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File: 240 KB, 727x984, DegBkGjX4AA3rfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13393055 No.13393055 [Reply] [Original]

Why is anyone not a Christian, when no religion anywhere near reaches the metaphysical depth of Christianity?
I keep seeing Advaita Vedanta pooinloos here, you do realise that reincarnation for everyone is fucking retarded? It's all dude weed lmao bullshit "dude one is all and one is all woahhhhh".
Shut the fuck up and repent, kid. Read Feser.

>> No.13393065

What about Dark Souls lore ?

>> No.13393072
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Dark Souls basically only exists because of based catholocism, all high art owes a great debt to the roman church.

>> No.13393079

>when no religion anywhere near reaches the metaphysical depth of Christianity?
every religion has endless metaphysical "depth"

>> No.13393090

not compared to Christianity. Half of western philosophy is Christian. We have thousands upon thousands of pages of Theology.

What do mudshits and pooinloos have aside from dude weed ramblings?
dude like brahman is like totally everything maaaaaaaaaaaan
Shut the fuck up hippy, and read this fucking Aquinas.

>> No.13393095

Is this your brain on Christianity?

>> No.13393097

people like you are the reason /lit/christianposting is only deteriorating in quality

>> No.13393103

People like you reject Christ when you know deep down it's the truth. My child, I will pray for you.

Not an argument.

>> No.13393116

Mainly because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And when it comes to christianity, there is none. I am not a larper, so I'll pass on that one.

>> No.13393125

Once again this is your brain on Christianity.

>> No.13393126

You have heard Christ's message. You only reject out of pride. Accept his message and beg for forgiveness, or burn for eternity in intense pain.
He loves you so he's giving you a choice here, you better do what he says my child.

>> No.13393129

>my child
We both know you're not a priest, so you can stop the larping now.
I don't know deep down that the christianity is the truth, just like I don't know deep down that scientology or islam is the truth. You don't know it either, but choose to larp as if youdo.

>> No.13393134

Please stop making the religion look bad

>> No.13393137

>burn for eternity in intense pain
Lol i'm 99% sure you're trolling now, but i'll still give it a shot. Yes, i've heard his message but I reject it not out of pride but out of the fact that there's not a shred of evidence for his claims. I have never seen nor talked to Jesus, why should I believe he exists, or God, for that matter? What evidence do you have to substantiate your claims?

>> No.13393138

>I don't know deep down that the christianity is the truth
You do. And unless you repent and believe before its too late, you will be in hell FOREVER. Let that sink in. God loves you and may he bless you.

>> No.13393143

Because it's not true.

>> No.13393148

The only way is through Jesus. You have heard his message and *YOU* choose to reject it. Your suffering is on *YOU*.
Evidence isn't a fucking excuse, you've heard his message and can choose salvation or damnation.

>> No.13393157

Circular reasoning and fear, the two most powerful weapons of the Christian

>> No.13393164

dense motherfucker. And if you're trolling, try harder, because pretending to be retarded is as bad as actually being one.

>> No.13393167

Not an argument. I've made it clear, you can either accept his message or reject it.
Once you've heard his message there is no escape from God's love, it is there and you can accept it and be saved, or reject it and suffer forever.
Not an argument.

>> No.13393171

get your IQ checked

>> No.13393175

Not an argument

>> No.13393176

Not an argument.
Imagine being so prideful you think you can argue against God. He's given you his message, it's as simple as that.

>> No.13393181

This is an AI right? Not way this is a real person

>> No.13393186

stop making my religion look bad poltard larper

>> No.13393188

Not an argument

>> No.13393189

I'm a Christian but you're acting like a self righteous faggot.
>my child
fuck off you're turning people away from Christianity by acting like this.

>> No.13393194

>Shut the fuck up
Be less agressive and vulgar when you try to be apologetic.

>> No.13393201

I was once considering joining Christianity but after talking to Christians on 4chan it made me realize how utterly fake it is.
Didn’t Jesus say to judge a prophet by his followers? Taking that one to heart

>> No.13393204
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Not an argument.
You're probably some diluted protestant. Return to the mother Church child. She misses you and loves you.
I'm trying to make these people realise that God loves them, and that they'll burn forever if they don't accept his love. A softy-softy approach won't work on the chan, this isn't reddit.

