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/lit/ - Literature

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13386430 No.13386430 [Reply] [Original]

What's the great Australian novel?

>> No.13386433

Cunty Book by some cunt

>> No.13386467

Only real countries, with real souls write great novels. This is why Ireland and America and Spain and England have produced great novels. Australia never will. Neither will Canada.

>> No.13386486


>> No.13386490

Jaspar Jones?

the real question is what is the great australian play.. I know but you will have to deduce it from the codes I have left in this message

>> No.13386492

I'm australian and we literally have no culture (obviously some but none compared to almost any country) we are literally a clone of the UK which became a clone of America in the 60s

>> No.13386505

That's it you dumb faggots. I'm making a new list of Australian literature. Jasper Jones? Christ. No culture? Christ.

>> No.13386518

Are you fucking joking faggot?, worst shit we had to swallow in high school

>> No.13386522

I've never read it desu

>> No.13386523


>> No.13386533
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Gerald Munrane
He’s all you need, enjoy desu, sorry for getting heated, but, just, you know, fuck jasper jones back to hell

>> No.13386537

You’re a fucking idiot

>> No.13386550

denial. Americanism has infected the world almost ubiquitously. Culture is reduced to an industry.

>> No.13386566

Its called Globalism anon. A monoculture is easier to control

>> No.13386569
File: 21 KB, 300x400, The-Day-My-Bum-Went-Psycho-by-Andy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure /lit/ Kino.

>> No.13386573

yeah it's unironically comedy kino

>> No.13386574

Now that brings back memories. That and the books about the Surfboarder were my childhood

>> No.13386580
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can ANY YA/childrens author compete with BASED Rodda

>> No.13386581

Fuck Deltora Quest was awesome. I still have the whole collection somewhere around here.

>> No.13386584
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*blocks your path*

>> No.13386586
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Are Australian authors and readers REALLY like this???

>> No.13386591

Do you expect anything less from a bunch of convicts?

>> No.13386593
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Not so fast there, mate

>> No.13386598

>American Author
I remember reading the gone series when I was a kid and thinking how big brained I was for reading such a large book series. Then I go back to my copies and see how giant the text size was.

>> No.13386602

Poor Fellow My Country

>> No.13386618
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I want to write a book about a dingo and a crow who go on a journey from fuckshit nowhere in the Northern Territory to Brisbane. Sort of in the vein of those cane toad books.

>> No.13386731

Make it DEEP though

>> No.13386746
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>that hand gesture on the right
that sure looks familiar...

>> No.13386839

Death of a River Guide

>> No.13386845
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>> No.13386851

Jesus christ. I mean, aristokiddies are usually cultural myopes and aesthetes, but this is just ahistorical. Capitalism has filled the greatest dearth of creative output since the advent of the written fucking word. Don't pleb out so hard next time.

>> No.13386854

David Chalmers and Peter Singer are both Australian and are two of the most influential/important philosophers currently.

>> No.13386858

The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer

>> No.13386864

lol one talks about zombies and the other talks about fucking animals. shut the fuck up you dipshit

>> No.13386867

It's Voss and I can't believe no one has said it yet.

>> No.13386869

The Power of One

>> No.13386879

american iq in action

>> No.13386901
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What do Australia /lit/izens think of the mad lad Paul Jennings?

>> No.13386909

Racist homophobe no doubt.

>> No.13386910


>> No.13386919

Dixieland unironically has soul, all of America's genuine cultural output comes from there.
The rest of the country relies on wops and beaners to make up the cultural deficit.
t. Ozfailian

>> No.13386925

Only true 'greats' I can think of are Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson, but they're only really locally renowned.
My earliest books were all written by him.
That was Australian? Noice.

>> No.13386926

kangaroo by dh lawrence

>> No.13386932

Deep culture comes from suffering, that's why all the greatest authors come from Russia/East Europe and Latin America, take for example: >>13386919
The South is the only part of America that contributes, your favorite American author is almost certainly a Dixiefag (if you have any taste). Poverty, slavery, war, the South is the only part of America that qualifies, the rest of the country is a grey cosmopolitan morass.

>> No.13386936

meant for

>> No.13386940

There are none, Ozfags make kino but they're too dumb for textual mediums.

>> No.13386941
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>> No.13386954


>> No.13386969


>> No.13387022

Oscar & Lucinda

>> No.13387023

why is the vast majority of Australian literature children's literature?

>> No.13387035
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>> No.13387037

nanny state

>> No.13387046
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Its not. Matthew Reilly, for example, writes some damn good action schlock, and my Nan used to love some mystery writer whos name I cant remember off the top of my head.

>> No.13387062

I've realised that, despite being Australian, I've never read a book by Australian that wasn't a children's book (Matthew Reilly is still a children's author for young males).

>> No.13387070

I can't relate to Victorians.

>> No.13387075

Read Power Without Glory. It was written by a commie but its pretty good. Theres also picnic at hanging rock but you've probably already seen the movie, My Brother Jack was solid and I've heard Cloudstreet was good too.

>> No.13387081

The Man Who Loved Children

>> No.13387086
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>> No.13387099

I'm not against euthanasia but I thought it was a bit bizarre that he decided to create such a massive media circus about his own death.

>> No.13387135

We have no novelists, only poets.

Banjo Patterson
Henry Lawson
Les Murray
AD Hope
James McAuley

Are the best.

