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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 956x809, a gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13388280 No.13388280 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading on my Kindle outside. Where's my /lit/ gf. I went outside and sat in a park and I'm reading so now it should happen.

>> No.13388285

Why would you love a loser for who he is when you can love a winner?

>> No.13388290
File: 249 KB, 600x600, 1552092916206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer me this.
Why do you want a gf?

>> No.13388291

did you remember to follow the steps anon?

>> No.13388296

I don't know.

>> No.13388298

Yeah, usually if you want a gf you are seen as damaged.

>> No.13388302
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>> No.13388315

I've never tried to get one so I can't be seen as anything

>> No.13388321

What steps?

>> No.13388323

Alternatively you could be having ur mind read and publicized by the United states government as everything you know to be right is taken away from you and u become so isolated that it's impossible to make relationships w ppl and have none of ur family on ur side as u hop different countries trying to escape and any progress u make is demeaned and every trip is maximized and u can't go anywhere without ppl knowing. You could also attempt suicide several times for everyone to laugh at u and punish u more because u didn't succeed (despite intentions).

This world is absolutely evil anon and uve got it pretty easy

>> No.13388324


>> No.13388328

Part of growing up is seeing that gfs don’t exist, they’re just puppies that follow you around.
Oddly enough a lot of upbringings push a view of give and take, of fulfillment - but in my experiences I’ve never had that.

>> No.13388335
File: 610 KB, 609x757, 1555687743081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women arent capable or love

>> No.13388336


>> No.13388346


>> No.13388348

If I can survive a hospital drugging me to be crazy by giving me medicines I don't need and them, as well as police etc, trying to kidnap u and turn u crazy and everyone being completely convinced this is perfectly normal and I somehow am doing fine for this (despite having ridiculously met the requirements to be off this and rejecting any "prizes" I may get at the end) then you can go to a shitty reading club and talk to a girl (assuming there aren't any homeless ppl trying to chop ur dick off while random uni students tell u if anyone sees nobody will say a thing or looking at u w pure hatred and telling everyone (as everything you're doing is advertised to the world) to scrape it off in which case find another book club)

>> No.13388349

>Wanting some tramp to take your money, time, and sanity.
I can't wait to get off work, cook some brauts on the grill, and smoke a cigar on the porch while reading with my cat. While female companionship is nice, it is ultimately a tether that would detract from these simple joys of bachelorhood.

>> No.13388350
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did you remember to leave a basket full of berries and other nice stuff next to you?

>> No.13388360

This, watch ao haru ride

>> No.13388367

This ofc despite being entirely right about everything and this only being initiated after ppl betrayed me and the guise of respecting ppl gets dropped if u have nobody close to u

>> No.13388376

she doesn't say "I love you for who you are". It was a test and you failed: learn how to read.

>> No.13388385

there's your problem anon
nobody can see what you're reading so they can't see how worldly wise you are

>> No.13388406

She can just come sit next to me and then ask me can't she?

>> No.13388409

Yes cuck dilate

>> No.13388418
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>> No.13388423

Nibba, use dating services and social media, lolz.

>> No.13388425

i dont like those feet so i didnt read the words on the pic. u mad discord tranny?

>> No.13388426

That way you'll just find someone that's horny. Not someone /lit/

>> No.13388434

>About myself:
>If you haven't read Dubliners at least 3 times, don't bother to reply
There, problem solved.

>> No.13388440

No you don't get it. The fact that I was desperate enough to go on a dating service was already very cringy

>> No.13388445

Yes mon petit pussy, that's exactly right. Go jerk off ure way too cringy to get a gf obv

>> No.13388464

I've never used a dating app but if I do that would be cringy. Imagine how desperate the person on the other side is too.

>> No.13388479

They aren't u moron it's normal. We don't live in the fifties or 1800s anymore

>> No.13388483 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 2000x2724, 1501430583978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is simple.

As you get older you begin to notice how everything deteriorates and declines. At first you see it in others and it's easy to accept. You just hide in cynicism and nihilism. But then you begin to see it in yourself. How everything gets old quicker, how you lose the childlike wonder, how your health and mind slowly but surely stop developing and actually start slowly declining, no matter how high your IQ is and how much you learn.

Then it hits you - how brief everything is, how every moment from now on will be lesser than the last one. And then you want to live! You want to live so much it hurts. To surround yourself not with stories and fictional worlds, but with people. To experience emotions, to experience love, to be loved, for this is something that soon will be forever lost for you, even before everything else. For someone to look at you and actually accept you for who you are and to tell you that to them you are everything they ever wanted. And then you want to experience things together and LOVE before you grow old and your mind, so clear right now, gets clouded and you just go into nothingness.

>> No.13388485

Girls now just think you're a loser with no friends.

