, that I've known for years, at some point become so detached from reality via left wing politics that they reach the point of unrelenting hatred of all those that disagree with them, including long time friends, and defend leftist ideals that fly in the face of common sense and everything we were taught growing up.

Like just imagine believing all women. Imagine aborting a baby within minutes before it's supposed to be born. Imagine supporting open borders and a welfare state without pondering the horrible effects such policies can have. Just imagine.

>> No.13397134

have sex incel

>> No.13397204

Woah man you're so fucking profound it's not like this talking point has been repeated by le epic gamergate kekistanis for 5 years now. Why don't you turn off Sargon and Ben Shapiro videos and read some actual leftist literature? Cause, I'll let you in on a little secret buddy, college students throughout history have always been bumptious faggots who support left-wing causes; they aren't representative of the left.
Since by admitting you give a shit about abortion you revealed yourself to be a burger let's just take a look at how the "leftist indoctrination" is holding up in your country. The biggest news station (Fox) is right wing, the biggest radio host is right wing, the president is right wing, the house is right wing, both major parties are right wing/centre right, most of the most prominent political youtubers are right wing, you have states considering the death penalty for abortion, states that will not show a gay wedding scene on kids TV, insanely high religiosity compared to Europe, states that specifically try to make it harder for blacks to vote, etc

>> No.13397251

Do yourselves a favor and abstain from reading the comment section. His head is so far up his ass it's distressing.

>> No.13397284

>fear of communism

>> No.13397341
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Hardmode should be a 1 star review that doesn't complain about identity politics.

>> No.13397347
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A review of the sean goonans book lmao

>> No.13397370

>le Europe is socialist and progressive
Dirty dumb YANKOID SCUM!

>> No.13397381
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My favourite reviews are those 1-star ones of classic literature in which the reviewer has to insist that they "understand" why a work is part of the literary canon, how it's seen as a classic, and why it's so important to this day - just to cover their backs, make sure they can't be accused of being an idiot - then go on to lambast the thing for doing absolutely nothing right.

>> No.13397389

>i hate independent thinkers, everyone should conform to the literary establishment

>> No.13397392

I knew a guy like that in school, it's literally autism. He made a section in our schools Wikipedia page for himself

>> No.13397406

Yes, anon? The point is that these people can't express their opinion, whether it's that of an idiot or an intellectual, without adding a huge disclaimer that they "totally" get why the book is an important classic still read by many, why it's still spoken about today.

>> No.13397411

It would stand to reason that they are doing exactly what you are claiming they do not, ie conforming, by claiming that they understand why the work is part of the Canon

>> No.13397516

goodreads is time waste nig

>> No.13397533

Most of goodreads is no more egregious than /lit/ whining that they can't relate to eg Austen because it has girls in it

>> No.13397582

I can't read that. My brain won't let me read that. Sometimes I wonder if posts like this are from very committed trolls.

>> No.13397824

>t. triggered leftoid
Fox is literally the only tv channel that is right wing, all the others are left wing, including otherwise "apolitical" shows, comedians, etc. All of Hollywood is viciously anti right wing. All the major tech companies are leftist and actively purge conservatives from their platforms. The religiosity is not even remotely high in this country with Christians being regularly mocked on TV and by main stream politicians. All universities, with the exception of maybe a handful, are hyper left wing. Nobody listens to radio and I have no idea what youtubers you're talking about.

>States that specifically try to make it harder for blacks to vote
Okay I was taking you kind of seriously up until the statement except you've proved that you're exactly the kind of brainwashed leftists I was talking about. Only in America, where race is heavily politicized, can requiring a voter ID be considered racist. I'm sure wanting no voter ID has nothing to do with sanctuary city policies, anti-border policies, calls for abolishing ice, yes nothing to do with wanting illegal votes. It has to do with caring about "POC" who are too stupid to figure out how to get an ID but should be able to vote. Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.13397894

Seems she actually understood the conceit of the movie so that's theorically a good review.

