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13385682 No.13385682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's the most based Greek God?

>> No.13385712

Zeus obviously

>> No.13385974
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>> No.13385977

Dionysus, obviously

>> No.13385985

Ares, obviously.

>> No.13386014

Self evidently Apollo.

>> No.13386182

>Abducts, rapes, and murders little boys
Yeah, obviously Zeus

>> No.13386190

This. Dionysus is the patricians choice. Hence the Bacchanalia

>> No.13386205


>> No.13386219

>Induces madness to your mother, makes her mutilate you and establises his cult before dissappearing again
Psstt... nothing personal, barbaroi

>> No.13386238

Wow, is Zeus a catholic priest?

>> No.13386251
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May Okeanus and Kronos return

>> No.13386304
File: 1015 KB, 867x1200, 18EFF076-A512-4B2C-9216-19A500109964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, came her to say this. His Roman name is cool as fuck: Liber Pater. If you guys are really interested in Dionysus, I highly recommend you read Alain Danielou’s book Gods of Love and Ecstasy

>> No.13386340

Glad we agree.

>> No.13386349

They're all shit. Prometheus is the real chad

>> No.13386358

Op asked for olympians. Titans need not reply

>> No.13386364

>Greek Gods
>Not Titans

Prometheus whips the white bull any day

>> No.13386382
File: 22 KB, 300x484, 300px-Diomedes_Glyptothek_Munich_304_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a demigod. But he's still the best.

>> No.13386398

Based Hephaestus
>ugly as fuck
>thrown out of heaven by his own mom for being so ugly
>somehow ends up with a giga stacey regardless

>> No.13386401

He was flung from Olympus by Zeus, not his mum. Fag.

>> No.13386411

t. brainlet

>> No.13386418

Reminder hephaestus was cucked by ares

>> No.13386435

Apollo because he created the Cithara
Also Pan because he taught Daphnis how to make the flute

>> No.13386440

Artemis is my Greekfu.

>> No.13386444

Pan was a literal incel

>> No.13386448
File: 80 KB, 800x600, 800px-Museo_Archeologico_Nazionale_di_Napoli_56[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rlated

But, anon, her atribute is not being anyone's waifu, if I recall correctly

>> No.13386449

Isn’t he supposed to be a huge manwhore and that’s why the devil is based off him

>> No.13386450
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>> No.13386460

Greekfu, not waifu. Her being off limits for waifu-ing is part of it.

>> No.13386462

no that was vulcan. the cuckery was not part of greek mythology

>> No.13386479

He was a manwhore but got turned down by all the nymphs, only way he got pucci was by disguising how ugly he was

>> No.13386485
File: 1.24 MB, 569x901, minerva.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Athena/Minerva is my wife, bit of a bitch but tough as nails and smart

yeah but wasn't his dick like 20 inches long?

>> No.13386488

he might not have been cucked but she didn't love him

>> No.13386491

>got turned down by all the nymphs
Thos were the Satyrs

>> No.13386660

Athena, Persephone and Dionysus

>> No.13386829


>> No.13386887
File: 1.30 MB, 3543x3758, Peter_Paul_Rubens_-_The_Rape_of_the_Daughters_of_Leucippus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dioscuri for their daring rape of Phoebe and Hilaeira. Rightly the chief gods of the Spartans as well as the leader of Anglo conquest of Britain in their incarnation as Hors and Hengist.

>> No.13386900

Nah mate.

>> No.13386902
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Ah yes the fedora hero who earns himself eternal punishment for his contempt and spitful self-alienation from the gods.

>> No.13386907
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Apollo, for what would any of us do without the warmth from his golden tendrils but fall into despair and death?

>> No.13386961

this guy gets it

>> No.13386967

>prometheus gives humanity tech
>leads to demigod generation ala hecules
>saved by hercules
all part of a master plan

>> No.13386981
File: 23 KB, 260x296, 260px-Baco,_por_Caravaggio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god despite mom being mortal
>followed by a bunch of drunk bitches
>successfully dabbed on Hades
Yeah i'm thinking he's based

>> No.13386992
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>tfw no athena avatar to lead me out of neetdom

>> No.13386999
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Nyx of course, even Zeus was scared of her.

>> No.13387110

This but Athena instead.

>> No.13387123


>> No.13387126
File: 361 KB, 979x1390, amor and apollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who read Ovid's Metamorphoses knows the only correct answer is AMOR

>> No.13387131

it was Pentheus's own fault, he awas the one who pissed of Bacchus first

>> No.13387132

For me, its Hades

>> No.13387141

Have some respect for the gods dumb ass.

>> No.13387147


>> No.13387217

Fuck the Gods

Where my Marsyas-Chads at?

>> No.13387223

Jesus you mean?

>> No.13387435


>> No.13387548

Zeus was a piece of shit and Apollo is no better. Send them to Tartarus

Zeus cucks out

Be perfectly happy without him

If that’s what you believe

What does that even mean?

>> No.13387614

Nyx. Everybody scared of Nyx, everybody's Nyx's bitch.

>> No.13387656

How did I disrespect Artemis at all, you twit?

>Zeus was a piece of shit
aka all of the Greek gods were if you were following the post. Applying modern morality to Greek gods is funny though.

>> No.13387660

>replying to that tripfag

>> No.13387675
File: 37 KB, 756x1007, CC7C3893-7C07-4640-B86B-877E50268048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss my ass