>> No.13388491


>> No.13388497
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>life is short
>better spend it with an annoying loud cunt
Incel logic

>> No.13388556
File: 224 KB, 1500x1501, 1556910873927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno, I'm 30, earn a ton of cash, great job, had a fair share of girls. But now I get this extreme sense of existential dread I never experienced. Feels like my best years are behind me and no amount of cash or excercise can fix that. I spent my life doing nothing but learning stuff, playing vidya and reading books. I wish I could take a girl to fanciest restaurants in town but have noone to go out with. Sex is not that hard to come by, but I want to feel some connection to the other person and by now it feels impossible, like I lost all the chances while pursuing career or just sitting in front of PC.

>> No.13388862

>He's only 30

>> No.13389246

Saw kindle in the thread, have a question about kindle. Does kindle support manga? I usually pirate my books.

>> No.13389279

Because all human beings are work of art, and there is an accessibility relation between all consciousnesses

>> No.13389313

Kindles don't usually have color. Except kindle fire but that's not a real kindle it's more like a tablet.
They can support pdfs and shit as well as mobi if you don't mind black and white

>> No.13389379


Indeed, identity is vital to love, and antithetic to women.

>> No.13389582

OP here. I went back inside because nothing happened. This didn't work

>> No.13389675

Well fuck. Now what?

>> No.13389687

I guess I'll make an account on some dating website then or join a book club at university?

>> No.13389700

Nah, don't do the dating site thing. Only the worst women imaginable are on there. Think about it like this: what does it say about a woman that she isn't able to get enough male attention IRL, so she has to go to the internet to find it?

>> No.13389707

Then what?

>> No.13389713

Well I dunno, what is your goal?

>> No.13389822


>> No.13389912

faggot. That's the issue. Read a real book

>> No.13390155

Can someone just list off places to meet women irl please? Maybe a list of 10 would be ideal.

>> No.13390180

College (this includes clubs, social activities, classes, etc).
Social activities
Places of worship
Cultural centers/events
Volunteer activities
Social circles

>> No.13390201


>> No.13390228

Ignore this faggot he's into interracial sex slavery

>> No.13390269

churches are easy pickings but you typically can't fuck them until marriage and only for the purpose of procreation

>> No.13390280

But the chances of finding someone of the exact same race is tough.

>> No.13390297

Depends on where you live and what race you're after.

>> No.13390310

Umm sweaty, just because you read doesn't entitle you to a gf

>> No.13390348

Elaborate please. Can you literally roll up to church and basically pick out a girl and date her soon after?

>t. definitely not an incel

>> No.13390705

reminder that all the other men your age are also at church trying to pick up the chicks. if there are young women at the church you go to, they are already taken or will be by someone who showed up way before you.

>> No.13390710

>they are already taken or will be by someone who showed up way before you.
With that attitude you'll never get a woman.

>> No.13390737

I'm saying specifically at a church. Besides, church girls rarely have any better morals, and the ones that do will detect your insincerity easily. I'm just trying to do you guys a favor and tell you to look elsewhere before you waste any time. Besides, christianity is fake and gay.

>> No.13390835

Okay but if you are a late 20s early 30s khv then you don't look out of place because of the saving yourself for marriage meme right? Also, in theory women shouldn't be complete roasties right? Or am I misinformed?

>> No.13390850

Here OP talk to my gf

>> No.13390896

>Okay but if you are a late 20s early 30s khv then you don't look out of place because of the saving yourself for marriage meme right?
Of course you look out of place. You're going to church to get laid, which is shameful, pathetic, distasteful, and cringe as fuck. Saving yourself for marriage is a joke nowadays, churches are not bastions of morality and haven't been for too long. The women at church are not any different from the women elsewhere. They consume the same degenerate media, the work in the same places, they use the same apps on their phones, etc etc. They'll have little "niche" tastes in the bullshit they consume (marvel vs dc, etc) but none of it is fundamentally different. In any case, your insincerity will be a dead giveaway. Normalfags will be able to smell it on you effortlessly, especially because if you're at a point where you're looking for advice on how to go to a fucking CHURCH to get a gf on 4chan, we all know you have little social skills, no confidence, and probably little introspection (beyond self-hatred which is egotistical in its own right). You're putting the cart waaaay before the horse, buddy.

>> No.13391011

Not him but I don't think anyone believes churches are bastions of morality. It's just an easy (or easier) way to socialize since it attracts a lot of people who go for the purpose of socialization. Quite frankly most people who go to church do it for that reason more than any religious one. Churches are recommended often because the other good option that is often recommended, college, tends to only work for a limited time as compared to churches that are always welcoming people. As I said previously most people at most churches aren't as religious as one would think so the issue of "sincerity" isn't as much of a deal breaker as you suggest (though it is if you wanted a very devout woman, but I agree that one shouldn't necessarily expect that at church).

It should be a given before anyone even bothers with church or any other location that he needs to work on his social skills first though.

>> No.13392085

5 dollars? Come on dude.

>> No.13392581

what if churches frown on people that talk this way?