Does anyone knows how to find the one where the reviewer complains that since she's college educated and smart she should understand the book, and if it didn't it's the author fault? When it was posted some anon answered "what a terrible person", and that was really the vibe of the review. Usually the goodreads crowd sounds merely stupid, not narcissistic.

>> No.13397909

Give me an example, and explain why they're wrong about why it's in the cannon. If they correctly point out why it's part of the cannon and then go on to criticize it, what's wrong is that? Or am I misinterpreting your posts?

>> No.13397913
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>> No.13397935

Are you asking for sources on a personal fucking anecdote, anon?

>> No.13397937

The things he mentioned all came from leftist leaders dude.

>> No.13397942

He's a complete bugman but in fairness a lot of the guys reviewed there are lackluster. He's not wrong to say Taine is second-rate, see also how other much superior right wing writers (iirc Bloy et Péguy, separately) BTFO Drumont. De Maistre and Maurras are the really towering figures in that bunch, although Barrès is also a remarkable writer of prose.

But I like this extract a lot:
"the one consistent political position in all his writings is hatred of Germany. His position is precarious, but not without a certain rigor. He hated the same things that the Nazis did – democracy, the republic, certain kinds of socialism, Jews, and individualism. But whereas the Nazis were claiming that democracy was foreign to the spirit of Germany, being a foreign import from Jerusalem and Paris, Maurras was saying the same thing, only blamed Jerusalem and those Teutonic forests where Tacitus had first descried the seeds of a rough Germanic liberty. The Nazis claimed that Marxism was Jewish, Maurras claimed it was both Jewish and German. "

Quite reminding of the retarded shit-flinging on /lit/

>> No.13397965
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>Fox is literally the only tv channel that is right wing, all the others are left wing, including otherwise "apolitical" shows, comedians, etc.
Fox News: Right
CNN: Centre-right
MSNBC: Centre-left
>Voter ID laws not racist
Pic related my friend. The supreme court agreed that the law targeted African Americans with "surgical precision" and was discriminatory.

>> No.13397967

>Only in America, where race is heavily politicized, can requiring a voter ID be considered racist.

Not him, but it's not only about ID (and probably not about ID at all), and more about locations of poll booth, the way districts are redrawn to match changing census, and the general logistics of voting. Those are always hotly contested issues in any democracy, and the US has had a tradition of covertly but purposely disincentivizing people to vote since the time of Jefferson.

>> No.13397979

You can tell this guy reads a bit of classic literature, and REALLY wants a reason to use antiquated words. Maybe he wants to assure the world that he had quite the noggin, but it reads so unnaturally. That, or he had a pocket thesaurus on him at all times.

>> No.13398026

>Taleb portentously writes
He's not wrong

>> No.13398039

>CNN center right
I'm not even a burger but Imagine being this delusional

>> No.13398044
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Wait, how is demanding identification from voters racist? Where I'm from you need to be able to show identification to be able to vote at all. One election I realised that my ID was out of date by a few weeks just before the vote, and had to bring my father to vouch for my identity.

>> No.13398056


What the fuck do you think left, right and center mean?

>> No.13398069

If black people tend not to have official ID for whatever reasons, demanding the specific thing black people tend not to have is a little racist

>> No.13398108

There was some bitching about how Queensland (in Australia) requiring ID was an attempt at suppressing aboriginal votes. I don't really get how because you can get an ID for free and voting is mandatory in this country.

>> No.13398164


>> No.13398267

Maybe they should get a fucking ID then. Black people are predominantly urban, so it's not like if they don't have a car they typically have to walk 20 miles on the backroads to the nearest BMV.

>> No.13398283

I guess it depends on how hard and how common it is to get an ID in your country. In mine everyone has one so it's a moot point. Perhaps in the US you have to call a day off work and drive 8 hours to the next Identification Bureau and sit in line for 2 more hours and pay a 30 dollars stipend.
That's how it would happens in the image of the US I have in my head anyway (please don't destroy it).