>> No.13393211
File: 157 KB, 1200x600, Dn45FRUX0Aws8xy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut the fuck up hippy, and read this fucking Aquinas.

>> No.13393214

10 bucks says this is guenonfag or some other zealot trying to push people away from Catholicism. It's a shame you're so bad at proselytizing, I've heard it's an important part of your guy's shtick.

>> No.13393219

Atheists aren’t Christians because they don’t want to be Christians. God says many times that those who seek Him, find Him, and the atheists don’t care to read the Bible to find out how to seek God. They think everything is a game where they use their master reasoning abilities to decide what is true and what isn’t. They haven’t yet figured out that faith is a prerequisite for all belief, and that believing in God is no less reasonable than not believing. Any reasonable person sees the limits of his own reason, and the infinitude that is beyond him. Any atheist at this stage can become Christian if we wants to.

Deuteronomy 4:29
>But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Proverbs 8:17
>I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
Jeremiah 29:13
>You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Matthew 7:7-8
>Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
Isaiah 55:6-7
>Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Lamentations 3:25
>The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
James 4:8
>Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
2 Chronicles 7:14
>If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Matthew 5:6
>Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

>> No.13393224

>A softy-softy approach won't work on the chan, this isn't reddit.
Of course, but try finding a single vulgar word in the mouthes of saints and of Our Lord.
You can use force in your language without sinning.

>> No.13393234

Not an argument. That meme is retarded anyway. Aquinas wrote dense metaphysics packed with logic and reason, Shankara wrote naval-gazing nonsense that a child could have written.
100% this.
These people CHOOSE damnation, it's their fault they go to hell yet they blame God for it.
They have heard the message of Jesus, they reject it, they choose to be in torment for eternity.
Fuck of Pharisee.

>> No.13393236

>all high art owes a great debt to the roman church
uhhh what about the art that predates it?

>> No.13393248

obviously God inspired if it is good.

>> No.13393254
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No thanks, I'll stick to my own European religion.

>> No.13393263

>My child, I will pray for you.
pretentiousness is not a Christian trait

>> No.13393264

Awwww sweetie, you can't handle people praying for you?

>> No.13393274
File: 1.74 MB, 4032x3024, JPEG_20190621_134122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you a tranny?

>> No.13393283

wrong this people were Christian, you cant be a jew and a Christian its quite obvious.

>> No.13393285

The original butterfly was very anti-Christian as well

>> No.13393297

>Aquinas wrote dense metaphysics packed with logic and reason, Shankara wrote naval-gazing nonsense that a child could have written.
"Śaṅkarācārya is undoubtedly one of the greatest philosophers of the world and a realised saint. He is gifted with extra-ordinary intelligence, a deeply penetrating mind, critical insight, logical reasoning, philosophical analysis, religious purity, sublimity of renunciation and profound spirituality. His literary excellence makes him shine as a writer of exemplary Sanskrit prose and soul-inspiring philosophico-religious verses." - Chandradhar Sharma, 'The Advaita Tradition in Indian Philosophy'

>> No.13393298

>the original butterfly
Do you think you're on facebook?

>> No.13393303

Does that mean there wasn’t an original butterfly tripfag?

>> No.13393327

Not an argument. A single page of anything western btfos 1000 pages of Indian mystic crap.

>> No.13393329
File: 437 KB, 1164x1148, Christianity is NeoBaroque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>G-d will abuse you and you will LOVE IT

>> No.13393332

Butterfly is still here.
This poster >>13393264 doesn’t have the same trip code

>> No.13393340

God shows you how to avoid suffering. Its your fault if he punishes you. He loves you honey just accept it and go do your chores.

>> No.13393371

>10 bucks says this is guenonfag or some other zealot trying to push people away from Catholicism.
When certain Christians act so dumb that you have to accuse non-Christians of false-flagging because you're worried people will get a bad impression of Christianity

>> No.13393379

It's literally the truth what the so called false-flagger is saying though. If you reject Jesus you go to hell forever. Simple as.

>> No.13393380

Are you going to finish that sentence?