>> No.13387138

Picnic at Hanging Rock

>> No.13387168
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The Great Replacement

>> No.13387202

>subscribe to Pewdiepie
Truly the voice of a generation

>> No.13387210

/lit/ thoroughly exposed in this thread

>> No.13387279

isn't that the book where he fucks a skull or something?

>> No.13387283
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>> No.13387753

I like Greg Egan, but Im not sure he has wrote a "great" novel yet. Better with short stories.
Dont know more strayans

>> No.13387776
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>unironically being a europoor

>> No.13387832

Great works have dropped off as the world has become more capitalist. The only creative output capitalism has facilitated are the likes of harry potter.

>> No.13387869

tarrant's manifesto

>> No.13387912
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>> No.13388089
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>> No.13388094

>genuine cultural output
what does this mean? What is "cultural output"? Can it be measured? Is it just local idiosyncracies?

>> No.13389153


>> No.13390491
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Capitalism has ONLY produced great works and is the only economic system to work on a system of true sense. Every great work of the past is reproduced, including the near-past reproductions, over and over as instances of the creative constitution or "output" of (world) culture.

>> No.13390498

*Work on a logic of true sense.

>> No.13390838

I'm visiting Australia presently. In Brisbane now.
I have never seen a more laughable, unjustifiably arrogant nation than the retards that inhabit this city.
Just idiots.
Sydney and Melbourne are next. Friends tell me they'll be better places with more intelligent inhabitants but I don't count on it.
New Zealand after my stay here so back to civilisation.

>> No.13390854

What's so laughable about Brisbane tourist?

>> No.13390892

You have no night life. My friend and his wife went for dinner in the city and people were worried about being locked out of restaurants or bars. You have laws to stop people entering buildings after dark?
You have I think 1 bookstore in your city. A dymock store. 1 book store?!
Quite possibly the most boring museum I have ever seen and art gallery too is very dated. I think you people stopped trying after 1985.
Your prettiest building has been converted into a casino and I am told most of your foundation old buildings were destroyed for grey block towers.
Also you can not smoke anywhere!
So many rules. I asked at front desk if the state will send someone to hold my hand everywhere. It feels like I am bound to break rules.

>> No.13390910

This is why travel should be illegal. Faggots like you deserve to get bit to death by the niggeroos or whatever lurks in the Australian night

>> No.13390911
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So literally nothing then.

>> No.13390923

Have a better city faggot.
Also your women are fat and very ugly.
And the men are fat and are poorly dressed without personal pride.
You can tell it is many other countries reject citizens who live here in their multicultural heaven.

>> No.13390932

You think no entertainment or culture is not laughable for a so-called world city?
You are just like the hillbillies playing at being sophisticated as the Brisbane city people appear.

>> No.13390945

>You think no entertainment or culture is not laughable for a so-called world city?
Who calls Brisbane a world city? Don't blame Brisbane because you can't entertain yourself.

>> No.13390957

Tell me how you entertain yourself in Brisbane?
do not include activities that rely on not interacting with the people and environment.

>> No.13390959

I'm not Australian, retard. I just recognize ungrateful cunts whose travel should be restricted to a gas chamber.

>> No.13390965

And there is australian arrogance!
Blame a tourist for not enjoying their city. You make no attempt to welcome visitors. Most signage is English or mandarin. It is not accomodating to Europeans.

>> No.13390970

>has never left his house

>> No.13390978

I read :^)

>> No.13390985

die a violent death

>> No.13390995
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>Foreigners complain about Australia being full of retards and hillbillies
>Come home to this

>> No.13391023

You might prefer Fortitude Valley

>> No.13391050

>go to a "city" that is a couple of skyscrapers and 90% suburbs
>complain that theres nothing to do
should have done your research
t. brisbanite

>> No.13391071

Fuck off Kraut stop bitching about your own stupid decisions. I mean really, you went to Brisbane first instead of fucking Sydney or Canberra? even Melbourne would have been more your style. You dont go to Queensland for Brisbane, you go for places like Harvey Bay, Cairns and Bundaberg.

>> No.13391124
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hello fellow australian friends :)
what are you doing today

>> No.13391125

>You have no night life
Who the fuck goes to the CBD for night life lmao.

>1 book store?!
No, I can think of at least 5 within 5 minutes walk of that Dymocks. There's one less than 100 metres away.

I'll admit that the museum and art gallery is shit but who cares

>> No.13391128

>CRTL+F "Randolph Stow"
>0 results

/lit/ is fucking TRASH

>> No.13391132

underrated novel

>> No.13391136

Dying from the flu. Dont go outside without a coat kids.

>> No.13391337
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>> No.13391340


>> No.13391342
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>> No.13391383

brisbane is boring because the Gold Coast is a 50 minute drive away.

>> No.13391526

based brisbanite larping as a disgruntled tourist to scare away the overly delicate poofs (melbournites) that would care about that shit.
not /lit/ but nice derail

>> No.13391724
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>piece of media about australia
>its about the outback
this shit is starting to get really repetitive

>> No.13391731

The outback's the most interesting part of Australia

>> No.13391735

>an empty desert is the most interesting part of the country
reeee, etc.

>> No.13391748

Considering it's most of the country, and the most known part of the country, I say it's more than empty

>> No.13391779
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