>> No.13398302

Also the question is, if it wasn't demanded before, why demand it now? (though why it wasn't demanded before is beyond me)

>> No.13398306

When I got my driver's license renewed I went in on a saturday, sat for 15 minutes, paid $20 and only had to bring a piece of mail, my SSID, birth certificate, and a piece of mail. It's nothing complicated or particularly time consuming and if you can't get and file basic documents to prove your identity you're probably too dumb to vote.

>> No.13398308

He seems like a nice guy, if wordy and overenthusiastic. I gives off a guys-this-is-legit-blowing-my-mind vibe, not a guys-look-at-me-I'm-an-intellectual vibe.

>> No.13398314

>demanding the specific thing black people tend not to have is a little racist
No. It's common sense to prevent voter fraud, if the population with one standard deviation less of IQ scores is unable to fullfil very basic requirements to function as a citizen it's their fault.

Is it even legal to not carry an ID in the US?

>> No.13398315

Perhaps it has something to do with government control? Americans seems to have this (understandible in principle but often overblown in practice) fear of central government that would lead them to be distrustful of any state-mandated means of identification.

But I'm only trying to understand here. Why were ID not required to vote until now? And when was it changed? Granted if it was changed shortly before the vote it's a bit suspicious, particularly if other stats have no need for it.

>> No.13398317

>if it wasn't demanded before, why demand it now?
Because an issue existing in the past is not an argument against solving that issue?

>> No.13398327

Don't need ID in my country either.
If the regulation was people who listen to hiphop couldn't vote, you could equally argue that black people could stop listening to hip hop if they wanted to vote. It would still be a racist policy designed to stop black people voting

>> No.13398391

So? Financial laws probably hit Jews more often, computer fraud hits Indians, certain drug laws hit whitey or blacky depending...
In the end you just realise this is a function of your demographic, not a conspiracy to hold you down.
Every civilised country in the word requires voter ID.

>> No.13398494

Nah. Discriminating based on immutable properties may be racist, but when you go further and say discriminating based on choices or circumstances is too you get into some very weird territory. Is murder being illegal racist because % blacks do 52%? The idea is absurd

>> No.13398505

Most people would disagree with you. Another example would be lighter sentences for powder cocaine (mainly used by whites) than for crack (mainly used by blacks). While of course it's a choice by all concerned, the purpose of the legislation is to discriminate against blacks.
Or historically, and to move away from the race thing, the qualification for voting in Britain used to be property ownership. You could argue that the working class could just buy some property, but the intention and purpose of the law was to disenfranchise the working class. Same with voter ID laws

>> No.13398532

What's wrong with disenfranchising the lower class exactly? Even most middle-class people based on party loyalty or the politicians' personal charisma. The more you restrict it the higher the share of people who actually vote based on the issues will become.

>> No.13398551

>What's wrong with disenfranchising the lower class exactly?
I... most people are working class. Upsetting and marginalizing most people undermines stability. Stability is important because if a state is unstable all the rich elites get their fucking heads cut off.
Also the issues rich people tend to vote on are the ones that directly impact their personal wealth. Basing policy on what personally helps the top 1-10% of wealthy people is not good for a country.

>> No.13398554

>people in the higher classes vote based on issue
>not on party loyalty and charisma
I'm afraid those are of the things that transcend economical classes.Rich people are just are guilty of it as poor people.
Note that party loyalty and charisma also often matter for effective ruling.

>> No.13398568

>CNN centre-right
You're literally delusional.

>That pic related
Dude who cares what a judge says. Use your own goddamn brain. If you think the reason the same people who want open borders don't want to require voter ID at polls is because of their love for black people then you're free to believe that. The default common sense position of most rational people is that voter ID should be required to prevent election fraud.

>> No.13398583

Read the supreme court report if you want. This is from the NY Times:

>The court found that all five restrictions “disproportionately affected African-Americans.” The law’s voter identification provision, for instance, “retained only those types of photo ID disproportionately held by whites and excluded those disproportionately held by African-Americans.”

>That was the case, the court said, even though the state had “failed to identify even a single individual who has ever been charged with committing in-person voter fraud in North Carolina.”