>> No.13393384

The Tao is deeper metaphysically

>> No.13393396

Aquinas is just applied Aristotle, most of his ontological arguments were already made hundreds of years earlier by Shankara in his refutations of Buddhist doctrines (and by many Islamic thinkers before Aquinas as well). The Catholic Church doesn't even fully agree with Aquinas and rejects ideas of his like the co-eternality of God and matter

>> No.13393407

None of that refutes the fact that you have heard Jesus and wilfully reject him out of pride.
God is merciful and will forgive you, so repent before its too late.
Lets not pretend any of your academic distractions matter.

>> No.13393413
File: 63 KB, 700x875, l-23463-let-me-in-why-so-i-can-save-you-from-what-im-going-to-do-to-you-if-you-dont-let-me-in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to green-text it but forgot the ">"

>> No.13393664

All the best western philosophers are unchristian.

not christian
about as christian as jordan peterson. literally ETERNALLY AND TRANSCENDENTALLY btfod all the actual christian philosphers
>all early modern philosophers
literally justed their own philosophy whenever they included religion (look at descartes)
>all postmodernists and phenomenologists
literally eternally btfo'd christianity, OR jordan petersonized it.
>german idealism
btfo'd christianity
>analytic philosophy
literally autistic, and STILL btfod christianity
Like, what good CHRISTIAN philosophers are there? Aquinas? Fat. Kierkegaard? Literally didnt contribute to anything at all. Hegel? Based, but again, like all other based christian philosophers, was only based in as far as he was UN christian. Blondel? Bro! Im not wearing a fedora. Its an UPSIDE DOWN fedora.

>> No.13393686

low evidence for god being real, pretty much no evidence for christian god being real

>> No.13393698

Not an argument. Repent or burn forever. God loves you.

>> No.13393717

Not an argument that’s a threat.
Pretty much what you do when you have no argument

>> No.13393720

>Not an argument
Exactly, I'm not arguing against your ideas but the way you present them is really off-putting to most people and comes off poorly. I"m sorry for insulting you but the way you present Christianity makes you look like a larper. I rarely use the word "larper" but this truly looks like larping to someone on the outside. You're posting all this "fash-wave" /pol/ type stuff that makes it seem like you're a Christian for the sake of it being Traditional. I like the enthusiasm but all this Christ-wave or whatever it's called and "Deus Vult" stuff looks bad and Christians look like they're only Christian for political reasons. Again, it's great you're fanatical about your faith but this isn't a good look.

>> No.13393745

But if it's shit, I suppose it was just the influence of paganism right ?

>> No.13393756
File: 1.17 MB, 1440x1440, 2krd253hb7t01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fact. If you reject jesus you burn for eternity. Fact. He loves you and you're choosing to go to hell, why?
Yes? That's not an argument.
Repent already. Or burn like the sodomite scum you are. God bless.

>> No.13393766

Burning will be great if people like you aren't there.

>> No.13393772

These pics are cringy as fuck and give a bad name to Catholicism linking it to cringy fashwave loving American autists LARPing fucks.

>> No.13393774

God is love and goodness. You choose to be far away from him so you will be in intense agony forever and ever for rejecting him.
He loves you though, so he's giving you a chance, just believe, repent, be baptised, and beg him for his forgiveness.

>> No.13393789

Nah, burning will be fine. At some point I'll become acclimated to the heat. It won't be that bad eventually. Love and goodness only mean anything relative to the entire other range of emotions.

>> No.13393802

It's constant suffering, and eternal, it is beyond what we can comprehend for it is not normal pain. The pain you feel will be intense, and the state will remain the same for eternity.You will never acclimatise to it.
God is not satisfied by a temporary punishment.
He loves you so he's giving you a chance here.

>> No.13393812

>metaphysical depth of Christianity
Lmao, imagine trying to convert some sub 80IQ African nigger to Christianity with this argument. I hate to break it to you, but people don’t believe in religions because of metaphysical depth. I’d argue with you but a quick glance of this thread shows that your mind is already made up, but it is utterly hilarious that you think metaphysical depth of a religion determines its success

>> No.13393816

That doesn't make sense, larp-kun. Even if it were unimaginable pain, if it was constant I'd become accustomed to it over time. Is there a variety of punishment? Well, you seem to not know! You say its incomprehensible, therefore you don't know and can't say I wouldn't get used to it.

>> No.13393817

We have redpilled minds here. Me preaching the metaphysics works. Dumb niggers can get the lazy fee fee crap.