>The court also found that the early voting restrictions had a much larger effect on black voters, who “disproportionately used the first seven days of early voting.” The law, the court said, eliminated one of two “souls to the polls” Sundays, when black churches provided rides to polling places.

>> No.13398585

Then how about if we restrict it based on intelligence rather than income by having people fill out a paper before voting that tests if the person isn't a complete retard. Oh wait the southern states used to do that but that was deemed "racist" aswell

>> No.13398593

>You're literally delusional.
I'm guessing you think the Democratic Party is not right wing either? Kek.
>don't want to require voter ID at polls is because of their love for black people then you're free to believe that.
The laws were intentionally made to stop black people from voting. You can have voter ID laws that don't disproportionately affect black people, if you want.
Also there have been no recorded cases of in-person voter fraud in NC.

>> No.13398596

Retard. You act as if identification, such as a driver's license, is some arbitrarily picked thing that only black people don't have that serves no practical purpose in preventing voter fraud. You're literally arguing that black people are too stupid to get an ID, and black people realize this is exactly what you're arguing.

There are hundreds of videos circulating the web that show a reporter of some sort going into the "hood" and asking black people if it's racist to ask them to show ID before voting. I've literally never once seen an actual impoverished black person say no. It's only the "well-educated" liberals that agree that it's racist. It's obvious why they don't want voter ID requirements. Illegal. Votes.

>> No.13398602


stop embarrassing us, you fucking moron

>> No.13398603

I am hiding under your bed right now

>> No.13398610

>The more you restrict it the higher the share of people who actually vote based on the issues will become.
You are legitimately retarded. In America the upper classes vote largely in self-interest, like everyone else. This is why we don't have a single school district because rich people don't want their taxes going to fund schools in poor communities. What kind of abject retard do you have to be to say that the people who already hold most of the power in society should be the only ones who get vote? as if that won't fuck over poor people?

>> No.13398617
File: 160 KB, 250x332, waha~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please think I am well spoken, oh induably so as to ascertain the benevolence of mine major intellect, a priori nig nigga nigger niggering

>> No.13398630

Reminder that North Carolina could not provide a SINGLE instance of in-person voter fraud.
Remind that the people who concocted this law literally looked at statistics for how black people vote and tried to make that type of voting illegal.

I guess it's not "you cant vote if you have black skin" so it's not racist?

>> No.13398634

Are you intentionally playing dumb? There are in effect two parties in the US. The democrats, which are referred to as "left-wing," and Republicans, referred to as "right-wing." CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, all major media outlets except Fox serve as propaganda arms of the Democrats. Did you really not understand what I was talking about?

The bill in NC literally just requires a driver's license or some other form of photo ID. That's it. Like just go get a license. It's that easy. Am I missing something here.

>> No.13398637

ESL + purple prose = hilarity

>> No.13398654

>The appeals court ruling struck down five parts of the law: its voter ID requirements, a rollback of early voting to 10 days from 17, an elimination of same-day registration and of preregistration of some teenagers, and its ban on counting votes cast in the wrong precinct.

>The court found that all five restrictions “disproportionately affected African-Americans.” The law’s voter identification provision, for instance, “retained only those types of photo ID disproportionately held by whites and excluded those disproportionately held by African-Americans.”

>That was the case, the court said, even though the state had “failed to identify even a single individual who has ever been charged with committing in-person voter fraud in North Carolina.” But it did find that there was evidence of fraud in absentee voting by mail, a method used disproportionately by white voters. The Legislature, however, exempted absentee voting from the photo ID requirement.

>The court also found that the early voting restrictions had a much larger effect on black voters, who “disproportionately used the first seven days of early voting.” The law, the court said, eliminated one of two “souls to the polls” Sundays, when black churches provided rides to polling places.

disproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americansdisproportionately affected African-Americans

>> No.13398655

When John Locke spoke of inalienable rights, he was not talking about niggers, who was talking about humans
niggers who left to their own devices still maintain slave trades and consume any help like a swarm of locusts
Egalitarianism is a strictly Eurocentric ideal
So no, fuck em, they can't vote

>> No.13398657 [DELETED] 

So is requiring an ID to drive illegal too? Just wondering what your actual principles are.