>> No.13393823

It's pain that does not differ in magnitude, there is no linear time after death so there is no change in your suffering.
God is all powerful, you can't go against his will for you to suffer forever if you reject his love.

>> No.13393853

>you can't go against his will
Didn't he give me free will?
Wait but he's omnipotent, so he didn't.
So then why would he make me like this?
That's a shitty plan.
Maybe he enjoys it.
But he is unimaginable, right?
So then how do I know if he even enjoys things?
Why would he make me able to enjoy things if he was going to burn me anyway.
This seems like a very strange series of specific steps he's requesting.
He must have a good sense of humor.
Does he know what a joke is?
I guess he made giraffes and platypus.
Those are pretty funny looking animals.
Have you ever seen a matinee?
If not you should go to the zoo some time, larp-kun
Zoos are fun.
Might as well enjoy some of his jokes before he burns me forever.
Without time or something?
I dunno, this still doesn't make sense.
I think I'll go to the zoo next week.

>> No.13393859

I'd probably be a Christian if online Christians weren't tacky as hell

>> No.13393872
File: 83 KB, 1200x510, 1200px-Aten.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Aten is the only true God and your khabiri horseshit god is nothing but a minor deity from a small desert

>> No.13393888

>god is omnipresent
>evil exists
>god exists in evil
>god is not all good
where is the depth?

>> No.13393929

Make an argument

>> No.13394074

Nice argument you got there.
You tell others to repent but refuse to do so when a brother in Christ tells you to not sin.

>> No.13394582

yes it is. you said chrisitanity made western philosophy or whatever. i btfod your point

this is correct

this is also correct, based

>> No.13394599

All religions are garbage. Imagine thinking that you can get a glimpse of the God. It's essentially deluding yourself to believe that you get a number when you divide infinity by a number.

>> No.13394618

I've actually spoken to God and can remember what he said.

>> No.13394636

>He loves you so he's giving you a choice here,

Pelagian heresy.

>> No.13394637

Same, I mean I wouldn't go as far to say I've "spoken" with him. But he's proven his existence to me fine enough. I don't know which religion is the "right one" though.

This Feser guy seems interesting. Any other people who are against materialistic thought that I should know about?

>> No.13394648

What'd he say?

>> No.13394663

"Pack it in lad"
Since then I have been just.

>> No.13394669

This is why no one likes you people

>> No.13394770

You can read a piece of paper with the infinity symbol written down on it. It doesn't mean that you apprehend the infinity. Same thing for spiritual experiences. They're just experiences. Nothing more than that.

>> No.13394802

Pack it in lad

>> No.13394813



>> No.13394816

Rich Man and Lazarus
Wailing and gnashing of teeth

>> No.13394839

"reincarnation for everyone" is a late corruption of the original and correct ancient Aryan religion, dumbfuck

>> No.13394844

dude it's separation from god!
is just a nice way of putting it
it still doesn't fix the problem of hell
imo craig got BTFO in this debate

>> No.13394865

>taking parables literally
Also gnashing of teeth is a horrid mistranslation and actually refers to anger.
These individuals are weeping in anger at themselves and their choices, not in some pain

>> No.13394878

why doesn't god take mercy on them

>> No.13394897

Hell is the Presence of God for those who have rejected it as teached by the One True Church.

>> No.13394910

I may add that this caricature Dante tier view of Hell happens when you don't actually base your theology in the original Greek writings of the Apostles and Fathers and confuse Hades (a.k.a Sheol) with Gehenna (Hell).
Also, Protestants are so separated from the Apostolic Teaching that I hesitate about taking them seriously.

>> No.13394921

>What do mudshits and pooinloos have aside from dude weed ramblings?
There are some texts like upanishads but I agree most non christian texts are very shallow philosophical engagement. Islam has quite a bit of text but it's also very shallow. It's only Christian's who deal with notions of truth and observation and such and I'd argue it's from inheriting the Greek philosophical traditions whose students made up many of the early Christian's.

>> No.13394925

is it fair that sincere unbelievers are permanently seperated from god if they die before they find the truth? many would not reject god if they had faith, but one cannot force faith on themselves

>> No.13394927

Yeah I kinda agree this is an amazing interpretation of hell thanks for sharing.
I chose to believe stuck in delusion can change their ways and see the love around them

>> No.13394933

Only Americans can truly understand Christpunk.
We don't think about you at all.