>> No.13398666

Far as I can tell most Democrats, with the exception of a lot of the new candidates, have been social liberals but economically conservative or centrist, supporting either Keynesianism or neoliberalism.

>> No.13398674

So is requiring an ID to drive racist too? Are laws against stealing racist too? Those disproportionately effect blacks as well. But I'm sure given enough time and propaganda you'd be arguing those positions too.

>> No.13398693

There is no universally applicable, objective measure of intelligence. Even if there were a perfect IQ test that could tell you how smart a person is, that wouldn't mean they're an informed voter or they would make good, logical voting decisions.

>> No.13398712

>we can't hit some perfect pie in the sky standard so lets not have any standard at all
wow you are so wise anon

>> No.13398728

>If the regulation was people who listen to hiphop couldn't vote, you could equally argue that black people could stop listening to hip hop if they wanted to vote.
That's a braindead false equivalency.

>Don't need ID in my country either.
In a non Banana Republic you have to show your passport and come in with your personal voting announcement, sent to you by the government, and then your name gets crossed of a list of all citizens in that voting district, but who cares about people voting only once anyway.

>> No.13398733

Literally clownworld.
Are you a /pol/tard? If not you are making pretty good propaganda here for them.

>> No.13398736

a simple "yes this person can function independently" or a "No, this person is retarded and dependent" would suffice

>> No.13398743

Requiring an ID to drive and laws against stealing are blind to race. You get caught stealing or driving without a license, and you go to jail, no matter what colour you are.
However let's create a law that a) bans the driving of cars that black people disproportionately drive, b) shuts down organisations in the black community meant to help people with finances to buy cars, c) makes licenses that black people disproportionately hold illegal d) eliminates certain types of registration that black people disproportionately use to buy cars e) arbitrarily rolls back the time you have to collect your car because it is known that black people collect cars at certain times

Then, yeah, you could conclude that the progenitors of those laws don't want black people driving cars.

It's quite funny how people frame this as NC trying to get illegals to vote. North Carolina, a red state, wants illegals to vote? No; the point was that black people are likely to vote democrat, and NC didn't want that.

>> No.13398750

>I'm guessing you think the Democratic Party is not right wing either? Kek.
There hasn't been a right-wing party with a majority in the west since '45.

>> No.13398756

>Requiring an ID to drive and laws against stealing are blind to race.
What if blacks would have driving IDs less frequently?
It seems just a little racist to me not allowing people to drive because of the color of their skin.

>> No.13398765

If you put Voting being Liquor Law identification, the problem will solve itself with some Henny uhh, blame it, uhh, blame, uhh, blame it, uhh uhh uhh

>> No.13398771

What test(s) would you have implemented to show a person is competent enough to vote and why would they be a reasonably accurate, objective measure?

>> No.13398777

From certain details in this I get the feeling she hasn't actually seen some of the movies she's discussing.

>> No.13398778

>There hasn't been a right-wing party with a majority in the west since '45.

>> No.13398786

Which one was there?
Just neocons and neolibs, neither of them even center right.

>> No.13398797

neoconservativism and neoliberalism are right and centre-right ideologies, respectively.

>> No.13398801

Neither of them tries to preserve the cultural and ethnic origins of their countries, they aren't even remotely right wing.

>> No.13398805

Literally every law disproportionately effects black people statistically. Why can you argue voter ID laws are racist because they effect blacks disproportionately while all other laws aren't? Is requiring a driver's license to vote racist, and if so then what other types of voter ID would you require that is fairer to black people? Or are you arguing for the abolishment of all voter ID altogether?

>> No.13398818

>Literally every law disproportionately effects black people statistically.
No, literally any law affects some ethnic group disproportionately, everything else would be a cosmic coincidence or the law would be irrelevant.
It isn't just blacks, and in some crimes they are underrepresented (just not the kind of crime people usually care about, I think taxfraud is an example, not 100% sure though).