>> No.13394935

I would argue these texts are far more impressive when you read them in their native language

>> No.13394938

the shit in that article is just modernist crap

>> No.13394941

Good point. Christianity is mostly about fee fees while any true authority within a state recognises that Christianity is weak to determine its aims.

>> No.13394947
File: 46 KB, 474x513, 1553240873136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metaphysical depth of Christianity
There is no such thing. Everything is just stolen from the pagans. And when you do steal pagan metaphysics you just end up making Christianity obsolete. Which is what happened to Catholicism.
>b-but Jesus is pure act of existence
No, Jesus is neither pure act of existence or Logos. He was a supposed God that walked on water and practiced carpentry.

Really only the proddies have figured out that Christianity should be completely devoid of metaphysic pondering and they're happy that way. They're what the old Testament and the new testament envisioned Christianity to be like. Faith > Reason.

>> No.13394962

All high art come from the One/the gods/brahman.

Also non-Abrahamic religions generally require less mental gymnastics about modernity, naturalism, and empirical science.

>> No.13394975

>The teachings of the Saints and Fathers are "modernist crap"

.. those who find themselves in hell will be chastised by the scourge of love. How cruel and bitter this torment of love will be! For those who understand that they have sinned against love, undergo no greater suffering than those produced by the most fearful tortures. The sorrow which takes hold of the heart, which has sinned against love, is more piercing than any other pain. It is not right to say that the sinners in hell are deprived of the love of God ... But love acts in two ways, as suffering of the reproved, and as joy in the blessed! (Saint Isaac of Syria, Mystic Treatises).

>> No.13394978
File: 50 KB, 550x543, 1553307428196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one rejects a free gift you absolute retard. Christians speaking about a free gift is like giving the cure to a cancer patient by putting it down in a storm drain outside his house in the dead of night and then mocking him when he died having not taken the "free gift".

>> No.13395003

This. It's such bullshit.
I don't care much for my own salvation, but it pains me to imagine that my mother is to "burn forever" "be separated from god" etc however you want to call it, just because she didn't find faith in time.
If I was Christian I would pray daily that God would show mercy on those in hell.

>> No.13395006

The old testament is literally one of the least subtle and philosophically sophisticated of any written religion. Even religions that are rooted in prerecorded chalcolithic culture like the Epic if Gilgamesh and the Eddas are more sophisticated than the Old Testament. As for the new testaments, most everything of value is rooted in Hellenic philosophy and paganism.

>> No.13395016

N-no that can't be true, God and his followers are #1 in sophistication

>> No.13395026

Christianity has no metaphysical depth. Neoplatonism and Advaita Idealism do though. Christianity is super cringy, christcucks fail at philosophy that's why they can only speak in brainwash language.

>> No.13395031

>Shut the fuck up hippy, and read this fucking Aquinas.

I don't think that's how a 'religious' person talks

>> No.13395035

>If you reject Jesus you go to hell forever

I thought God didn't intervene in human affairs?

>> No.13395054

Im not a Christfag, but I have to disagree with you on this one. I'd consider myself a Platonist and/or pagan, but if the Christians are indeed correct, then I can only hope that I find myself in hell when I die because, if they really are correct in their religious beliefs, then it was a sort of ontological and ethical mistake for me to not be Christian. Of course I strongly doubt that this is actually the case, but if my lack of faith is a sort of ontological blemish on the cosmos, a source of corruption or imperfectiin, then if my eternal damnation is required to set thing right, then so be it.

>> No.13395086

If that's the case then what a shit universe he's created
I mean if I go to hell, then so be it, but it's not because I wish to be a cosmological cuckold like you; I just cannot worship and beg forgiveness from a thing that seems so outrageous
whether that's reasonable or not, I feel I don't care
too much seems to be based on abstract reason
"ontological blemish" blah

>> No.13395151

My point is this: that the fundamental failure of Christianity is that it is motivated by the desire to achieve personal salvation, rather than cosmic justice and harmony. Our goal should not be to achieve personal salvation - if this is where our values lie than we have never escaped the hedonism and empty materialism of the transient and finite material world. In the case, we are simply in the position of downtrodden and hopeless beggars, obsessed with their own misfortune and predicament.
If we ever escape the individualism and hedonism of the corporeal world, it is in the process of surmounting these individualistic desires (much like Kierkegaard's teleological suspension of the ethical).