>> No.13398847

Even ignoring the fact that neocon totally does those things, that's not right wing necessarily means. You're a traditionalist, or perhaps a fascist idk. So stop twisting words and just say 'there's never been a traditionalist party elected'. Be honest.

>> No.13398853

>Even ignoring the fact that neocon totally does those things
Under neocons America became a non-white country.
Neocoms care about bombing the middle East for Israel.

>that's not right wing necessarily means.
It's the only meaningful definition.

>> No.13398883

Again, I'll reiterate that the south used to have super basic tests which were basically.
>Circle the 8th letter of this sentence
or some shit, but it was ended because it's apparently "racist" to ask that voters not be illiterate.

>> No.13399010

The US is 60% white? Last I checked that's majority white?

>> No.13399028

>60% white?
Not really a "white country".
And great track record, how was that number pre WW2?

>> No.13399050

I neither know nor care, my Yankoid friend

>> No.13399055

If you knew stuff, you'd know that those test were deliberately written ambiguously so you could always fail someone, and you didn't have to take them if you could cite a grandfather who was eligible to vote, again designed on purpose to disenfranchise blacks

>> No.13399075

I live in a state that used to have those literacy tests. It was made to intentionally be very confusing and easy to accidentally fuck up, and if you fucked up a single thing even slightly, you lost your chance to vote.
It wasn't considered racist because it was too hard and only black people couldn't pass it, it was considered racist because you only had to take it if your family couldn't vote before you (the origin of the term "grandfathered in," because the rule was that if your grandfather could vote, you didn't have to take the test). The tests were shitty enough that the majority of people who took them failed them, but the policy was racist because only black people were required to take them. It was also a bit shitty to expect black people to be fully educated on the same level as whites in the generation immediately after centuries of slavery, but that's a bit murkier.
Now I actually don't think voter ID laws are racist, I think they're necessary. My belief is that the government should require ID to vote but put a lot of effort into making it as simple as possible to get those IDs, and the second part is where states that try to implement it frequently fuck up because they'll "accidentally" only set up shop in affluent white neighborhoods and shit like that.
Basically in concept I think voter ID laws are a very good thing, but it's dishonest to pretend they can't be executed in terrible targeted ways.

>> No.13399172

>I neither know nor care
But that is the point of debate?
You even acknowledged that the right wing should protect the ethnic makeup of that country.
If that has drastically changed since WW2, then there was no right wing party in power.

>> No.13399191

>right wing

>> No.13399275

Get this disgusting reddit shit out of here

>> No.13399320

The reason it wasn't demanded before was to allow democrat machines to commit widespread voter fraud. The reason why it is opposed now is because it would stop (or at least hinder) said voter fraud.

>> No.13399377

Reread my post, I explicitly denied the thing you said I acknowledged
>that's not right wing necessarily means
Besides, even if I concede what you say, which I don't, that seems like a fallacy. What if there've been several RW governments post-45, and they just failed to 'protect the ethnic makeup' of a country? What does that even mean? Why do whites have to 75 as opposed to 60 percent to be 'protected'? Failing in (what you personally consider to be) their task doesn't necessarily mean they're not the thing they say they are. It's just an excuse on your part to claim your ideology hasn't been tried yet, and should.

>> No.13399380

>Upsetting and marginalizing most people undermines stability.
Slavery and caste systems (with warrior class on top) are far more stable politically - compared to various kinds of liberal, but mercurous power systems of "equality" where money buys you a rank. But such slave systems are not practiced anymore because slavery is not market efficient post industrial revolution, slave polities no longer competetive to survive when rest of the market is liberal, and more productive.

Liberal markets and supply chains tend to have destabilizing effect (free spinning wheel of technological progress). Yet it is also self sustaining until the very last moment it gets unhinged where relatively small event shatters it all in the end (liberal collapses started with bronze age, then greece, then rome, then ...).

>> No.13399412

Also I don't believe that case said that voter ID laws are ipso facto discriminatory; didn't the court rule that the implementation/ law as applied was discriminatory?