If one has truly escaped the shackles of the material world, if they are ready to embrace the eternal and commit their entire being and existence to the eternal over and above the finite, then they must be willing to take on any burden in service of the eternal. If this entails that I must endure suffering to rectify a fundamental evil, then so be it. Whatever it takes to make things right in the end. That is certainly more important than whether I suffer or do not. In fact, that is all that really matters. As for my "self" or dasein - well there are many more of those.

>> No.13395244

Because the Lord didn't imbue me with intelligence for me not to use it.

>> No.13395253

>Pagan metaphysics
o i am laffin

>He was a supposed God that walked on water and practiced carpentry.
Hypostatic union isn't even the trickiest part of Christianity but apparently even this is too much for you

The fact that you see some strange disconnect between faith, reason, and metaphysics is even worse.

Confirmed for never having read Augustine, Aquinas, or literally anything else. Protestant lack metaphysical depth, granted, but Catholicism and Orthodoxy are rich in philosophical influence.

>motivated by the desire to achieve personal salvation, rather than cosmic justice and harmony
You're already off base. Personal salvation is a function of cosmic justice and harmony, why would you ever consider these apart?

>> No.13395328

I would agree with an interpretation of salvation along those lines. I'm sure Kierkegaard and St. Augustine would, roughly speaking agree. But I have talked to many less sophisticated Christians that relish in the idea that they will have an eternity of bliss and no worry. That if they beat all the levels and unlock all the achievement than God will reward them with an indefinitely prolonged corporeal existence, while they look on at all the wreched non-believers and sinners who frusturated them so much when they all walked together in the material world.

>> No.13395343

Absolutely agree, and well put. There is certainly an element of Christianity that leads to individualism and liberalism. While at the same time there may be an element of traditional religion which led to the death of God that leads to a funeral resurrection in the Abrahamic religions.
Our goal today should be to unite this Nietzschean failure with that failure of of pagan religions, understand what caused such spiritual weakness of Western man and so return us to power.
A weakness which will return us to the Lay of Igors Host, or something like it. A Battle on the Ice or something even more destructive, but within which our Western spirits will survive. Such a position is not at all easy, and it even exists in opposition to the current sentiment. yet, it seems to be the natural trajectory.
As hostile as I am to Christianity, I have to admit the power in its destructive sorrow, a peace which resides in its reconciliation with mass death. I don't think that that either traditional paganism or Christianity can capture the depth of what approaches on the horizon.

>> No.13395348

I completely agree with your assessment, depressing as it is for the overall state of Christianity at the moment. I blame mainstream Protestant theology for pushing this "party in the sky with your best friend Jesus" style of salvation. It produces exactly the mindset you noted.

>> No.13395357

>hypostatic union
>divine simplicity
pick one. The Bible contradicts all your attempts at appropriating pagan metaphysics and it just makes all of you look silly.

>> No.13395365

Im genuinely happy to find someone on /lit/ who can to some extent appreciate my views on these things. I think more people are starting to explore similar ideas and possibilities.

>> No.13395371

Hypostatic union by its very definition preserves divine simplicity, thats the whole point of the concept. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.13395375


the actual neoplatonic/gnostic theology that christianity draws from regarding the soul is pretty much exactly the same as true buddhism, hinduism, vedanta...basically any non retarded religion. don't fall for these divide and conquer shills

>> No.13395421

Religious literature of any kind is only ever as deep as the hole it digs itself trying to explain away the contradictory nature of a god.

>> No.13395426

>christian mental gymnastics
Sorry but none of it will square your personal, angry, vengeful, formerly tribal and human God with divine simplicity and/or monism.

No one is buying it, and they never will.

>> No.13395432

Myself as well. There is a horrifying element here in that we may be at our very end, but those at the limit of Christian and pagan theology could perhaps hold onto the very last human values.
While the Christian is not European in origin it does identify with international law. And to some extent we must barter with these processes. Eventually humanity must return as the the dominant image of exchange rather than any currency.

>> No.13395472

Thats cute, metaphysics become "mental gymnastics" when they're not your preferred variety. Also cute is how you claim to support Pagan beliefs yet criticize a deity for being "angry, vengeful, formerly tribal." Pagan deities are nothing if not tribal, and many have traits that could be considered angry and vengeful. I don't say this as a negative even, but you have not a leg to stand on here.

>No one is buying it, and they never will.
You're just being disingenuous now, there is at least 1800 years of thought behind these ideas, and millions of people (I won't even count EVERY Christian who has ever lived) who have subscribed to them in all seriousness.

I don't have to agree with you but you can tell a lot about someone's standing based on how they argue against a position. You're showing yourself as a bitter brainlet. Ironic thing is, I'm probably more sympathetic to Paganism than most, but you're not doing yourself any favors.

>> No.13395499

>Pagan beliefs yet criticize a deity for being "angry, vengeful, formerly tribal."
Yeah and those pagan believers didn't say that those Gods were "pure act of existence" or whatever.
>You're just being disingenuous now, there is at least 1800 years of thought behind these ideas, and millions of people (I won't even count EVERY Christian who has ever lived) who have subscribed to them in all seriousness.
And the moment they had a choice not to follow Christianity they stopped. Separation of church and state killed Christianity quicker than something that dies quickly.

>> No.13395525

>Yeah and those pagan believers didn't say that those Gods were "pure act of existence" or whatever.
Right, they didn't really say much of anything about that, since they had no metaphysics. Isn't it funny how that works? They usually popped out of the ground, or were the victors of some previous war with even more powerful gods, or something else, but their grounding and existence was a complete mystery. They were basically humans with long lives and more powers. You're talking yourself in circles and you don't even realize it.

>And the moment they had a choice not to follow Christianity they stopped. Separation of church and state killed Christianity quicker than something that dies quickly.
Right, thats why nobody today is Christian, right? Do you even hear yourself? This is embarrassing my man. You really aren't very good at this. You can't keep your story straight and you can't make a point without exaggerations or outright fabrications.

>> No.13395565
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>Right, they didn't really say much of anything about that, since they had no metaphysics.
But then where did you steal all your metaphysics from?
>You're talking yourself in circles and you don't even realize it.
You're clearly too dumb to realize what is going on right now.
>Right, thats why nobody today is Christian, right?
Yeah it has completely collapsed. It's only surviving outside of Europe. And trust me these new converts in Africa aren't being swayed by Aristotelian physics.
>I'm probably more sympathetic to Paganism than most
That is because you're not authentically Christian. Not even you can fully believe in it.

Because if you did then you would advocate the destruction of all pagan derived learning, arts and culture like all the greatest saints of the Church did such as Shenoute, St Basil, Cyril, Benedict of Nursia, Chryostom, Augustine. But you no longer think the saving of souls is the most important thing in the world, and that allowing people to sin is not actually compassion.

>> No.13395569

Keep in mind, anon, that existence of alternative paganisms has not posed the same threat to paganism as it does to Christians. In many cases, pagans adopted the gods of other Pagans, even cultures they conquered! Pagans have never claimed that there was one "true" paganism. In fact, there is evidence of iron age dharmic artifacts and figurines as far as northern and eastern europe. Of course will never fully know what those men and women thought who lived in remote parts of pagan Europe during late antiquity/the early middle ages, but I think they knew these were figurines of foreign gods and appreciated and respected them. Maybe on some level they understood that these unknown and mysterious gods of this far away culture represented the same eternal truths that they were exploring in their own myths and legends. We are all part of a bigger story, and we may call it history, or nature, or the One. Regardless, there are truly beautiful and sublime depictions of this fact throughout the world and human history. Do not vainly presume to have found a vantage point above all others.

>> No.13395602

>But then where did you steal all your metaphysics from?
Its as if it wasn't stolen from Paganism. Just a thought.

>Yeah it has completely collapsed. It's only surviving outside of Europe.
Patently false. Lower rates, yes. Collapsed, no.

>And trust me these new converts in Africa aren't being swayed by Aristotelian physics.

>That is because you're not authentically Christian. Not even you can fully believe in it.
I am.

I'm aware of this, which is why I didn't try to paint any one pantheon or Pagan tradition with too broad a brush, but identified general trends.