>> No.13399466


Nevermind after reading >>13398044 it would seem that it was facial.

>> No.13399565
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This one was particularly enlightening.

>> No.13399710

I don't read reviews written by women exactly for this reason.

>> No.13400378
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It is racist to assume black people are too stupid to get a driving license.

>> No.13400412

>He made a section in our schools Wikipedia page for himself

wow thats hilarious

>> No.13400451

>dude zombies represent communism lmao
Pure bullshit. You can argue that Invasion of the Body Snatchers was an anti-communist allegory, but Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead weren't. Hell, Dawn of the Dead is very explicitly a satire of consumerism, not an attack on communism.

>> No.13400601

More on this dude please

>> No.13400665

>this book is bad because I wouldn't want to have sex with the protagonist

>> No.13400673

The point is that laws banning murder, drugs, etc. are there to ban murder and drugs, not to target any minority group.
The voter ID laws in NC, and this is agreed upon universally by even the supreme court, were specifically concocted to stop black people from voting. They literally looked at the statistics of how black people go about voting and made those methods illegal.
That's a very nice strawman. The court gave 5 reasons why the law was harmful to black people. Not one of them was "blacks are too dumb to get a driving license". I mean they literally excluded the types of ID's that black people disproportionately had. They saw that black people disproportionately used the first seven days of early voting, and so rolled it back by seven days.

The SUPREME COURT -- not some radical leftist antifa organisation, not the ADL -- said that the law INTENTIONALLY targeted black people with "SURGICAL PRECISION".

>> No.13400722

Favourite part of The Old Man and The sea is when the old man drowns in pussy.

>> No.13400794

>tfw Texan
>can literally vote with a utility bill
How racist

>> No.13401090

>look up one of my favorite children's books, a story about a girl becoming a knight through hard work, and despite obstacles in her way, such as traditionalism, sexism, assholes, etc.

>moral of story: "if you work really, really hard, and don't give up, even if everyone tells you you can't, you can succeed"

one star review by some screeching harpy about how horrible it is that books are teaching young girls that they can succeed because men don't like strong women.

>> No.13401107

well, she's not WRONG... monsters do represent cultural fears. and by looking at movie adversaries by decade, you can see the topics that were important to the culture at the time. for example, that whole fucking thing with all those goddamn jason borne thrillers. these things come in waves for a reason.

>> No.13401122

pls bb show bobs and vagene

>> No.13401143

>she's not WRONG
she is, but that's not what makes her insufferable
>monsters do represent cultural fears
Says who
>by looking at movie adversaries by decade, you can see the topics that were important to the culture
no you can't
>jason bourne thrillers

>> No.13401156


>> No.13401166

>bend over backwards for black people or you're racist

>> No.13401173

Tactical yikes inbound

>> No.13401181

and yet you can't have more than 6 dildos. interesting.

>> No.13401198


>> No.13401683
File: 7 KB, 250x200, apu shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fox news
>anybody in congress
>either party
>right wing
what does "right wing" mean? you don't like it?

>> No.13401701

Pretty sure every state that requires ID is also required to provide them for free since the constitution requires it.

>> No.13401712

So any law that effects one population more than another is racist? That's a hell of a rabbit hole.

>> No.13401784

You realize you sound exactly like the "real socialism has never been tried" people you probably hate, rite?

>> No.13401839

I own 15, faggot

>> No.13401855

you are like a cliche machine

>> No.13401867

lmao what a legend

>> No.13402660
File: 2.14 MB, 447x260, 1429527668111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. retard

>> No.13402935

Those are all about nuances to a specific law, not about the principle of requiring ID to vote. I think that for most of us euros it's just the principle of being allowed to vote without ID that's really absurd and primitive, where we don't care about some specific hillbilly law stopping blacks from busing to the poll station on a specific day.

>> No.13403050

have sex

>> No.13403067

>have sex

>> No.13404195

This fellow is correct, and most of you have no idea what you're talking about. Good job completely derailing the thread, old boy

>> No.13404207

I wouldn't know, I'm not interested in some random fags thoughts on any book