>We are all part of a bigger story, and we may call it history, or nature, or the One. Regardless, there are truly beautiful and sublime depictions of this fact throughout the world and human history.
I don't disagree with this, nor do I think that non-Christian traditions are without value.

>> No.13395981

based anti-christian false flagger

>> No.13396067


Rebirth is real, sorry. Your God is not. Your religion doesn't make any sense, and is also extremely narcissistic - literally nowhere in the whole of your theologies did you even remember the existence of non-human animals, and describe their significance, and their fate. Your God (and his "son") is wholly human, and is even smaller than our own species, given how his only attributes are anthropomorphic, and he has even less attributes than we ourselves do. He created buttholes, for example, yet he himself apparently doesn't possess one - despite us being made in His image, and therefore our butthole should be the direct proof of His Butthole, as a watch is to the Watchmaker.

We have been other animals before, probably, and can also become species higher than human. You scoff at this idea probably, because your human ego brings you to see the world as being wholly human in nature, the anthropomorphic solipsism found of our species and which founded the Abrahamic traditions. But your derision of such a notion is no different to a pig, a highly intelligent mammal, feeling itself superior to the other creatures of nature. From the perspective of DMT beings, we ourselves are nothing more than a higher version of the crude and simplistic animal kingdom.

Buddhism is ideologically correct, and should be followed by anyone wishing to leave the cycle of Samsara. Christianity is political control, and should be followed by anyone who wishes to prolong their suffering in the material plane for as much time as possible. The choice is up to you.

May all beings know happiness, and the causes of happiness.

>> No.13396116

No one wants to go to the zoo? :(

>> No.13396151

>the actual neoplatonic/gnostic theology that christianity draws from regarding the soul is pretty much exactly the same as true buddhism, hinduism, vedanta...

could you please elaborate on this? where can I read about this?

>> No.13396167

t.jordan peterson

>> No.13396202


i don't feel well enough to give long elaborations, but the nag hammadi bible read along with plato's dialogues is probably the fastest way to understand the western/middle eastern perspective. knowing a decent amount of 'occult' knowledge is also somewhat helpful in learning in an intuitive manner

as far as the eastern philosophy goes, there isn't anyone alive that explains things better than ken wheeler/theoria apophasis on youtube. any video he has on philosophy will help you

>> No.13396259

Obvious false flag Catholics ITT are obvious.

>> No.13396278


>> No.13396313

>copy Greek and Roman philosophy
>call it your own

>> No.13396464

>The only way is through Jesus.
One step away from becoming as bad as Mudslimes. Well, to be fair, historically speaking, you were on their level, and it seems you want to return to that fanaticism. Will you bring back Judas cradle, stake, cauldrons full of oil, breast ripper, or other gruesome torture methods for those who can't embrace Jesus? I'm glad Christianity was neutered by the Enlightenment era.

>> No.13396498

this desu

>> No.13396545
File: 290 KB, 1645x719, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the Hesychasts?

>> No.13396786

What your real angle, nigga

>> No.13396802

If OP is a false flagger, then good shit, because this is probably the best serious thread of the month.

>> No.13396932

These broporwave pics are pretty gay, OP.

>> No.13397084

Cringeworthy imageboard """Catholicism""" is this decades atheism

>> No.13397209

>when no religion anywhere near reaches the metaphysical depth of Christianity?
Is this a joke ? Christianity has the depth of a fucking rock.

>> No.13397219

total cringe dude

>> No.13397221

Yes it is. They're very arrogant, condescending, and generally insufferable.

>> No.13397237

Yeah well I prefere having a life of hookers, cocaine and egoanarchism and then when im 90 regret it and go te heaven. God forgives right?

>> No.13397294

Bertrand Russell and Alfred Tarski wrote philosophy packed with logic and reason. But we're not talking about epistemology or logic. The question is whether Judeochristian religion is somehow metaphysically and existentially privilged above any other.

>> No.13397307
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>Christfags are getting upity again

>> No.13397315
File: 52 KB, 500x665, Jesus-Christ-Cartoon-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christlarpers keep posting this pic. So I assume it would be fine to repent on the last few miles.

>> No.13397320

Considering the validity of Christianity, he won't suffer, he'll merely stop existing after the Judgement.

Existence is here because of love, and without love (God cannot hate) he won't exist.

A win-win for all, right?